

Two years ago I completed my first exercise on “Say Hello to HTML Elements” on freeCodeCamp (FCC). After two years of self-study, aged 36, I accepted my first job offer as a JavaScript Frontend Developer. I want to share some advice and tips and tell how I managed to land my first job.

两年前,我在freeCodeCamp (FCC)上完成了“向HTML元素问好”的第一个练习。 经过两年的自学,享年36岁,我接受了我作为JavaScript前端开发人员的第一份工作。 我想分享一些建议和技巧,并告诉我如何找到第一份工作。

This is a continuation of my first article. I wrote this at the end of 2018 and I started freelancing as a Front-end Developer and studying part-time.

这是我第一篇文章的续篇。 我在2018年底写了这篇文章,然后开始以前端开发人员的身份从事兼职工作并从事兼职学习。

To summarise, I’m not from a Computer Science/STEM background. I didn’t go to a coding bootcamp, and I’m self-taught. I’m a stay-at-home mum who learned to code whenever I could. I used self-paced learning tools like FCC. As my children got older, I progressed to learning programming part-time.

总而言之,我并非来自计算机科学/ STEM背景。 我没有去编码训练营,而且我是自学成才的。 我是一个全职妈妈,只要有可能就学会编码。 我使用了诸如FCC之类的自定进度的学习工具。 随着孩子的长大,我开始兼职学习编程。

The reason for this article is to inspire others from non-traditional backgrounds to learn how to code. That it is possible to transition into the tech industry. I want to share my experience and perspective. I also want to emphasise that it wasn’t all smooth sailing. There were ups and downs, doubts and dark times.

本文的目的是启发非传统背景的人学习编码。 有可能过渡到科技行业。 我想分享我的经验和观点。 我还要强调一点,并非一帆风顺。 有起有落,有疑问和黑暗时期。

I will go through my coding journey first. Then I will talk about the resources I used to learn how to code. Finally, I'll share tips on how I landed my first web developer job.

我将首先进行编码之旅。 然后,我将讨论我用来学习编码的资源。 最后,我将分享有关如何找到我的第一份Web开发人员工作的提示。

2019年1月至3月:怀疑 (January - March 2019: Doubt)

As I had two young children, I thought freelancing was a great way to earn extra money while I was studying. I had already started my WordPress freelance portfolio, but I also joined freelancing platforms like Fiverr and Upwork.

因为我有两个孩子,所以我认为自由职业是学习期间赚取额外收入的好方法。 我已经开始了我的WordPress自由职业者投资组合,但是我也加入了Fiver和Upwork等自由职业平台。

I know that these platforms are great for some freelancers, but for me this was a mistake. I couldn’t find any work despite being labelled as “Uprising talent”. I didn’t have ratings/reviews, as I was new. A lot of clients wanted freelancers with experience on their respective platforms. But I couldn’t land the work to get experience/ratings. It was a vicious circle.

我知道这些平台对某些自由职业者来说很棒,但是对我来说这是一个错误。 尽管被标记为“起义人才”,但我找不到任何工作。 我是新来的,所以没有评分/评论。 许多客户希望自由职业者在各自的平台上拥有经验。 但是我无法获得这份工作来获得经验/评价。 这是一个恶性循环。

There were some clients where I “qualified” to put in a proposal. I would spend hours researching and writing them. I never heard back. In some cases, there were 50+ proposals submitted for a given project. There were also many freelancers who were willing to work for under minimum wage (by UK standards). I couldn’t compete on price.

我有“资格”提出建议的一些客户。 我会花几个小时研究和编写它们。 我再也没听见。 在某些情况下,针对某个项目提交了50多个提案。 还有许多自由职业者愿意为最低工资工作(按照英国的标准)。 我无法在价格上竞争。

I started to question my worth and lowered my hourly rate. I thought I just needed to get one rating from a client. The final straw for me was when a company invited me to assist them in some "market research" and to answer a questionnaire. It ended up being a scheme to get freelancers to write fake reviews on Amazon for a product. In exchange, I would get a five star rating.

