android pie_每日新闻摘要:Android Pie在10%的设备上

android pie

android pie

Google recently updated its Android distribution numbers after six months of silence. Things are looking pretty good—10 percent of all Android devices are now running the latest version, which puts adoption ahead of schedule.

沉默六个月后,谷歌最近更新了其Android发行版号。 情况看起来还不错-所有Android设备中有10%正在运行最新版本,这使得采用率提前了。

It’s no secret that full Android OS updates are slow to roll out to devices beyond a select few like Pixel and Essential, so seeing Pie at 10 percent adoption eight months after release is a bit surprising. For comparison, it took Nougat and Oreo ten months each to hit the same number, which shows progress even if 10 percent is still small in comparison to Android devices on the whole.

完整的Android操作系统更新缓慢地推广到Pixel和Essential之类的少数设备上已经不是什么秘密了,因此,在发布8个月后看到Pie以10%的采用率令人惊讶。 为了进行比较,牛轧糖和奥利奥分别花了10个月才达到相同的数字,即使整体上与Android设备相比仍只有10%的差距,这也显示了进步。

As for the other numbers, Oreo is now on 28 percent of devices, with Nougat on 19 percent. Marshmallow, Lollipop, and KitKat are running 17 percent, 14.5 percent, and 7 percent of devices, respectively, putting the three newest versions (Nougat, Oreo, and Pie) on nearly 58 percent of all Android devices in the wild. That’s a lot better than how the numbers looked just a couple of years ago.

至于其他数字,奥利奥现在使用28%的设备,牛轧糖使用19%的设备。 棉花糖,棒棒糖和奇巧分别运行着17%,14.5%和7%的设备,这三个最新版本(牛轧糖,奥利奥和Pie)在将近58%的所有Android设备上运行。 这比几年前的数字要好得多。

The increased adoption rate is likely thanks to Project Treble, which Google created just for this reason: to help manufacturers build faster updates for their devices. Hopefully, this will continue to be a trend, and adoption rates will grow and exceed expectations since Treble is a feature manufacturers have been required to implement since Oreo.

采纳率的提高很可能要归功于Google创建Treble项目,其原因仅在于此:帮助制造商为其设备构建更快的更新。 希望这将继续成为一种趋势,并且采用率将增长并超过预期,因为高音是自奥利奥以来制造商必须实施的功能。

While 10 percent is still nothing to brag about eight months after release—especially compared to iOS 12, which was at 83 percent adoption as of February 2019—it again shows some promise for the future of Android OS updates. All new devices now support Treble out of the box, so here’s to hoping for faster OS updates for all Android devices moving forward.

尽管10%的发行量在发布后的八个月之内仍然不算什么,尤其是与iOS 12相比,截至2019年2月,iOS 12的普及率83% ,但这再次表明了对Android OS更新的未来的希望。 现在所有新设备均支持Treble开箱即用,因此,我们希望所有前进的Android设备都能更快地进行OS更新。

In other news, Amazon is releasing a security camera with two years of battery life, Roku has 29.1 million users, a Galaxy Fold release date is coming, and more.

在其他新闻中,亚马逊将发布具有两年电池寿命的安全摄像头,Roku拥有2910万用户,Galaxy Fold发布日期即将到来,等等。

  • The new Blink camera gets two years of battery life on a pair of AA batteries: Motion detection, two-way talk, and more are along for the ride in the new Blink XT2. All for $100. [Amazon]

    新型Blink相机使用两节AA电池可享有两年的电池寿命:运动检测,双向通话等将在新型Blink XT2中实现。 全部为$ 100。 [亚马逊]

  • Roku’s user base grows, but it’s not enough:  Roku now has 29.1 million users averaging 3.5 hours of device usage per day, but that’s still not enough for it to break even on operating costs with hardware alone. But with the company taking a more aggressive approach in its ad business, it still expects to have a bang-up year. [Engadget]

    Roku的用户基础在增长,但还远远不够: Roku现在拥有2910万用户,平均每天使用3.5个小时的设备,但这还不足以使它仅靠硬件就能达到运营成本的收支平衡。 但是,随着该公司在广告业务中采取更积极的态度,它仍然有望迎来新的一年。 [ Engadget ]

  • A Fold release date is coming…at some point: Samsung was originally expected to announce a Galaxy Fold release date “today or tomorrow,” but now it’s backtracking on that promise, stating that date will be announced “in the coming weeks.” It’s been a rough ride for the Fold. [Engadget]

    Fold的发布日期即将到来……某个时候:最初预期三星会在“今天或明天”宣布Galaxy Fold的发布日期,但现在它正在兑现这一承诺,称该日期将在“未来几周内”宣布。 对于Fold来说,这是艰难的旅程。 [ Engadget ]

  • Google says its music apps have 15 million subscribers: That’s far fewer than Spotify or Apple Music, but more than Pandora. Now if the company could decide on one music service and stick with it, that would be great. [Bloomberg]

    谷歌表示,其音乐应用拥有1500万用户:比Spotify或Apple Music少得多,但比Pandora多。 现在,如果公司可以决定一项音乐服务并坚持下去,那就太好了。 [彭博]

  • Alexa supports 60,000 devices: Amazon quietly updated its Alexa support documentation stating that it works with some 60k devices from 7,400 brands. That’s a massive jump from the 20k it supported in September 2018. [Android Police]

    Alexa支持60,000台设备: Amazon悄悄更新了其Alexa支持文档,指出它可以与来自7,400个品牌的60k设备一起使用。 与2018年9月支持的20k相比,有了巨大的进步。 [ Android Police ]

In some cool news for the sneakerheads out there (or, you know, other people who just kind of like shoes), Nike is going to start using AR to show you how kicks look on your feet before you drop hundreds of moneydollars on them. It’s coming to the Nike app this summer. What a neat, practical use for AR. I dig it. [Engadget]

在一些关于运动鞋头的好消息(或者,您知道,其他只是喜欢鞋子的人)中,耐克将开始使用AR来向您展示在脚上放下数百美元之前脚踢的感觉。 它将于今年夏天在Nike应用程序中发布。 AR的整洁实用。 我喜欢。 [ Engadget ]


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