

by Samarth Jajoo

通过Samarth Jajoo

我如何从不知道如何编码转变为在9个月内交付9个项目-全部在我15岁生日之前 (How I went from not knowing how to code to shipping 9 projects in 9 months — all before my 15th birthday)

I’ve been making (a lot of) things for about a year now. Most of my time is spent hacking, building, and learning.

我从事(很多)事情已经有大约一年了。 我大部分时间都花在黑客攻击,构建和学习上。

This is the story of how I got started coding. I’ll share how I overcame the challenges of procrastinating and being lost, and how I built nine apps in nine months and discovered what I love doing.

这是我如何开始编码的故事。 我将分享如何克服拖延和迷失的挑战,以及如何在9个月内构建9个应用程序并发现自己喜欢做的​​事情。

阅读如何使我进入技术领域 (How reading got me into tech)

It all started with reading books. I really enjoy reading, so I got my Dad to buy me a Kindle — and I loved it! I used it for about an hour every day for the first six months or so. I even wrote a review for it, which got published by a local newspaper ?

一切始于读书。 我真的很喜欢读书,所以我让爸爸给我买了Kindle-我很喜欢它! 在头六个月左右的时间里,我每天使用它大约一个小时。 我什至为此写了一篇评论,该评论是由当地一家报纸出版的?

The 11 year old me had a few ideas to make the Kindle cooler, so I wrote an email to JEFF BEZOS. THIS EMAIL:

11岁的我有一些想法来制造Kindle散热器,所以我给JEFF BEZOS写了一封电子邮件。 这封电子邮件:

How did I know Jeff Bezos’ email? I didn’t. I just tried googling but wasn’t sure what it would be, so I put in all the combinations of jeff and bezos and his initials that I could think of.

我怎么知道Jeff Bezos的电子邮件? 我没有 我只是尝试使用谷歌搜索,但不确定会是什么,所以我输入了jeffbezos所有组合以及他想到的首字母缩写。

One of them must have gone through, because about two months later, my mom got a call asking for me. I had put her phone number in the email.

其中一个必须经过,因为大约两个月后,我妈妈接到一个电话要我。 我已经把她的电话号码放在电子邮件中。

This was the conversation I remember having:


Amazon Guy (A): Hi, is this Samarth?

亚马逊盖伊(A): 嗨,这是Samarth吗?

Me: Yes this is Samarth. Samarth is my name. You can also call me Sam.

我: 是的,这是萨玛斯。 萨玛特是我的名字。 您也可以称呼我山姆。

A: Great, I’m name of amazon guy! Sam, you had written an email to Jeff Bezos a while ago, I’m calling to talk to you about that. We would love to hear your ideas about Amazon and Kindleand it would be great to have you over to our Chennai Office, where we make Kindle and more devices.

A: 太好了,我叫亚马逊人 山姆,您前段时间写了一封电子邮件给杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos),我正在打电话给您。 我们很想听听您关于Amazon和Kindle的想法-希望您来到我们的Chennai Office ,我们在其中生产Kindle和更多设备。

At this point, I’m confused about if this is real or if someone is joking with me.


Me: Let me put you on hold for a minute.

我: 让我搁置一分钟。

Mutes phone, goes to parents. Tells them what happened. They say continue talking.

静音电话,去找父母。 告诉他们发生了什么。 他们说继续讲话。

Me: Wow that would be amazing! Can you give me a few more details?

我: 哇,真是太神奇了! 您能给我更多细节吗?

A: Sure, we’re ready to have you and your parents over whenever you can come this month, and we will book your tickets and your stay. You’ll be coming over to our office, and you can look at some cool new stuff we’re building and even meet the team to share your ideas.

答: 当然,我们准备在这个月任何时候都可以邀请您和您的父母来,我们将预订您的机票和您的住宿。 您将来到我们的办公室,您可以查看我们正在构建的一些很棒的新东西,甚至可以与团队见面以分享您的想法。

Now I’m sure this is fake, it couldn’t be real…right?!


Me: That sounds great! Can I talk this over with my parents and get back to you?