我开始质疑自己的身价,并降低了每小时工资。 我以为我只需要从客户那里获得一个评价。 对我来说,最后的救命稻草是一家公司邀请我协助他们进行一些“市场研究”并回答问卷。 最终,这是一个计划,让自由职业者在亚马逊上为产品撰写假评论。 作为交换,我将获得五星级的评价。

I declined and shut down all my freelancing accounts. My confidence was knocked. I had serious doubts about my abilities. I started to become negative. I read in forums about how other aspiring web developers couldn’t get interviews/find jobs. Subconsciously, I sought out these stories to justify and feed my negativity.

我拒绝并关闭了我所有的自由职业者帐户。 我的信心被打破了。 我严重怀疑自己的能力。 我开始变得消极。 我在论坛上阅读了其他有抱负的Web开发人员如何无法获得采访/查找工作的信息。 在潜意识里,我寻找了这些故事来证明和补充我的消极情绪。

Worse thing was, I stopped coding and lost sight of what I was trying to achieve.


2019年4月至7月:后退并重新评估我的生活 (April - July 2019: Stepping back and reassessing my life)

My husband, who is also my mentor, asked me, “what would make you happy again?”


My response was “learning programming and JavaScript”. So I did what I loved and continued with the FCC curriculum. I also worked on my WordPress freelance business on the side.

我的回答是“学习编程和JavaScript”。 因此,我做了我喜欢的事情,并继续了FCC课程。 我也在旁边从事我的WordPress自由职业。

In May, an old colleague wanted to hire me to work remotely for a three month part-time contract. It wasn’t tech related but I needed the income so I agreed. It was a great distraction and helped my confidence.

今年5月,一位老同事想雇用我为三个月的兼职合同进行远程工作。 这与技术无关,但是我需要收入,所以我同意了。 这是极大的干扰,帮助我增强了信心。

The routine of studying and working lifted my spirits. It took months, but I started feeling positive and motivated again.

学习和工作的例行使我精神振奋。 花了几个月的时间,但我开始感到积极向上并再次受到激励。

2019年8月:100 DaysOfCode挑战 (August 2019: 100DaysOfCode challenge)

I was looking for something to keep me focussed and consistent during my coding journey. I went on Twitter for inspiration and found the #100DaysOfCode challenge. You commit to coding for at least one hour a day for 100 days.

在编码过程中,我一直在寻找可以使我专注和保持一致的东西。 我在Twitter上寻找灵感,发现了#100DaysOfCode挑战 。 您承诺每天至少编码一小时,并持续100天。

I committed to the challenge and I was now accountable to the Twitter community. My goal was to complete all FCC certifications and become a Full Stack Developer. I've completed five out of six certifications so far! It was one of the best decisions I’ve made during my coding journey. I started following other aspiring developers. I watched other people succeed and share their experiences, and support others who were finding it difficult. It was inspiring and kept me motivated.

我致力于挑战,现在对Twitter社区负责。 我的目标是完成所有FCC认证并成为Full Stack Developer。 到目前为止,我已经完成了六分之五的认证! 这是我在编码过程中做出的最佳决定之一。 我开始关注其他有抱负的开发人员。 我看着其他人成功并分享他们的经验,并支持发现困难的其他人。 这鼓舞人心,使我保持了动力。

Instead of using online freelancing platforms, I approached local businesses instead. I got some WordPress side gigs and started getting more referrals. This was a great boost to my confidence.

我没有使用在线自由职业平台,而是去了本地企业。 我得到了一些WordPress附带的演出,并开始获得更多推荐。 这极大地增强了我的信心。

2019年9月至10月:寻找工作 (September - October 2019: The job hunt)

My husband said that I was ready to start applying for jobs. In fact, that I’d been ready for months. But I was dragging my feet.

我丈夫说我准备开始求职了。 实际上,我已经准备好几个月了。 但是我在拖脚。

I was in a safe and familiar environment of learning and working on WordPress sites. I knew the job hunt would be arduous and there could be repeated rejections. I was also worried about how the process could affect my mental health. I reached out to others in the community and they all reiterated what husband said to me. “You are ready to start applying for jobs”.

我处于一个安全,熟悉的环境中,在WordPress网站上学习和工作。 我知道求职将很艰巨,并且可能会一再被拒绝。 我还担心该过程如何影响我的心理健康。 我接触了社区中的其他人,他们都重申了丈夫对我说的话。 “您准备开始申请工作了”。

When my son started in Primary School in September, I knew it was the right time to start the job hunt. I took some time to mentally prepare myself and updated my CV. I applied for Frontend Developer roles. I kept a spreadsheet and tracked all my applications.

