
Skype app on an iPhone.
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Skype has long been one of the most popular video-calling apps. Even better, it’s free and available on all major platforms, including iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows. We’ll walk you through how to use it!

长期以来,Skype一直是最受欢迎的视频通话应用程序之一。 更好的是,它是免费的,并且可以在所有主要平台上使用,包括iPhone,iPad,Android和Windows。 我们将指导您如何使用它!

下载并安装Skype (Download and Install Skype)

If you’re new to Skype, the first thing you have to do is download it to your device. Whether you’re on Windows, a Mac, Linux, or an iPhone, iPad, or Android phone, you can download the appropriate version of Skype from its website.

如果您不熟悉Skype,首先要做的就是将其下载到设备中。 无论您使用的是Windows,Mac,Linux还是iPhone,iPad或Android手机,都可以从其网站上下载适当版本的Skype

If you go to Skype’s web portal, you can use it from your browser with video-calling functionality. Skype for the Web will only work in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, though.

如果您转到Skype的Web门户,则可以在具有视频通话功能的浏览器中使用它。 不过,Skype for Web只能在Google Chrome或Microsoft Edge中运行。

After you download the app, you’ll need to sign in to your account. If you already have a Microsoft account, you can also use it for Skype.

下载该应用后,您需要登录自己的帐户。 如果您已经拥有Microsoft帐户,则也可以将其用于Skype。

Click "Sign In or Create" to log in to Skype.

If you previously created a Skype account, log in with that same username or email, and password. You can also create a new account from here if this is the first time you’ve ever used Skype.

如果您以前创建了Skype帐户,请使用相同的用户名或电子邮件以及密码登录。 如果这是您首次使用Skype,也可以从此处创建一个新帐户。

导入或添加联系人 (Import or Add Contacts)

After you log in to Skype, the first order of business is to add your contacts. You can do this in one of two ways: give Skype access to your contacts, or add each contact’s Skype username.

登录Skype后,首先要做的就是添加您的联系人。 您可以通过以下两种方式之一执行此操作:向Skype访问您的联系人,或添加每个联系人的Skype用户名。

When the app asks for permission to access your contacts during the sign-up process, you should allow it. This will be especially helpful if you plan to use Skype often.

当应用在注册过程中请求权限访问您的联系人时,您应该允许它。 如果您打算经常使用Skype,这将特别有用。

If you skipped the initial prompt to allow this, you can enable it later on Skype. To do so on the desktop version, open “Settings” and click “Contacts” in the sidebar. Then, toggle-On the “Sync Your Contacts” option. This gives the app permission to access and regularly update information from your contacts.

如果跳过初始提示以允许此操作,则可以稍后在Skype上启用它。 为此,请在桌面版本上打开“设置”,然后单击侧栏中的“联系人”。 然后,打开“同步您的联系人”选项。 这会授予该应用访问和定期更新您联系人信息的权限。

Toggle-On "Sync Your Contacts."

To do this on the mobile version of Skype, go to the Chats section and tap your profile at the top. Next, go to Settings > Contacts > Sync Your Contacts to start the process.

要在移动版Skype上执行此操作,请转到“聊天”部分,然后点击顶部的个人资料。 接下来,转到设置>联系人>同步您的联系人以开始该过程。

Toggle-On "Sync Your Contacts."

To add a contact on the desktop app, click the Search box, and then type that person’s details. You can search for a contact’s Skype username, email address, or phone number. Whether Skype finds that person depends on his or her account information.

要在桌面应用程序上添加联系人,请单击“搜索”框,然后键入该人的详细信息。 您可以搜索联系人的Skype用户名,电子邮件地址或电话号码。 Skype是否找到该人取决于他或她的帐户信息。

Type a contact's info in the Search field on Skype.

When you find that person’s Skype profile, right-click it, and click “Add Contact.”


Click "Add Contact."

On the Skype app on iPhone, iPad, or Android, go to the “Contacts” tab and tap the Search bar at the top.


Tap the Search bar.

Here, you can search for the person’s Skype username, or her email address or phone number. When you find the contact you want to add, tap and hold on the profile name.

在这里,您可以搜索此人的Skype用户名,她的电子邮件地址或电话号码。 找到要添加的联系人后,点击并按住个人资料名称。

Tap and hold on the contact you want to add.

In the popup, select “Add Contact.”


Select "Add Contact."

This person will now be listed under “Contacts.” Repeat this process for everyone you want to add.

此人现在将列在“联系人”下。 对要添加的每个人重复此过程。

拨打语音电话 (Make a Voice Call)

Now that you’ve added your Skype contacts, it’s time to make a call. Skype supports text messaging, document and media sharing, and voice and video calls.

现在,您已经添加了Skype联系人,是时候拨打电话了。 Skype支持文本消息传递,文档和媒体共享以及语音和视频通话。

It all happens from a single chat interface similar to WhatsApp. You use the same interface on both the desktop and mobile apps.

所有这些都通过类似于WhatsApp的单个聊天界面进行。 您在台式机和移动应用程序上使用相同的界面。

To get started, go to the “Chats” or “Contacts” tab in Skype, and then select the contact you want to call.


On the desktop version, the chat interface opens on the right. Select the contact, and then click the Phone icon to make your call.

