

“Teach Yourself to program in 10 years.” That’s how Peter Norvig — a Berkeley professor who now runs Google’s research division — chose to title his classic essay on the importance of practice in learning to code.

“自学编程十年。” 这就是彼得·诺维格(Peter Norvig)的方式,他现在是伯克利大学的教授,现在是Google研究部的负责人。他选择了他的经典文章作为标题,以证明实践对学习编码的重要性。

In this essay, he shares the secret to getting good at coding:


“The key is deliberate practice: not just doing it again and again, but challenging yourself with a task that is just beyond your current ability, trying it, analyzing your performance while and after doing it, and correcting any mistakes. Then repeat. And repeat again. There appear to be no real shortcuts: even Mozart, who was a musical prodigy at age 4, took 13 more years before he began to produce world-class music.”
“关键是有意识的练习:不仅要一遍又一遍地做,还要挑战一项超越您当前能力的任务来挑战自己,尝试一下,分析执行前后的表现,并纠正任何错误。 然后重复。 再重复一次。 似乎没有真正的捷径:即使是4岁的音乐天才莫扎特,也花了13年的时间才开始创作世界一流的音乐。”

Free Code Camp’s curriculum has always emphasized deliberate practice above all else. And this has paid off. In the 13 months since we launched our open source community, “campers” — as we call ourselves — have built important projects for nonprofits and landed challenging software engineering jobs.

Free Code Camp的课程始终强调刻意练习。 这已经得到了回报。 自我们开放开源社区以来的13个月里,“营员”(我们称为自己)为非营利组织建立了重要的项目,并获得了具有挑战性的软件工程工作。

No one can provide you with the full 10 years of deliberate practice that Dr. Norvig recommends. But we’re going to go much further than anyone else has gone toward this ideal. We’re going to offer you a solid year of mind-expanding, ability-stretching challenges.

没有人可以为您提供Norvig博士推荐的长达10年的精心实践。 但是,我们将比其他任何人都朝着这个理想前进。 我们将为您提供坚实的,不断扩展的,不断扩展的能力的挑战。

In doing so, we’ll give you the beginnings of your coding superpowers. Your employers (or your paying clients) will then provide you with the rest of the work you need to round out your quest toward coding greatness.

为此,我们将为您提供编码超级大国的开端。 然后,您的雇主(或您的付费客户)将为您提供其余的工作,以完善您对编码卓越的追求。

有趣的漫画。 等等-您刚刚说了整整一年吗? (Funny comic. Wait — did you just say a full year?)

Starting January 1, 2016, Free Code Camp will provide a solid year — 52 forty-hour weeks, totaling 2,080 hours — of deliberate coding practice.


We will offer 4 verified certifications, each with optional waypoint challenges, followed by open-ended projects, which you’ll build up from nothing more than a list of requirements (agile user stories).


Let’s break down what you’ll build during these 2,080 hours:


Front End Development Certification (400 hours):

前端开发认证 (400小时):

  • 30 JavaScript algorithm challenges

  • 10 single-page applications built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and JSON Data REST APIs

    使用HTML5,CSS3,JavaScript,Bootstrap和JSON Data REST API构建的10个单页应用程序

Data Visualization Certification (400 hours):

数据可视化认证 (400小时):

  • 5 single-page applications built with React.js and Sass

  • 5 Interactive D3.js data visualization applications


Back End Development Certification (400 hours):

后端开发认证 (400小时):

  • 30 more JavaScript algorithm challenges

  • 5 JSON Data REST APIs and Microservices, and their documentation

    5个JSON数据REST API和微服务及其文档
  • 5 dynamic web applications


Full Stack Development Certification (800 hours):

全栈开发认证 (800小时):

  • Requires completion of all three of the above certifications

  • Design and build 2 greenfield full stack applications for real nonprofit organizations

  • Maintain and extend 2 legacy full stack applications for real nonprofit organizations


As always, these certifications are all free, self-paced, and open to anyone with the willpower to achieve them.


We’ll also expand our optional challenges, for improving both your theoretical and practical knowledge:


  • 100+ hours of optional interactive Waypoint challenges on HTML5, jQuery, React.js, Node.js, and everything in between.

  • Hours of interactive video lessons (Hikes) that cover computer science, software engineering, agile software development principles, and user experience design.

  • After you finish the Full Stack Development Certification, you can do a further 80 hours of coding interview training, including mock interviews.


If you’ve already started Free Code Camp, these changes are probably a lot to take in. So let’s answer some questions you may have.

如果您已经开始了Free Code Camp,那么这些更改可能要花费很多。因此,让我们回答您可能遇到的一些问题。

简而言之,正在发生什么变化? (In a nutshell, what’s changing?)

We’re adding 10 new Data Visualization Ziplines, 5 new API/microservice Basejump challenges, and a ton of interactive theory videos.

我们将添加10个新的Data Visualization Ziplines,5个新的API /微服务Basejump挑战以及大量的互动理论视频。

为什么“免费代码训练营”比其他任何编码课程都这么长? (Why is Free Code Camp so much longer than any other coding curriculum?)

