


Do you have an older PC or laptop laying around just collecting dust and not sure what to do with it? You could sell it, but not get much for it. Here we bring you a guide on how to bring it back to life.

您是否有一台较旧的PC或笔记本电脑只是用来收集灰尘而不确定如何处理? 您可以出售它,但不能得到太多。 在这里,我们为您带来了如何使其重获新生的指南。

The rate at which computers are improving these days, you buy a machine and in 2-3 years it’s already considered old or obsolete. As prices come down on more advanced and faster hardware, it can be easy to just buy a new machine to get “the latest greatest”. But what about the older machine? You could sell it, but probably won’t get a whole lot for it. Here we take a look at several ways you can breathe new life into those older machines you have laying around. This guide will cover different methods including upgrading hardware, reinstalling Windows, and installing light versions of Linux.

如今,您购买计算机的计算机的速度在不断提高,并且在2-3年内它已经被认为是陈旧或过时的。 随着更先进,更快速的硬件价格下降,只需购买一台新机器即可获得“最新的最佳产品”,这很容易。 但是旧机器呢? 您可以出售它,但可能不会得到很多。 在这里,我们介绍了几种可以为旧机器带来新生命的方法。 本指南将介绍不同的方法,包括升级硬件,重新安装Windows和安装精简版Linux。

升级硬件 (Upgrade Hardware)

If you’re willing to spend a few bucks on some hardware upgrades, you can make your old machine run with more snappy. Before making any changes to your hardware, make sure you backup your system first.

如果您愿意花一些钱进行一些硬件升级,则可以使旧计算机运行起来更加灵活。 在对硬件进行任何更改之前,请确保首先备份系统。

记忆 (Memory)

The easiest way to add better performance to an older machine is to add more memory. Not sure what type of memory you have installed? Check out our article on how to find out the kind of memory your computer has.

向旧计算机添加更好性能的最简单方法是增加内存。 不知道您安装了哪种类型的内存? 请查阅我们有关如何查找计算机内存类型的文章。


Photo by: lempkin

摄影: lempkin

显示卡 (Graphics Card)

Another way to improve a computer’s performance is to upgrade the video card, especially if your motherboard has integrated graphics. You will need to know the type of slots that are on your motherboard (PCI, PCIe, AGP…etc). If you aren’t sure what type of expansion slots you have, we can use the utility SIW which is free for personal use. You can also check out our article on how to get detailed information about your PC which shows other free utilities similar to SIW.

提高计算机性能的另一种方法是升级视频卡,尤其是在主板集成了图形卡的情况下。 您将需要知道主板上的插槽类型(PCI,PCIe,AGP等)。 如果您不确定自己拥有什么类型的扩展插槽,我们可以使用免费的SIW实用程序供个人使用。 您也可以查看有关如何获取有关PC的详细信息的文章,其中显示了其他类似于SIW的免费实用程序。


If you have a machine that is 5 years old or more, you can find a graphics card relatively cheap online. You certainly don’t need to buy a $500 latest greatest card by any means (in fact your old PC probably won’t be able to use it).

如果您使用的机器已使用5年或更久,则可以在网上找到相对便宜的图形卡。 您当然不需要通过任何方式购买500美元的最新最棒卡(实际上,您的旧PC可能将无法使用它)。

If you search around, you’ll be able to find an affordable new or used card that will bump up your graphics performance.



硬盘 (Hard Drive)

Another way to improve performance is to install a larger and faster hard drive. In a lot of laptops the hard drive is 4200RPM, you can upgrade to a 5400 or 7200RPM drive that should improve read/write performance. You might also have that older 40GB hard drive filled to capacity…larger drives are really falling in price so doubling the capacity is an option as well.

提高性能的另一种方法是安装更大,更快的硬盘驱动器。 在许多笔记本电脑中,硬盘驱动器是4200RPM,您可以升级到5400或7200RPM驱动器,以提高读/写性能。 您可能还已经将旧的40GB硬盘驱动器装满了容量…更大的驱动器的价格确实下降了,因此也可以将容量加倍。


If you have a dead hard drive on your old system, check out our article on how to use an Ubuntu Live CD to recover the files.

如果您的旧系统硬盘坏了,请查阅我们有关如何使用Ubuntu Live CD恢复文件的文章

中央处理器 (CPU)

If you’re an advanced user and want to get really geeky, you could always upgrade your Desktop CPU to a faster one. Keep in mind though that this is more complicated and you’ll need to figure out what CPUs are compatible with your current motherboard and chipset.

如果您是高级用户,并且想要变得极客,可以随时将台式机CPU升级到更快的CPU。 请记住,虽然这比较复杂,但是您需要弄清楚哪些CPU与您当前的主板和芯片组兼容。


For more on finding the right hardware and how to install it, The Geek has a great 5 part series on building a new computer. Reading through the series will help you better understand hardware, finding correct drivers, and how to install it.

