如何在Windows 10中扫描文档

Windows Stock Lede

A great way to preserve sensitive, written documents like W9s, contracts, and living wills is to store them digitally. This guide shows you how to scan a document in Windows 10 without installing third-party tools.

保存敏感的书面文档(例如W9,合同和生活遗嘱)的一种好方法是将它们数字存储。 本指南介绍如何在Windows 10中扫描文档而不安装第三方工具。

Typically, you can scan a document using the software provided by manufacturers. Printers and scanners usually ship with an optical disk containing the necessary drivers and tools. Manufacturers also make their drivers and tools available online if your PC doesn’t include an optical drive.

通常,您可以使用制造商提供的软件来扫描文档。 打印机和扫描仪通常随附光盘,其中包含必要的驱动程序和工具。 如果您的PC不包含光盘驱动器,制造商还可以在线提供其驱动程序和工具。

For instance, this guide uses Epson’s Expression Premium XP-7100 all-in-one printer as an example. In addition to drivers, the software suite installs eight separate tools for printing CD labels, scanning, updating software, and more.

例如,本指南以爱普生的Expression Premium XP-7100多合一打印机为例。 除驱动程序外,该软件套件还安装了八个单独的工具,用于打印CD标签,扫描,更新软件等。

Because manufacturers don’t supply identical software suites across all printers and scanners, this guide uses two “native” Windows-based tools instead: Microsoft Scan and Windows Fax and Scan.

由于制造商并未在所有打印机和扫描仪上都提供相同的软件套件,因此本指南使用了两个基于Windows的“本机”工具:Microsoft Scan和Windows Fax and Scan。

Of course, always default to your manufacturer’s software for an experience customized to your specific scanner. If you don’t want third-party tools installed on your PC, however, Microsoft’s two solutions should do the trick.

当然,请始终默认使用制造商的软件,以获得针对特定扫描仪定制的体验。 但是,如果您不想在PC上安装第三方工具,则可以使用Microsoft的两种解决方案。

您的Scanner Windows 10兼容吗? (Is Your Scanner Windows 10 Compatible?)

Before moving on, we need to make a couple of points. First, your scanner’s manufacturer may supply drivers for Windows 10, but the device itself may not specifically support the platform.

在继续之前,我们需要提出几点。 首先,扫描仪的制造商可能会提供Windows 10的驱动程序,但设备本身可能并不专门支持该平台。

For example, we tested the following tools using Canon’s PIXMA MG3520 all-in-one printer with a built-in scanner. The “recommended” drivers date back to July 2015, though Canon released a newer suite six months later. That’s still three-year-old software.

例如,我们使用带有内置扫描仪的佳能PIXMA MG3520多合一打印机测试了以下工具。 “推荐”的驱动程序可追溯到2015年7月,尽管佳能在六个月后发布了更新的套件。 那仍然是三年的软件。

That said, the scanner portion of this AIO printer would not appear in the native Windows tools but worked correctly—using a wireless connection, in fact—through Canon’s software.


If you run into similar problems, you may have an older printer or scanner that’s not fully compatible with Windows 10. The device may also require a direct USB-based connection if used outside the manufacturer’s third-party tools. For AIO printers, you may need to tweak its networking settings, so your Windows 10 PC recognizes the scanner component in addition to the overall printer unit.

如果遇到类似的问题,则可能是您的打印机或扫描仪与Windows 10不完全兼容。如果在制造商的第三方工具之外使用该设备,则可能还需要基于USB的直接连接。 对于AIO打印机,您可能需要调整其网络设置,因此Windows 10 PC不仅可以识别整个打印机单元,还可以识别扫描仪组件。

微软扫描 (Microsoft Scan)

This tool is a visual upgrade to Microsoft’s older Fax and Scan tool. It provides most of the same features, depending on your printer, but removes the fax and email components.

此工具是对Microsoft较旧的“传真和扫描”工具的直观升级。 根据您的打印机,它提供了大多数相同的功能,但是删除了传真和电子邮件组件。

Head to the Windows Scan app listing on the Microsoft Store (free) and click the blue “Get” button. Once it installs on your PC, click the “Launch” button in the pop-up notification on Windows 10.

