

Cloud technology is one of the latest forms of technology. A cloud is a place where exactly the data is stored. Also, the cloud is the place where the data is managed and processed. Cloud ensures that the data managed on a cluster or the network of servers. All of these servers are available remotely as they are accessible through the internet. Clouds have become extensively popular amongst businesses across the world. Clouds pave the way for better data processing and management because it leads to considerable savings. At the same time, most of the clouds are highly secure as well. At the same time, the storage capacity of the cloud is quite high. Cloud computing is known to have huge benefits, though, it may have some adverse impacts as well.

云技术是最新形式的技术之一。 云是精确存储数据的地方。 同样,云是管理和处理数据的地方。 云确保在集群或服务器网络上管理数据。 所有这些服务器都可以通过Internet远程访问。 云已经在世界各地的企业中广泛流行。 云为更好的数据处理和管理铺平了道路,因为它可以节省大量资金。 同时,大多数云也是高度安全的。 同时,云的存储容量非常高。 尽管众所周知,云计算具有巨大的好处,但它也可能会带来一些不利影响。

云计算的积极影响 (The positive impact of cloud computing)

There are tons of positive impacts of cloud computing. One of the major impacts of cloud computing is that it leads to the automation of the business processes. As the data is stored and managed on the cloud, therefore, the speed of processing is a bit higher. At the same time, the processing of data and the information becomes easy. Along with that, the company I able to make the most of the programs and solutions without much hassle.

云计算有许多积极的影响。 云计算的主要影响之一是它导致业务流程的自动化。 因此,由于数据是在云上存储和管理的,因此处理速度会更高一些。 同时,数据和信息的处理变得容易。 除此之外,这家公司使我能够充分利用大多数程序和解决方案,而不会遇到太多麻烦。

Cloud technology

Also, because of cloud computing, companies can make remote working a possibility. As, with the help of the clouds, important programs, tools, files, reports, etc. everything can be accessed from anywhere. So, the users won’t have to reach a specific location to use the information or the programs. Along with that, the clouds also make it possible to access the data from anywhere and at any place. And, several people can together make most of the information and programs which are available on the cloud.

同样,由于有了云计算,公司可以使远程工作成为可能。 同样,借助云,重要的程序,工具, 文件 ,报告等,一切都可以从任何地方访问。 因此,用户将不必到达特定位置即可使用信息或程序。 除此之外,云还使从任何地方,任何地方访问数据成为可能。 而且,几个人可以一起制作云上可用的大多数信息和程序。

云技术的社会影响 (Societal effect of cloud technology )

Though cloud computing has tons of benefits, there are a few of the societal or some negative impacts of cloud computing as well.


云计算正在改变企业世界 (Cloud computing is transforming the corporate world)

Cloud technology is known to transform the corporate world. As, with the help of a cloud, companies can hire staff across the world. It breaks geographical barriers. So, employees working in any part of the world can access similar information. Therefore, the possibility to work globally has boosted because of the adoption of cloud technology. Also, with the help of the cloud, the companies can store the data and access it through the internet. It eradicates the need for a physical location or storehouse for data. Rather, the information is stored directly on the cloud from where any legitimate member can use it.

众所周知,云技术可以改变企业世界。 因为,借助云,公司可以在全球范围内雇用员工。 它打破了地理障碍。 因此,在世界任何地方工作的员工都可以访问类似的信息。 因此,由于采用了云技术,提高了在全球开展工作的可能性。 此外,借助云,公司可以存储数据并通过互联网访问数据。 它消除了对物理位置或数据仓库的需求。 而是将信息直接存储在任何合法成员可以使用的云上。

云计算为远程工作创造了条件 (Cloud computing makes way for remote working)

One of the most noteworthy impacts of cloud computing is that it makes it possible for businesses to hire more remote workers. As the remote workers will have access to the same kind of data which the employees working in the office have. Therefore, remote workers do not have to visit offices, but rather they can work collaboratively with the team rather than being in a physical location.

云计算最值得注意的影响之一是,它使企业可以雇用更多的远程工作者。 由于远程工作人员将可以访问与办公室工作人员相同类型的数据。 因此,远程工作人员不必访问办公室,而是可以与团队合作,而不必在实际位置上。

Also, the speed of data processing and business operations have increased because of cloud adoption. As, it leads to a faster working environment, which is not reliant on the physical locations. In many ways, the security of the data and the programs strengthened because of the cloud technology. As cloud technology is one of, the latest technology, therefore, there is no doubt about the fact that it is much stronger and advanced.

此外,由于采用了云技术,因此提高了数据处理和业务运营的速度。 因为,这导致了更快的工作环境,而这并不依赖于物理位置。 由于采用了云技术,因此在许多方面增强了数据和程序的安全性。 由于云技术是最新技术之一,因此毫无疑问,云技术更加强大和先进。

This Article shared by Java Development Team India.

本文由Java Development Team India分享。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/the-cultural-impact-of-cloud-technology/


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