

by Ashley MacWhirter

作者:Ashley MacWhirter

从沉思到演出:我如何开始我的自由职业 (From grit to gigs: how I started my freelancing business)

In less than one year, I went from a Georgia Tech Coding Bootcamp graduate to a business owner specializing in web development of business websites. There are several challenges I’ve faced and continue to face during the process. These range from networking to contract creation and pricing to, most importantly, having the essential trait of plain ol’ grit.

在不到一年的时间里,我从佐治亚州Tech Coding Bootcamp的一名毕业生转到了专门从事商业网站Web开发的企业主。 在此过程中,我已经面临并继续面临一些挑战。 这些范围从网络到合同创建和定价,最重要的是具有朴素的本质。

If you are reading this article, you are probably interested in the idea of owning your own business. No matter your background or level of experience you may have in the field, many of these hurdles will apply to you as you embark on the crazy, yet fulfilling journey.

如果您正在阅读本文,那么您可能对拥有自己的企业的想法很感兴趣。 无论您的背景或经验水平如何,在您踏上疯狂而充实的旅程时,其中许多障碍都将适用于您。

我的背景 (My Background)

Before entering the bootcamp in January 2017, I had very basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — not even enough to make an entire webpage that was worthwhile. However, I already knew I had a passion that I needed to uncover and explore, and so my journey began.

在2017年1月进入训练营之前,我对HTML,CSS和JavaScript具有非常基础的知识-甚至不足以构成一个值得的整个网页。 但是,我已经知道我有需要发掘和探索的热情,因此我的旅程开始了。

At the beginning of the bootcamp, if someone had told me that I would have my own web development business within a year of graduation, I would have laughed them out of the room. I had spent literally hours and hours on our basic HTML/CSS/Bootstrap assignment alone!

在新手训练营开始时,如果有人告诉我毕业后一年内我将拥有自己的Web开发业务,我会把他们笑出来。 我仅在基本HTML / CSS / Bootstrap任务上花了几个小时!

The finish line of graduation was no where in sight, and the pressure was on…but I made it! I had learned a crazy amount of technical web development skills in those six months. But the most important thing it taught me was how far I was able to push myself to get what I had been dreaming of and actually accomplish it. This was the start to a new me.

毕业的终点线不在眼前,压力不断……但我做到了! 在那六个月里,我学到了很多疯狂的Web开发技术。 但是,它教会我的最重要的事情是,我能够推动自己实现自己梦dream以求的梦想并真正实现梦想。 这是一个新我的开始。

I graduated the Georgia Tech Coding Bootcamp in July of 2017 with a job offer from one of the top telecommunication companies in the country within one week, and signed my first freelance contract in October 2017. Things were happening quickly and it didn’t slow down.


Keep reading to discover some of my networking techniques, advice, and to find out what the heck I did once I started getting clients. I’ll give you a hint — at first, I had no idea.

继续阅读以发现我的一些网络技术,建议,并发现开始获得客户后我到底做了什么。 我会给你一个提示-起初,我不知道。

网络化我的成功之道 (Networking my way to success)

I had my first potential client lined up in February 2017, one month after bootcamp started. I met the business owner through mutual connections, and the conversation organically developed as the business owner vented about their frustrating experience with their current website and web developer. I jumped in.

我在Bootcamp启动一个月后的2017年2月,安排了我的第一个潜在客户。 我通过相互联系结识了企业主,当企业主发泄他们对当前网站和Web开发人员的沮丧经历时,对话有机地发展了。 我跳了进去。

At the time, I was still terrified, and I still didn’t know how to build a complete website (far from it). I was nowhere near ready. However, when an opportunity presents itself, I always tend to seize it and figure it out along the way.

那时,我还是很害怕,我仍然不知道如何建立一个完整的网站(远远不如它)。 我还差得远。 但是,当机会出现时,我总是倾向于抓住机会并一路摸索。

I explained my schooling, my current timeline, and offered to develop a more attractive and more efficient website that they could be confident in and proud of. They were excited about the idea, and I was fortunate enough that they waited until my graduation in July for me to start on their site.

