了解Stack Overflow,这是您获得编程和调试知识的途径

无休止的知识? (Endless knowledge?)

Can you imagine a platform where you could access the advice and wisdom of developers from all around the world? That is exactly what Stack Overflow is for programming and why it’s a vital tool for you as a developer.

您能想象一个平台,您可以在其中获得世界各地开发人员的建议和智慧吗? 这正是Stack Overflow用于编程的原因,也是为什么它对于您作为开发人员而言至关重要的工具。

Stack Overflow is what I consider a “collective encyclopedia” in the form of online forums with knowledge and experiences shared by developers across the world. Developers help other developers solve problems that they face during their software development projects.

我认为Stack Overflow是在线论坛形式的“集体百科全书”,其中包含了世界各地开发人员共享的知识和经验。 开发人员可以帮助其他开发人员解决他们在软件开发项目中遇到的问题。

This platform is so powerful that I felt it was vital to introduce it to those exactly like you, who are embarking on this amazing journey to learn computer science and programming.


Collaboration makes great ideas change the world. Stack Overflow has transformed the way developers across the globe solve problems, and find the information they need for their projects.

合作使伟大的想法改变了世界。 Stack Overflow改变了全球开发人员解决问题,查找项目所需信息的方式。

If you try to Google an error thrown by your code or simply a question related to coding, I’m 99.99% sure that you will find a very similar (if not the same) question already asked and answered on Stack Overflow by developers who are probably thousands of miles away from you.

如果您尝试使用Google代码引发的错误或只是一个与编码相关的问题,我相信99.99%的人肯定会在开发人员已经对Stack Overflow提出并回答了一个非常相似(如果不相同)的问题可能离您数千英里。

Really impressive, right? Let’s dive deeper into why this platform is so powerful!

真的很棒,对吧? 让我们更深入地了解这个平台为何如此强大!

⭐️堆栈溢出的力量 (⭐️ The power of Stack Overflow)

Your true potential as a developer unleashes when you are able to find the right information at the right moment for your current project. Only then are you completely free to apply your new knowledge to new domains with enough confidence to create something really amazing.

当您能够在正确的时机为当前项目找到正确的信息时,您作为开发人员的真正潜力就会释放。 只有这样,您才完全有足够的信心将自己的新知识应用于新领域,以创造出真正令人惊奇的东西。

This is where the true power of Stack Overflow lies: it allows you to be as creative as possible while learning and experimenting, without the risk of running into a dead end when there are no answers to your questions.

这就是Stack Overflow真正力量的所在:它使您在学习和实验时尽可能发挥创造力,而在没有答案的情况下也不会陷入僵局。

By adapting existing answers that you find on Stack Overflow to your own projects, you will develop a skill that is incredibly valuable. You will learn how to face new challenges by creatively applying existing resources to new circumstances.

通过将在Stack Overflow上找到的现有答案调整到自己的项目中,您将开发出非常有价值的技能。 您将学习如何通过创造性地将现有资源应用于新情况来面对新的挑战。

The only source of knowledge is experience. — Albert Einstein
知识的唯一来源是经验。 - 艾尔伯特爱因斯坦

什么时候需要堆栈溢出? (When will you need Stack Overflow?)

  • When you are learning programming and new technologies, you will need lots of practice. This requires learning by researching and by trying new things on your own. Stack Overflow can be your guide to finally solving the puzzle.

    当您学习编程和新技术时,您将需要大量练习。 这需要通过研究和自己尝试新事物来学习。 堆栈溢出可以作为最终解决难题的指南。

  • When you are working on a project and find bugs in your code, Stack Overflow will be your place to read about similar scenarios and analyze how you can adapt existing solutions to your project (Trust me, you can learn so much from this! ?).

    当您在从事项目工作并发现代码中的错误时, Stack Overflow将是您阅读类似方案并分析如何将现有解决方案适应项目的地方(相信我,您可以从中学到很多!!) 。

  • When your code throws an unexpected error and you need to determine what could be causing it and how to fix it.

