

Not every programmer wishes to test his programming skills in a contest but occasionally I get a new challenge to stretch me. So here is a list of programming contests. Most are annual but some are continuous and you can enter at any time.

并非每个程序员都希望在比赛中测试自己的编程技能,但偶尔我会遇到新的挑战来挑战自己。 因此,这里是编程竞赛的列表。 大多数是每年一次,但有些是连续的,您可以随时输入。

The experience of stepping outside your programming "comfort zone" is entirely beneficial. Even if you don't win a prize, you'll have thought in new ways and be inspired to have another go. Studying how others solved the problem can also be educational.

走出编程“舒适区”的经验是完全有益的。 即使您没有赢得奖金,您也会以新的方式思考,并受到启发去尝试另一种方法。 研究他人如何解决该问题也可能具有教育意义。

There are many more contests than I have listed here but I've winnowed these down to ten that anyone can enter. Most important of all you can use C, C++ or C# in these.

除了我在这里列出的比赛以外,还有很多比赛,但是我已经将这些比赛中的任何一项都减少到了十场,任何人都可以参加。 最重要的是,您可以在其中使用C,C ++或C#。

年度比赛 ( Annual Contests )

  • International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP). This has been running for a decade and happens in June or July each year. Though it's based in Germany, anyone can enter using any programming language, from any location. It's free to enter and your team isn't limited by size. In 2010 it's from June 18-21

    国际函数式编程会议(ICFP)。 这个已经运行了十年,每年的六月或七月发生。 尽管它位于德国,但任何人都可以从任何位置使用任何编程语言进行输入。 它是免费的,您的团队不受规模的限制。 2010年是6月18日至21日

  • The BME International is an intense free to enter contest that takes place in Europe once a year for teams of three, and you have to bring your own computers and software. This year, the 7th took place in Budapest. This has had some interesting challenges in the past- how about driving a car over a virtual terrain? Other past tasks included controlling an oil-company, driving an assembly line robot and programming for secret communication. All programs were written in one 24 hour intense period!

    BME International是一场激烈的免费比赛,每年三人组成的团队在欧洲举行一次比赛,您必须携带自己的计算机和软件。 今年,第七届在布达佩斯举行。 过去这曾带来一些有趣的挑战-如何在虚拟地形上驾驶汽车? 过去的其他任务包括控制石油公司,驾驶装配线机器人和进行秘密通信编程。 所有程序都是在一个24小时紧张的时间内编写的!
  • International Collegiate Programming Contest. One of the longest-running — this started in 1970 at Texas A&M and has been run by the ACM since 1989 and has IBM's involvement since 1997. One of the bigger contests it has thousands of teams from universities and colleges competing locally, regionally and ultimately in a world final. The contest pits teams of three university students against eight or more complex, real-world problems, with a gruelling five-hour deadline.

    国际大学编程竞赛 。 历时最长的赛事之一-始于1970年,始于德克萨斯A&M,自1989年以来一直由ACM运营,自1997年以来一直参与IBM。这是规模较大的竞赛之一,它拥有成千上万的大学和学院团队在本地,区域乃至最终竞争在世界决赛中 该竞赛使三名大学生的团队面对八个或更多个复杂的,现实世界中的问题,而最后的时间却是五个小时。

  • The Obfuscated C contest has been running for nearly 20 years. This is done on the internet, with email submissions. All you have to do is write the most obscure or obfuscated Ansi C program in under 4096 characters length according to the rules. The 19th contest took place back in January/February 2007.

    混淆C竞赛已经进行了将近20年。 这是在Internet上通过电子邮件提交完成的。 您所要做的就是根据规则以4096个字符以下的长度编写最晦涩难懂的Ansi C程序。 第19届比赛于2007年1月/ 2月举行。
  • The Loebner Prize is not a general programming contest but an AI challenge to enter a computer program that can do the Turing test, ie talk to a human sufficiently well to make the judges believe they are talking to a human. The Judge program, written in Perl will ask questions like "What time is it?", or "What is a hammer?" as well as comparisons and memory. The prize for the best entrant is $2,000 and a Gold Medal.