我: 听起来不错! 我可以和我的父母商量一下然后再回头吗?

A: Sure — I’ve written an email to you, just reply back.

答:可以 。我已经给您写了一封电子邮件,请回复。

I spent the next 30 minutes googling the guy’s name. I looked at different LinkedIn profiles to check if he actually worked at Amazon and if this was actually real. After realizing he really was, I was crazy excited.

在接下来的30分钟里,我搜索了该家伙的名字。 我查看了不同的LinkedIn个人资料,以检查他是否确实在亚马逊工作过,以及这是否真实。 在意识到他确实是我之后,我为之疯狂。

Two weeks later, my parents and I visited Amazon’s Chennai office.


I met their team and I saw people at their office who had hacker type screens and were typing some stuff. When I asked the person who was giving me the tour, she said, “It’s Programming” and that they were doing it to make an app for Kindle. I knew what apps were, since the games I played on my iPad were apps, too.

我遇到了他们的团队,并且看到他们办公室里的人有黑客类型的屏幕并且正在打字。 当我问那个给我游览的人时,她说:“这是编程”,他们正在这样做,目的是为Kindle创建一个应用程序。 我知道应用程序是什么,因为我在iPad上玩的游戏也是应用程序。

That’s where I think it all started. I wanted to learn how to program to build my own apps.

我认为这就是一切的开始。 我想学习如何编程以构建自己的应用程序。

捕捉编程错误 (Catching the programming bug)

When I went back home, I googled programming. I got a list of like a million Python tutorials and other stuff that seemed really complex for me to start with. So I forgot about it, and went back to reading.

当我回到家时,我搜索了programming 。 我得到了大约一百万个Python教程清单以及其他一些东西,这些东西对我而言似乎真的很复杂。 所以我忘记了,回到阅读中。

A year later, I realized that there were all these websites on the internet, and I wanted to make my own. So I googled how to do that, and went on to do a tutorial on codecademy.com. I built a small, quite ugly looking website. It was interesting — I had published something that I’d made, and the whole world could see it!

一年后,我意识到互联网上有所有这些网站,我想自己做一个。 所以我用谷歌搜索了如何做,然后在codecademy.com上做了一个教程。 我建立了一个小巧的网站。 很有意思-我发表了自己创作的作品,全世界都能看到!

But I wanted my website to actually do something, and not just be an ugly looking word document on the internet. It turns out I had to learn this thing called JavaScript to make my website “interactive.” So, I googled How to learn Javascript and took all the courses I could find. All of them.

但是我希望我的网站实际做些事情,而不仅仅是在互联网上看起来丑陋的Word文档。 事实证明,我必须学习称为JavaScript的东西才能使我的网站“具有交互性”。 因此,我搜索了How to learn Javascript并选择了所有可以找到的课程。 他们全部。

My dad probably spent thousands of rupees on these courses.


I learned loops and arrays and functions and recursions and scopes and loads of other concepts. But what I didn’t learn is what I actually took up coding for. — Making Something.

我学习了循环和数组以及函数,递归以及其他概念的范围和负载。 但是我没有学到的实际上是我从事编码的工作。 -做某事。

I think I got so obsessed with learning to code that I forgot why I took it up. When people asked me why I was learning to code, my reply was a terrible, boring because it's an important skill.

我想我对学习编码非常着迷,以至于我忘记了为什么要接受它。 当人们问我为什么要学习编码时,我的回答很糟糕,很无聊, because it's an important skill.

It took me more than a year to realize what I was doing, and that happened because of the amazing people I met online in different communities. ?

我花了一年多的时间才意识到自己在做什么,这是因为我在不同社区在线结识了许多很棒的人。 ?

记住我的“为什么” (Remembering my “why”)

The first community I joined was Hack Club — A group of high schoolers, just like me, who were coding! There were people in Hack Club who started their own coding clubs in schools to teach their peers how to code — but that’s not the part that really interested me.

