


A vintage TV test screen that says, "PLEASE STAND BY!"
Oleksii Arseniuk/Shutterstock Oleksii Arseniuk / Shutterstock

Whether you’re a movie nerd, a gamer, or an amateur filmmaker, you’ve probably heard of NTSC and PAL. But what’s the difference? And how are these formats still relevant today?

无论您是电影迷,游戏玩家还是业余制片人,您都可能听说过NTSC和PAL。 但是有什么区别呢? 这些格式在今天仍然有何用处?

美国人使用NTSC; 其他人都使用PAL (Americans Use NTSC; Everybody Else Uses PAL)

At an elementary level, NTSC is an analog TV color system used in North America, Central America, and parts of South America. PAL is an analog TV color system used in Europe, Australia, parts of Asia, parts of Africa, and parts of South America.

从根本上讲,NTSC是在北美,中美洲和南美部分地区使用的模拟电视彩色系统。 PAL是在欧洲,澳大利亚,亚洲部分地区,非洲部分地区和南美部分地区使用的模拟电视色彩系统。

The systems are incredibly similar, with the main difference being electrical consumption. In North America, electrical power is generated at 60 Hz. On other continents, the standard is 50 Hz, but this difference has a bigger impact than you might expect.

这些系统非常相似,主要区别在于电力消耗。 在北美,以60 Hz的频率产生电能。 在其他大洲,标准为50 Hz,但是这种差异产生的影响比您预期的要大。

为何功率有很大的不同 (Why Power Makes a Big Difference)

The refresh rate (frame rate) of an analog TV is directly proportional to its power consumption. But just because a TV operates at 60 Hz doesn’t mean it displays 60 frames per second.

模拟电视的刷新率(帧速率)与功耗成正比。 但是,仅仅因为电视以60 Hz的频率运行并不意味着它每秒显示60帧。

Wikipedia 维基百科

Analog TVs use a cathode-ray tube (CRT) to beam light against the backside of a screen. These tubes aren’t like projectors—they can’t fill up a screen in one go. Instead, they quickly beam light down from the top of a screen. As a result, though, the picture at the top of the screen starts to fade as the CRT beams light at the bottom of the screen.

模拟电视使用阴极射线管(CRT)将光束投射到屏幕的背面。 这些管子不像投影仪,它们不能一口气填满屏幕。 取而代之的是,它们Swift从屏幕顶部向下照射光束。 结果,尽管如此,随着CRT光束在屏幕底部的照亮,屏幕顶部的图片开始褪色。

To fix this issue, analog TVs “interlace” an image. That is, they skip every other line on a screen to hold an image that looks consistent to the human eye. As a result of this “skipping,” 60 Hz NTSC TVs operate at 29.97 FPS, and 50 Hz PAL TVs run at 25 FPS.

为了解决此问题,模拟电视“隔行扫描”图像。 也就是说,他们跳过屏幕上的每隔一行以保持看起来与人眼一致的图像。 这种“跳过”的结果是,60 Hz NTSC电视以29.97 FPS运行,而50 Hz PAL电视以25 FPS运行。

PAL在技术上优越 (PAL Is Technically Superior)

American readers, don’t get too excited about your extra 4.97 frames per second. Frame rate aside, PAL is technically superior to NTSC.

美国读者,不要为每秒额外的4.97帧而兴奋。 除了帧速率,PAL在技术上优于NTSC。

When the USA began broadcasting color TV in the early ’50s, the name of the game was backward compatibility. Most Americans already had black and white TV sets, so ensuring that color broadcasts were compatible with older TVs was a no-brainier. As a result, NTSC stuck with black and white resolution (525 lines), operates on low-bandwidth frequencies, and is generally unreliable.

当美国在50年代初开始播放彩色电视时,游戏的名称是向后兼容。 大多数美国人已经拥有黑白电视机,因此确保彩色广播与老式电视机兼容并不容易。 结果,NTSC停留在黑白分辨率(525行)上,在低带宽频率上运行,并且通常不可靠。

Other continents didn’t want to deal with NTSC’s unreliability and simply waited for color TV technology to get better. Regular color TV broadcasts didn’t get to England until 1966 when the BBC solidified the PAL format. PAL was meant to address the problems with NTSC. It has an increased resolution (625 lines), works on high-bandwidth frequencies, and is more reliable than NTSC. (Of course, this means PAL doesn’t work with black and white sets.)