有关如何找到合适的硬件以及如何进行安装的更多信息,The Geek提供了一个由5部分组成的系列,内容涉及如何构建新计算机。 通读该系列文章将帮助您更好地了解硬件,找到正确的驱动程序以及如何安装它。

重新安装Windows (Reinstall Windows)

After years of installing and uninstalling programs, playing games, and just everyday use of your computer, Windows starts to slow down. It will happen even if you do regular maintenance like Using Disk Cleanup, defrag your hard drive, and clean your system with utilities like CCleaner.

经过多年的安装和卸载程序,玩游戏以及仅在日常使用计算机后,Windows速度开始下降。 即使您进行常规维护(如使用磁盘清理)对硬盘驱动器进行碎片整理并使用CCleaner之类的实用程序清理系统,也会发生这种情况。

Note: Before doing a reinstall of your OS make sure you backup your important data! Windows does allow you to reformat the drive, but if you really want it cleaned try out the free DBAN utility.

注意:在重新安装操作系统之前,请确保已备份重要数据! Windows确实允许您重新格式化驱动器,但是如果您确实要清理驱动器,请尝试使用免费的DBAN实用程序

When you do a fresh install, you’ll be surprised how much faster the system runs, especially with XP. Of course after you start installing more software it will start to be less snappy, but will be much faster than it was.

当您进行全新安装时,您会惊讶于系统运行的速度,尤其是XP。 当然,在您开始安装更多的软件之后,它的开始不会那么活泼,但是将比以前快得多。


If you re-install your OS from the backup discs that came with your PC or use the protected recovery partition, it will also install any Bloat-ware that came with it. There is no reason you need to have Norton 2005 or an Office 2003 trial and everything else they try to stick on there. A good start to get rid of it is using a free utility like PC Decrapifier.

如果您从PC随附的备份光盘中重新安装OS或使用受保护的恢复分区,则它还将安装其随附的任何Bloat软件。 您没有理由需要Norton 2005或Office 2003试用版,而他们尝试将其他所有产品坚持下去。 摆脱它的一个好开始是使用PC Decrapifier等免费实用程序。

When using it make sure to use the option to create a Restore Point in case something goes wrong.



Then select the junk to get rid of.



If that doesn’t get rid of everything use Revo Uninstaller Pro to manually remove the rest of the junk. You can use the Pro version for 30 days then purchase a license, or stick with the free version.

如果仍不能解决所有问题,请使用Revo Uninstaller Pro手动删除其余的垃圾。 您可以使用Pro版本30天,然后购买许可证,或坚持使用免费版本。


After you reinstall your OS try out free and Open Source lighter apps and utilities versus the bloat-ware that came with your system. Our favorite services for installing the more popular free and Open Source apps without any crapware is Ninite. Not only will this let you choose different free apps without the crapware, Ninite also makes installing new software incredibly easy.

重新安装操作系统后,请尝试使用免费且开放源代码的更轻便的应用程序和实用程序,而不是系统随附的过时软件。 Ninite是我们最喜欢的服务,用于安装更流行的免费和开源应用程序,而无需任何垃圾软件。 Ninite不仅可以让您选择没有垃圾软件的不同免费应用程序,而且还使安装新软件非常容易


Then to make sure unnecessary apps aren’t trying to start during boot up, make sure to go into the System Configuration Utility and uncheck what doesn’t need to launch during startup.



For more tips on doing a reinstall of Windows take a look at our Checklist Guide for Reinstalling Windows.


使用便携式应用 (Use Portable Apps)

If you don’t want to install a bunch of new software on your old machine, you might want to take a look at Portable Apps. These will run from your USB flash drive and don’t require installation. Your data can also be saved to the flash drive as well and not clog up your local drive. Plus you’ll have the added benefit of bringing your favorite apps with you to any machine.

如果您不想在旧计算机上安装一堆新软件,则可以看一下Portable Apps 。 这些将从您的USB闪存驱动器运行,不需要安装。 您的数据也可以保存到闪存驱动器中,而不会阻塞本地驱动器。 另外,您还将拥有将自己喜欢的应用程序带到任何计算机上的额外好处。


For more tips on doing a reinstall of Windows take a look at our Checklist Guide for Reinstalling Windows.


安装简易版Linux (Install a Light Version of Linux)

小狗Linux (Puppy Linux)

If you have an older laptop laying around and it’s running XP and doesn’t have the power to run Windows 7 in a reasonable way, check out using Puppy Linux to add life to it. The download is only 130MB and it will run pretty much any machine from the past 15 years. The minimum Requirements are a Pentium 166MMX CPU and 128MB of RAM.