转到Microsoft商店(免费)Windows扫描应用程序列表,然后单击蓝色的“获取”按钮。 将其安装到PC上后,请在Windows 10的弹出式通知中单击“启动”按钮。

Launch Windows Scan App Notification

You can also access the new app—simply labeled as “Scan”—from the Start Menu.


Scan App on Start Menu

With the app open, your scanner should appear listed on the left. As previously stated, this guide uses Epson’s Expression Premium XP-7100 all-in-one printer as an example. You’ll also see an option for “File Type” along with a “Show More” link. Click this link for the Scan app’s full menu.

打开应用程序后,扫描仪应显示在左侧。 如前所述,本指南以爱普生的Expression Premium XP-7100多合一打印机为例。 您还将看到“文件类型”的选项以及“显示更多”链接。 单击此链接以获取扫描应用程序的完整菜单。

Scan Show More Options

For starters, you may see a “Source” category. Since our example printer has both a flatbed scanner and an automatic document feeder, both options are available for scanning a document. In this case, the default setting is set to “Auto-Configured.”

对于初学者,您可能会看到“来源”类别。 由于我们的示例打印机同时具有平板扫描仪和自动文档进纸器,因此这两个选项均可用于扫描文档。 在这种情况下,默认设置将设置为“自动配置”。

Scan Auto Configure Setting

This “Auto-Configured” setting limits what you can do, locking you to “File Type” and “Save File To” options.  If you select the “Flatbed” option as your source, or it’s the only source available, you’ll see two additional options appear on the list: “Color Mode” and “Resolution (DPI).”

此“自动配置”设置限制了您可以执行的操作,将您锁定为“文件类型”和“将文件保存到”选项。 如果您选择“平板”选项作为来源,或者它是唯一可用的来源,您将看到列表上出现两个附加选项:“彩色模式”和“分辨率(DPI)”。

With “Color Mode,” you can scan documents in full color, in grayscale, or a stark black and white. Meanwhile, the “Resolution (DPI)” setting allows you to switch from 100 to 300 DPI.

使用“彩色模式”,您可以全彩色,灰度或鲜明的黑白扫描文档。 同时,“分辨率(DPI)”设置允许您从100 DPI切换到300 DPI。

Scan App Flatbed Settings

If you select “Feeder” as your scanning source, two additional options appear. As shown below, you can choose the paper size (A4, Legal, or Letter) and toggle on/off the option to scan both sides of your document.

如果选择“ Feeder”作为扫描源,则会出现两个附加选项。 如下所示,您可以选择纸张尺寸(A4,Legal或Letter),然后打开/关闭该选项以扫描文档的两面。

Scan App Feeder Settings

With all three sources, the “File Type” setting provides four options: JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and Bitmap. We provide a separate article explaining the benefits of each format. In short, however, the JPEG and TIFF formats typically offer high-quality results, though TIFF files also support transparent backgrounds. PNG files are ideal for posting online, and BMP files are raw, uncompressed images.

对于所有这三个来源,“文件类型”设置提供四个选项:JPEG,PNG,TIFF和位图。 我们提供另一篇文章,解释每种格式的好处。 简而言之,尽管TIFF文件还支持透明背景,但JPEG和TIFF格式通常可提供高质量的结果。 PNG文件是在线发布的理想选择,而BMP文件是未压缩的原始图像。

Finally, you’ll see the “Save File To” option. It’s set to “Scans” by default and places your scanned documents in a “Scans” folder located within your “Pictures” folder. The proper path is:

最后,您将看到“将文件保存到”选项。 默认情况下将其设置为“扫描”,并将扫描的文档放置在“图片”文件夹中的“扫描”文件夹中。 正确的路径是:


Click the “Scans” link, and File Explorer appears. Here you can create a new folder or select a current location and click the “Select Folder” button.

单击“扫描”链接,然后出现文件资源管理器。 您可以在此处创建一个新文件夹或选择当前位置,然后单击“选择文件夹”按钮。

File Explorer Select Folder

When you’re ready to scan, insert your document into the feeder, or lift the scanner’s lid. For the latter, place the document face-down on the glass and close the lid.

