
本文介绍了如何利用Textaizer Pro这个免费软件,将图片和视频转化为ASCII风格的艺术品。Textaizer Pro允许用户添加自定义图形,通过调整设置创造出个性化的ASCII艺术。虽然大型图形可能会导致程序崩溃,但只要保证图像小于1000像素见方,就可以避免这个问题。此外,HTML文件中的某些代码也可能导致程序错误。尽管存在这些问题,Textaizer仍然是一个有趣的工具,适合进行ASCII艺术创作。

Creating pictures from monospaced ASCII characters may be useless, but it sure is fun! If you’ve got some time to spare and can download some free software, you can automatically create ASCII art and other wordy graphics in no time.

用等距的ASCII字符创建图片可能没有用,但是确实很有趣! 如果您有空闲时间可以下载一些免费软件,则可以立即自动创建ASCII图形和其他文字图形。

You’ve probably seen them in text based FAQs or monospaced email signatures—maybe you’ve wondered how people make them. You can always make them by hand, but it’s the true geek’s path to let the computer do the work for you. Read on to check out how to do it.

您可能已经在基于文本的常见问题解答或等宽电子邮件签名中看到了它们-也许您想知道人们是如何制造它们的。 您总是可以手工制作它们,但这是让计算机为您完成工作的真正怪胎。 请继续阅读以了解操作方法。

什么是ASCII,为什么这些图片看起来这么奇怪? (What is ASCII, and Why Do These Pictures Look So Weird?)

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, and it usually refers to a set of standard monospaced characters when you refer to it in this context. Back when computer graphics were much cruder than they are now, clever users would create art and silly graphics from these standard monospaced characters.

ASCII代表“美国信息交换标准代码”,当在这种情况下引用它时,通常指一组标准等宽字符。 当计算机图形比现在粗暴得多时,聪明的用户会用这些标准的等距字符创建艺术品和愚蠢的图形。

Nowadays, there are programs that can translate pictures and video into ASCII style pictures, similar to the How-To where we learned to watch Futurama in our Linux terminal. In this how to, we’ll download and install a program to create ASCII style art, and test it out.

如今,有一些程序可以将图片和视频转换为ASCII样式的图片,类似于我们在Linux终端中学习如何观看Futurama的方法。 通过这种方式,我们将下载并安装一个程序来创建ASCII样式图并进行测试。

下载并安装免费软件Textaizer Pro 4 (Download and Install Freeware Textaizer Pro 4)


Textaizer Pro is a servicable freeware program for making unusual graphics with alphabetical characters. It’s a lot of fun to experiment with, and is completely free to download. Check them out at their website, or simply download it here.

Textaizer Pro是一个可维修的免费软件程序,用于制作带有字母字符的异常图形。 试用起来很有趣,而且完全免费下载。 在他们的网站上查看它们,或在此处下载

在Textaizer Pro中使用自定义图形 (Using Custom Graphics in Textaizer Pro)


Out of the box, Textaizer is not terribly exciting. Let’s add some graphics and test it out.

开箱即用,Textaizer并不令人兴奋。 让我们添加一些图形并进行测试。


The program has a default folder that it installs in “C:/ProgramData/APP/TextaizerPro/Sources/”. You can navigate here in Windows and add your graphics on your own—it will make it easier to use the program later. You can also add plain text files here, and it can use the copy to create typography artwork in seconds.

该程序有一个默认文件夹,它安装在“ C:/ ProgramData / APP / TextaizerPro / Sources /”中。 您可以在Windows中浏览并自行添加图形,这将使以后使用该程序更加容易。 您还可以在此处添加纯文本文件,它可以使用该副本在几秒钟内创建排版图稿。

You’ll want to be sure your images aren’t too large. Textaizer has trouble with larger images, so make sure they’re under 1000 pixels by 1000 pixels to be safe. If you run into trouble using the program following this how to, check out the disclaimer at the end of the file describing some known issues with the program.

您需要确保图像不会太大。 Textaizer在处理较大的图像时会遇到麻烦,因此请确保它们在1000像素乘以1000像素以下,以确保安全。 如果按照以下说明操作程序时遇到麻烦,请查看文件末尾的免责声明,其中描述了该程序的一些已知问题。


In Textaizer, navigate to File > New Picture, which will open up this dialog. If you’ve already put your images in the Sources folder, you’ll automatically see it here. If not, simply navigate to where it is and click “Open.”

