


Screen Shot 2016-09-29 at 3.35.07 PM copy

If you want to keep your old phone number after you got a new one, or you just want a second phone number to play around with, you can port that number to the awesome Google Voice service. Here’s how to do it.

如果您想在获得新电话号码后保留旧电话号码,或者只是想使用第二个电话号码,可以将该号码移植到很棒的Google语音服务中。 这是操作方法。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Would I Want to Do This?)

If you recently switched carriers and got a new phone number, but you want to keep your old phone number lying around just in case, you can port it to Google Voice so that you don’t have to pay for a second plan. Calls to your old number will get forwarded to your new one, and you’ll never miss an important call because someone forgot to update their address book.

如果您最近更换了运营商并获得了一个新的电话号码,但是您想保留旧电话号码以防万一,那么可以将其移植到Google语音服务,这样您就不必为第二个计划付费。 拨打旧号码的电话将被转接到新号码,您将永远不会错过任何重要的通话,因为有人忘记更新其地址簿。

Sure, you can get a new phone from Google Voice and use it for texting and call forwarding too. However, if you have an existing number that you want to use with Google Voice, you can port it to the service and use that instead.

当然,您可以从Google语音中获得一部新手机,并将其用于发短信和呼叫转接。 但是,如果您已有要与Google语音一起使用的号码,则可以将其移植到服务中,然后改用该号码。

什么是渔获? (What’s the Catch?)


First, porting a phone number to Google Voice requires a one-time fee of $20.


Secondly, when you port a number to Google Voice, you can’t use the Google Voice app to send text messages–it requires a data connection over Wi-Fi or LTE/3G. You can, however, have Google Voice forward texts to your new number. When you reply to them using your regular messaging app, they will appear to come from your Google Voice number, which is pretty cool.

其次,将号码移植到Google语音时,您无法使用Google语音应用发送短信-它需要通过Wi-Fi或LTE / 3G进行数据连接。 但是,您可以让Google语音将文本转发到您的新号码。 当您使用常规的短信应用回复他们时,它们似乎来自您的Google语音号码,这很酷。

The same goes for making and receiving calls–as long as you have call forwarding turned on, you can make and receive calls from your Google Voice number, even without a data connection.


Lastly, to port a number to Google Voice, you need two phone numbers:


  • Your old phone number, which you are porting to Google Voice. This number must still be active when you start the porting process–do not cancel your account yet!

    您要转移到Google语音的旧电话号码。 开始移植过程时,该号码仍必须处于活动状态–请勿取消您的帐户!
  • Your new phone number, to which you’ll forward your Google Voice calls and texts. This can be a number on a new carrier, or on the same carrier you currently use.

    您的新电话号码,您将把您的Google语音电话和短信转发到该电话号码。 这可以是新运营商上的号码,也可以是您当前使用的同一运营商上的号码。

In my case, I was switching to a new carrier (Cricket), so I just started a new account with them, and ported my Verizon number over. When I did so, Google cancelled my Verizon account for me.

以我为例,我要切换到新的运营商(rick),所以我刚刚向他们注册了一个新帐户,然后将我的Verizon号码移到了上面。 当我这样做时,Google为我取消了我的Verizon帐户。

If you’re getting a new number on the same carrier, you’ll just have to add a number to your account, after which Google Voice will cancel the old number for you.


Make sure you aren’t in the middle of a contract, since porting your number could incur an early termination fee (ETF) from your carrier! If you aren’t sure, call customer service and make sure they make a note on your account not to charge you an ETF when you cancel.

确保您不在合同中间,因为移植您的号码可能会导致运营商提早终止费用(ETF)! 如果您不确定,请致电客户服务中心,并确保他们在您的帐户上做笔记,以免在您取消交易时向您收取ETF费用

如何移植您的电话号码 (How to Port Your Phone Number)

The first step is to head to www.google.com/voice. If you’ve never used Google Voice before, you’ll go through the process of accepting the terms and services agreement before you can start using it. Then you’ll skip these first few steps.

第一步是前往www.google.com/voice 。 如果您以前从未使用过Google语音,则需要先接受条款和服务协议,然后才能开始使用它。 然后,您将跳过前几个步骤。

If you’re an existing user, click on the settings gear icon in the top-right corner and select “Settings”.



Select the “Phones” tab if it isn’t already selected.



Next to your current Google Voice number, click “Change/Port”. Keep in mind that porting a number into Google Voice will replace your current Google Voice number after 90 days, but you can pay an extra $20 to keep that number (so you’ll end up with two Voice numbers).

在您当前的Google语音号码旁边,点击“更改/端口”。 请记住,将号码移植到Google语音中会在90天后替换您当前的Google语音中的号码,但是您可以额外支付20美元来保留该号码(这样一来,您将得到两个语音号码)。


Next, click on “I want to use my mobile number”. If you’re a new Google Voice user, this will be the first screen you see after accepting the terms and services.

接下来,单击“我想使用我的手机号码”。 如果您是新的Google语音用户,这将是您接受条款和服务后看到的第一个屏幕。


Type in the phone number that you want to port over, and then click “Check for available options”.


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Click on “Port your number”.



Click on the checkboxes and read all the things you’ll need to understand before the porting process. Then click “Next: Phone Verification”.