    勒布纳奖不是一般的编程竞赛,而是AI挑战,要进入可以进行Turing测试的计算机程序 ,即与人进行充分的交谈,以使评委相信他们正在与人交谈。 用Perl编写的Judge程序将询问诸如“现在几点了?”或“什么是锤子?”之类的问题。 以及比较和记忆。 最佳参赛者的奖金为2,000美元和金牌。

  • Similar to the Loebner Prize is the Chatterbox Challenge. This is to write the best chatter bot- a web-based (or downloadable) application written in any language that can carry on text conversations. If it has an animated display that syncs with text then that is even better- you get more points!

    与Loebner奖类似的是Chatterbox挑战赛。 这是为了编写最好的聊天机器人,即以任何可以进行文本对话的语言编写的基于Web(或可下载)的应用程序。 如果它具有与文本同步的动画显示,那就更好了,您可以获得更多积分!
  • International Problem Solving Contest (IPSC). This is more for fun, with teams of three entering via the web. There are 6 programming problems over a 5 hour period. Any programming language is allowed.

    国际问题解决比赛(IPSC)。 三人一组通过网络进入,这更加有趣。 在5个小时内有6个编程问题。 允许使用任何编程语言

  • The Rad Race - Competitors in teams of two have to complete a working business program using any language over two days. This is another contest where you have to bring along equipment, including a router, computer(s), cables, a printer etc. The next one will be in Hasselt, Belgium in October 2007.

    Rad竞赛-两人一组的竞赛者必须在两天内使用任何一种语言完成一项有效的商业计划。 这是另一项竞赛,您必须携带设备,包括路由器,计算机,电缆,打印机等。下一场竞赛将于2007年10月在比利时的哈瑟尔特(Hasselt)举行。
  • The ImagineCup - Students at school or college compete by writing software applicable to the set theme which for 2008 is "Imagine a world where technology enables a sustainable environment." Entries started August 25th, 2007.

    ImagineCup-学校或大学的学生通过编写适用于设定主题的软件来竞争,该主题对于2008年是“想象一个技术为可持续环境创造世界的世界”。 报名开始于2007年8月25日。

  • ORTS Competition. ORTS (open real-time strategy game) is a programming environment for studying real-time AI problems such as path-finding, dealing with imperfect information, scheduling, and planning in the domain of RTS games. These games are fast-paced and very popular. Using the ORTS software once every year there is a series of battles to see whose AI is best.

    ORTS比赛。 ORTS(开放式实时策略游戏)是一种编程环境,用于研究实时AI问题,例如RTS游戏领域中的寻路,处理不完善的信息,调度和计划。 这些游戏节奏快,非常受欢迎。 每年一次使用ORTS软件进行一系列的战斗,看看谁的AI最好。
  • The International Obfuscated C Code Contest (abbreviated IOCCC) is a programming contest for the most creatively obfuscated C code. It started in 1984 and the 20th competition started in 2011. Entries are evaluated anonymously by a panel of judges. The judging process is documented in the competition guidelines and consists of elimination rounds. By tradition, no information is given about the total number of entries for each competition. Winning entries are awarded with a category, such as "Worst Abuse of the C preprocessor" or "Most Erratic Behavior", and then announced on the official IOCCC website. There's no prize except if your program is featured on the site then you won!

    国际混淆C代码竞赛(简称IOCCC)是针对最具创造性C语言的编程竞赛。 它于1984年开始,第20届比赛于2011年开始。参赛作品由评审团匿名评估。 评审过程记录在比赛指南中,包括淘汰赛。 传统上,没有提供有关每个竞赛的报名总数的信息。 获奖作品将被授予一个类别,例如“最严重的C预处理器滥用”或“最不稳定的行为”,然后在IOCCC官方网站上宣布。 除了您的程序在网站上具有特色之外,没有其他奖品,您赢了!
  • Google Code Jam. Running since 2008, it's open to anyone aged 13 or other, and you or a close relative don't work for Google or a subsidiary country and you don't live in a banned country: Quebec, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Syria, Burma (Myanmar). (The contest is prohibited by law). There's a qualification round and three other rounds and the top 25 travel to a Google office for the Grand Final.