在Textaizer中,导航到“文件”>“新图片”,这将打开此对话框。 如果您已经将图像放在Sources文件夹中,则将在此处自动看到它。 如果没有,只需导航到它所在的位置,然后单击“打开”。


It automatically loads the image for you, as you can see here. You can always load a different one at File > Open Picture, where it keeps a list of loaded images.

如您在此处看到的,它将自动为您加载图像。 您始终可以在“文件”>“打开图片”中加载其他图像,在其中保留已加载图像的列表。

通过图形制作自定义ASCII艺术 (Making Custom ASCII Art From Your Graphics)

Now we’re ready to make our custom ASCII image. The layout makes it a little easy to miss, but look for the ASCII tab on the far right of the application. Click this tab to switch to the ASCII art setting.
现在,我们准备制作我们的自定义ASCII图像。 布局使它容易遗漏,但是请在应用程序的最右边查找“ ASCII”选项卡。 单击此选项卡以切换到ASCII艺术作品设置。

Experiment with the settings to get results you like. You’ll find better results if you increase the “size multiplier” to around 3.0 or 4.0. With ASCII, “Font Size” makes little difference. You can safely ignore it.

试用设置以获得您喜欢的结果。 如果将“大小乘数”增加到3.0或4.0左右,将会发现更好的结果。 使用ASCII,“字体大小”几乎没有什么区别。 您可以放心地忽略它。


Success! It is as simple as clicking the button, and you’re given a beautiful ASCII image.

成功! 就像单击按钮一样简单,您将获得漂亮的ASCII图像。

Textaizer的其他用途 (Other Uses for Textaizer)


Note that you can export your ASCII directly to Notepad, or to your default internet browser.



Textaizer exports to Notepad in an instant.



You can also create color ASCII art, or use color graphics for the other features Textaizer offers.



For instance, you can add text files and create “Mosaic” images with any text file. Here’s the How To Geek Logo created from the source code from the How To Geek webpage.

例如,您可以添加文本文件并使用任何文本文件创建“马赛克”图像。 这是从How To Geek网页的源代码创建的How To Geek徽标。


Adding text files work in the same unusual and confusing way as images. To add a text file, navigate to Text > New Text, and then navigate to your text file. You can select it under Text > Read Text, and by picking it under the drop-down menu.

添加文本文件的工作方式与图像的异常和混乱方式相同。 要添加文本文件,请导航至“文本”>“新建文本”,然后导航至您的文本文件。 您可以在“文字”>“阅读文字”下选择它,然后在下拉菜单下选择它。


Clever use can create all kinds of fun, but useless graphics like this interesting one from the Textaizer webpage, featuring Shakira rendered in her Spanish language lyrics.


一些错误和报告的问题 (Some Errors and Reported Problems)


Fair warning, Textaizer Pro is not perfect. Here are some issues that came up in the preparation of this how to.

公平的警告,Textaizer Pro并不完美。 在准备此方法时,会遇到一些问题。

  1. Large Graphics: Large size graphics crash the program. Any image will work, but see that your image is a fairly small one, probably less than 1000 pixels square. The program comes with sample graphics; you may want to make your images a similar small size.

    大型图形:大型图形使程序崩溃。 任何图像都可以使用,但是请注意您的图像很小,可能不到1000像素见方。 该程序带有示例图形。 您可能需要使图像尺寸较小。

  2. HTML in Text Files: Some of the code in HTML files, if used for a source for the words in your image, can also crash the program.


  3. Restarting the Program: If any of these issues occur and Textaizer gives an error, the program must be restarted to work again.


Still, don’t let that discourage you from downloading and testing this very slick, free download. Have fun experimenting with it, and creating your own ASCII masterpieces.

不过,不要因此而阻止您下载和测试此非常精美的免费下载。 进行试验并创建您自己的ASCII杰作很有趣。

Have questions or comments concerning Graphics, Photos, Filetypes, or Photoshop? Send your questions to
对图形,照片,文件类型或Photoshop有疑问或意见吗? 将您的问题发送到 ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com, and they may be featured in a future How-To Geek Graphics article. ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com ,它们可能会在以后的How-To Geek Graphics文章中介绍。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/41662/how-to-create-your-own-custom-ascii-art-from-any-image/





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