我加入的第一个社区是Hack俱乐部 -一群和我一样编码的高中生! Hack Club中有一些人在学校里开设了自己的编码俱乐部,教他们的同龄人如何编码-但这并不是我真正感兴趣的部分。

Hack Club introduced me to this thing called “Shipping”it means making something, and then sharing it for the world to see/use. Seems pretty straightforward, right? Lots of people in Hack club made their own small projects and then put them up on the #ship-it channel on Slack. They got great feedback and ideas about their apps. ?‍?

Hack Club向我介绍了一个叫做“ 运输”的 东西 - 意思是制造一些东西,然后将其共享给全世界查看/使用。 看起来很简单,对不对? Hack俱乐部中的许多人都制作了自己的小项目,然后将它们放在Slack的#ship-it频道上。 他们获得了有关其应用的出色反馈和想法。 ‍

I joined another amazing community called Feathrd. Again, it was a bunch of student makers who were making some crazy things while being in school! There were people who had 1000s of stars on their Github Repos ⭐ and who had earned actual money from their apps. Wow!

我加入了另一个名为Feathrd的社区 再说一遍,是一群学生制作者在上学时做出了一些疯狂的事情! 有些人的Github Repos上有1000颗星星,并且从他们的应用程序中实际赚了钱。 哇!

I was super inspired — and then it hit me: I didn’t need to learn to code, what I needed to do was make something and ship it?️.


So, I spent three hours doing nothing but trying to come up with ideas about what to make. But I wasn’t able to come up with anything. I was blank.

因此,我花了三个小时不做任何事情,只是想出一些有关制作方法的想法。 但是我什么都没想。 我很空白

得到一些启发 (Getting some inspiration)

My first project came to me while I was looking to download a book and get some info about it . I wanted to build an interface to make it much easier and cleaner to do this.

当我想下载一本书并获得有关它的一些信息时,我的第一个项目来到了我的脑海。 我想构建一个界面,以使其更轻松,更清洁地完成此操作。

You’d think (at least I thought) that it would be super easy to do, because I’d been “learning to code” for about a year. But it wasn’t.

您可能会(至少我认为)这样做非常容易,因为我已经“学习编码”已有一年了。 但事实并非如此。

I had no idea where to start. So I asked on the Slack channels of the communities I’d joined — HackClub and Feathrd. I learned that I needed to use this thing called an API to get data from book vendors, and that they would send me another thing called JSON.

我不知道从哪里开始。 因此,我在加入的社区的Slack频道上进行了询问-HackClub和Feathrd。 我了解到我需要使用一个叫做API东西来从书商那里获取数据,并且他们会向我发送另一个叫JSON东西。

I was super confused (even after googling!). Even though I was a little embarrassed, I asked for a deeper explanation on what those terms meant. Fortunately, people were super nice and helped me understand.

我超级困惑(甚至在使用谷歌搜索之后!)。 即使我有些尴尬,我还是要求对这些术语的含义进行更深入的解释。 幸运的是,人们超级友善,并帮助我理解了。

I’d just learned something really important: don’t be afraid to ask for help (once you’ve tried googling).

我刚刚学到了一些非常重要的东西: 不要害怕寻求帮助(一旦您尝试使用Google谷歌搜索)。

A week later, I had this terminal app ready, which downloaded a book to your computer! This was my first time shipping something ? and I learned more in a week than I had learned in the entire past year! I had actually made something useful.

一周后,我准备好了此终端应用程序 ,该书将一本书下载到您的计算机中! 这是我第一次发货? 而且一周之内,我学到的知识就比过去一年还多! 我实际上做了一些有用的事情。

TL; DR:去做点事情而不是去上课 (TL;DR: go make something instead of taking courses)

After my first ship, I built a guide about to learning to code.


I continued to work on my terminal app. In the span of three months, it evolved into an actual web app! And that was when I got addicted to shipping.

我继续在终端应用程序上工作。 在三个月的时间里,它演变成一个实际的Web应用程序 ! 那就是我沉迷于运输的时候。

After that, I shipped nine apps in the next nine months.


