


Organizing windows on macOS is a pain—you’ve got to drag and resize everything manually. Happily, there are a bunch of apps that can help.

在macOS上组织窗口是很痛苦的-您必须手动拖动所有内容并调整其大小。 令人高兴的是,有一堆可以提供帮助的应用程序。

Placing and resizing windows is tedious but necessary if you want to work with multiple windows at once, and macOS doesn’t offer a lot of ways to make things faster. It would be nice if Apple added features like window snapping and keyboard shortcuts for placement, but until that happens, we’ll have to rely on third-party applications. The good news: there are a lot of great choices.

放置和调整窗口的大小很繁琐,但是如果您想一次使用多个窗口,则必须这样做,而macOS并没有提供许多使事情变得更快的方法。 如果Apple添加了诸如窗口捕捉和放置键盘快捷键之类的功能,那就太好了,但是在此之前,我们将不得不依靠第三方应用程序。 好消息:有很多不错的选择。

Note that you’ll need to enable accessibility features to use any of these applications, so read up on that if you need a little guidance.


BetterTouchTool($ 6.50):窗口捕捉等等 (BetterTouchTool ($6.50): Window Snapping and So Much More)

BetterTouchTool is the ultimate Mac customization tool. You can create custom trackpad gestures to do just about anything, design any keyboard shortcuts you want, and even add custom Touch Bar buttons.

BetterTouchTool是终极的Mac自定义工具。 您可以创建自定义触控板手势来执行几乎所有操作,设计所需的任何键盘快捷键,甚至添加自定义触控栏按钮

With all those features it’s easy to overlook the window management offerings, but you really shouldn’t. This program brings Windows-style window snapping to macOS, meaning you can drag any window to the side of the screen to quickly make it take up half the screen.

通过所有这些功能,很容易忽略窗口管理产品,但您实际上不应该这样做。 该程序将Windows风格的窗口捕捉功能引入了macOS,这意味着您可以将任何窗口拖动到屏幕侧面,以快速使其占据屏幕的一半。

You can also drag a window to the top of the screen to make it take up the entire space, or to a corner to make it take up one-quarter. Even better: move a window away from it’s snapped position and it will shrink back to its previous size.

您也可以将窗口拖动到屏幕顶部以占据整个空间,也可以拖动到角落以使其占据四分之一。 更好的是:将窗口移离其捕捉位置,它将缩小到以前的大小。

This is all really nice, but BetterTouchTool also lets you design custom touchpad gestures or keyboard shortcuts for arranging windows even more quickly, and to a number of other specifications. I like to use a two-thirds one-third split, for example, and this lets me do that. There’s a lot more power you could dig into here, too, if you put the time in.

这一切真的很好,但是BetterTouchTool还可以让您设计自定义的触摸板手势或键盘快捷键,以更快地以其他多种规格排列窗口。 例如,我喜欢使用三分之二的三分之一,这让我做到了。 如果您愿意,也可以在这里挖掘更多的功能。

BetterTouchTool costs $6.50 for two years worth of updates or $20 for a lifetime. The app is also available on SetApp, if you have a subscription.

BetterTouchTool的两年更新费用为6.50美元,终身更新费用为20美元。 如果您已订阅,该应用程序也可以在SetApp上使用。

奇观(免费):使用快捷键盘快捷键排列Windows (Spectacle (Free): Arrange Your Windows With Quick Keyboard Shortcuts)

Spectacle is the only free option on this list, and it’s also the simplest. There’ are no drag-and-drop features; instead, you can rearrange your Mac’s windows with a keyboard shortcut or by using the menu bar. You can choose whichever keyboard shortcuts you want, and there are no gimmicks once everything is working.

眼镜是此列表上唯一的免费选项,也是最简单的选项。 没有拖放功能; 相反,您可以使用键盘快捷键或使用菜单栏重新排列Mac的窗口。 您可以选择所需的任何键盘快捷键,并且一切正常后就不会有任何头。

It’s not the most powerful application here, but it’s free and it gets the job done.


磁铁($ 1):雄鹿队的最佳Bang奖 (Magnet ($1): Best Bang for the Buck)

If you want access to keyboard shortcuts, dragging, and the menu bar, Magnet is a low-cost option that offers Windows-style snapping, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and a menu bar icon. Here’s a quick overview of how it works:

如果要访问键盘快捷键,拖动和菜单栏,则Magnet是一种低成本的选项,可提供Windows样式的捕捉,可自定义的键盘快捷键和菜单栏图标。 以下是其工作原理的快速概述:

If you like Spectacle but want to add window snapping this is probably your best bet, and at $1 it’s not exactly going to bankrupt you.


Divvy($ 14):随意安排Windows (Divvy ($14): Arrange Windows However You Want on the Fly)

Most the applications we’ve outlined so far let you snap windows into place in a pre-set number of positions. Divvy is different because it presents you with a grid and lets you quickly define the area the current window should take up. Here’s what that looks like:

到目前为止,我们概述的大多数应用程序都可以让您将窗口按预定的位置对齐到位。 Divvy有所不同,因为它为您提供一个网格并让您快速定义当前窗口应占用的区域。 看起来像这样:

It’s not the quickest tool here, but it does give you a lot of flexibility on the fly.


马赛克($ 13):无尽调整 (Mosaic ($13): Endless Tweaking)

If none of these applications work quite how you want Mosaic is probably the app for you. It offers seemingly endless opportunities for tweaking, allowing you to design your own favorite window arrangements. Then, when you drag windows, you’ll see a popup that lets you quickly arrange things just the way you want.

如果这些应用程序均无法正常运行,那么Mosaic可能就是适合您的应用程序。 它提供了看似无限的调整机会,使您可以设计自己喜欢的窗户布置。 然后,当您拖动窗口时,您会看到一个弹出窗口,可让您按照所需的方式快速安排事物。

Just drag your window to the icon that represents your custom position and it’ll snap into place. You can also set up custom keyboard shortcuts for positions.

只需将窗口拖动到代表您的自定义位置的图标,它就会锁定到位。 您还可以设置位置的自定义键盘快捷键。

At $13 Mosaic one of the pricer options here, but it might be worth it for you. The app is also available on SetApp, if you have a subscription.

马赛克的价格为$ 13,这里的价格选择之一,但它可能对您来说值得。 如果您已订阅,该应用程序也可以在SetApp上使用。

HazeOver($ 4):禁用所有不活动的Windows (HazeOver ($4): Dim All Inactive Windows)

HazeOver isn’t a window manager, per se, but we thought it warranted a mention here. This simple application dims windows that aren’t currently active, which in theory will help you focus. Here’s how that looks in action:

HazeOver本身不是窗口管理器,但我们认为值得在此提及。 这个简单的应用程序可使当前不活动的窗口变暗,从理论上讲,这将帮助您集中精力。 这是实际的效果:

It’s basic, sure, but you might find it helpful. You can buy HazeOver for $4, and it’s also available in SetApp if you have a subscription.

当然,这是基本的,但是您可能会发现它很有用。 您可以以4美元的价格购买HazeOver,如果已订阅也可以在SetApp中使用。







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