    Google Code Jam 。 自2008年开始运营以来,它面向所有13岁或其他年龄的人开放,您或您的直系亲属不在Google或下属国家工作,您也未居住在被禁止的国家/地区:魁北克,沙特阿拉伯,古巴,叙利亚,缅甸(缅甸)。 (比赛是法律禁止的)。 进行资格赛和其他三轮比赛,前25名前往Google办公室参加总决赛。

连续或正在进行的比赛 ( Continuous or Ongoing Contests )

  • Hutter Prize. If you can improve on the compression of 100 MB of Wikipedia data by 3% or better then you can win cash prizes. Currently, the smallest compression is 15,949,688. For every 1% reduction (minimum 3%) you win €500.

    哈特奖 。 如果您可以将100 MB的Wikipedia数据压缩提高3%或更高,那么您将赢得现金奖励。 当前,最小压缩为15,949,688。 每减少1%(最低3%),您就可以赢得500欧元。

  • Project Euler. This is an ongoing series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. computationally the problems should be solvable in less than a minute. A typical problem is "Find the first ten digits of the sum of one-hundred 50-digit numbers."

    欧拉计划。 这是一系列持续不断的具有挑战性的数学/计算机编程问题,需要解决的不仅仅是数学方面的知识。 从计算上讲,问题应在一分钟之内解决。 一个典型的问题是“查找一百个50位数字之和的前十位数字”。

  • Sphere Online Judge. Run at Gdansk University of Technology in Poland, they have regular programming contests - with over 125 completed. Solutions are submitted to an automatic online judge that can deal with C, C++ and C# 1.0 and many other languages.

    Sphere在线法官 。 他们在波兰的格但斯克工业大学(Kdansk Technology University)举行,定期举办编程竞赛-已完成125多次。 解决方案将提交给可以处理C,C ++和C#1.0以及许多其他语言的自动在线法官。

  • Intel's Threading Programming Problems. Running from September 2007 until the end of September 2008 Intel have their own Programming Challenge with 12 programming tasks, one per month that can be solved by threading. You get awarded points for solving a problem, coding elegance, code execution timing, use of the Intel Threading Building Blocks and bonus points for posting in their problem set discussion forum. Any language but C++ is probably the preferred language.

    英特尔的线程编程问题。 从2007年9月到2008年9月,英特尔将举行自己的编程挑战赛,其中包含12个编程任务,每月可以通过线程解决一个任务。 您会因解决问题,编码优美,代码执行时间,使用英特尔线程构建模块而获得奖励积分,并在他们的问题集讨论论坛中发布奖励积分。 除了C ++外,其他任何语言都可能是首选语言。
  • Codechef is India's first, non-commercial, multi-platform online coding competition, with monthly contests in more than 35 different programming languages including C, C++ and C#. Winners of each contest get prizes, peer recognition and an invitation to compete at the CodeChef Cup, an annual live event.

    Codechef是印度首个非商业性,多平台的在线编码竞赛,它每月以超过35种不同的编程语言(包括C,C ++和C#)进行竞赛。 每个竞赛的获胜者都将获得奖品,同行认可和邀请,参加每年一次的现场直播CodeChef杯。

年度比赛 ( Annual Contests )

  • Hewlett Packard (HP) Codewars is for high school students and takes place every year on Hewlett-Packard's Houston campus. it's been run every year since 1999. Not only do students get the high-tech HP environment, a wide range of programming challenges, large amounts of good "programmer" food (pizza and caffeine), music, plus loads of giveaways. There are trophies for the top competitors in each of two classifications, plus loads of exciting door prizes like computers, scanners, printers, software, and accessories. This is the ultimate high school computer programming competition.

    Hewlett Packard(HP)Codewars适用于高中生,每年在Hewlett-Packard的休斯顿校园举行。 自1999年以来,它每年都在运行。学生不仅可以获得高科技的HP环境,还面临各种各样的编程挑战,大量的优质“程序员”食品(比萨饼和咖啡因),音乐以及免费赠品。 在两个类别中的每一个类别中,都有针对顶级竞争者的奖杯,以及大量令人兴奋的门奖,例如计算机,扫描仪,打印机,软件和配件。 这是最终的高中计算机编程竞赛。

Don't forget the About C, C++ and C# Programming challenges. No prizes but you get fame!

不要忘记关于C,C ++和C#编程的挑战。 没有奖品,但您会成名!

翻译自: https://www.thoughtco.com/list-of-programming-contests-challenges-958193


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