如果您有一台较旧的笔记本电脑,并且正在运行XP,并且没有以合理的方式运行Windows 7的功能,请尝试使用Puppy Linux为其增加生命。 该下载文件只有130MB,在过去15年中几乎可以在任何计算机上运行。 最低要求是奔腾166MMX CPU和128MB RAM。

In our example we installed these light versions of Linux on an older IBM ThinkPad G40 with a Celeron P4 2.0 GHZ Processor with 512MB of RAM. Since every machine is different, you may find problems getting the correct drivers…especially Wi-Fi but overall they did a good job, are portable, and run extremely fast on older hardware.

在我们的示例中,我们在具有512MB RAM的赛扬P4 2.0 GHZ处理器的较旧的IBM ThinkPad G40上安装了这些轻量级Linux。 由于每台机器都是不同的,因此在获取正确的驱动程序时可能会遇到问题……尤其是Wi-Fi,但总体而言,它们做得很好,具有便携性,并且在较旧的硬件上运行非常快。

The cool thing about Puppy Linux is that it runs in RAM from a Live CD or USB install. So even if you have an old computer that has a broken hard drive or no drive at all…you can use it. It’s extremely fast and has all of the apps you would need like PDF Viewer, Chat, Email, Web Browsers, AbiWord for document creation…and more for basic users. It also has a lot of advanced features that advanced Linux geeks would love to tinker with.

Puppy Linux的优点是它可以通过Live CD或USB安装在RAM中运行。 因此,即使您的旧计算机的硬盘驱动器损坏或根本没有驱动器,也可以使用它。 它的速度非常快,并具有您需要的所有应用程序,例如PDF Viewer,聊天,电子邮件,Web浏览器,用于文档创建的AbiWord …以及面向基本用户的更多应用程序。 它还具有许多高级功能,这些功能是高级Linux怪胎喜欢的。


If you have an older machine and want to install it to the hard drive as the main OS you can do that too.



DSL Linux (DSL Linux)

DSL is another light Linux distribution that is small in size and won’t bog down your machine. Like Puppy Linux you can run it from a Live CD, flash drive, even install it inside Windows. The OS is a mere 50MB in size and can run on machines as far back as a 486DX with 16MB of RAM!

DSL是另一种轻便Linux发行版,它的体积很小,不会让您的机器陷入困境。 像Puppy Linux一样,您可以从Live CD,闪存驱动器中运行它,甚至可以在Windows中安装它。 该操作系统的大小仅为50MB,可以在具有16MB RAM的486DX机器上运行!


聚云 (Jolicloud)

If you want something that looks more modern and includes easy access to the features you love such as Chat, Email, and Social Networks…another good choice is to install Jolicloud which we previously covered. They recently announced the official 1.0 version and while it takes more resources than Puppy or DSL, the system requirements are low, and using it can be a lot of fun.

如果您想要看起来更现代的东西,并且可以轻松访问喜欢的功能,例如聊天,电子邮件和社交网络,那么另一个不错的选择是安装我们先前介绍的Jolicloud。 他们最近宣布了正式的1.0版本,尽管它比Puppy或DSL占用更多的资源,但系统要求较低,并且使用它可能会很有趣。


You can either run the Express Installer which will run Jolicloud alongside Windows, or from a CD or USB flash drive. It’s a cloud based OS and has a lot of features. It comes with quick links to YouTube, popular social networks, productivity apps, and an App Directory with over 700 apps to choose from. So no matter what you might need it should be available. Although they advertise it as a Netbook OS, it can also be used to bring new life back to your old computer.

您可以运行Express Installer,它将与Windows一起运行Jolicloud,也可以从CD或USB闪存驱动器运行。 这是一个基于云的操作系统,具有许多功能。 它带有指向YouTube,流行的社交网络,生产力应用程序以及包含700多种应用程序的应用程序目录的快速链接。 因此,无论您需要什么,它都应该可用。 尽管他们将其宣传为Netbook操作系统,但它也可用于为旧计算机带来新的生活。


Whether you bought a new computer to update to Windows 7 or have a Laptop laying around but don’t want to get rid of it, these tips will help you bring the old machine back to life. It also gives you a chance to try your hand at Linux and other free apps. If you have an old PC that is just too old and slow to do anything with, and have no choice but to get rid of it, make sure to dispose of it responsibly.

无论您是购买一台新计算机以更新到Windows 7,还是随身携带一台笔记本电脑,但又不想摆脱它,这些提示都将帮助您使旧计算机恢复活力。 它还为您提供了尝试Linux和其他免费应用程序的机会。 如果您的旧PC太旧,太慢而无法执行任何操作,并且别无选择,只能丢弃它,请确保以负责任的态度处置它

Download SIWFree Version for personal use


Ninite WebsiteFree for personal use


Download Puppy Linux

下载Puppy Linux

Download Damn Small Linux


Download Jolicloud


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/25773/complete-guide-to-breathing-new-life-into-your-old-pc-or-laptop/






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