    当您的代码引发意外错误时 ,您需要确定可能导致它的原因以及如何修复它。

  • When you have a question on a topic related to programming.


寻找答案 (Find answers)

在几秒钟内找到信息 (Find information in seconds)

Your best ally will be Google Search. Use the pattern below to enter your question into the Google Search Bar. This will find links to very similar questions that have already been asked and answered on this platform:

您最好的盟友将是Google搜索 。 使用以下模式将您的问题输入到Google搜索栏中。 这将找到此平台上已经提出并回答的非常相似问题的链接:

Stack Overflow <Language or Technology> <Question or Error>

For example:


Stack Overflow Android Activity not restoring information on rotation

Note: You can copy/paste the error message as the third element.


堆栈溢出问题的基本结构 (Basic structure of a Stack Overflow question)
✅答案 (✅ Answers)

Below the question, you will find the answers that other developers have posted. The answer with a check mark is the one chosen by the questioner as the best answer.

在问题下方,您将找到其他开发人员已发布的答案。 带问号的答案是发问者选择的最佳答案。

Upvote a question if you find it helpful, or downvote it if it’s incorrect. You can do this by creating your own account on Stack Overflow. This helps other developers find the right question and the right answer to their question.

如果认为有帮助,则对问题进行投票;如果不正确,则对它进行投票。 您可以通过在Stack Overflow上创建自己的帐户来做到这一点。 这有助于其他开发人员找到正确的问题和对他们问题的正确答案。

You can vote on multiple questions and multiple answers. You can also vote on comments.

您可以对多个问题和多个答案进行投票。 您也可以对评论投票。

Note: Be really careful to check the date of when a question was asked and answered. Some answers may be outdated and the solutions may not be optimal if they were posted a few years ago and technologies have changed. In this case, I suggest trying to find similar questions posted more recently.

注意:请务必仔细检查询问和回答问题的日期。 如果几年前发布这些答案并且技术已发生变化,则某些答案可能已经过时 ,解决方案也可能不是最佳的。 在这种情况下,我建议尝试查找最近发布的类似问题。

找不到答案? 问一个新问题。 (Can’t find the answer? Ask a new question.)

If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, you can ask a new question by creating your account. Go to Stack Overflow and sign up by completing the form, or authenticate with your Google or Facebook account.

如果找不到所需的答案,则可以通过创建帐户来提出新问题。 转到Stack Overflow并通过填写表格进行注册,或使用您的Google或Facebook帐户进行身份验证。

When you sign in to your account, you can customize your profile. You will then be able to ask questions by clicking on this blue button located below the search bar:

登录到帐户后 ,您可以自定义个人资料。 然后,您可以通过单击搜索栏下方的蓝色按钮来提问:

After clicking on this button, you will see a brief summary of the best practices to ask questions. Read them, check the checkbox that says: “thanks, I will keep these tips in mind when asking,” and proceed.

单击此按钮后,您将看到提出问题的最佳做法的简短摘要。 阅读它们,然后选中以下复选框:“谢谢,在询问时我会记住这些提示,”然后继续。

You will see this form to enter your question:


让我们分析每个元素: (Let’s analyze each element:)
  • Title: the title has to be as descriptive as possible to catch the attention of possible contributors who would like to help you and answer your question.


  • Description: this is where you describe your question thoroughly, include a minimum working example of code, and explain your thought process and ideas that did not solve your problem.


  • Format: this is the main bar that customizes how the description will look. You can make the text bold and italic, add links, images, quotes, code snippets, lists, headings, and horizontal rules to separate the main ideas of your description. In particular, code is expected to have a specific format.

    格式:这是自定义说明外观的主栏。 您可以使文本变为粗体和斜体,添加链接,图像,引号,代码段,列表,标题和水平规则,以分隔描述的主要思想。 特别是,代码应具有特定的格式。

  • Help: If you click on each category, you can see the syntax used for each element and tips to customize the format even further.