我解释了我的学历和当前的时间表,并提出要开发一个他们可能对此充满信心并感到自豪的更具吸引力和效率的网站。 他们对这个想法感到很兴奋,我很幸运,他们等到7月我毕业后,我才开始在他们的网站上工作。

This was the start to developing my freelancing business.


I signed the contract for this project in October 2017, and completed the project in January 2018 with an ongoing hosting and maintenance contract. They were extremely pleased with the website, and have since stated that they intend to refer any work they know of to me.

我于2017年10月签署了该项目的合同,并于2018年1月完成了该项目并获得了持续的托管和维护合同。 他们对网站感到非常满意,并且自此表示他们打算将自己了解的任何工作都推荐给我。

As soon as that project was wrapping up, I got a message on LinkedIn from a startup owner looking for an independent contractor for some mobile development work. Thanks to my personality and hunger for growth in my new field of expertise, I signed a new contract as a part-time independent contractor in February of 2018. I agreed to 10+ hours a week, since I was still working full-time as a full-stack developer.

该项目结束后,我从一家初创公司所有者那里收到了LinkedIn上的消息,该公司正在寻找一些移动开发工作的独立承包商。 由于我的个性和对新专业知识的渴望,我于2018年2月签署了一份兼职独立承包商的新合同。由于我仍在全职工作,我同意每周工作10个小时以上。全栈开发人员。

Just after signing this contract, I was approached by yet another company to develop their business website. Even with my busy schedule, I agreed to take on developing their site as well. To be fair to the company, I was transparent with my current schedule, and we agreed on an acceptable timeline and a contract was signed.

签订此合同后,又有另一家公司联系我开发他们的商业网站。 即使我的日程很忙,我也同意继续开发他们的网站。 为了公平起见,我对目前的时间表保持透明,我们商定了可接受的时间表并签订了合同。

As business was consistent and even picking up with potential clients in sight for the future, I decided that it was finally time to start my own LLC. One big reason for this step was the obvious tax benefits — I could finally receive tax breaks and also be taxed fairly on the work I was doing. That’s great and beneficial, but the main reason was that I was finally able to fulfill my dream of owning my own business.

由于业务持续发展,甚至在未来都吸引着潜在的客户,我决定现在是时候成立自己的LLC。 此步骤的一个重要原因是明显的税收优惠-我终于可以享受税收减免,并且还可以对我所做的工作公平地征税。 那是巨大而有益的,但是主要原因是我终于能够实现拥有自己的企业的梦想。

Currently, I am working full-time for someone else and part-time for myself, but the ultimate end goal is to work for myself 100%. This was the first step towards accomplishing that.

目前,我为别人全职工作,为自己工作,但最终的最终目标是为自己工作100%。 这是实现这一目标的第一步。

我使用的网络工具 (Networking tools I use)

领英 (LinkedIn)
  • Make sure you have a good, professional photo.

  • Update your profile and maintain it so it is always up to date — this is your living resume.

  • Customize it so that your profile stands out from others. That may be a different background photo, or an eye-catching ‘about me’. Be creative.

    自定义它,以便您的个人资料与众不同。 那可能是一张不同的背景照片,或是醒目的“关于我”。 要有创造力。
  • Stay active. Like and post relevant content daily. Your consistent activity will be visible to potential clients, employers, and recruiters.

    保持活跃。 每天喜欢并发布相关内容。 潜在客户,雇主和招聘人员会看到您的一致活动。
  • As messages start rolling in about jobs and opportunities, even if you are not interested and it might be overwhelming, always respond back professionally, respectfully, and thoughtfully. In the future, you never know when that individual may have a key to the locked door you’re trying to push through.

    当有关职位和机会的信息开始滚滚而来时,即使您不感兴趣并且可能不知所措,也请始终以专业,尊重和周到的方式进行回复。 将来,您永远不会知道那个人何时可能拥有要推入的锁着门的钥匙。
  • If you have fellow developers who would fit the bill, recommend them. The recruiter will appreciate it and so will your peers. You never know when a peer might be the one to open a door for you either. (Plus you could get a referral kickback if it works out.)