I never intended to make nine apps in nine months. There have been months where I haven’t made anything at all, and there have been weeks in which I’ve shipped multiple projects. That’s because I usually get my ideas by solving an immediate problem I have, or by looking at some cool tech that I quickly came up with a use case for (or both!).

我从来没有打算在9个月内开发9个应用程序。 几个月以来,我什么都没做,而且已经有数周时间交付了多个项目。 那是因为我通常会通过解决我遇到的直接问题来了解自己的想法,或者通过查看一些我很快想出(或两者都有!)用例的出色技术来了解自己的想法。

Take Chhota for example — a URL shortener I made in a weekend. I wanted to shorten URLs with my own domain, but didn’t want to have to set up a whole server, or pay $99 to bit.ly. Chhota is a JS script that would fit in a tweet (even before 280 characters!) and shortens URLs by redirecting them to Google’s URL shortener.

Chhota为例-我在一个周末制作的URL缩短器。 我想使用自己的域来缩短URL,但不想设置整个服务器,也不必为bit.ly支付99美元。 Chhota是一个JS脚本,可以放入一条推文(甚至在280个字符之前!),并通过将URL重定向到Google的URL缩短器来缩短URL。

For example: jajoosam.tech/#$mR2d becomes goo.gl/mR2d

例如: jajoosam.tech/#$mR2d变成goo.gl/mR2d

I built my apps during weekends, or in the little free time I got after school. It wasn’t that hard to get ideas — I had no threshold for working on an idea.

我在周末或放学后的空闲时间里构建了我的应用程序。 获得想法并不难-我没有构想的门槛。

My workflow was:


Get idea ⇒ Share Idea ⇒ Get Ideas about building idea ⇒ Build ⇒ Ship ?


工作正在进行中 (Work in Progress)

What actually helped me ship consistently was being a part of this community called WIP — Work in Progress ?. WIP is a community with some really, really cool makers and bootstrappers — who talk on a telegram group ? and keep track of their ship goals publicly.

成为WIP的一部分,实际上是在帮助我一贯运送的东西-工作进行中 ? WIP是一个由一些非常非常酷的制造商和引导者组成的社区-谁在电报组中交谈? 并公开跟踪他们的飞船目标。

I became active in WIP after I saw a request for an app from Pieter Levels (!!!)

在看到Pieter Levels的应用程序请求后,我开始参与WIP(!!!)

Woof Wooferson = Pieter Levels


My response was to create an app built in 24 hours called Syncr.

我的回应是创建一个在24小时内构建的名为Syncr 的应用程序

To date, Syncr has gotten me almost a hundred dollars — thanks for the idea @levelsio ?

到目前为止, Syncr已经给我了将近一百美元-感谢@levelsio的想法?

公开所有 (Making it all public)

I launched everything on Product Hunt, where I got some great feedback and usually quite a few upvotes. I’ve even reached the top five products a couple of times!

我在Product Hunt上启动了所有产品 并获得了不错的反馈,并且通常会进行很多投票。 我什至两次达到前五名!

Getting shout-outs on Product Hunt was super motivating, as was being on top of Hacker News (which has happened twice ? )!

像在Hacker News(发生过两次?)上一样,在Product Hunt上大喊大叫是超级激励。

It feels really cool to build something that people like using — and even pay me for! But I create mostly for the fun of it. It feels like an achievement being on the front pages of Hacker News and Product Hunt, and there’s this great dopamine rush every time I ship on WIP.

建立人们喜欢使用的东西真的很酷-甚至付钱给我! 但我主要是出于乐趣而创建。 感觉就像是在Hacker News和Product Hunt的头版上所取得的成就,每次我在WIP上出货时,都会有大量的多巴胺热衷

And then the CEO of Fog Creek and glitch (!! — an amazing tool I’ve used to build almost all of my apps) tweeted at me:

然后,Fog Creek的首席执行官和小故障 (!!-我曾经用来构建几乎所有应用程序的了不起的工具)对我发了推文:

As did NameCheap’s CEO:


That was really exciting!