  • Tags: they are categories related to your question that help possible contributors find it. For example, if your question was related to Android, you would include “Android” as one of the tags. You can add up to five tags.

    标签:它们是与您的问题相关的类别,可帮助可能的参与者找到它。 例如,如果您的问题与Android有关,则可以将“ Android”作为标签之一。 您最多可以添加五个标签。

Note: Between the two bars located below the description box, you will see a preview of your post formatted exactly like it will be posted on the platform. Awesome, right?

注意在说明框下方的两个条之间,您将看到与平台上发布的格式完全相同的预览。 很帅吧?

在Stack Overflow上提问的最佳实践 (Best practices to ask questions on Stack Overflow)

  • Search thoroughly for an answer related to your question before posting a new question. In most cases, you will find a question that is very closely related to yours, and you will be able to adapt the existing solutions to your project. Your question will be closed as a duplicate if an earlier question is too similar.

    发布新问题之前,请彻底搜索与您的问题相关的答案。 在大多数情况下,您会发现一个与您的问题非常相关的问题,并且您将能够将现有的解决方案适应您的项目。 如果先前的问题太相似,您的问题将作为重复项关闭。

  • Be as specific as possible. Include a very specific title and description with errors, code snippets, and alternatives you’ve tried that haven’t solved the issue.

    要尽可能具体。 包括一个非常具体的标题 以及带有错误,代码段以及您尝试过但无法解决问题的替代方法的说明。

  • Select relevant tags. This will help categorize your question and find the right developers to help you.

    选择相关标签。 这将有助于对问题进行分类,并找到合适的开发人员来帮助您。

Note: You can find more information on best practices to ask questions on the Stack Overflow Help Center.

注意您可以在S 策略溢出帮助中心上找到有关最佳做法的更多信息,以提出问题

成为堆栈溢出贡献者 (Become a Stack Overflow contributor)

Now that you created your account and asked questions, you can contribute to the Stack Overflow community by answering questions.

现在,您已经创建了帐户并提出了问题,您可以通过回答问题来向Stack Overflow社区做出贡献。

Think about it — your answers will help thousands of developers across the world! Isn’t that exciting?

考虑一下-您的答案将帮助全球成千上万的开发人员! 那不令人兴奋吗?

To find questions that you may like to answer, go to the search bar and enter a keyword or topic:


You will see a list of questions with this format:


Click on the title of the question to see more details and previous answers and post your answer.


Note: You can also click on specific tags that interest you, and the search will be filtered to display questions with this tag.


徽章 (Badges)

As you contribute to Stack Overflow, you will earn reputation and badges. They are a really awesome way in which Stack Overflow recognizes your contributions to the platform and to the overall community. There are minimum reputation levels to unlock some features of Stack Overflow. For example, upvoting requires a minimum of 15 reputation.

当您为Stack Overflow做出贡献时,您将赢得声誉和徽章。 它们是Stack Overflow认可您对平台和整个社区所做的贡献的一种了不起的方式。 有最低的信誉级别可以解锁Stack Overflow的某些功能。 例如,投票至少需要15个声望。

There are several categories of badges such as question badges, answer badges, participation badges, tag badges, moderation badges and many more.


Note: You can find the complete list of badges and their descriptions on the Stack Overflow Badges Article.


As you continue to dive into Stack Overflow you will earn the admiration and respect of your fellow developers, and who knows? Maybe you will be a moderator for the platform one day!

随着您继续深入Stack Overflow,您将赢得其他开发人员的赞赏和尊重,谁知道呢? 也许您有一天将成为该平台的主持人!

这仅仅是开始! (This is just the beginning!)

Learning computer science and programming is a really awesome journey where there is always something new to learn. I’m sure you will really love Stack Overflow throughout your future as a developer.

学习计算机科学和编程是一个非常棒的旅程,总是有新的东西要学习。 我敢肯定,作为开发人员的未来,您会非常喜欢Stack Overflow。

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my article.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/meet-stack-overflow-your-path-to-programming-and-debugging-knowledge-f8cb04c2acab/





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