目标跟踪 facebook_如何阻止Facebook在Firefox中跟踪您

目标跟踪 facebook

目标跟踪 facebook

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Firefox 74 has an official Facebook Container add-on that keeps the social media juggernaut from tracking your browsing activity around the web. It can automatically block any of Facebook’s trackers when outside of Facebook to boost your privacy online.

Firefox 74具有一个官方的Facebook Container加载项,可防止社交媒体巨头跟踪您在网络上的浏览活动。 当不在Facebook时,它可以自动阻止Facebook的任何跟踪器,以提高您的在线隐私

Firefox的Facebook容器如何工作 (How Firefox’s Facebook Container Works)

The Facebook Container works by isolating your Facebook activity into an entirely separate instance of your browser, which Firefox calls a container. When you install Facebook Container, the Firefox extension deletes your Facebook cookies, logs you out of the site, and closes any open Facebook tabs. This is a free browser extension made by Mozilla itself.

Facebook容器的工作原理是将您的Facebook活动隔离到浏览器的完全独立实例中,Firefox将其称为容器。 当您安装Facebook Container时,Firefox扩展会删除您的Facebook cookie,将您注销到站点之外,并关闭所有打开的Facebook选项卡。 这是Mozilla本身提供的免费浏览器扩展。

Once it’s activated, you’re free to navigate to Facebook as usual. When you do, you’ll see a blue line underneath any Firefox tab. This indicates that the container is active. Everything Facebook-related inside that container is allowed. Everything Facebook-related outside that container is blocked. Any non-Facebook links you click within the container will open in a normal Firefox browser tab, outside of the Facebook Container.

激活后,您可以照常导航到Facebook。 完成后,您将在任何Firefox标签下看到一条蓝线。 这表明该容器处于活动状态。 允许在该容器中进行与Facebook相关的所有操作。 该容器之外与Facebook相关的所有内容均被阻止。 您在容器中单击的所有非Facebook链接都将在Facebook容器外部的常规Firefox浏览器选项卡中打开。

Any website that requires a Facebook login, or otherwise accesses its content, will not function properly if at all. This is the add-on’s precise purpose: to stop any Facebook-related activity from bothering you or tracking you during your normal browsing activity.

任何需要Facebook登录或以其他方式访问其内容的网站都将无法正常运行。 这是该插件的精确目的:阻止任何与Facebook相关的活动打扰您或在您的正常浏览活动中跟踪您。

Remember: This add-on doesn’t do anything with the information Facebook already has, nor does it interfere with Facebook’s machinations within the container. Also, this add-on might conflict with the Multi-Account Container add-on, which lets you put one or more websites of your choice into a similar container. You can use color-coded tabs to operate on different websites without trackers, or in multiple instances of the same website with the same account.

切记:此插件对Facebook已经拥有的信息没有任何作用,也不会干扰Facebook在容器中的欺骗行为。 此外,此加载项可能与“多帐户容器”加载项冲突,后者使您可以将一个或多个选择的网站放入相似的容器中。 您可以使用带有颜色标记的标签在没有跟踪器的情况下在不同的网站上进行操作,或者在具有相同帐户的同一网站的多个实例中进行操作。

如何安装和激活Facebook容器 (How to Install and Activate Facebook Container)

Visit the Facebook Container page on the Mozilla Add-Ons site in Firefox to install it. Alternatively, navigate to “addons.mozilla.org” in Firefox and search for “Facebook Container.” Once you’re on this page, click “Add to Firefox.”

在Firefox的Mozilla附加组件网站上访问Facebook容器页面以进行安装。 或者,在Firefox中导航到“ addons.mozilla.org ”,然后搜索“ Facebook容器”。 进入此页面后,单击“添加到Firefox”。

Firefox Facebook Container Page

An “Add Facebook Container” prompt will appear. Click “Add.”

出现“添加Facebook容器”提示。 点击“添加”。

Firefox Add Facebook Container

You can see whether or not the tab has the Facebook Container active by looking for the black line under the text of the tab.


Firefox Facebook Container Active

如何添加例外 (How to Add Exceptions)

The container isolates your Facebook activity in a special part of your browser. Facebook can’t track your browsing activity via Facebook buttons on other websites. However, you might sometimes want to interact with your Facebook account on a different website.

该容器将您的Facebook活动隔离在浏览器的特定部分。 Facebook无法通过其他网站上的Facebook按钮跟踪您的浏览活动。 但是,您有时可能希望与其他网站上的Facebook帐户进行交互。

If you want to exclude a site from these restrictions, you can add that website as an exception and allow it to interact with Facebook. To do this, navigate Firefox to that website. Click the Facebook Container icon and select “Allow Site In Facebook Container.”

如果要从这些限制中排除某个网站,则可以将该网站添加为例外,并允许其与Facebook进行交互。 为此,将Firefox浏览到该网站。 单击Facebook容器图标,然后选择“允许站点在Facebook容器中”。

Firefox Facebook Container Add Exception

Click “Allow,” and the page will refresh with this new setting in place.


With these settings in place, Firefox can provide you with a browsing experience that doesn’t throw new ads at you based on what you last looked at on Facebook.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/662575/how-to-stop-facebook-from-tracking-you-in-firefox/

目标跟踪 facebook





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