当我的儿子9月份开始上小学时,我知道是时候开始寻找工作了。 我花了一些时间进行思想上的准备,并更新了我的简历。 我申请了Frontend Developer角色。 我保留了一个电子表格并跟踪了我的所有应用程序。

I applied for four jobs. One directly with a company, three others through an agency. I was prepared to apply for more, but two companies responded. I managed to get a couple of interviews.

我申请了四份工作。 一个直接与公司联系,另三个通过代理机构联系。 我准备申请更多,但两家公司做出了回应。 我设法进行了两次面试。

I didn’t expect such an immediate response and I took it as a positive sign.


I started preparing for possible interview questions. I split up my preparation into sections: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility, UI and UX, non tech questions and general questions. I also researched the companies I was being interviewed by.

我开始准备可能的面试问题。 我将准备工作分为以下几个部分:HTML,CSS,JavaScript,可访问性,UI和UX,非技术性问题和一般性问题。 我还研究了正在接受采访的公司。

我的面试经验 (My interview experience)

There was no white-boarding, no solving difficult algorithms on the spot and no trick questions.


The first interview was to get to know me. Employers were actually very intrigued by my non-traditional background. I always thought it would be a hindrance, but in fact it was a talking point.

第一次面试是为了认识我。 我的非传统背景实际上使雇主很感兴趣。 我一直认为这是一个障碍,但实际上这是一个话题。

I got through to the second stage on one job I applied for which was a take home coding exercise. The other interview I was offered the job on the spot.

我完成了我申请的一项工作的第二阶段,这是一项带回家的编码练习。 另一次面试是当场为我提供的。

I decided to accept the role and I'm now a JavaScript Frontend Developer.


I'm surprised by how short the application and interview process was for me. I think it was a combination of the following:

我对申请和面试过程这么短感到惊讶。 我认为这是以下因素的组合:

  1. My experience in my previous career: transferable soft skills I acquired, such as good communication, time management, project management, evidence of completing projects etc.

  2. Other activities I was pursuing outside of learning: freelancing as a WordPress Developer, going to conferences, having a portfolio, blogging and writing articles.

  3. Being interview ready.


我用来学习编码的资源 (The resources I used to learn how to code)

I've been asked by many in the community what I used to learn to code. Due to my circumstances of being a stay-at-home-mum, I chose to learn from self-paced online platforms. I needed something remote where I could learn at odd hours of the day. Here are a list of some of the resources I’ve used to learn how to code.

社区中的许多人都问过我过去学习编码的内容。 由于我是全职妈妈,因此我选择向自定进度的在线平台学习。 我需要一些偏僻的地方,可以在一天中的几小时学习。 这是我用来学习编码的一些资源清单。

  1. freeCodeCamp (FCC)

    freeCodeCamp (FCC)

I've used FCC from the beginning to the end of my coding journey. It formed the basis of my learning and I always return to it after I branch off to learn a new skill in depth.

从编码过程的开始到结束,我一直在使用FCC。 它构成了我学习的基础,在我深入学习新技能之后,我总是回到学习的基础上。

Personally, FCC taught me to be independent and learn how to find the answers. The answers aren’t spoon fed and you are required to do your own research to complete the projects. A crucial skill to master. Learning how to search gets easier with time. You'll become very familiar with Stack Overflow.

就个人而言,FCC教会我保持独立并学习如何找到答案。 答案并非一fed而就,您需要做自己的研究才能完成项目。 掌握的一项关键技能。 随着时间的流逝,学习如何搜索变得越来越容易。 您将对Stack Overflow非常熟悉。

2. Udemy

2. 乌迪米

For WordPress I followed a course by Rob Percival and Gregg Davis and one by Brad Schiff. For React and Node JS I used courses by Maximillian Schwarzmuller, who’s also part of the Academind team on YouTube.

对于WordPress,我遵循了Rob Percival和Gregg Davis的课程,以及Brad Schiff的课程。 对于React和Node JS,我使用了Maximillian Schwarzmuller的课程,他也是YouTube Academind团队的成员。

One thing to bear in mind about follow along project tutorials, is that you must implement what you’re learning throughout the course. Try and apply what you learn to your own projects. This will consolidate what you have learnt.