I’ve had a little more than 80k users/visitors according to Google Analytics. The fact that 80,000 people across the world have seen something I’ve made makes me really happy :)

根据Google Analytics(分析),我的用户/访问者略超过8万。 全世界有80,000人看过我所做的事情,这让我真的很高兴:)

我学到了什么 (What I’ve learned)

I’ve never worked on a project for too long — I’ve always built everything within three months, and most of my apps were built in a weekend or two. I was able to ship super quick because I was always working my way around problems, instead of really trying to address them. I’m a legit Hacker.

我从事一个项目的时间从未太长-我总是在三个月内构建所有内容,而我的大多数应用都是在一两个周末内构建的。 我之所以能够Swift交付,是因为我始终致力于解决问题,而不是真正地尝试解决问题。 我是一个合法的黑客。

The database for all my projects (at this point) is a text file that I read from and write to. That’s what I knew how to do, and I’ve never had any proper sort of authentication on my apps. On the one hand, this is great. It allows me to hack my way around to ship super quickly and build an MVP to see what people think.

我所有项目的数据库(此时)是一个我读取和写入的文本文件。 这就是我所知道的方法,而且我的应用程序从未进行过任何适当的身份验证。 一方面,这很棒。 它使我可以改变自己的方式来快速运送产品并建立MVP,以了解人们的想法。

But that’s the thing — none of my projects have really moved beyond an MVP. There are two reasons for this:

就是这样-我的项目没有一个真正超越MVP。 有两个原因:

  1. I’m not patient, and am pretty addicted to shipping something new as soon as I can

  2. I’m using an old toolbox, and I don’t solve problems but only temporarily work around them

向前进 (Moving forward)

I want to change this and build a real, finished product. I’m going to do that by continuing to make loads of MVPs while remaining focused on building a great product. I want it to be something for which I solve the problems and upgrade my toolbox of tech when I need to.

我想改变这一点,制作出真正的成品 为此,我将继续制作MVP,同时继续致力于打造出色的产品。 我希望它能够解决问题并在需要时升级我的技术工具箱。

Some cool things I want to do in the future (soon!) are:


  • Build native mobile apps

  • Build a smart contract and see what the hype is about

  • Build hardware projects (I already have a few ideas!)

  • Build apps that look good ?

  • Monetize, and get some nice MRR! ?

    获利,并获得一些不错的MRR! ?
得到教训 (Lessons learned)

These are some of the key points I’ve learned (so far!) on this crazy coding journey:


  • Don’t forget the reason you’re doing something. For me, this was forgetting why I was learning to code. This is probably the reason there’s a two year gap between when I learned to code and when I started building things.

    不要忘记您做某事的原因。 对我来说,这忘记了我为什么要学习编码。 这可能是为什么我学习 编码开始 编写 东西之间存在两年时间间隔的原因

  • Courses don’t always work (for me at least — https://jajoosam.tech/code) I think the best way to learn is by making. Learn something by doing it.

    课程并非总能奏效(至少对我而言-https: //jajoosam.tech/code )我认为最好的学习方法是自制。 通过做一些事情学习。

  • Have a community which motivates and helps you, and in which you motivate + help others (WIP + feathrd + hackclub for me)

    有一个能够激励和帮助您的社区,您可以在其中激励和帮助他人(对我而言,WIP + feathrd + hackclub)
  • Document what you do (https://WIP.chat/@jajoosam)

    记录您的工作( https://WIP.chat/@jajoosam )

  • Not everything has to be structured and well built. It’s okay to hack something together and work around problems to build something quickly. (Not for everything though)

    并非所有内容都必须结构合理且构建良好。 可以将某些东西混在一起并解决问题以快速构建东西是可以的。 (虽然不是全部 )

这是9个项目! (So here are the 9 projects!)

In chronological order:


If you’d like to hear from me when I launch a new project, write a new story, or some other cool thing ;) — sign up below ?


Thanks Vidyadhar Sharma for reading drafts, and helping edit this story.

感谢Vidyadhar Sharma阅读草稿,并帮助编辑这个故事。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-went-from-not-knowing-how-to-code-to-shipping-9-projects-in-9-months-all-before-my-15th-7ec3666072c3/


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