ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上查看照片的EXIF元数据

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If you want to get more information about a photo you took, there’s an easy way to do it on your iPhone or iPad. A free iOS app lets you quickly and easily view your photo metadata.

如果您想获取有关所拍摄照片的更多信息,有一种简便的方法可以在iPhone或iPad上进行拍摄。 免费的iOS应用程序可让您快速轻松地查看照片元数据。

什么是元数据? (What Is Metadata? )

Every photo you take with a cell phone or digital camera contains a ton of extra metadata embedded in the image file. Viewing this information lets you see where the photo was taken (if you have GPS enabled), what camera settings were used, the date and time the photo was captured, and the image file size and format. Most digital cameras automatically record this data unless you specifically disable it.

用手机或数码相机拍摄的每张照片都在图像文件中嵌入了大量的元数据。 查看此信息可让您查看照片的拍摄地点(如果启用了GPS),使用的相机设置,照片的拍摄日期和时间以及图像文件的大小和格式。 大多数数码相机会自动记录此数据,除非您明确将其禁用。

Metadata can be useful for finding photos from a recent vacation or looking up when your favorite sunset photo was taken. However, this data can also say a lot about your personal habits and where you live. It’s a good idea to edit or remove sensitive metadata before sharing photos online.

元数据可用于查找最近假期的照片或查找您最喜欢的日落照片的时间。 但是,这些数据还可以说明您的个人习惯和居住地。 在线共享照片之前,最好编辑或删除敏感的元数据

Currently, iOS doesn’t have a built-in feature for viewing metadata, so you’ll need to download a third-party app.


如何在iPhone或iPad上查看照片元数据 (How to View Photo Metadata on Your iPhone or iPad )

There are several metadata viewer apps available, but we like Photo Investigator. It’s free and easy to use, and the app developers continually update and improve it. Note that the free version only lets you view your photo metadata. To edit or remove metadata from your photos, you’ll need to update to the paid version for $2.99.

有几种元数据查看器应用程序可用,但我们喜欢Photo Investigator。 它是免费且易于使用的,并且应用程序开发人员会不断对其进行更新和改进。 请注意,免费版仅允许您查看照片元数据。 要编辑照片中的元数据或从照片中删除元数据,您需要以2.99美元的价格更新到付费版本。

First, download the Photo Investigator app from the App Store.

首先,从App Store下载Photo Investigator应用程序。

Once you have the app installed, open it up and you’ll see this screen. Click the icon in the lower left corner.

安装完应用程序后,将其打开,您会看到此屏幕。 单击左下角的图标。

You’ll see a popup asking you to give Photo Investigator permission to access your photos. Tap the “OK” button.

您会看到一个弹出窗口,要求您授予Photo Investigator访问照片的权限。 点击“确定”按钮。

Once you’ve authorized the app to view your photos, you’ll see a list of all your albums. Tap an album to view its contents, and then select a photo for which you’d like to see metadata. Photos with GPS coordinates have a globe icon displayed in the upper right corner of the image.

授权该应用程序查看照片后,您将看到所有相册的列表。 点按相册以查看其内容,然后选择要查看其元数据的照片。 具有GPS坐标的照片在图像的右上角显示一个地球图标。

Tap the green icons along the bottom of the photo to see each category of metadata. The “i” tab displays general information about the image, including the file size, format, and name. The globe tab shows the location the photo was taken on a map, and the clock tab shows the photo’s timestamp. The camera tab shows the camera settings used to take the picture, including shutter speed, ISO, aperture, and camera model. And the speech bubble tab shows the photo’s caption, if it has one.

点按照片底部的绿色图标以查看元数据的每个类别。 “ i”选项卡显示有关图像的常规信息,包括文件大小,格式和名称。 地球标签显示了照片在地图上的位置,时钟标签显示了照片的时间戳。 相机选项卡显示用于拍照的相机设置,包括快门速度,ISO,光圈和相机型号。 气泡选项卡会显示照片的标题(如果有的话)。

To see a full list of your photo’s metadata, select Metadata > View All at the bottom of the app screen.


This screen lets you see all your metadata in one place.


You can also sort and view your photos by location. Tap the map icon at the bottom of the app home screen.

您还可以按位置对照片进行排序和查看。 点按应用程序主屏幕底部的地图图标。

You’ll see a map of all the places you’ve been and the number of photos you’ve taken there (provided you had GPS location tagging enabled on your device). Tap a numbered bubble icon to view your photos from that region.

您会看到一张地图,其中包含您去过的所有地方以及所拍摄的照片数量(前提是您在设备上启用了GPS位置标记)。 点击带编号的气泡图标可查看该区域的照片。

如何在macOS或Windows中查看照片元数据 (How to View Photo Metadata in macOS or Windows )

If you don’t want to download a third-party app or prefer to view your photos on a computer, you can also view your photo metadata by importing your photos to your PC from your iPhone or Android phone. Both MacOS and Windows have metadata viewing features built in.

如果您不想下载第三方应用程序,或者不想在计算机上查看照片,则还可以通过将照片从iPhoneAndroid手机导入PC来查看照片元数据。 MacOS和Windows都内置了元数据查看功能

Image Credit: Imilian/Shutterstock

图片来源: Imilian / Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/354802/how-to-view-exif-metadata-for-photos-on-an-iphone-or-ipad/

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