准备扫描时,请将文档插入进纸器中,或抬起扫描仪的盖子。 对于后者,将文档正面朝下放在玻璃板上,然后合上盖子。

With the “Flatbed” option set as your source, you can click “Preview” to test the scan and make adjustments if needed before finalizing with the “Scan” button. If you’re using the “Feeder” source, the “Preview” option does not appear.

在将“平板”选项设置为源的情况下,您可以单击“预览”以测试扫描并根据需要进行调整,然后再单击“扫描”按钮完成。 如果您使用的是“ Feeder”源,则不会出现“ Preview”选项。

Windows 10 Preview or Scan Document

Windows传真和扫描 (Windows Fax and Scan)

This program first appeared in Windows Vista. Unlike Microsoft’s newer Scan app, this version provides additional settings, like a built-in tool for emailing your scan, so you’re not searching for the file through the Mail app, browser, or third-party email client.

该程序首先出现在Windows Vista中。 与Microsoft较新的Scan应用程序不同,此版本提供了其他设置,例如用于通过电子邮件发送扫描结果的内置工具,因此您无需通过Mail应用程序,浏览器或第三方电子邮件客户端来搜索文件。

You can find the Fax and Scan program located within the Start Menu’s “Windows Accessories” folder.

您可以在“开始”菜单的“ Windows附件”文件夹中找到“传真和扫描”程序。

Windows Fax and Scan

Once it’s opened, click the “New Scan” option on the toolbar.


Windows Fax and Scan New Scan

In the “New Scan” popup window, make sure the program is set to your default scanner. If not, click the “Change” button.

在“新建扫描”弹出窗口中,确保将程序设置为默认扫描仪。 如果没有,请单击“更改”按钮。

Next, select a scan profile: “Photo,” “Documents,” or “Last Used Settings.” As an option, click the “Add Profile” selection on the list to create a custom profile to use repeatedly.

接下来,选择一个扫描配置文件:“照片”,“文档”或“上次使用的设置”。 作为选择,单击列表上的“添加配置文件”选择以创建自定义配置文件以重复使用。

Windows Fax and Scan New Scan Profile

Select your scanner’s source. This option may simply read “Flatbed.” If you have an AIO printer that includes a feeder, however, you may see two additional options:  “Feeder (Scan One Side)” and “Feeder (Scan Both Sides).”

选择扫描仪的来源。 该选项可以简单地读为“平板式”。 但是,如果您的AIO打印机包括进纸器,则可能会看到两个附加选项:“进纸器(扫描一面)”和“进纸器(扫描两面)”。

Windows Fax and Scan New Scan Source

If your printer or scanner supports a feeder and you select that option, you will see a setting for the target paper size. Click the setting, and a long list of sizes appears.

如果您的打印机或扫描仪支持进纸器,并且您选择了该选项,则将看到目标纸张尺寸的设置。 单击设置,然后出现一长串尺寸。

Windows Fax and Scan Paper Size

Next, select your color format (Color, Grayscale, or Black and White) followed by file type (BMP, JPG, PNG, or TIF) and resolution.


For resolution, the default setting is 300, but you can manually raise or lower the number of dots the printer crams into every inch. Typically, the higher the number, the better the resolution. If you’re scanning a low-grade document, however, bumping up the resolution won’t help.

对于分辨率,默认设置为300,但是您可以手动提高或降低打印机压入每英寸的点数。 通常,数字越大,分辨率越好。 但是,如果要扫描低档文档,提高分辨率将无济于事。

Finally, adjust the brightness and contrast accordingly.


Windows Fax and Scan Color Format

When you’re done, click the “Preview” button to see the results. If the pre-scan looks great, then click the “Scan” button. If not, adjust your settings and click the “Preview” button again for another test. Click the “Scan” button when you’re satisfied with the settings.

完成后,单击“预览”按钮以查看结果。 如果预扫描看起来不错,请单击“扫描”按钮。 如果没有,请调整设置,然后再次单击“预览”按钮进行另一项测试。 对设置满意后,单击“扫描”按钮。

Windows Fax and Scan Preview Scan Buttons

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/447228/how-to-scan-a-document-in-windows-10/

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