ios photos库_如何设置和使用Google Photos的新共享库

ios photos库

ios photos库

Back at Google I/O 2017, Google announced a new feature in Google Photos called “Shared Libraries”. In a nutshell, this allows users to quickly and easily share photos with other, specific users automatically. This feature is now live—here’s everything you need to know about getting it going.

早在2017年Google I / O上,Google宣布了Google相册中的一项名为“共享库”的新功能。 简而言之,这使用户可以快速,轻松地自动与其他特定用户共享照片。 该功能现已启用-这您进行该操作所需的所有知识。

什么是共享库? (What Are Shared Libraries?)

While we’ve already given the “feature in a sentence” look at what Shared Libraries are, there’s definitely more discussion to be had here.


Basically, if there are specific people you constantly share pictures with—like pics of the kids with your significant other, for example—Shared Libraries let you do this without even thinking about it. You can share all your photos, or even pick photos of just specific people to share. You can even set the date in which to start sharing from—this way people don’t see photos that are older than you’d like.

基本上,如果有特定的人经常与您共享照片(例如与其他重要孩子的照片),共享库使您无需考虑就可以做到这一点。 您可以共享所有照片,甚至可以选择仅分享特定人的照片。 您甚至可以设置开始共享的日期,这样人们就不会看到比您想要的照片更旧的照片。

With sharing, you have full control over what you share and when you share it—you can stop sharing at any time, and you can also modify what you’re sharing. For example, let’s say you start off sharing all your photos with your significant other, but then realize that they don’t need to see every single stupid thing you snap—you can easily change it to only share pictures of the kids or the dog, or some other third thing you both like.

使用共享,您可以完全控制共享内容和共享时间,您可以随时停止共享,也可以修改共享内容。 例如,假设您开始与重要的其他人共享所有照片,然后意识到它们不需要看到您抓拍的每一个愚蠢的事物,您可以轻松地对其进行更改以仅共享孩子或狗的照片或你们都喜欢的其他第三件事。

开始之前 (Before You Get Started)

Before you share your library, you may want to tell Google Photos who certain people are. This will make it easier to define what images get shared one which ones stay private. I recommend both you and the person you’re going to share with do this—you’ll see why down below.

共享图库之前,您可能想告诉Google相册某些人是谁。 这样可以更轻松地定义共享哪些图像,哪些图像保持私密。 我建议您和您要与之分享的人都这样做—您将在下面看到原因。

Note: I’m using Google Photos 3.0 here, so things may look a little bit different. If you’re not on the newest version of the app, you can grab the APK from here. Shared Libraries seem to be a server-side switch, so they may not be available on your account, regardless of which version of the app you’re on.

注:我使用谷歌图片3.0这里,这样的事情可能看起来有点不同。 如果您使用的不是最新版本的应用,则可以从此处获取APK 。 共享库似乎是服务器端的交换机,因此无论您使用的是哪个版本的应用程序,共享库都可能在您的帐户上不可用。

First, open Google Photos, then select “Album.”


Choose “People.”


Tag anyone you’d like here, but pay specific attention to those that you think you’d like to share pictures of. If you’re on the receiving end of a shared library, then you’ll want to tag the pictures of people you may want to automatically save. Again, more on that below.

在这里标记您想要的任何人,但要特别注意那些您想共享的图片的人。 如果您位于共享库的接收端,则需要标记可能要自动保存的人物的照片。 再次,下面的更多内容。

Once you have that set up, you’re ready to start sharing.


如何使用共享库共享图像 (How to Share Images Using Shared Libraries)

Now that you have all your tagging out of the way, it’s time to start sharing your library. This part is super easy.

既然您已经完成所有标记,现在该开始共享您的库了。 这部分非常简单。

With Photos open, slide in from the left side of the screen to show the menu. You should see a new option titled “Share your library.” Tap that.

打开照片后,从屏幕左侧滑入以显示菜单。 您应该看到一个名为“共享您的图书馆”的新选项。 点一下

A cute little splash window will show up, just tap “Get started” to, um, get started.


The first thing you’ll do is pick who you want to share with.


Then, pick what you want to share:


  • All Photos: Shares every photo you’ve taken.


  • Photos of specific people: You pick photos of specific people to share.


  • Only show photos since this day: Allows you to choose a custom start date for sharing if you’d like.


If, like me, you only want to share photos of specific people, this is why you tagged people in the earlier step. It’s always good to be proactive, right?

如果像我一样只想共享特定人物的照片,这就是为什么在较早的步骤中标记人物的原因。 主动进取总是好事,对吗?

Once you’ve specified which photos you want to share and when you want to start sharing, tap “Next.”


You’ll confirm all the details on the next screen. If everything looks good, tap “Send Invitation.”

您将在下一个屏幕上确认所有详细信息。 如果一切正常,请点按“发送邀请”。

The other person will then get a notification. They accept it, and can see everything you’ve shared with them.

然后其他人将收到通知。 他们接受它,并可以看到您与他们共享的所有内容。

Note: You can only share libraries with one person at time. Choose wisely.

注意:您一次只能与一个人共享库。 做出明智的选择。

从另一个庇隆的末端看起来像什么 (What It Looks like From the Other Peron’s End)

If you’re on the receiving end of a shared library, things look a little different for you, too. Opening the Photos’ menu will show a new option: Photos from <shared user>. You can go here to see all of the photos from that person.

