


The internet has spoiled us with choices. The question is not where to find great content, but which of the many services work best for you. Streaming free music is no exception, so here are some of our favorite sites.

互联网使我们无所适从。 问题不是在哪里可以找到精彩的内容,而是众多服务中最适合您的服务。 流免费音乐也不例外,因此这里是一些我们最喜欢的网站。

Spotify (Spotify)


Spotify is one of the world’s most popular music streaming services. It has a radio-like experience with some on-demand features. Free users can stream ad-supported music while paying users can stream on demand, get offline access, and listen to ad-free music.

Spotify是世界上最受欢迎的音乐流媒体服务之一。 它具有一些类似点播功能的类似无线电的体验。 免费用户可以流媒体播放广告支持的音乐,而付费用户可以按需流媒体播放,离线访问和收听无广告音乐。

One of the features that sets Spotify apart are its recommendations. For example, the Discover Weekly playlist is a hugely popular feature that recommends 30 songs to you each Monday based on what you’ve been listening to. This and other features have made Spotify the most popular streaming service out there with over 70 million paying users.

推荐它是使Spotify与众不同的功能之一。 例如,“发现每周”播放列表是一项非常受欢迎的功能,它会根据您一直在听的内容,在每个星期一向您推荐30首歌曲。 这项功能和其他功能使Spotify成为最受欢迎的流媒体服务,拥有超过7000万付费用户。

潘多拉 (Pandora)


Pandora is a great website to stream your favorite music and discover new music as well.


As you enter your favorite genre or artist in the search box on the homepage, Pandora creates a radio station for you that includes music similar to your selection. Based on the feedback you provide, Pandora makes decisions about which music to recommend next.

在首页的搜索框中输入喜欢的流派或艺术家时,Pandora会为您创建一个广播电台,其中包括与您选择的音乐相似的音乐。 根据您提供的反馈,Pandora决定下一步要推荐的音乐。

Just like all other services, Pandora’s free version is ad-supported. Pandora offers two paid plans—Plus and Premium. The Plus version costs $4.99 a month and gives you access to unlimited skips, unlimited replays, and higher quality audio. The Premium version costs $9.99 per month. It includes all the Plus features, gives you the access to the entire 40 million song database, and lets you store music offline on top of all the Plus features.

与其他所有服务一样,Pandora的免费版本也受广告支持。 Pandora提供两种付费计划-Plus和Premium。 Plus版本每月收费4.99美元,可让您访问无限制的跳过次数,无限制的重放和更高质量的音频。 高级版每月收费9.99美元。 它包含所有Plus功能,使您可以访问整个4000万首歌曲数据库,并使您可以在所有Plus功能之上离线存储音乐。

Google Play音乐 (Google Play Music)


Google Play Music has a giant music collection, and you can search for music or artists to start streaming immediately. Alternatively, you can visit the top charts or new releases section to listen to popular tracks. You can stream some music directly, but some require you to start a radio station.

Google Play音乐拥有庞大的音乐收藏,您可以搜索音乐或歌手来立即开始流式传输。 另外,您也可以访问热门排行榜或新专辑部分,收听流行曲目。 您可以直接播放一些音乐,但是有些则需要您启动广播电台。

One unique feature that only Google Play Music offers is letting you upload up to 50,000 of your legally-owned songs to the Google library that you can then stream anytime.

仅Google Play音乐提供的一项独特功能是,您最多可以将50,000首合法拥有的歌曲上传到Google图书馆,然后可以随时进行流式传输。

The service is ad-supported, but you can pay for a subscription to get rid of the ads. It costs $9.99 per month, but they also offer a family plan that supports up to six members and costs $14.99 per month.

该服务受广告支持,但是您可以支付订阅费用以摆脱广告。 每月费用为9.99美元,但他们还提供了一个家庭计划,最多可容纳6名成员,每月费用为14.99美元。

iHeartRadio (iHeartRadio)


iHeartRadio is a great music streaming website where you can listen to live radio or create your own channel with your favorite artists and genres. iHeartRadio is part of the iHeartMedia group, which is the largest broadcaster in the US.

iHeartRadio是一个很棒的音乐流媒体网站,您可以在其中收听现场广播或与喜爱的艺术家和流派一起创建自己的频道。 iHeartRadio是iHeartMedia集团的一部分,后者是美国最大的广播公司。

And that’s the real selling point of the service; you can use it to listen to radio stations all over the US. They run over 850 channels, set up music events, and even produce events and concerts.

