skype 加密通话_如何记录Skype通话

skype 加密通话

skype 加密通话

Skype now lets you record calls with no additional software. Microsoft’s new call-recording feature works for both audio and video calls, and even records shared screens in video calls. Skype notifies everyone on the call that it’s being recorded.

Skype现在使您无需任何其他软件即可记录呼叫。 Microsoft的新通话记录功能可用于音频和视频通话,甚至可以在视频通话中记录共享屏幕。 Skype会通知通话中的每个人都在录音中。

如何录制语音或视频通话 (How to Record a Voice or Video Call)

You can start recording while on a call. On the desktop version of Skype for Windows or Mac, click the “+” button at the bottom right corner of the call window and then click “Start Recording.”

您可以在通话时开始录音。 在适用于Windows或Mac的Skype桌面版本上,单击呼叫窗口右下角的“ +”按钮,然后单击“开始录制”。

If you don’t see this option, you might need to update your Skype client or wait a bit. The feature is available today for most platforms but will arrive for the modern Skype app for Windows 10 sometime later in September 2018.

如果看不到此选项,则可能需要更新Skype客户端或稍等片刻。 该功能现已在大多数平台上可用,但将于2018年9月晚些时候在Windows 10的现代Skype应用中提供。

On mobile, it works the same way. Tap the “+” button at the bottom of the screen and then tap “Start Recording.”

在移动设备上,其工作方式相同。 点击屏幕底部的“ +”按钮,然后点击“开始录制”。

You’ll see a banner at the top of the screen, informing everyone on the call they’re being recorded. The banner also recommends verbally telling people about the recording, just for legal reasons.

您会在屏幕顶部看到横幅,通知通话中的每个人都在记录他们。 横幅广告还建议出于法律原因,以口头方式告诉人们有关录音的信息。

Some US states are “one-party consent” states, which means only one person on the call (you) has to know the recording is happening. Other states are “two-party consent” states, which means everyone on the call needs to know it’s being recorded.

美国的某些州为“单方同意”状态,这意味着通话中只有一个人(您)必须知道录制正在进行中。 其他状态是“两方同意”状态,这意味着通话中的每个人都需要知道它已被记录。

Other people on the call will see a banner saying that you, specifically, are recording the call.


Your call recording happens “in the cloud” and is stored on Skype’s servers. It appears in your Skype chat after finishing the call, and everyone on the call can view, save, or share it. The recording is only available for 30 days and is removed from Skype’s servers after that.

您的通话记录“在云端”发生,并存储在Skype的服务器上。 通话结束后,它会出现在您的Skype聊天中,通话中的每个人都可以查看,保存或共享它。 录音只能使用30天,之后将其从Skype的服务器中删除。

如何保存通话记录 (How to Save Your Call Recording)

While the recording is only available on Skype’s servers for 30 days, you can download it and keep it for as long as you want. Skype downloads recordings as MP4 files.

虽然该录音只能在Skype的服务器上使用30天,但是您可以下载它并保留很长的时间。 Skype将录音下载为MP4文件。

In Skype for desktop, hover over the video in the chat and then click the “More options” menu button to the right of the thumbnail. Click “Save As” to download it to a location of your choice on your computer.

在桌面版Skype中,将鼠标悬停在聊天中的视频上,然后单击缩略图右侧的“更多选项”菜单按钮。 单击“另存为”将其下载到计算机上您选择的位置。

In Skype for Android, iPhone, or iPad, long-press the call recording in your chat. Tap “Save” when the menu appears to save a copy of the video to your device.

在适用于Android,iPhone或iPad的Skype中,长按聊天记录。 出现菜单时,点击“保存”以将视频副本保存到您的设备。

You can also share the call recording with other Skype users by forwarding it. Just click or tap the “Forward” option in the menu on desktop or mobile.

您也可以通过转发与其他Skype用户共享通话记录。 只需在台式机或移动设备上的菜单中单击或点击“转发”选项。

To record a call without anyone else on it knowing, you’ll still need third-party software that can either capture your computer’s audio or record its screen. Note that this may be illegal depending on where you and the other person are located. For example, if you’re in a one-party consent state but the other person is in a two-party consent state, you can’t legally record them without their knowledge. Other countries have different laws on recording calls.

要在没有其他任何人知道的情况下录制电话,您仍然需要可以捕获计算机音频记录其屏幕的第三方软件。 请注意,这可能是非法的,具体取决于您和他人的位置。 例如,如果您处于单方同意状态,而另一人处于两方同意状态,则无法在他们不知情的情况下合法记录他们。 其他国家/地区在通话录音方面有不同的法律。

We’re not lawyers, so don’t rely on us for legal advice. Consult an attorney instead. We’re just trying to provide some warning about the laws, which are easy to violate with a few clicks.

我们不是律师,所以不要依赖我们寻求法律建议。 请咨询律师。 我们只是想提供一些有关法律的警告,只需单击几下便很容易违反这些法律。


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