

Data Rebellion is all about getting your programming abilities to the point of usefulness as quickly as possible. And when it comes to learning programming, some paths up the mountain are shorter than others. If you’ve ever watched Anime, think about when characters make their greatest improvements. Sure, training often helps them get stronger and faster. And assisting others in fights gives them valuable experience. But their biggest evolutions almost always occur when they’re fighting their own arch-enemies (think Goku going Super Saiyan against Frieza). They’re being pushed to their physical limits by their nemesis, and unless they achieve new heights, they or their friends or their world will surely perish.

Data Rebellion就是要使您的编程能力尽快达到实用性。 当涉及到学习编程时,上山的某些路径比其他路径短。 如果您曾经看过动漫,请考虑一下角色何时能够取得最大的进步。 当然,培训经常可以帮助他们变得更强大,更快。 协助他人打架给他们宝贵的经验。 但是,他们最大的进化几乎总是发生在他们与自己的敌人战斗时(想想悟空将超级赛亚人与弗里扎对抗)。 他们的克星将他们推向极限,除非他们达到新的高度,否则他们或他们的朋友或他们的世界肯定会灭亡。

Now, a majority of the time the fate of the planet won’t depend on your latest Python project. But if you’re serious about learning, it’s worth thinking about how you’re allotting your time. So let’s consider what your learning options generally are. You can:

现在,大多数情况下,星球的命运不会取决于您最新的Python项目。 但是,如果您认真学习,则值得考虑如何分配时间。 因此,让我们考虑一下您的学习选择通常是什么。 您可以:

All of these things are helpful, and I’ve made use of all of them myself. But have you ever had the experience where you start a course and get through the first few lectures, only to forget about it the next week? Or download an ebook and never get around to opening it? Or get bored of artificial exercises? Or lose interest in a project you know isn’t really useful to you or that you don’t truly care about? Personally, I’ve lost count of all the things I’ve started and never finished. And I think that’s perfectly fine. Why? Because those things aren’t what actually matters.

所有这些事情都是有帮助的,我自己已经使用了所有这些东西。 但是,您是否曾经经历过开始一门课程并完成前几节课的经历,却在下周忘记了? 还是下载一本电子书,却从来没有打开它? 还是对人工练习感到厌倦? 还是对您认为对您没有真正帮助或您并不真正在乎的项目失去兴趣? 就我个人而言,我已经忘记了我已经开始但从未完成的所有事情。 我认为这很好。 为什么? 因为那些东西实际上并不重要。

When I first decided to learn programming, I enrolled in Udacity’s Intro to Computer Science course. How far did I get through it? Maybe a third of the way. Then I heard about Codecademy, and got maybe two-thirds of the way through their Python track. Sounds kind of pathetic, doesn’t it? But at that point I was starting to get a feel for the language, and I came up with a personal project I was genuinely interested in: writing a program that composed music.

当我第一次决定学习编程时,我参加了Udacity的计算机科学入门课程。 我走了多远? 也许三分之一。 然后我听说了Codecademy,大概了解了他们Python历程的三分之二。 听起来有点可悲,不是吗? 但是那时我开始对这种语言有所了解,于是我想到了一个我真正感兴趣的个人项目:编写一个包含音乐的程序。

To start, I didn’t have a clue if you could even do anything related to music with Python, but I was obsessed with the concept. After working on it here and there over the course of several months I produced a script that was able to “evolve” unique musical passages based on a genetic algorithm. It didn’t win any Grammy’s, but going through the entire process of envisioning an ambitious (for me at least) project, methodically working through it, and ending with an actual working product brought me to a whole new level in programming, more so than any course or ebook ever did.

首先,我不知道您是否可以使用Python进行与音乐相关的任何操作,但是我对这个概念非常着迷。 经过数月的研究,我制作了一个脚本,能够根据遗传算法“演化”独特的音乐作品。 它没有赢得任何格莱美奖,但是经历了构想一个雄心勃勃的(至少对我而言)项目的整个过程,有条不紊地完成了该项目,最后以实际的工作成果结束,使我在编程上达到了一个全新的高度,比任何课程或电子书都多。

I’ve now gone through this process a number of times. For example, there was a time when my boss at my day job needed to get a ton of data from a website with a really shoddy interface. As far as we knew, manually copying and pasting each individual data point into a spreadsheet was the only solution, something which probably would’ve taken at least a couple weeks (and most of my sanity) to accomplish. So instead I tried to find a way to get the data via programming. I didn’t even know at the time that webscraping was a thing, but after about a week or so of hacking together a monstrously ugly R script, I had my data. Again, this project brought my abilities to new (if still modest) heights.

我现在已经经历了很多次了。 例如,有时候我的老板在我的日常工作中需要从一个界面很差的网站上获取大量数据。 据我们所知,手动复制每个数据点并将其粘贴到电子表格中是唯一的解决方案,这一过程可能至少要花几周(以及我的大部分精力)才能完成。 因此,我尝试寻找一种通过编程获取数据的方法。 当时我什至不知道网络抓取是一回事,但是经过大约一周左右的时间,他们一起骇入了一个丑陋的R脚本,我才有了数据。 同样,这个项目使我的能力达到了新的高度(如果还是中等的话)。

So if you’re in the beginning-to-intermediate stages of your programming journey, here’s my suggestion to you: find a need or passion of yours that you think might just be possible to address with code and start working on it ASAP. Here’s a list of projects to jump-start your thinking. Use courses and ebooks and such just enough to get you to the point where you have some idea of where to start. If you can’t see exactly how to get from point A to point B, good! That means you’re going to learn something along the way.

因此,如果您正处于编程旅程的初级到中级阶段,那么我对您的建议是:找到您的需求或激情,您认为这可能会解决代码并尽快着手进行开发。 这是一个可以帮助您开始思考的项目列表 。 使用课程和电子书之类的内容足以使您对从哪里开始有了一些了解。 如果您无法确切地知道如何从A点到达B点,那就好! 这意味着您将在此过程中学习一些东西。

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2016/11/to-learn-programming-do-projects-you-actually-care-about/






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