
Google Chrome logo

With a market share of 64 percent on mobile devices and 67 percent for desktop/laptop so far in 2019, Google Chrome is the most installed web browser used today. Here’s how you can make Chrome your device’s default browser.

截至2019年,谷歌浏览器在移动设备上的市场份额为64%,在台式机/笔记本电脑的市场份额为67%,是当今使用最多的网络浏览器。 您可以通过以下方式将Chrome设置为设备的默认浏览器。

In this guide, we will show you how to set Chrome as the default web browser on Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.


Note: To set Chrome as your default browser, you must download and install it first. Windows and macOS can download it from Google’s website while iOS and Android use its respected app stores.

注意:要将Chrome设置为默认浏览器,必须首先下载并安装它。 Windows和macOS可以从Google的网站下载它,而iOSAndroid使用其受人尊敬的应用程序商店。

将Google Chrome设置为Windows上的默认浏览器 (Make Google Chrome the Default Browser on Windows)

Open up System settings by pressing Windows key+I, and then click on “Apps.”

通过按Windows键+ I打开系统设置,然后单击“应用程序”。

Open the Settings app and click on "Apps."

From the pane on the left side, click “Default Apps.”


Click "Default Apps."

Locate the Web Browser section, click on your current default browser, and then scroll through the list and select “Google Chrome.”

找到“ Web浏览器”部分,单击当前的默认浏览器,然后在列表中滚动并选择“ Google Chrome”。

Under Web Browser, click the current default, and then click on Google Chrome from the list that appears.

Close Settings and that’s it. Chrome is now your default web browser.

关闭设置,仅此而已。 Chrome现在是您的默认网络浏览器。

将Google Chrome设为macOS上的默认浏览器 (Make Google Chrome the Default Browser on macOS)

Fire up Chrome and click Chrome > Preferences from the menu bar or press Cmd+ to go to the settings menu directly.

启动Chrome,然后从菜单栏中单击Chrome>偏好设置,或按Cmd +直接进入设置菜单。

Click Chrome > Preferences from the menu bar.

From the panel on the left side, click “Default Browser.”


From the left pane, click "Default Browser."

Under the Default Browser section, click “Make Default.”


Click "Make Default."

A dialog box will appear asking if you want to change your default web browser. Click “Use Chrome.”

将出现一个对话框,询问您是否要更改默认的Web浏览器。 点击“使用Chrome。”

Click "Use Chrome."

If you don’t see the “Make default” button, then Chrome is already your default web browser.


将Google Chrome设为iPhone / iPad上的默认浏览器(种类) (Make Google Chrome the Default Browser on iPhone/iPad (Kind Of))

While you can’t override the default browser on iOS or iPadOS—without Jailbreaking—you can make it a lot easier to access Google Chrome by adding the app to your device’s app dock.

虽然无法越过iOS或iPadOS上的默认浏览器-没有越狱,但您可以通过将应用程序添加到设备的应用程序扩展坞中来使访问Google Chrome变得更加容易。

First, make room on the dock by removing an app to free up space. To do this, long-press and hold an app on the dock until the icon starts to jiggle and an “X” appears. Next, drag the app up, and release it onto the home screen.

首先,通过删除应用程序腾出空间以腾出空间。 为此,请在扩展坞上长按一个应用程序,直到该图标开始摆动,并出现“ X”。 接下来,将应用程序向上拖动,然后将其发布到主屏幕上。

iOS iPadOS Long Press Move App

Now, press and hold the Chrome app and then drag and release it onto the dock.


iOS iPadOS Move App to Dock

Tap on “Done” in the top-right corner to save your changes.


iOS iPadOS Tap Done to Save

If this doesn’t quite do it for you, and you still don’t feel like Jailbreaking, you can use the built-in Shortcuts app to automate the link-opening process.


First, add the “Open in Chrome” Shortcut to your device. Once in the app, the Shortcut will be added to the phone or tablet’s Share Sheet.

首先,将“在Chrome中打开”快捷方式添加到您的设备。 进入应用程序后,快捷方式将添加到手机或平板电脑的共享表中。

The next time you open a link in Safari, tap the share button at the bottom of the browser. Scroll down in the Share Sheet and select “Open in Chrome.” The webpage’s URL will be copied to the clipboard and then pasted and opened in the Chrome app.

下次您在Safari中打开链接时,请点击浏览器底部的共享按钮。 在共享表中向下滚动,然后选择“在Chrome中打开”。 网页的URL将被复制到剪贴板,然后在Chrome应用程序中粘贴并打开。

iOS iPadOS Share Sheet Open in Chrome

将Google Chrome设为Android上的默认浏览器 (Make Google Chrome the Default Browser on Android)

By default, most Android phones come with Google Chrome already pre-installed as the default web browser. However, some devices have custom ROMs that override browser defaults. You may need to install Google Chrome from the Play Store if it isn’t already installed.

默认情况下,大多数Android手机都已预先安装了Google Chrome作为默认的网络浏览器。 但是,某些设备具有可覆盖浏览器默认设置的自定义ROM。 如果尚未安装,则可能需要从Play商店安装Google Chrome

Next, open the Android Settings app, scroll until you see “Apps,” and then tap on it.

接下来,打开“ Android设置”应用,滚动直到看到“应用”,然后点击它。

Open your Settings app and tap on "Apps."

Now, tap on “Default Apps.”


Tap "Default Apps."

Scroll until you see the setting labeled “Browser” and then tap on it to choose your default browser.


Scroll down and tap on "Browser."

From the list of browsers, select “Chrome.”

从浏览器列表中,选择“ Chrome”。

From the list provided, tap on Chrome.

You can close the settings. The next time you tap a link, it will open inside of Chrome.

您可以关闭设置。 下次点击链接时,该链接将在Chrome内部打开。

That’s all there is to it. Now, whenever you open a link from an external app, Chrome will be chosen as the default web browser for the job.

这里的所有都是它的。 现在,只要您从外部应用程序打开链接,Chrome就会被选为该作业的默认网络浏览器。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/441106/how-to-make-chrome-your-default-browser/





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