


Anytime you work online, you risk productivity wipeout. With a world at your fingertips it’s hard to stop from clicking on links (upon links, upon links). Avoid throwing away your precious time by making every click of the mouse a purposeful one.

每当您在线上工作时,您都可能会遭受生产力损失。 有了一个触手可及的世界,很难停止点击链接(在链接上,在链接上)。 通过使每次单击鼠标都成为有目的的操作,避免浪费您的宝贵时间。

In The Matrix Reloaded, Agent Smith said:


“It is purpose that created us, purpose that connects us, purpose that pulls us, that guides us, that drives us, that defines us, it is purpose that binds us.”


Purpose is key to productivity. It’s pretty powerful stuff. And the web is a pretty powerful place. Combine the two the right way and you can do some pretty powerful things.

目的是生产力的关键。 这是非常强大的东西。 网络是一个非常强大的地方。 以正确的方式将两者结合起来,就可以做一些非常有力的事情。

定义你的目的 (Define Your Purpose)

To make the best out of web surfing, you’ll need to start with some soul-searching. Otherwise, you’ll surf blindly and without reason.

为了从网上冲浪中获得最大收益,您需要先进行一些全面的搜索。 否则,您将无缘无故地冲浪。

Answer the following questions:


  • What’s your purpose in life? (Hint: Your purpose is what you decide it is — not what someone else tells you.)

    你的人生目标是什么? (提示:您的目的取决于您的决定,而不是其他人告诉您的。)
  • What is it that you want to do with your life?

  • What do you want to accomplish? By when?

    你想要完成什么? 什么时候?
  • What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?


Keep these questions in mind for the next section.


写下实现目标的可行步骤 (Write Out Actionable Steps For Fulfilling Your Purpose)

Now that you’re clear on what your purpose is, brainstorm the ways in which you can take actionable steps to reach your goals.


  • Do you want to have your first book published by next year?

  • Are you hoping to save enough money to start your own freelancing business?

  • Do you want to travel the world before you start a family?

  • Would you like to start a nonprofit before you retire?


Each of these are long-term goals. In order to achieve them, you need to do two things well:

这些都是长期目标。 为了实现它们,您需要做好两件事:

  • 1. Plan ahead (and revise that plan as needed)
  • 1.提前计划(并根据需要修改该计划)
  • 2. Take action now according to plan
  • 2.现在按计划采取行动

So start writing your plan and list out as many actionable steps as you can. Think of it as your “Life Business Plan.” If you already have a plan in place, great! Pull it out and update it.

因此,开始编写您的计划,并列出尽可能多的可行步骤。 将其视为您的“生命商业计划”。 如果您已经制定了计划,那就太好了! 拉出并更新它。

明确目的进入网络 (Go Onto The Web With Clear Purpose)

Photo by Kevin N. Murphy

凯文·墨菲( Kevin N.Murphy)摄影

Once you have a working draft of your Life Business Plan, it’s almost safe to start web surfing. To ensure a productive session, do these three things before you log on:

一旦有了人生业务计划的草稿,开始网上冲浪几乎是安全的。 为了确保会话富有成效,请在登录之前执行以下三件事:

1. State your purpose: Be specific about why you’re going on the web. Here are some motivations for logging on:

1.说明您的目标:具体说明为什么要上网。 以下是登录的一些动机:

  • Doing work

  • Checking/responding to email

  • Research

  • Reading up on your favorite blogs

  • Looking up something you heard about during the day

  • Answering a question (such as, “What’s the best way to get from z to a?”)

  • Unwinding/relaxing

  • Passing the time because you’re bored

  • Spending your free time


You might be logging on for a combination of reasons, or for a reason you don’t yet know. That’s okay, just be honest. You can still follow the next step.

您可能出于多种原因或未知原因而登录。 没关系,说实话。 您仍然可以继续执行下一步。

2. Set a time limit: Based on your designated purpose, decide on how much time is reasonable for you to surf. Take into account your other obligations that may be work, family, or cat-care related. You can always renegotiate the allotted time; the important thing is to start out with a concrete limit.

2.设置时间限制:根据您指定的目的,确定您可以冲浪的合理时间。 考虑到您可能与工作,家庭或养猫有关的其他义务。 您可以随时重新协商分配的时间; 重要的是要从一个具体的限制开始。

3. Start the timer: Use an actual timer — it’s too easy to “forget” to look at the clock. Test it out first to make sure that the alarm goes off loud enough for you to hear and pay attention to.

