2020 flutter_什么是Flutter以及为什么要在2020年学习

Flutter是Google的免费开源移动UI框架,可让您使用Dart编程语言和一个代码库构建原生移动应用。其优点包括简单的学习曲线、快速编译、适用于启动MVP、丰富的文档和不断壮大的社区。Flutter还受到Android Studio和VS Code的支持,为开发者提供了高效开发的工具。

2020 flutter

This year, mobile applications continued to become more and more popular. Fortunately there are many programming tools available to developers who want to create them. Among these tools there is Flutter, which has distinguished itself lately.

今年,移动应用程序继续变得越来越流行。 幸运的是,有许多编程工具可供想要创建它们的开发人员使用。 在这些工具中有Flutter,该工具最近很出众。

什么是颤振? (What is Flutter?)

Flutter is a free and open-source mobile UI framework created by Google and released in May 2017. In a few words, it allows you to create a native mobile application with only one codebase. This means that you can use one programming language and one codebase to create two different apps (for iOS and Android).

Flutter是Google创建的免费开放源代码移动UI框架,于2017年5月发布。简而言之,它允许您仅使用一个代码库创建本机移动应用程序。 这意味着您可以使用一种编程语言和一种代码库来创建两个不同的应用程序(适用于iOS和Android)。

Flutter consists of two important parts:


  • An SDK (Software Development Kit): A collection of tools that are going to help you develop your applications. This includes tools to compile your code into native machine code (code for iOS and Android).

    SDK(软件开发套件):一系列可帮助您开发应用程序的工具。 这包括将您的代码编译为本机代码(iOS和Android的代码)的工具。
  • A Framework (UI Library based on widgets): A collection of reusable UI elements (buttons, text inputs, sliders, and so on) that you can personalize for your own needs.


To develop with Flutter, you will use a programming language called Dart. The language was created by Google in October 2011, but it has improved a lot over these past years.

要使用Flutter进行开发,您将使用一种称为Dart的编程语言。 该语言是Google于2011年10月创建的,但在过去的几年中,它有了很大的改进。

Dart focuses on front-end development, and you can use it to create mobile and web applications.


If you know a bit of programming, Dart is a typed object programming language. You can compare Dart's syntax to JavaScript.

如果您懂一些编程,那么Dart是一种类型化的对象编程语言。 您可以将Dart的语法与JavaScript进行比较。

“Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.” - Google, flutter.dev

“ Flutter是Google的UI工具包,可通过单个代码库为移动,Web和桌面构建漂亮的,本机编译的应用程序。” -Googleflutter.dev

为什么要学习Flutter? (Why you should learn Flutter?)

I selected some of the reasons why I like Flutter and why I want to use it next year. I will give you details and my feedback below.

我选择了一些为什么我喜欢Flutter以及为什么要在明年使用它的原因。 我将在下面为您提供详细信息和反馈。

易于学习和使用 (Simple to learn and use)

Flutter is a modern framework, and you can feel it! It’s way simpler to create mobile applications with it. If you have used Java, Swift, or React Native, you'll notice how Flutter is different.

Flutter是一个现代框架,您可以感受到它! 使用它创建移动应用程序更简单。 如果您使用过Java,Swift或React Native,您会注意到Flutter有何不同。

I personally never liked mobile application development before I started using Flutter.


What I love about Flutter is that you can create a real native application without a bunch of code.


快速编译:最高生产率 (Quick compilation: maximum productivity)

Thanks to Flutter, you can change your code and see the results in real-time. It’s called Hot-Reload. It only takes a short amount of time after you save to update the application itself.

感谢Flutter,您可以更改代码并实时查看结果。 称为热重装。 保存后,只需要很短的时间即可更新应用程序本身。

Significant modifications force you to reload the app. But if you do work like design, for example, and change the size of an element, it’s in real-time!

重大修改迫使您重新加载应用程序。 但是,例如,如果您确实像设计那样工作,并且更改元素的大小,则它是实时的!

启动MVP的理想选择 (Ideal for startup MVPs)

If you want to show your product to investors as soon as possible, Flutter is a good choice.


Here are my top 4 reasons to use it for your MVP:


  • It’s cheaper to develop a mobile application with Flutter because you don’t need to create and maintain two mobile apps (one for iOS and one for Android).

  • One developer is all you need to create your MVP.