    如果您有合适的开发人员,则推荐他们。 招聘人员会很感激,您的同行也会如此。 您永远都不知道什么时候同伴会为您打开一扇门。 (此外,如果可行,您还可以获得推荐回扣。)
商业名片 (Business cards)

This method is almost outdated now in a world of technology, but it still has its merit. I always carry cards on me and have often found myself handing them out at any gatherings, meetings, and meet-ups. Sometimes I even pin them up on boards like in a local coffee shop. You never know who is looking.

在当今的技术世界中,这种方法几乎已经过时了,但是它仍然有其优点。 我总是随身携带卡片,经常发现自己在任何聚会,会议和聚会中都将卡片分发出去。 有时我什至把它们固定在板上,例如在当地的咖啡店里。 你永远不知道谁在看。

Never be the person scrambling for a piece of paper when someone asks for your information.


善待他人-因为口碑很重要 (Be kind — because word of mouth matters)

To me, this one should be a no-brainer as it pertains to any aspect of personal and professional life: be kind. Word of mouth goes a long way, and honestly will probably get you most of your projects from referrals.

对我来说,这应该很容易,因为它涉及到个人和职业生活的任何方面:要善良。 口口相传有很长的路要走,说实话,您可能会从推荐中获得大部分项目。

If you are known to be kind, consistent, positive, communicative, and honest, you are more likely to gain work. Professionals will trust the opinion of another professional over the opinion you present of yourself. If they receive positive feedback of an experience with you, you’ve got yourself another project.

如果您以友善,一致,积极,沟通和诚实而著称,那么您更有可能获得工作。 专业人士会信任其他专业人士的意见,而不是您自己提出的意见。 如果他们收到与您合作的经验的积极反馈,则您将获得另一个项目。

寻找导师 (Find a mentor)

Let’s be honest. You most likely don’t have all the knowledge and experience it takes to start your own business. That’s why it is so important that you find a mentor or two…or ten.

说实话。 您很可能不具备开办自己的企业所需的全部知识和经验。 这就是为什么找到一个或两个导师或十个导师如此重要的原因。

It can be intimidating getting out there and extending your vulnerabilities to someone whom you may or may not know very well. But once you get over the hurdle of pride and stubbornness, you’ll enter a world of professionals who are more than willing to assist you along your journey.

恐吓到那里并将您的漏洞扩展到您可能认识或不认识的人。 但是,一旦您克服了骄傲和固执的障碍,您就会进入一个专业人士的世界,他们乐于为您的旅途提供帮助。

Everyone needs to start somewhere, and most (if not all) started right where you are at this very moment — reading articles about how to make a dream manifest in your mind, and how to bring to life a skill at your fingertips.


One of my key mentors is one of my bootcamp instructors, John McSwain. He is incredibly passionate about coding, knowledge, teaching, and life in general. He is an inspiration in bringing dreams, thoughts, and ideas to life. He is also a big proponent of the key ingredient of grit.

我的主要导师之一是我的训练营讲师之一约翰·麦克斯温 ( John McSwain) 。 他对编码,知识,教学和一般生活充满了极大的热情。 他是将梦想,思想和想法变为现实的灵感来源。 他也是坚韧不拔关键要素的坚定支持者。

Several times throughout the bootcamp when students were becoming discouraged with the amount of work, the difficulty, or time management, he would give the best back-to-reality talk to pick you up and get your stuff together. I needed his wakeup calls, and he was the first one I went to when I was thinking about diving into the freelance world.

在整个训练营中,当学生因工作量,难度或时间安排而变得灰心丧气时,他会多次提出最切合实际的谈话来接您,并把您的东西汇集在一起​​。 我需要他的叫醒电话,当我考虑进入自由职业者世界时,他是我去的第一个。

I already knew I had my first client lined up, but I was terrified and my confidence wasn’t where I thought it should be. When everyone else I had talked to said that freelancing was “not a world to get into,” or it was “too tough,” John’s response was, “Go for it!” And I did.

我已经知道我有第一个客户排队,但是我很害怕,我的信心不在我认为应该的位置。 当我与其他所有人交谈时,自由职业是“一个无法进入的世界”,或者“太艰难了”,约翰的回答是:“努力!” 而我做到了。

不要害怕问问题 (Don’t be afraid to ask questions)

Starting a business is also intimidating in the financial and tax categories. I actually came across a freeCodeCamp article and video on my LinkedIn feed by Luke Cicilieno. He was able to answer a lot of the questions I had in my head, which was the last step that was holding me back from jumping into all the paperwork and glory that came with the job. During his video, Luke encouraged viewers to “feel free to contact him with any questions”… and that’s exactly what I did.