3.启动计时器:使用实际的计时器-“忘记”看时钟太容易了。 请先对其进行测试,以确保警报响起足以让您听到并留意的警报。

4. Take a break when the timer goes off: After your time is up, physically remove yourself from the computer. Take a stretch break, rest your eyes, or get a drink of water.

4.定时器关闭时休息一下:时间到了,就从计算机上移开身体。 休息一下,休息一下眼睛,或者喝点水。

5. Take a deep breath before going on to the next task: Then decide on what you’ll do next. Will you get back to work? Get ready for bed? Spend just five more minutes finishing that article? (And will you use the timer to make sure you follow through?) Take a deep breath and be purposeful in how you proceed with your next task, whether or not it has to do with the web.

5.深呼吸,然后继续执行下一个任务:然后决定下一步要做什么。 你会恢复工作吗? 准备睡觉了吗? 只花五分钟完成那篇文章? (您是否会使用计时器来确保您继续进行下去?)请深吸一口气,并有针对性地决定如何继续执行下一项任务,无论它是否与网络有关。

在访问每个新链接时采取有目的的行动 (Take Purposeful Action When Visiting Each New Link)

Photo by mikebaird


During your web session, you need to make sure that each link you click on is the right one. Meaning, one that somehow relates back to your Life Business Plan. Keep in mind that while surfing the web for entertainment purposes, it’s perfectly fine to click on links that are interesting or amusing. Because ultimately they relate back to your purpose — of enjoying your hard-earned free time.

在网络会话期间,您需要确保单击的每个链接都是正确的链接。 意思是,某种程度上与您的人生经营计划有关。 请记住,在出于娱乐目的而浏览网络时,单击有趣或有趣的链接是完全可以的。 因为最终它们关系到您的目的-享受来之不易的业余时间。

Make sure that after you click on the right link, that you follow up with some action. Remember those actionable steps you listed in your Life Business Plan? Well, it’s the same principle here. Determine what actionable steps you can take after clicking each new link in order to carry out your stated web-session purpose.

确保单击正确的链接后,您将采取一些后续措施。 还记得您在《人生经营计划》中列出的可行步骤吗? 嗯,这是相同的原理。 确定在单击每个新链接后可以采取哪些可行的措施,以实现您所说的网络会话目的。

Here are some examples:


  • If you’re looking for a good place to stay and you find a hotel that suits your needs and budget, bookmark it so that it’s easier to find again.

  • If you read a news story that relates back to a discussion from work, email the link directly to your co-worker so that the next time you see him you can carry on the discussion.

  • If you come across a comic strip that you’d like to share with your friends, post it on your Facebook. So everyone can see it.

    如果您遇到想要与朋友分享的漫画,请将其发布在您的Facebook上。 这样每个人都可以看到。
  • If you’re surfing the web to brainstorm new blog post ideas, print out the articles, discussion threads, or studies to refer back to them later on when you’re ready to write.


Anytime you come across a new link, you can respond to it productively by taking action, such as:


  • Bookmarking the link

  • Printing it out

  • Sharing it with others through email, chat, text, or social network updates

  • Adding to some organizational document you have stored elsewhere, like a list, chart, or calendar.

  • Creating something new (e.g. blog post) in response to it

  • Taking some kind of action (e.g. getting into your car to go from z to a)


The important thing is to take some action, no matter how big or small. Even if you just say out loud to yourself, “I completely disagree with this editorial and won’t be wasting my time reading the comment discussion that follows” — that’s action.

重要的是要采取行动,无论大小。 即使您只是大声地对自己说:“我完全不同意这篇社论,也不会浪费我的时间阅读随后的评论讨论”-这就是行动。

像专业人士一样骑大浪 (Ride the Big Waves Like a Pro)

Productivity is all about acting with purpose. Action helps you move forward with purpose. Action helps you create closure. And move on from things that don’t ultimately increase your productivity in some way.

生产力就是有目的的行动。 行动可以帮助您有目的地前进。 动作可帮助您创建闭合。 并从最终不会以某种方式提高生产力的事情继续前进。

To successfully surf the web without wiping out, you need to not only start and and surf with purpose — you need to end the session with purpose too.


When you do, you’ll find that riding the big waves helps you take action toward your goals. Here’s to web surfing like a pro.

当您这样做时,您会发现骑大浪帮助您朝着目标采取行动。 这就像专业人士一样进行网络冲浪。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/54088/web-surf-with-purpose-to-avoid-productivity-wipeout/


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