  • It’s performant – you won't notice the difference between a native application and a Flutter app.

  • It’s beautiful – you can easily use widgets provided by Flutter and personalize it to create a valuable UI for your customers (you can find examples of applications made with Flutter below).


好的文档 (Good documentation)

It’s important for new technology to have good documentation. But it’s not always the case that it has it!

具有良好的文档对于新技术很重要。 但是,并非总是如此!

You can learn a lot from Flutter's documentation, and everything is very detailed with easy examples for basic use cases. Each time I’ve had a problem with one of my widgets in my code, I have been able to check the documentation and the answer was there.

您可以从Flutter的文档中学到很多东西,所有内容都非常详细,并提供了一些简单的基本用例示例。 每次我的代码中的一个小部件出现问题时,我都可以检查文档并找到答案。

成长中的社区 (A growing community)

Flutter has a robust community, and it’s only the beginning!


As you may know, I love to share my knowledge and useful content on programming on my website. I need to know I’m working on a technology full of potential with a lot of backers.

如您所知,我喜欢在我的网站上分享有关编程的知识和有用的内容。 我需要知道我正在与众多支持者一起开发具有潜力的技术。

When I started using Flutter, the first thing I did was search for communities, and to my surprise… there are a considerable number of places to exchange info on Flutter.


I will give you some examples of places I love to check daily. Feel free to send me a message on Twitter with your suggestions.

我会给您一些我喜欢每天检查的地方的例子。 欢迎在Twitter上我发送一条包含您的建议的消息

  • Flutter Awesome: An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries and tools. This website publishes daily content with lots of examples, application templates, advice, and so on.

    Flutter Awesome:很棒的列表,精选了最好的Flutter库和工具。 该网站发布每日内容,其中包含许多示例,应用程序模板,建议等。

  • Awesome Flutter: A GitHub repository (linked to Flutter Awesome) with a list of articles, videos, components, utilities, and so on.

    Awesome Flutter:一个GitHub存储库(链接到Flutter Awesome),其中包含文章,视频,组件,实用程序等的列表。

  • It’s all widgets!: An open list of apps built with Flutter.


  • Flutter Community: A Medium publication where you can find articles, tutorials, and much more.


受Android Studio和VS Code支持 (Supported by Android Studio and VS Code)

Flutter is available on different IDEs. The two main code editors for developing with this technology are Android Studio (IntelliJ) and VS Code.

Flutter在不同的IDE上可用。 使用此技术进行开发的两个主要代码编辑器是Android Studio(IntelliJ)和VS Code。

Android Studio is a complete software with everything already integrated. You have to download Flutter and Dart plugins to start.

Android Studio是一款完整的软件,具有已集成的所有功能。 您必须下载Flutter和Dart插件才能启动。

VS Code is a lightweight tool, and everything is configurable through plugins from the marketplace.

VS Code是一种轻量级的工具,可以通过市场上的插件进行配置。

I use Android Studio because I don’t need to configure a lot of things to work.

我使用Android Studio是因为我不需要配置很多工作。

You are free to choose your preferred IDE!


奖金 (Bonus)

自由职业者 (Freelance)

If you want to start doing some freelance work, you should think about using Flutter.


In 2020, I believe that this technology is going to explode. And that means a lot of people are going to search for developers who know how to use it.

相信在2020年,这项技术将会爆炸。 这意味着很多人会去寻找知道如何使用它的开发人员。

The biggest platform for freelancers in France, called Malt, recently published the tech trends of this year. Flutter has grown by +303% on this platform between 2018 and 2019.

法国最大的自由职业者平台称为Malt,最近发布了今年的技术趋势。 在2018年至2019年之间,Flutter在该平台上的收入增长了+ 303%。

结论 (Conclusion)

Well, what do you think of Flutter? Will you start learning it next year?

好吧,您如何看待Flutter? 您明年开始学习吗?

I hope that this introduction has interested and motivated you. Feel free to share this article if you liked it.

希望本简介对您有兴趣并能激发您的动力。 如果喜欢,请随时分享此文章。

Don't miss my content by following me on Twitter and Instagram.


You can find other articles like this on my website: herewecode.io.

您可以在我的网站上找到其他类似的文章: herewecode.io

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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-is-flutter-and-why-you-should-learn-it-in-2020/

2020 flutter





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