In the words of Wordpress Founder Matt Mullenweg, who announced last week that Wordpress was transitioning toward Node.js and React.js: “What would we build if we were starting from scratch today, knowing all we’ve learned over the past 13 years of building WordPress?”

用Wordpress创始人Matt Mullenweg的话说,他上周宣布 Wordpress正在向Node.js和React.js过渡:“如果我们今天从头开始,我们将建立什么,知道过去13年的所有知识构建WordPress?”

Well, this is the curriculum that we would build if we were to start from scratch today, knowing all we’ve learned over the past 13 months of building Free Code Camp.


It’s clear from talking with employers that Sass, React.js and D3.js are of growing importance. The skills involved in building REST APIs and Microservices, and maintaining complex legacy codebases, are as in-demand as ever.

从与雇主的交谈中可以明显看出,Sass,React.js和D3.js的重要性正在不断提高。 与以往一样,构建REST API和微服务以及维护复杂的旧代码库所涉及的技能也是如此。

All signs point to these being relevant additions that are worthy of your scarce time.


这太疯狂了。 到2016年1月1日,您将如何应对所有这些新挑战? (This is insanely ambitious. How will you create all these new challenges by January 1, 2016?)

Several of our open source contributors are already working on designing these challenges.


We’ll have the new Zipline challenges ready by January 1. Then we’ll gradually introduce optional Waypoints that walk you through using Sass, React.js and D3.js.


If you reach these Ziplines before the Waypoints are ready, you can use external resources, or learn the way most developers have historically done — by reading through the official documentation and experimenting.

如果您在航点准备好之前到达了这些Ziplines,则可以使用外部资源 ,或者通过阅读官方文档并进行实验来了解大多数开发人员过去的工作方式。

如果我只想获得一两个证书而不是全部四个证书怎么办? (What if I just want to get one or two of the certifications, and not all 4?)

We recommend completing all of these certifications so you can maximize your compensation and employment options.


This said, aside from the Full Stack Development certification, you could in theory earn any one certification without earning the others.

这就是说,除了Full Stack Development认证之外,理论上您可以赢得任何一项认证而无需赢得其他认证。

编码面试准备将如何工作? (How will the coding interview preparation work?)

After completing our certifications, you can watch a series of videos that explore the coding interview process. Then we’ll set you up with a series of mock interviews that simulate typical whiteboard coding and pair programming interviews.

完成我们的认证后,您可以观看一系列视频,探索编码面试过程。 然后,我们将为您设置一系列模拟面试,模拟典型的白板编码和配对编程面试。

We’re still designing the infrastructure for this. Like everything else, it will be free and open-source.

我们仍在为此设计基础结构。 像其他所有内容一样,它将是免费和开源的。

我目前正在通过前端开发认证。 这对我意味着什么? (I’m currently working through the Front End Development Certification. What does this mean for me?)

Nothing will change about the Front End Development Certification. Keep up the hard work!

前端开发认证将保持不变。 继续努力!

我已经完成了前端开发认证,目前正在争取旧的全栈开发认证。 该认证将如何处理? (I’ve finished the Front End Development Certification, and am currently working toward the old Full Stack Development Certification. What will happen to this certification?)

The old Full Stack Development Certification is now our new Back End Development Certification. Our new Full Stack Development Certification is now awarded when you complete everything, including our nonprofit projects.

旧的全栈开发认证现在是我们的新后端开发认证。 现在,当您完成所有工作(包括我们的非营利项目)时,便会获得新的全栈开发认证。

The only changes we’re making to this Back End Development Certification is removing the Angular.js Waypoints and adding a few additional REST API projects. These will be easier than the Full Stack Projects you’ve already started.

我们对此后端开发认证所做的唯一更改是删除了Angular.js航点,并添加了一些其他的REST API项目。 这些将比您已经开始的完整堆栈项目容易。

为什么要在Angular.js上使用React.js? (Why React.js over Angular.js?)

Though Angular.js still enjoys strong demand from employers, it’s clear that React.js is slowly taking its place.


Wordpress — which powers 25% of the internet — decided to go with React.js over Angular.js. This is just the latest signal of React.js’s increasing importance and staying power.

支持25%互联网的Wordpress决定将React.js与Angular.js结合使用。 这只是React.js日益重要和持久的最新信号。

为什么要少花钱? (Why Sass over Less?)

Sass was already more popular than LESS, and on top of this, Bootstrap 4 (which we’ll teach as soon as it’s stable) is abandoning Less for Sass. This makes Sass the most dominant CSS pre-processor.

Sass已经比LESS流行,并且最重要的是,Bootstrap 4(一旦稳定,我们会教它)正在放弃Less for Sass。 这使Sass成为最主要CSS预处理器。

我还有其他问题。 (I have other questions.)

Post a comment and I’ll do my best to get you a quick answer.


I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-to-code-by-coding-d1e241de81c0/


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