在fedora中安装pip_在Fedora中安装Xen Dom0的问题


Here is a list of problem that may occur during installing and configuring Xen Dom0 in Fedora. It is found originally in Fedora systems, but the tips in this post should also be helpful for installing Xen Dom0 on other platforms.

这是在Fedora中安装和配置Xen Dom0期间可能出现的问题的列表。 它最初是在Fedora 系统中找到的,但是本文中的提示也应有助于在其他平台上安装Xen Dom0。

BIOS配置 (BIOS configuration)

If xen stops at:


“I/O virtualization disabled.”

“ I / O虚拟化已禁用。”

We may need to enable VT and I/O virtualization in BIOS.

我们可能需要在BIOS中启用VT和I / O虚拟化。

These options can be enabled in BIOS:


Intel (R) Virtualization Technology
Intel (R) VT for Directed I/O
Interrupt Remapping
Coherency Support
ATS Support

回路设备数量有限 (Limited number of loop devices)

The default number of loop device in this kernel is 8. When we are using blkback backed VBDs and we need to have more than 8 virtual machines, we should add more loop devices. You need to use the first method (pass parameter max_loop=32 to vmlinuz) if you use my kernel configuration file.

此内核中默认的循环设备数为8。当我们使用blkback支持的VBD且需要具有8个以上的虚拟机时,应添加更多的循环设备 。 如果使用我的内核配置文件,则需要使用第一种方法(将参数max_loop = 32传递给vmlinuz)。

initramfs相关问题 (initramfs related problem)

The initramfs image under /root generated by dracut doesn’t work on some servers. If you have the similiar problem, you can try to use image generated by mkinitrd:

dracut生成的/ root下的initramfs映像在某些服务器上不起作用。 如果您有类似的问题,可以尝试使用mkinitrd生成的图像:

1) Generate initrd- using mkinitrd


mkinitrd /boot/initrd-

2) Edit entry in /boot/grub/grub.conf




module /initramfs-


module /initrd-

DRM相关问题 (drm related problem)

On one of our servers that uses radeon card we have experienced problem related to drm. The system crashes after the kernel printing out information about drm. We can add nomodeset option to kernel command line to bypass this problem.

在我们使用radeon卡的服务器之一上,我们遇到了与drm相关的问题。 内核打印出有关drm的信息后,系统崩溃 我们可以在内核命令行中添加nomodeset选项来绕过此问题。

The kernel command line in /boot/grub.conf will change to:


module /vmlinuz- ro root=/dev/mapper/VolGroup-LogVol_root nomodeset noiswmd LANG=en_US.UTF-8 SYSFONT=latarcyrheb-sun16 KEYBOARDTYPE=pc KEYTABLE=us

If Linux kernel can’t boot even nomodeset has been set which may happen when use Intel i915 series hardware, a tricky solution is setting Xen’s vga option to let Xen use gfx console. This method can bypass the drm problem. Just replace “vga=ask” in Xen’s options with:

如果即使使用Intel i915系列硬件也可能没有设置nomodeset, Linux内核也无法启动,则棘手的解决方案是将Xen的vga选项设置为允许Xen使用gfx控制台。 此方法可以绕过drm问题。 只需将Xen选项中的“ vga = ask”替换为:


to use 1280 x 1024 resolution with 32 bit color.

使用1280 x 1024分辨率和32位颜色。

Xen’s graphical video mode codes are different from Linux Kernel’s. This is a list of Xen’s vga option from [1]:

Xen的图形视频模式代码与Linux Kernel的不同。 这是[1]中Xen的vga选项的列表:

 'vga=<mode-specifier>[,keep]' where <mode-specifier> is one of:

      display a vga menu of available modes

      text mode, where <rows> is one of {25,28,30,34,43,50,60}

      graphics mode, e.g., vga=gfx-1024x768x16

      specifies a mode as specified in 'vga=ask' menu
      (NB. menu modes are displayed in hex, so mode numbers here must
           be prefixed with '0x' (e.g., 'vga=mode-0x0318'))

 The option 'keep' causes Xen to continue to print to the VGA console even
 after domain 0 starts to boot. The default behaviour is to relinquish
 control of the console to domain 0.

在32位平台上构建内核 (Build kernel on 32bit platform)

You first need to enable PAE support if you’re building 32 bit version of the kernel. Xen only supports 32 bit PAE kernels nowadays. Xen kernel build options won’t show up if you don’t enable PAE for 32 bit builds.

如果要构建32位版本的内核,则首先需要启用PAE支持。 Xen现在仅支持32位PAE内核。 如果您未为32位版本启用PAE,则Xen内核版本选项将不会显示。

You can enable PAE in “Processor type and features -> High Memory Support (64GB) -> PAE (Physical Address Extension) Support”

您可以在“处理器类型和功能->高内存支持(64GB)-> PAE(物理地址扩展)支持”中启用PAE。

I can find Xen options after enable PAE on my laptop. I have never run Xen Dom0 on a 32bit kernel. I can’t say whether it is stable. Please try it and I will appreciate it if you share your result with me ;)

在笔记本电脑上启用PAE后,我可以找到Xen选项。 我从未在32位内核上运行Xen Dom0。 我不能说它是否稳定。 请尝试一下,如果您与我分享您的结果,我将不胜感激;)

The clocksource=jiffies kernel parameter may be needed.

可能需要clocksource = jiffies内核参数。

ksm相关的错误消息 (Error message related to ksm)

If you get lots error messages generated by ksm, you can disable service ksm and ksmtuned to eliminate these error messages:


# chkconfig ksm off
# chkconfig ksmtuned off

Xend与netplugd冲突 (Xend conflicts with netplugd)

Xend will report error when netplugd is started. Xend will print out a error message after about one minutes:

netplugd启动时, Xend将报告错误。 Xend将在大约一分钟后打印出错误消息:

/etc/xen/scripts/network-bridge: line 240: "sigerr" command not found.

And the network interface of Linux doesn’t change. The new bridge can’t be started and the physical interface will be change name to pethx.

并且Linux的网络接口没有改变。 无法启动新的网桥,并且物理接口将名称更改为pethx。

After disable netplugd, xend can start successfully:


# chkconfig netplugd off



[1] http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-changelog/2007-06/msg00206.html

[1] http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-changelog/2007-06/msg00206.html

Update history
Aug. 22, 2010. Add drm tricky and xen video mode; add netplugd caused problem.

2010年8月22日。添加drm棘手和xen视频模式; 添加netplugd引起的问题。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/problems-during-installing-xen-dom0-in-fedora/






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