
by Angelos Chalaris

通过安吉洛斯·查拉利斯(Angelos Chalaris)

如何在StackOverflow上获得第一个标签徽章-以及为什么它很重要。 (How to get your first tag badge on StackOverflow — and why it’s important.)

Every developer uses StackOverflow in different ways. Some use it to figure out how to fix bugs in their code. Others enjoy being able to copy-and-paste that very confusing ternary operator with easily forgettable syntax. While others just ask for some help on how to approach complex problems.

每个开发人员都以不同的方式使用StackOverflow。 一些人用它来找出如何修复他们代码中的错误。 其他人则喜欢能够将易于混淆的三元运算符复制粘贴到非常容易混淆的三元运算符上。 而其他人只是寻求有关如何解决复杂问题的帮助。

But the more people I meet, the clearer it becomes that not all is well in the developer community. On the one hand, StackOverflow has taken the time to implement a reward system that can help driven developers stand out from the crowd. They can even get jobs based on their contributions to the community. But it seems like the vast majority of developers refuse to give back to the community. They don’t take the time to share their knowledge and perspective in order to help others.

但是,我遇到的人越多,就可以清楚地看出,开发人员社区中的状况并非一帆风顺。 一方面,StackOverflow花了一些时间来实施奖励系统,该系统可以帮助受驱动的开发人员在人群中脱颖而出。 他们甚至可以根据对社区的贡献来获得工作。 但是,似乎绝大多数开发商拒绝回馈社区。 他们不花时间分享自己的知识和观点来帮助他人。

After a year of actively contributing in my spare time, I got my first tag badge for Javascript. It feels amazing to write this. So I decided that I should share my success story (if you can call it that) to explain what I’ve learned in this past year of contributing to the site.

经过一年的业余时间积极贡献,我获得了我的第一个Javascript标签徽章。 写这个感觉很棒。 因此,我决定与大家分享我的成功故事(如果可以这样说),以解释我在过去一年中为该网站做出的贡献。

做你的研究 (Do your research)

For most of us, our StackOverflow is built hastily while working on some assignment due the next morning. We’re just trying to get a quick solution for a bug we cannot understand at all.

对于我们大多数人来说,我们的StackOverflow都是匆忙构建的,同时要在第二天早上进行一些作业。 我们只是试图为根本无法理解的错误提供快速解决方案。

This is how it started for me and many of the people I have met. But asking the right question the right way is very important. It should be one of the first things that you learn when you get on StackOverflow.

这是对我和我认识的许多人的开始。 但是以正确的方式提出正确的问题非常重要。 当您进入StackOverflow时,它应该是您学习的第一件事。

So, my advice is to research your problem, understand it and then explain it in simple terms. Use the minimum amount of code possible if you want your question to get quality answers and a non-negative score.

因此,我的建议是研究您的问题, 理解它,然后以简单的术语进行解释 。 如果您希望问题获得高质量的答案和非负分数,请使用尽可能少的代码。

了解您的工具 (Understand your tools)

Everything in life has a learning curve, and the tools we use for asking and answering questions are no different. In my experience, most downvotes come from poorly asked and formatted questions, as well as from answers that could have been comments.

生活中的一切都有学习曲线,我们用于提问和回答问题的工具也没有什么不同。 以我的经验,大多数不赞成票来自于提问不佳和格式不正确的问题,以及可能是评论的答案。

Wrong answers are less downvoted and get a lot of comments or edits, which helps improve the answer itself. So, before you ask for help or try to provide it, make sure you understand the rules and tools of the site.

错误的答案不那么令人讨厌,可以得到很多评论或编辑,这有助于改善答案本身。 因此,在寻求帮助或尝试提供帮助之前,请确保您了解该站点的规则和工具

边走边学 (Learn as you go)

Answering questions on StackOverflow is itself more of a learning experience than a teaching one. When I started answering Javascript questions, I was just a beginner. One year later, after earning a tag badge, I’m still really an intermediate Javascript developer.

在StackOverflow上回答问题本身更多是学习 经验胜于教学。 当我开始回答Javascript问题时,我只是一个初学者。 一年后,在获得标签徽章后,我仍然是一名中级Javascript开发人员。

I have learned this: if someone is asking for your help, you don’t necessarily have to be smarter or more experienced than they are. All you need to provide is a fresh pair of eyes and some extra time. Usually, when you try your hand at rewriting or fixing their code, you’re doing so with tricks they might not have used in the past or by searching for something they might not have considered.

我了解到了这一点:如果有人在寻求您的帮助,则不一定非要比他们更聪明或更有经验。 您需要提供的只是一双新鲜的眼睛和一些额外的时间。 通常,当您尝试重写或修复其代码时,您会用他们过去可能没有使用过的技巧或通过搜索他们可能没有考虑过的方法来这样做。

注重质量和数量 (Focus on quality and quantity)

A good answer will probably get you an upvote, a great answer might get you a few more. But there are many occasions where a good answer will not get you anything, even though you were first or you wrote the best answer.

一个好的答案可能会带给您好评,一个好的答案可能会给您带来更多收益。 但是,在很多情况下,即使您是第一位或写下了最佳答案,好的答案也不会给您带来任何好处。

Sometimes the person asking will politely thank you in a comment and not use the upvote button, possibly disappearing forever. Writing great answers is only half the battle. Writing many good answers is the other half. Help as many people as you can. Write as many answers as you can. But never neglect writing quality answers in favor of answering more questions.

有时,询问的人会在评论中礼貌地感谢您,而不使用upvote按钮,这可能会永远消失。 撰写出色的答案只是成功的一半。 编写许多好的答案是另一半。 尽可能多地帮助他人。 尽可能多地写下答案。 但是,千万不要忽略写作质量的答案 ,而倾向于回答更多的问题。

激励自己 (Motivate yourself)

My final tip is less about the site itself and more about the way we approach things like this. Set aside some time and try to reach your goals.

我最后的建议不是网站本身,而是我们处理此类事情的方式。 留出一些时间并尝试实现您的目标。

StackOverflow has done an excellent job motivating people to help others, rewarding them when they do so. You only need to convince yourself that you should take some time to help now and then.

StackOverflow出色地完成了工作,激励人们帮助他人,并在他们这样做时给予他们回报。 您只需要说服自己,就需要时不时地提供帮助。

A tag badge is a pretty good form of motivation, because it focuses on one field of expertise and allows you to work towards a meaningful goal. So, grab a cup of coffee every once in a while and browse those questions. You will find something you can help with sooner or later.

标签徽章是一种很好的激励方式,因为它专注于一个专业领域,并允许您朝着有意义的目标努力。 因此,不时抽一杯咖啡,浏览这些问题。 迟早您会找到可以帮助的内容。

Did you enjoy this article? If so, please give me some claps so more people see it. Thanks!

你喜欢这篇文章吗? 如果是这样,请给我一些鼓掌,以便更多的人看到它。 谢谢!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-get-your-first-tag-badge-on-stackoverflow-and-why-its-important-342db1daa39/





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