关于项目教程的后续操作要记住的一件事是,您必须在整个课程中实施所学内容。 尝试将学到的知识应用到自己的项目中。 这将巩固您所学。

3. YouTube

3. YouTube

Here’s some of the channels I’ve tried and tested:


FCC: I’ve watched a lot of Beau Carnes' videos on JavaScript. But there’s a wide range of videos which covers pretty much anything tech related. From learning Python to GraphQL. The FCC curriculum doesn’t incorporate video tutorials, so this is a good resource to go to.

FCC :我看过很多Beau CarnesJavaScript视频。 但是有很多视频,涵盖了几乎所有与技术相关的内容。 从学习Python到GraphQL。 FCC课程未包含视频教程,因此这是一个很好的资源。

The Coding Train: I used this to understand fundamental JavaScript concepts such as Promises, Async/Await, Prototypes and Higher Order Functions. There’s also some useful videos on regular expressions.

The Coding Train :我用它来理解基本JavaScript概念,例如Promises,Async / Await,Prototypes和高阶函数。 还有一些有关正则表达式的有用视频。

Academind and LevelUpTuts: Very in depth videos on a wide range of technologies, frameworks and libraries. From the basics progressing to advance tutorials.

AcademindLevelUpTuts :有关各种技术,框架和库的非常深入的视频。 从基础发展到高级教程。

Curran Kelleher: I used this channel for learning D3.js.

Curran Kelleher :我使用此渠道来学习D3.js。

4. freeCodeCamp Developer News

4. freeCodeCamp开发人员新闻

I could be biased but these articles have good content and are checked by the FCC team before publication. Not just useful for programming related subjects, but also some great motivating and career related articles.

我可能有偏见,但这些文章内容不错,在发布之前已由FCC团队进行了检查。 不仅对编程相关主题有用,而且对激励和职业相关的一些伟大文章也很有用。

5. MongoDB University

5. MongoDB大学

I went on a big tangent over the summer and completed a lot of the free courses with MongoDB University. They take place over three weeks and you must complete the assignments within a timeframe. You are graded and awarded a certification of completion if you pass.

整个夏天,我一直在切线工作,并在MongoDB大学完成了许多免费课程。 培训时间为三周,您必须在一定时间内完成作业。 如果您通过了考试,您将获得分级并获得结业证书。

6. Technical Documentation


I always try to refer to the official documentation for any API, framework, library, language I’m using. Such as, MDN for JavaScript and W3C for HTML.

我总是尝试参考我使用的任何API,框架,库,语言的官方文档。 例如,JavaScript的MDN和HTML的W3C

6. egghead.io

6. egghead.io

This is a subscription based video tutorial service covering a breadth of frameworks, libraries, tools and languages.


7. Khan Academy

7. 汗学院

You are required to know some basic mathematics when learning JavaScript. I found Khan Academy was useful for this. I took the basic Algebra course. All courses are free and cover a range of subjects.

学习JavaScript时,您需要了解一些基本的数学知识。 我发现可汗学院对此很有用。 我参加了基础代数课程。 所有课程都是免费的,涵盖一系列主题。

There are many resources (paid and free) online. Do some research and find the resources that suits your learning style.

在线有很多资源(收费和免费)。 做一些研究,找到适合您的学习风格的资源。

这是我寻找工作的15个最佳秘诀 (Here are my top 15 tips for approaching the job hunt)

  1. The minimum: I would strongly suggest having a portfolio, CV/Resume, LinkedIn account, covering letter, projects/repositories on GitHub, showcasing side projects on CodePen or Glitch.

    最低要求:我强烈建议在GitHub上有一个投资组合,简历/简历, LinkedIn帐户,包括信函,项目/存储库,在CodePenGlitch上展示辅助项目。

  2. Feedback on your CV/Resume: get someone to review your CV. It always helps to have a fresh pair of eyes.

    有关您的简历的反馈:请他人来审查您的简历。 拥有一双新鲜的眼睛总是有帮助的。

  3. One page CV/Resume: Some feedback I got about my CV was changing it from two pages to one page. Recruiters get hundreds of CVs, so you want to get their attention immediately. Long CVs are a definite no. List your technical skills, any relevant experience/side projects you worked on first. If recruiters are interested, they’ll go to your LinkedIn profile for more details.