开办企业在财务和税收类别中也令人生畏。 实际上,我在Luke Cicilieno的 LinkedIn提要中遇到了freeCodeCamp文章和视频 。 他能够回答我脑海中的许多问题,这是阻止我跳入工作所伴随的所有文书工作和荣耀的最后一步。 在他的视频中,卢克鼓励观众“如有任何问题,随时联系他”……而这正是我所做的。

I found him on LinkedIn, sent him a message to see if he was willing to answer any questions, and he did more than expected. He responded promptly and offered to hop on the phone with me to discuss any questions I had. This ultimately gave me the final push I needed to get the paperwork going.

我在LinkedIn上找到了他,并给他发了一条消息,看他是否愿意回答任何问题,而且他的表现超出了预期。 他Swift回应,并提出与我通电话讨论我的任何问题。 最终,这给了我完成文书工作所需的最后推动力。

As I said before about networking — you’ll be surprised to see how many professionals are willing to stick out a helping hand and offer advice, support, and even potential referrals! Ask questions — the worst that can happen is that they don’t respond, or say “no.” Feel free to reach out to me as well!

正如我之前所说的,您会惊讶地看到有这么多专业人士愿意伸出援助之手,并提供建议,支持,甚至潜在的推荐! 提出问题-可能发生的最糟糕的情况是他们没有回应,或者说“不”。 也可以随时与我联系!

好吧,我有客户-现在呢? (Ok, I have the client — now what?)

我的第一个客户的故事 (The story of my first client)

This step was one of the most challenging for me to overcome. I did the work to gain the skills, I did the work to network and gain the client, and now they actually want to hire me… now what?!

这是我要克服的最具挑战性的步骤之一。 我做了工作以获取技能,我进行了工作以建立人脉并获得客户,现在他们实际上想雇用我……现在呢?!

I had never created a contract before, I had no idea what I should charge, and putting a project timeline and deadline together seemed daunting. Just like you, I started out by reading several articles about all the different aspects of the business side of freelancing.

我以前从未创建过合同,也不知道应该收取什么费用,将项目时间表和截止日期放在一起似乎很艰巨。 就像您一样,我首先阅读了几篇关于自由职业的所有不同方面的文章。

我知道我需要弄清楚的事情 (Things I knew I needed to figure out)
  • Price

  • Payment plan

  • Content

  • Timeline

  • Deliverables

  • Contract


A sit-down with the client to discuss desired content is of utmost importance. This is what drives the price, timeline, and deliverables. Before that meeting, I sent the client a list of 10 simple questions to answer about their website, business, and vision. This gave me a good idea of what exactly they were looking for, what was most important to them. I also hoped that their answers would help fill in some other blanks, too.

与客户坐下来讨论所需的内容至关重要。 这就是驱动价格,时间表和可交付成果的因素。 在那次会议之前,我向客户发送了一个10个简单问题的列表,以回答有关其网站,业务和愿景的问题。 这使我对他们到底在寻找什么,对他们来说最重要的想法有了一个很好的主意。 我也希望他们的回答也可以帮助填补其他空白。

Here’s my little questionnaire:


1. Tell me about your business. What does it do? What does it provide? What is your philosophy?

1.告诉我您的生意。 它有什么作用? 它提供什么? 你的哲学是什么?

2. What would you like your site to accomplish?


3. What makes your company unique and remarkable?


4. Who are your competitors?


5. What types of websites do you like? Why do you like them? What types don’t you like and why?

5.您喜欢哪种类型的网站? 你为什么喜欢他们? 您不喜欢哪种类型,为什么?

6. Who exactly are your customers? What audience would you like to reach?

6.谁是您的客户? 您想吸引哪些观众?

7. What features would you like your website to have? Social media connection? E-Commerce (merchandise shopping)? A blog? Photo Gallery? Videos? Mobile app or responsive? Contact/Feedback form?

7.您希望您的网站具有哪些功能? 社交媒体连接? 电子商务(商品购物)? 一个博客? 照片库? 影片? 移动应用还是响应式的? 联系/反馈表格?

