
Alert on WhatsApp showing you can't add someone to a group
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

WhatsApp groups are great for staying in touch with friends and family, but they can also be a nuisance and a source of spam. You can now prevent people from adding you to WhatsApp groups without your consent on iPhone and Android.

WhatsApp小组非常适合与朋友和家人保持联系,但它们也可能成为滋扰和垃圾邮件的来源。 现在,您可以在未经iPhone和Android同意的情况下,防止他人将您添加到WhatsApp组中。

控制Android上的WhatsApp组邀请 (Control WhatsApp Group Invites on Android)

Using a new privacy setting on Android, you can now stop everyone, or just people not in your contact book, from adding you to WhatsApp groups. In fact, a special option in Android enables you to add exceptions to this block list.

使用Android上的新隐私设置,您现在可以阻止所有人(或只是通讯录中未包含的人)将您添加到WhatsApp组中。 实际上,Android中的一个特殊选项使您可以向此阻止列表添加例外。

On your Android phone, make sure you’ve updated to the latest version of WhatsApp.


Next, tap on the Menu button in the top toolbar.


Tap on the Menu button from the toolbar

Here, tap on the “Settings” button.


Tap on Settings from the Menu option

Now, select the “Account” option.


Select Account from Settings

From the Account section, tap on the “Privacy” button.


Select Privacy from Accounts in Settings

You’ll find different privacy-related options for chats. Here, tap on “Groups.”

您会发现与隐私相关的其他聊天选项。 在这里,点击“组”。

Tap on the Groups option

In the “Who Can Add Me to Groups” section, you’ll see three options: Everyone, My Contacts, and My Contacts Except.


Switch to Contacts option

If you want to avoid spam, switch to the “My Contacts” option, so only users in your contact book can add you to a group.


If you want granular control over the process, choose the “My Contacts Except” option. You’ll then be able to select specific users from your contact list who can’t directly add you to a group.

如果要对该过程进行精细控制,请选择“我的联系人除外”选项。 然后,您可以从联系人列表中选择不能直接将您添加到群组的特定用户。

Select the contacts you want to exclude

This is a great option if you know the people who frequently add you to WhatsApp groups you don’t want to be a part of.


Now, when someone not in your contact book tries to add you to a group, they’ll get a message that they can’t directly add you to a group. Instead, they can choose to send an invite to the group as a personal message.

现在,当不在您的通讯录中的某人尝试将您添加到群组时,他们会收到一条消息,提示他们无法直接将您添加到群组中。 相反,他们可以选择将邀请作为个人消息发送给群组。

控制WhatsApp组在iPhone上的邀请 (Control WhatsApp Group Invites on iPhone)

The process is slightly different on the iPhone. Instead of the “My Contacts Except” option, you have a “Nobody” option. This is a blanket ban that stops anyone and everyone from adding you to a group directly.

在iPhone上,此过程略有不同。 您可以使用“无人”选项来代替“我的联系人除外”选项。 这是一揽子禁令,禁止任何人和所有人直接将您添加到群组中。

Open the WhatsApp app on your iPhone and tap on the “Settings” tab from the toolbar. Here, choose the “Account” option.

在iPhone上打开WhatsApp应用程序,然后从工具栏点击“设置”选项卡。 在这里,选择“帐户”选项。

Tap on the Account option on iPhone

Next, tap on the “Privacy” button.


Tap on Privacy from Account on iPhone

Select the “Groups” option.


Tap on Groups option on iPhone

You can now choose between “Everyone,” “My Contacts,” and “Nobody.”


“Everyone” is the default. To let only your contacts add you to a group, choose the “My Contacts” option. If you want a blanket ban for everyone, choose “Nobody.”

默认为“所有人”。 要只让您的联系人将您添加到群组中,请选择“我的联系人”选项。 如果您想所有人都被禁止,请选择“没人”。

Select the Nobody option from Groups on iPhone

Now, when someone tries to add you to a group, they’ll see an “Invite Friend” button instead. When they tap on it, you’ll receive an invite to join the group as a personal message.

现在,当某人尝试将您添加到群组时,他们会看到“邀请朋友”按钮。 当他们点击时,您会收到一条邀请,以个人信息的形式加入该群组。

Can't add someone to WhatsApp group, send invite instead

This is just one of the ways to protect your privacy on WhatsApp. You can also beef up your WhatsApp security by adding Face ID and Touch ID protection for the app on your iPhone.

这只是在WhatsApp上保护您的隐私的方法之一。 您还可以通过为iPhone上的应用程序添加Face ID和Touch ID保护来增强WhatsApp的安全性

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/447166/how-to-stop-people-from-adding-you-to-whatsapp-groups-on-iphone-and-android/





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