    一页简历/简历:关于简历的一些反馈是将简历从两页更改为一页。 招聘人员可获得数百份简历,因此您想立即引起他们的注意。 长简历绝对不是。 列出您的技术技能,您首先从事的任何相关经验/附带项目。 如果招聘者有兴趣,他们将转到您的LinkedIn个人资料以获取更多详细信息。

  4. Let everyone know you’re looking for a job: Put yourself out there. Sign up and submit your CV to recruitment agencies and job platforms such as Reed and Glassdoor. Put in your LinkedIn profile that you’re looking for new opportunities.

    让所有人都知道您正在寻找工作:将自己放在那里。 注册并提交简历到招聘机构和工作平台,例如ReedGlassdoor 。 在您的LinkedIn个人资料中输入您正在寻找新机会的信息。

  5. Go to recruitment fairs: There are specialist tech recruitment fairs. An opportunity to bypass the recruitment agencies and speak to the employers directly.

    参加招聘会:有专业技术招聘会。 绕过招聘机构并直接与雇主交谈的机会。

  6. Apply directly to companies: A tip I got from an insider. A lot of companies don’t advertise their junior developer roles. They are usually inundated with prospective candidates, so approach the companies yourself. This might not yield immediate results, but they’ll have your details on file. Touch base with them once in a while to see if they have any positions opening up.

    直接适用于公司:我从内部人员那里获得的提示。 许多公司不宣传其初级开发人员角色。 他们通常被潜在的候选人所淹没,因此请亲自与公司联系。 这可能不会立即产生结果,但是会将您的详细信息记录在案。 偶尔与他们接触基地,看看他们是否有任何职位。

  7. The commercial experience barrier: Having “commercial experience” in web development is usually a barrier. Especially for recruitment agencies. I see a requirement for commercial experience even for junior web development roles. But commercial experience doesn’t necessarily mean working for a company. The way I overcame this was to talk about my freelancing work with recruiters. Working with clients for my WordPress sideline business is valid “commercial experience”. I’m usually asked how I landed my first client. The first website I built was for a family member’s business. I did a pay-what-you-want model and they took a chance on me. So utilise your contacts.

    商业经验的障碍:在Web开发中拥有“商业经验”通常是一个障碍。 特别是对于招聘机构。 我认为即使是初级的Web开发人员也需要具有商业经验。 但是,商业经验并不一定意味着在一家公司工作。 我克服这个问题的方法是谈论我与招聘人员的自由职业工作。 与我的WordPress副业客户合作是有效的“商业经验”。 通常会问我如何找到我的第一个客户。 我建立的第一个网站是为一家家庭经营的。 我做了一个“按需付费”的模型,他们抓住了我一个机会。 因此,利用您的联系人。

  8. Network: Go to conferences and meetups. Networking is great. I haven’t managed to go to meetups as I have family responsibilities. There’s a great article by Jackson Bates about thriving at your first tech meetup. But I’ve been to a few conferences. At some conferences, there might be companies present. Often they’re hoping to recruit developers. Another opportunity to bypass the recruitment agencies and actually talk to the tech companies recruiting. I always go to conferences alone. I do get some anxiety about this, but it encourages me to network and meet new people.

    网络:参加会议和聚会。 联网很棒。 我负有家庭责任,因此未能参加聚会。 杰克逊·贝茨 ( Jackson Bates)撰写了一篇很棒的文章,内容涉及您第一次参加技术聚会。 但是我去过几次会议。 在某些会议上,可能会有公司在场。 他们经常希望招募开发人员。 绕过招聘机构并与技术公司进行招聘的另一个机会。 我总是一个人去参加会议。 我确实对此有些焦虑,但这鼓励我建立人脉并结识新朋友。

  9. Have a positive online presence: The feedback I got from one employer was that they were impressed by my positive online presence. A lot of potential employers will try and find you online before they interview you. They want to have some idea of what you’re about. Have a blog and write about things you’re passionate about.