8. Do you have any existing design material? Logo? Old website? Promotional items? Something else?

8.您是否有任何现有的设计材料? 商标? 旧网站? 促销品? 还有吗

9. What is your budget for this website?


10. What is your timeline for launching this website?


Once I received the answers, I set up a face-to-face kickoff where we could go through the answers, discuss them, and come up with some reasonable guidelines and stopping points for current desired content.


设定时间表 (Setting a timeline)

The content was listed and described as specifically as possible so there were no questions or miscommunications about agreed upon items such as pages, colors, and functionality. Once this was done, we were able to move onto the timeline. The agreed upon content, my availability, and the clients desired timeline all played a role in this.

内容被尽可能详细地列出和描述,因此对于诸如页面,颜色和功能之类的约定项目没有任何疑问或误解。 完成此操作后,我们便可以进入时间表了。 商定的内容,我的空缺以及客户期望的时间表都在其中发挥了作用。

Luckily, the client was not in a hurry, so I was able to set the timeline based upon a reasonable commitment from myself based on the criteria. It is also important to note that creating the timeline is just as much on you, the developer, as it is on them, the client.

幸运的是,客户并不着急,因此我能够根据自己根据标准做出的合理承诺来设定时间表。 同样重要的是要注意,创建时间线对您(对开发人员)和对客户(对客户)都同样重要。

If they don’t get you the content, information, or feedback in a timely matter, the timeline pushes back. I made this clear verbally, as well as in the contract — which I will discuss in a bit. Along with the final launch date, we also decided on reasonable milestones a review process.

如果他们没有及时为您提供内容,信息或反馈,则时间轴会推迟。 我在口头和合同中都明确指出了这一点,我将在后面进行讨论。 除了最后的发布日期,我们还决定了合理的里程碑,以进行审核。

Every Tuesday evening, I would send my client my updates for them to review. I did this by launching the app on a free Heroku site so they could view it, click around, and make adequate notes on the current functionality and design. Their feedback was always due by Friday of that week, and if I received no feedback, I continued working as if it was a thumbs up.

每个星期二晚上,我都会将我的最新动态发送给客户,以供他们审核。 我通过在免费的Heroku网站上启动该应用程序来做到这一点,以便他们可以查看它,单击并在当前功能和设计上做适当的注释。 他们的反馈意见总是在该周的星期五之前提交,如果我没有收到任何反馈意见,我会继续工作,好像是竖起大拇指。

This system seemed to work out very well and the client was very pleased with the level of transparency I was providing them.


确定价格 (Determining a price)

Next, we needed to decide a price. Many articles went back and forth about whether to charge hourly vs. having a set fee for the entire project. Since I was brand new to the freelance world, and my client knew that, I decided that setting a overall lump cost for the project was the better way to go.

接下来,我们需要确定价格。 关于是否按小时收费与是否为整个项目收取固定费用的许多文章来回回荡。 由于我是自由职业者的新手,并且我的客户知道这一点,所以我决定为项目设置总体成本是更好的选择。

I already knew I would be putting in extra time since I didn’t have a project codebase or experience to lean on. I still had a lot to learn about the technologies I chose to use, and let’s be honest, I was still pretty slow. And I didn’t want my first client to pay for my learning curve.

我已经知道我会花很多时间,因为我没有项目代码库或经验。 关于选择使用的技术,我还有很多要学习的知识,老实说,我仍然很慢。 而且我不希望我的第一个客户为我的学习付出代价。

We discussed pricing in person, and looking back it seems a bit like I low-balled myself. But that’s only because the amount of time I put into the project did not have the best return when breaking in down into an hourly earnings.

我们亲自讨论了定价,然后回过头来似乎有点低估了自己。 但这仅仅是因为我投入该项目的时间在按小时计算时并没有获得最佳回报。

However, the price was agreed upon and I felt it was fair at the time for both of us. I needed to get my foot in the door, and they were willing to take a chance on a complete noob.

但是,价格是商定的,我当时觉得对我们俩来说都是公平的。 我需要站起来,他们愿意尝试一个完整的菜鸟。

If this went well, I would have my first project on my portfolio and a satisfied customer willing to spread the word. Plus, I literally had no idea how much to charge or how many hours it would truly take me — trial and error.