其他大洲不想处理NTSC的不可靠性,而只是等待彩色电视技术变得更好。 直到1966年英国广播公司(BBC)巩固PAL格式后,定期的彩色电视广播才到达英格兰。 PAL旨在解决NTSC的问题。 它具有更高的分辨率(625行),可在高带宽频率上工作,并且比NTSC更为可靠。 (当然,这意味着PAL不适用于黑白电视机。)

Okay, enough of the history lesson. Why does all of this matter now? We keep talking about analog TVs, but what about digital TVs?

好的,足够上历史课了。 为什么现在所有这些都重要? 我们一直在谈论模拟电视,但是数字电视呢?

为什么在数字时代如此重要? (Why Does This Matter in the Digital Age?)

The faults (or features) of NTSC and PAL are dictated mainly by how analog TVs function. Digital TVs are fully capable of pushing past these limitations (specifically frame rates), but we still see NTSC and PAL in use today. Why?

NTSC和PAL的故障(或功能)主要取决于模拟电视的功能。 数字电视完全有能力克服这些限制(特别是帧速率),但是今天我们仍然看到使用NTSC和PAL。 为什么?

Person watching a 4K, big screen TV.
Daniel Crason/Shutterstock 丹尼尔·克拉森/ Shutterstock

Well, it’s mostly an issue of compatibility. If you’re transmitting video information with an analog cable (RCA, coaxial, SCART, s-video), your TV has to be able to decode that information. While some modern TVs support both the NTSC and PAL formats, there’s a chance yours only supports one of the two. So, if you try to hook up an Australian game console or DVD player to an American TV via RCA cable, it might not work.

好吧,这主要是兼容性问题。 如果您要使用模拟电缆(RCA,同轴电缆,SCART,S视频)传输视频信息,则电视必须能够解码该信息。 虽然某些现代电视同时支持NTSC和PAL格式,但您的电视可能仅支持两者之一。 因此,如果您尝试通过RCA电缆将澳大利亚游戏机或DVD播放器连接至美国电视,则可能无法正常工作。

There’s also the issue of cable TV and broadcast TV (now called ATSC, not NTSC). Both formats are now digital, but they still operate on either 30 or 60 FPS to support old CRT TVs. Depending on your TV’s country of origin, it might not be able to decode your video signal if you’re using analog cables.

还有有线电视和广播电视(现在称为ATSC,而不是NTSC)的问题。 两种格式现在都是数字格式,但它们仍可在30或60 FPS上运行以支持旧的CRT电视。 如果您使用模拟电缆,则可能无法解码视频信号,具体取决于电视的原产国。

To get around this, you’re going to need to buy an NTSC/PAL compatible HDMI converter box, and they’re expensive. But hey, it costs less than a new TV, and it’ll come in handy when you inevitably buy a TV that doesn’t have any analog ports.

要解决此问题,您需要购买兼容NTSC / PAL的HDMI转换器盒,而且价格昂贵。 但是,嘿,它的价格比新电视还便宜,当您不可避免地购买没有任何模拟端口的电视时,它将派上用场。

某些新电视没有模拟端口 (Some New TVs Don’t Have Analog Ports)

If you’ve bought a TV in the last year, you may have noticed something strange. It’s got a few HDMI ports, maybe a DisplayPort, but it lacks the colorful RCA ports you’re used to. Analog video is finally dying.

如果您去年购买了电视,则可能已经注意到了一些奇怪的事情。 它有几个HDMI端口,也许是DisplayPort,但是它缺少您惯用的彩色RCA端口。 模拟视频终于要死了。

This solves the NTSC/PAL compatibility problem by removing your ability to use old video sources with new TVs. Isn’t that nice?

这样可以消除您将旧视频源与新电视一起使用的能力,从而解决了NTSC / PAL兼容性问题。 那不是很好吗?

In the future, you might have to buy an NTSC/PAL compatible HDMI converter box. Again, they’re kind of expensive right now. Once demand goes up, though, they should cost less.

将来,您可能必须购买兼容NTSC / PAL的HDMI转换器盒。 同样,它们现在有点贵。 但是,一旦需求上升,它们的成本应该降低。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/428987/whats-the-difference-between-ntsc-and-pal/


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