如果您位于共享库的接收端,那么您的情况也会有所不同。 打开“照片”菜单将显示一个新选项:<共享用户>中的照片。 您可以转到此处查看该人的所有照片。

From there, you can select all the photos you’d like to add to your library and tap the cloud icon in the upper right corner. This will import then to your library.

在这里,您可以选择要添加到图库中的所有照片,然后点击右上角的云形图标。 然后将其导入您的媒体库。

But there’s also an easier way to make sure you always have the latest photos of the things you care about. From the “Photos from <shared user>” menu, tap on the three-dot overflow menu in the top right and choose “Shared Library Settings.”

但是,还有一种更简便的方法来确保您始终拥有自己关心的事物的最新照片。 在“来自<共享用户>的照片”菜单中,点击右上角的三点溢出菜单,然后选择“共享库设置”。

You can do a couple of things here, like share your own photos with the other person. But that’s not what we’re after here. You’re looking for the “Save to your library” option. Tap that.

您可以在这里做几件事,例如与其他人分享自己的照片。 但这不是我们要追求的。 您正在寻找“保存到库”选项。 点一下

Here you have a few options:


  • All photos: Automatically saves every shared photo to your library.


  • None: Lets you manually choose which photos are saved; doesn’t automatically save anything.

    无:让您手动选择要保存的照片。 不会自动保存任何内容。

  • Photos of specific people: Lets you pick and choose which people to save pictures of.


Remember earlier when I said that the sharee and sharer should both tag people in the Albums > People menu? That last option is why. It makes it super easy to make sure you have every image that the sharer takes of specific people—like the kids, for example.

还记得以前我说过的共享者和共享者都应该在“相册”>“人物”菜单中标记人物吗? 最后一个选择是为什么。 确保拥有共享者为特定人物(例如孩子)拍摄的每张图片变得非常容易。

Note: Names were intentionally left out of this screenshot for security purposes.

If you choose this option, it’ll open the Select People dialog where you can choose which people you want to automatically save pictures of.


Once you’ve chosen, just tap “Done” at the top.


This will throw you back into the preceding menu. Just tap “Done” again. From that point forward, the photos you selected to automatically save will show up in your feed just like you took them. So cool.

这将使您返回上一菜单。 只需再次点击“完成”。 从那时起,您选择自动保存的照片将像您拍摄时一样显示在您的供稿中。 非常酷。

If, at any point, you want to change any of the auto-save features, just jump back into this menu.


如何停止分享照片 (How to Stop Sharing Photos)

Things happen, and you may need to stop sharing photos at some point. To do this, jump back into the Photos Settings menu and tap on “Shared with <shared user>”.

事情发生了,您可能需要在某个时候停止共享照片。 为此,请跳回到“照片设置”菜单,然后点击“与<共享用户>共享”。

Tap the three-dot overflow button in the top right, then choose “Shared Library Settings.”


Simple select “Remove partner” to shop sharing with this person. You can, of course, share with this person again in the future should you choose to do that. Easy peasy.

只需选择“删除合作伙伴”即可与该人进行购物共享。 当然,您以后可以选择与该人再次分享。 十分简单。

This is undoubtedly a very cool feature that seems to be designed around families specifically. I know I take a lot of pictures of the kids that my wife won’t see ’til months later, to which she usually says “That one is cute! Why didn’t send that to me?” …and it’s because I didn’t think about it. Now I can keep not thinking about it, but she’ll still get all the cute pictures of our kids. Thanks, Google.

无疑,这是一个非常酷的功能,似乎专门针对家庭而设计。 我知道我拍了很多我妻子看不到的孩子的照片,直到几个月后,她通常对孩子说:“那很可爱! 为什么不发送给我?” …那是因为我没有考虑。 现在我可以不去想它了,但是她仍然会得到我们孩子们所有可爱的照片。 谢谢,谷歌。


ios photos库

找了很久,,资源都是分开的 这次我把他汇总,打包,方便下载了 不用一个一个的找了下了 很多使用安卓的朋友应该都遇到过安装某些软件出现”应用未安装“,用电脑手机助手进行安装时会出现没有该软件的共享库或已失效,这个问题大概困扰了我3天时间,终于在我的坚持下找到了解决方法,希望出现过这样问题的朋友严格安装我下面的步骤操作即可解决以上问题! 第一步:使用第三方工具中的ROOT获取工具,进行获取ROOT权限。 第二步:下载ROOT EXPLORER 具有最高权限的文件管理工具,安装并打开(打开时出现是否允许此软件使用最高权限,允许)。 第三步:下载以下三个文件。 NetworkLocation.apk 第四步:使用ROOT EXPLORER 文件工具将三个文件以下面的说明操作。 拷贝到根目录的 system/framework/ 文件夹下面。 然后将此文件的权限设为 root 权限,然后在设置访问权限对话框上选项上对话框选项有9个可打钩的方格,把左边三个的全部勾选,中间的三个的第一个勾上即可。 拷贝到根目录的 system/etc/permissions/ 文件夹下面。 同上面的设置权限的方法一样。 NetworkLocation.apk 拷贝到根目录的 data/app_s/ 文件夹下面。 (如果找不到 app_s这个文件夹,可以建一个 app_s文件夹,然后在将其拷贝进去)!将此文件的权限设置为 system 然后在设置访问权限对话框上选项上对话框选项有9个可打钩的方格,将左边三个全部勾上,中间的第一个第二个勾上,右边全部勾上即可。然后重启手机,开始安装你以前安装失败的软件,然后你就会看到安装成功的兴奋了。这样你就永远不会在遇到软件未安装或没有该软件的共享库或已失效的情况了。




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