这才是服务的真正卖点; 您可以使用它收听美国各地的广播电台。 他们运行850个频道,设置音乐活动,甚至制作活动和音乐会。

声云 (SoundCloud)


SoundCloud can be described as YouTube for music. It has a vast collection of music created by artists across the globe. Since it features music from independent artists, it does take a little more searching to find music you like. But, once you follow a few good artists, you can always find good music in your feed.

SoundCloud可谓是音乐的YouTube。 它收集了大量由全球艺术家创作的音乐。 由于它包含来自独立艺术家的音乐,因此确实需要更多的搜索才能找到您喜欢的音乐。 但是,一旦您跟随一些优秀的歌手,您总能在Feed中找到出色的音乐。

The free version of SoundCloud is ad-supported. It also offers a premium plan—SoundCloud Go+—that removes the ads and adds offline listening. SoundCloud Go+ runs $9.99 per month.

SoundCloud的免费版本受广告支持。 它还提供了一个高级计划-SoundCloud Go +,该计划可删除广告并增加离线收听。 SoundCloud Go +每月收费9.99美元。

Another premium plan—SoundCloud Pro—is designed for the artists that share their music on SoundCloud. This plan provides higher upload limits, detailed analytics, and a few other features.

另一个高级计划-SoundCloud Pro-专为在SoundCloud上共享音乐的艺术家而设计。 该计划提供了更高的上传限制,详细的分析以及其他一些功能。

播客 (SHOUTcast)


SHOUTcast is an interesting music streaming service that gives you access to over 89,000 radio stations from across the world. You can navigate the stations by Genre, or search for stations or artists. There is no sign-up required, and you can start streaming music in seconds.

SHOUTcast是一项有趣的音乐流媒体服务,可让您访问来自世界各地的89,000多个广播电台。 您可以按流派浏览电台,或搜索电台或艺术家。 无需注册,您可以在几秒钟内开始流音乐。

But, SHOUTcast is not just a streaming service. It’s broadcasting tools allow you to start your radio station. The service is entirely free, and you can even monetize your radio station with the Targetspot Publisher Program.

但是,SHOUTcast不仅是流服务。 它的广播工具可让您启动广播电台。 该服务是完全免费的,您甚至可以使用Targetspot Publisher Program通过您的广播电台获利。

AccuRadio (AccuRadio)


AccuRadio is a great place not only to stream music but also to discover new music. Unlike some websites, AccuRadio’s interface is pretty straightforward. You can click any of the recommended artists or genres on the homepage, or you can search for your favorite music and start listening immediately.

AccuRadio是一个不仅播放音乐而且发现新音乐的好地方。 与某些网站不同,AccuRadio的界面非常简单。 您可以单击主页上任何推荐的艺术家或流派,也可以搜索自己喜欢的音乐并立即开始收听。

Although AccuRadio is ad-supported, it does offer unlimited skipping of songs—something that most free streaming websites don’t offer. If you like to listen on the go, you can use AccuRadio’s mobile apps which are available for Android, iOS, and many other platforms.

尽管AccuRadio受广告支持,但它确实可以无限制地跳过歌曲,这是大多数免费流媒体网站所不具备的。 如果您想在旅途中听音乐,可以使用AccuRadio的移动应用程序,这些应用程序可用于Android,iOS和许多其他平台。 (

last-fm-header was one one of the first social networks and streaming services before other alternatives came along. It lets you stream music freely but also discover music based on what the community is listening to. Their “Scrobbles” feature claims to track what you’re listening to and recommend other music that you’d love. “Scrobbling” is done on the website, but you can also connect with other music services like Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Play Music to get fine-tuned recommendations based on your taste.

在其他替代方案问世之前, Last.fm是最早的社交网络和流媒体服务之一。 它使您可以自由地流式播放音乐,还可以根据社区正在收听的内容发现音乐。 他们的“涂鸦”功能声称可以跟踪您正在听的音乐并推荐您喜欢的其他音乐。 在Last.fm网站上完成了“抓取”操作,但是您也可以与其他音乐服务(例如Spotify,SoundCloud和Google Play音乐)建立联系,以根据您的喜好进行微调的推荐。

While we wish that we could recommend just one of these websites as the best for your streaming needs, we can’t. Everyone has a different taste in music, and the sheer amount of music available makes it impossible to declare one service the best. We recommend that you have a go at all these sites find out for yourself which ones you like the most.

尽管我们希望仅推荐这些网站之一作为满足您的流媒体需求的最佳网站,但我们不能。 每个人对音乐的口味都有所不同,而且可用的音乐数量之多使得不可能宣布一项服务是最好的。 我们建议您在所有这些网站上都可以找到自己最喜欢的网站。

Image Credit: agsandrew/Shutterstock

图片来源: agsandrew / Shutterstock



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