单击复选框,并阅读所有在移植过程之前需要了解的内容。 然后单击“下一步:电话验证”。


The next step is confirming that you actually own and operate the phone number that you’re porting over, so Google Voice will call you at that number and then you’ll enter in the two-digit number shown on the screen on your phone’s keypad. Click on “Call me now” to begin that process.

下一步是确认您确实拥有并操作了您要转移的电话号码,因此Google语音会用该号码呼叫您,然后您将输入手机键盘屏幕上显示的两位数字。 单击“立即打电话给我”以开始该过程。


Once that process is done, enter in your carrier plan account information, like the account number, PIN, last four social security number digits, and so on. In my case, this was my Verizon account info. Then click on “Next: Confirmation”.

完成该过程后,输入运营商计划帐户信息,例如帐号,PIN码,最后四个社会保险号数字,等等。 就我而言,这是我的Verizon帐户信息。 然后单击“下一步:确认”。

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Make sure all of the details are correct and then click on “Next: Google Payments”.

确保所有详细信息正确无误,然后单击“下一步:Google Payments”。


If you have a credit card on file with Google, you can go ahead and click “Buy” when the pop-up appears. If not, you’ll need to enter in your credit card details before continuing.

如果您已在Google上归档了信用卡,则可以继续操作,然后在弹出窗口中单击“购买”。 否则,您需要输入信用卡详细信息,然后才能继续。

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After the purchase, you’ll receive a “Purchase Confirmation” pop-up. Click “Done” to complete the process.

购买后,您会收到“购买确认”弹出窗口。 单击“完成”以完成该过程。

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On the next page, you’ll be reminded about a few things, like how your existing Google Voice number will be replaced (unless you want to keep it for $20 more), as well as how you’ll need to connect a new phone number to your Google Voice account as a forwarding phone.


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At this point, all that’s left to do is wait for the porting process to complete, which can take up to 24 hours, with text messaging capabilities taking up to three business days to fully complete.


In the meantime, a yellow status bar will appear at the top in Google Voice, saying that your phone number is in the process of being ported.


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如何将电话转接到您的主号码 (How to Forward Calls to Your Main Number)

Once you have your old phone number ported over to Google Voice, you can use it to text message anyone, as long as you have a Wi-Fi or data connection, or they’ve texted you first with SMS forwarding turned on. The only way to make and receive calls through your old number is to use your main phone number as a forwarding number. In other words, whenever someone calls your old phone number, that call will be forwarded to your main number.

将您的旧电话号码移植到Google语音后,只要您具有Wi-Fi或数据连接,或者您先打开短信转发功能,他们就可以使用该短信向任何人发送短信。 通过您的旧电话号码拨打和接听电话的唯一方法是将您的主电话号码用作转接号码。 换句话说,只要有人拨打您的旧电话号码,该电话就会转接到您的主号码。

To set up a forwarding number, go back to Google Voice Settings and select the “Phones” tab like you did earlier on. Only this time click on “Add another phone”.

要设置转接号码,请返回Google语音设置,然后像之前一样选择“电话”标签。 仅这次,单击“添加其他电话”。


Enter in a name for your forwarding number and type in the phone number below that. You can also select whether or not you want text messages to forward as well. If you want to configure even more settings, click on “Show advanced settings”.

输入您的转接号码的名称,然后在其下方输入电话号码。 您还可以选择是否也要转发短信。 如果要配置更多设置,请单击“显示高级设置”。


Within these settings, you can get direct access to your old number’s voicemail and even set when you want calls forwarded to you at certain times, sort of like Do Not Disturb (although Google Voice has an actual, separate Do Not Disturb feature). After you’ve customized settings, click “Save”.

在这些设置中,您可以直接访问旧号码的语音信箱,甚至可以在希望将呼叫在某些时间转发给您时进行设置,就像“请勿打扰”(尽管Google语音具有实际的,单独的“请勿打扰”功能)。 自定义设置后,单击“保存”。

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After that, Google Voice will call your forwarding number to verify that you own and operate it, and you’ll be prompted to enter in the two-digit number shown on the screen on your phone’s keypad. Click on “Connect” to begin that process.

之后,Google语音会呼叫您的转接号码,以验证您是否拥有并操作该转接号码,然后系统会提示您输入手机键盘屏幕上显示的两位数。 单击“连接”开始该过程。


Once your number has been verified it will now show up under the “Phones” tab in Google Voice right below your ported number.



You’ll see a new setting here: the ability to receive text notifications on your forwarding number whenever someone leaves a voicemail on your old, ported number. Check the box next to this if you want to enable it.

您将在此处看到一个新设置:每当有人在您的旧端口号码上留下语音邮件时,便可以在您的转接号码上接收文本通知的功能。 如果要启用它,请选中它旁边的框。

At that point, though, your forwarding number is all set up and you’re good to go. If you ever want to make a call using your old phone number, you can do so from within the Google Voice app on your smartphone (if you have a data connection), or by calling your own Google Voice number to make a call.

不过,到那时,您的转接号码都已设置好,您就可以出发了。 如果您想使用旧电话号码拨打电话,则可以通过智能手机上的Google语音应用程序(如果有数据连接)或通过拨打自己的Google语音号码来拨打电话。

Title image from Google


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/92075/how-to-port-your-phone-number-to-google-voice/


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