如果一切顺利,我将在自己的投资组合中拥有我的第一个项目,并有一个满意的客户愿意推广。 另外,我真的不知道要多少充电或真正要花费我几个小时-反复试验。

创建合同 (Creating the contract)

Once price, timeline, and content was discussed and agreed upon, it was now time to create my contract with the client. My first thought was, “How the heck do I write up a contract?” And “What the heck goes into a contract anyways?”

一旦价格,时间表和内容经过讨论并达成共识,现在就该与客户建立我的合同了。 我的第一个念头是:“我该怎么写合同?” 还有“无论如何,合同到底是怎么回事?”

I was pretty lost, but I started researching and found this open-source contract for web professionals by Stuff & Nonsense. I took this contract and tweaked it a bit to make it my own. I wanted to make sure that the agreed upon price, payment, timeline, and content were all captured so there were no miscommunications or misunderstandings.

我当时很茫然,但是我开始研究,发现了Stuff&Nonsense的这份针对Web专业人员的开源合同 。 我接受了这份合同,并对其进行了一些调整以使其成为我自己的合同。 我想确保所有商定的价格,付款,时间表和内容都被记录下来,以免造成任何误解或误解。

I also included the basic freelancing jargon of who owns what, who is responsible for what, and what the process is if something is not properly handled. After review from both parties, we signed the contract and the project was underway! Hooray!

我还介绍了谁拥有什么,谁负责什么,以及如果处理不正确的过程是什么的基本自由职业行话。 经过双方的审查,我们签署了合同,项目正在进行中! 万岁!

Note: now that my business has been created, I intend on seeking out an attorney to create an official contract to use with future clients.

注意 :既然我的业务已经创建,我打算寻找一名律师来创建一份正式合同,以供将来的客户使用。

砂砾 (Grit)

I left the most important part of my journey until the end: the importance of grit.


Grit is what got me through the bootcamp while working a full-time job with the late nights, early mornings, endless screen time, dramatic change in my social life (what social life?), the sacrifices of my relationships, time, money, sleep…


This is the same grit that allowed me to graduate with a certificate in Full Stack Development from Georgia Tech, earn a new full-time job at a top company as a full-stack developer, and have the courage and just enough insanity to also start my own company at the same time.


This is what will help you have grit:


  • Be open to change, new technologies, criticism, failure, and success.


  • Hold yourself accountable. No one will be there to tell you to work 8–5 or give you a story to complete. You need to create and complete your own stories and set your own hours. This sounds amazing, but can be incredibly difficult if you can’t hold yourself accountable.

    让自己负责。 没有人会告诉你工作8-5或给你一个故事来完成。 您需要创建并完成自己的故事并设置自己的时间。 这听起来很神奇,但如果您无法追究自己的责任,则可能会非常困难。

  • Plan, plan, plan. Use tools like Trello to track backlog, development, bugs, and reviews to keep track of your time and work.

    计划,计划,计划。 使用Trello之类的工具来跟踪积压,开发,错误和检查,以跟踪您的时间和工作。

If you share the dream of owning your own freelance web development company, expect it to be tough. Expect a drastic schedule shift. Expect a change in your social life. Expect a shift in your priorities. You are making yourself and your company a priority and change needs to occur to make room.

如果您拥有拥有自己的自由网络开发公司的梦想,那么这将是艰难的。 期望日程安排发生剧烈变化。 期待您的社交生活发生变化。 期望您的优先级发生变化。 您正在把自己和公司放在首位,需要腾出空间来腾出空间。

However, with all of the change, there are no regrets with only bigger plans in sight. It is absolutely astonishing what you are capable of when you find your passion, believe in yourself, and are driven to make your dreams a reality. That grit is your power.

但是,在进行了所有更改之后,只有更远大的计划出现,我们才不会后悔。 当您发现自己的激情,相信自己并被驱使实现梦想时,您的能力绝对令人惊讶。 勇气是你的力量。

Know that you CAN DO IT, all you need to do is JUMP!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/from-grit-to-gigs-how-i-started-my-freelancing-business-8fbfb514a5a3/


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