    拥有良好的在线形象:我从一位雇主那里得到的反馈是他们对我的积极在线形象印象深刻。 许多潜在的雇主会在面试您之前尝试在网上找到您。 他们想对您的情况有所了解。 有一个博客,写一些您热衷的事情。

  10. Do the #100DaysOfCode challenge: Document your journey on Twitter. It’s a good way to see how much you’ve progressed. Also it’s a great way to expand your network. I have “met” so many motivated aspiring developers on Twitter. I get to see how others are doing in their coding journeys and share advice. Also, more experienced developers often comment and offer advice, which is fantastic from a learning perspective.

    参加#100DaysOfCode挑战:在Twitter上记录您的旅程。 这是查看进度的好方法。 这也是扩展网络的好方法。 我在Twitter上“满足”了许多积极进取的开发人员。 我可以看到其他人在编码过程中的表现并分享建议。 另外,经验丰富的开发人员经常发表评论并提供建议,从学习的角度来看,这是很棒的。

  11. Have a mentor: My husband is my main mentor. But I often seek the help of others in the community to get a different perspective. Don’t be afraid to ask. Often people will be happy to give you advice and feedback.

    有一位导师:我的丈夫是我的主要导师。 但是我经常寻求社区中其他人的帮助,以获取不同的观点。 不要害怕问。 人们通常会很乐意为您提供建议和反馈。

  12. Prepare for technical questions: There are a lot of articles online and videos on YouTube to help you with the technical questions.

    准备技术问题: YouTube上有很多在线文章和视频,可以帮助您解决技术问题。

  13. General interview preparation: Don’t forget to prepare for more general interview questions like “tell me about yourself?”.


  14. Mock interviews: I know from experience that mock interviews are crucial. Preparing on paper is completely different from actually answering questions in person. Practice and practice some more!

    模拟面试:我从经验中知道模拟面试至关重要。 纸上准备与亲自回答问题完全不同。 练习和练习更多!

  15. Don’t underestimate/undervalue yourself. For me this is the most important advice I can give someone. I battle with this on a daily basis. My biggest barrier isn’t my skills, it’s my lack of confidence. Remember, you know more than you think. Don’t talk yourself down, be positive about what you can do and what you have achieved.

    不要低估/低估自己。 对我来说,这是我可以给某人的最重要建议。 我每天都为此而战。 我最大的障碍不是我的技能,而是我缺乏自信。 请记住,您所了解的比您想像的要多。 不要自欺欺人,对自己可以做的事和取得的成就保持乐观。

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

“Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it's a marathon, not a sprint.”

“毅力是对非常长远目标的热情和毅力。 沙粒有耐力。 Grit每天都在坚持自己的未来,不仅是一周,一个月,而是多年,并且为实现未来而努力工作。 坚韧的生活就像是一场马拉松,而不是短跑。”

Angela Lee Duckworth, "Grit: The power of passion and perseverance"

安吉拉·李·达克沃斯(Angela Lee Duckworth),“坚毅:激情和毅力的力量”

This quote by Angela Lee Duckworth, pretty much summarises the last two years of my life.

Angela Lee Duckworth的这段话几乎总结了我生命的最后两年。

My coding journey wasn’t a quick sprint, it was a two year marathon. There were ups, downs, tears of sadness and joy. I came close to giving up so many times. But what kept me going was passion and perseverance. Aside from raising children, this is the hardest thing I’ve ever undertaken.

我的编码之旅不是快速的冲刺,而是两年的马拉松比赛。 跌宕起伏,悲伤和喜悦的眼泪。 我差点放弃了很多次。 但是让我前进的是激情和毅力。 除了抚养孩子,这是我做过的最难的事情。

I don’t want to give the impression that the learning stops here, though! It’s essential to keep on learning new skills and evolving, especially in the fast paced world of web development. A new marathon begins as I start my new career. I’m sure the ups and downs will continue, but it’s a road worth taking as I will be doing something I love.

不过,我不想给人留下这样的印象! 继续学习新技能并不断发展至关重要,尤其是在快速发展的Web开发领域中。 随着我开始新的职业生涯,新的马拉松开始了。 我确定跌宕起伏还会继续,但这是一条值得走的路,因为我会做自己喜欢的事情。

If you have any questions or just want to say hello, find me on Twitter @PhoebeVF

如果您有任何疑问或想打个招呼,请在Twitter @PhoebeVF上找到我

Illustrations courtesy of https://undraw.co


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-went-from-stay-at-home-mum-to-landing-my-first-web-developer-job/


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