在桌面版本上,聊天界面将在右侧打开。 选择联系人,然后单击“电话”图标拨打电话。

Select the contact, and then click the Phone icon.

On Skype mobile, select a contact. At the top of the new page that opens, tap the Phone icon next to the person’s name to call him or her.

在Skype移动版上,选择一个联系人。 在打开的新页面顶部,点击此人姓名旁边的“电话”图标以呼叫他或她。

Tap the Phone icon next to the person's name to call him or her.

When your contact accepts (answers), your voice call will begin. You’ll only see the profile picture of the person as this isn’t a video call.

当您的联系人接受(应答)时,您的语音通话将开始。 由于这不是视频通话,因此您只会看到此人的个人资料照片。

If you want to mute your mic, just click or tap the Microphone icon. To end the call, click or tap the red End Call icon.

如果要使麦克风静音,只需单击或点击“麦克风”图标。 要结束通话,请单击或点击红色的“结束通话”图标。

Click the Microphone icon to mute it, or click the End Call icon to end the call.

进行视频通话 (Make a Video Call)

While the voice-call function on Skype can be useful, you probably mainly want to use it for video calls.


To start a video call, open a conversation, and then tap the Video Camera icon in the toolbar at the top.


Tap the Video icon.

When the recipient accepts the call, Skype opens the video-conferencing window. Here, you can see the caller’s video in the middle of the screen. Your video appears in a floating box in the top-right corner.

当接收方接受呼叫时,Skype将打开视频会议窗口。 在这里,您可以在屏幕中间看到呼叫者的视频。 您的视频出现在右上角的浮动框中。

On the desktop app, you can control the video chat in several ways. You can mute your microphone, take snapshots, send hearts, open the chat, open the sidebar, share your screen (be careful you’re not revealing any private information), and more.

在桌面应用程序上,您可以通过多种方式控制视频聊天。 您可以使麦克风静音,拍摄快照,发送心声,打开聊天,打开侧边栏,共享屏幕(请注意,不要泄露任何私人信息)等等。

The image below shows the location of the menus and features you can use on a video call.


The Sidebar, Add Contact, Snapshot, Mute, Video, End Call, Chat, Share Screen, Hearts, and Menu icons in a Skype for desktop video call.

The interface on the mobile app is slightly toned-down. To access the extra features, tap the ellipsis (. . .) in the bottom-right corner.

移动应用程序上的界面略微调低。 要访问其他功能,请点击右下角的省略号(。。)。

Tap the ellipsis.

In this menu, you can disable incoming video, enable subtitles, record a call, send a heart, share your screen, or add people to a call.


The ellipsis Menu options in a Skype mobile video call.

When you’re done chatting, tap the red End Call icon.


进行群组视讯通话 (Make a Group Video Call)

Lastly, let’s talk about group video calls on Skype. If you conduct online meetings or classes, or you just want to video chat with a group of friends or family, this is the feature you’ll use.

最后,让我们谈谈在Skype上进行群组视频通话。 如果您进行在线会议或课程,或者只想与一群朋友或家人进行视频聊天,则将使用此功能。

If you interact with the same group often, you can create a group conversation. You can also just add more people to a one-on-one video call.

如果您经常与同一小组互动,则可以创建小组对话。 您也可以将更多人添加到一对一的视频通话中。

To create a group chat on the desktop app, click “New Chat” under the “Chats” tab, and then select “New Group Chat.”


Select "New Group Chat."

Type a name for the group, add a profile photo if you want, and then click the right-arrow icon to go to the next screen.


Click the right-arrow icon.

Here, you can search to add contacts to the group. After you select everyone you want to add, click “Done.”

在这里,您可以搜索以将联系人添加到组中。 选择要添加的所有人后,单击“完成”。

Click "Done."

You should now see the group chat in the Skype app. To start a video call with all the participants, click the Video Camera icon. If you want to add more participants to the group, click the Add Person icon.

现在,您应该在Skype应用程序中看到群聊。 要与所有参与者发起视频通话,请单击“摄像机”图标。 如果要向组中添加更多参与者,请单击“添加人”图标。

Click the Video Camera icon to start a call or the Add Person icon to add more people.

To add someone during a call on the desktop app, click the Add Person icon in the top toolbar.


Click the Add Person icon.

You can search for contacts, select them, and then click “Add.”


Click "Add."

To do this on the mobile app, tap the pencil and tablet icon in the top-right corner under the “Chats” tab.


Tap the pencil and tablet icon in the top-right corner.

Here, tap “New Group Chat.”


Tap "New Group Chat."

Name the group, add a photo if you want, and then tap the right-facing arrow.


Tap the right-facing arrow.

You can search for contacts, and then tap those you want to add to the group. After you’ve selected everyone you want to add, tap “Done.”

您可以搜索联系人,然后点击要添加到组中的联系人。 选择要添加的所有人后,请点击“完成”。

Tap "Done."

In your new chat, tap the Video Camera icon to start a video call with all the participants.


Tap on Video Call button on mobile

Want to set up a quick video call that anyone can join with a link? Try Skype’s Meet Now feature.

是否想建立任何人都可以通过链接加入的快速视频通话? 尝试使用Skype的“立即开会”功能。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/666981/how-to-make-voice-and-video-calls-on-skype/





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