

by Tigran Hakobyan

由Tigran Hakobyan

启动辅助项目后的前100天该做什么 (What to do in the first 100 days after launching your side project)

It’s been almost three weeks since I launched my first ever SaaS project, Cronhub. I wrote a very personal story on how I shipped Cronhub while working full-time.

自从我启动我的第一个SaaS项目Cronhub以来,已经快三周了。 我写了一个非常个人的故事 ,讲述我在全职工作期间如何运送Cronhub。

Today, I’m writing another personal story on how I plan to grow my SaaS side-project to acquire more customers in next 100 days.


The goal of this article is to share and be transparent about my thinking process. If you’re anyone like me who really wants to build a profitable side-business, then I also hope to inspire you with this article to talk and share more about your product in the comments. That’s the only way we can help each other to achieve our goals.

本文的目的是分享和透明化我的思考过程。 如果您像我这样的人真的想建立一个有利可图的副业,那么我也希望通过本文激发您的意见,并在评论中分享您的产品。 这是我们彼此帮助实现目标的唯一途径。

介绍 (Introduction)

My name is Tigran and I’m a software engineer at Buffer. Programming is not only what I do for living, but also one of my favorite hobbies. I love building side-projects.

我叫Tigran,我是Buffer的一名软件工程师。 编程不仅是我的生活目标,也是我最喜欢的爱好之一。 我喜欢建立辅助项目。

For the last year or so, I’ve started to strongly think about where I want to be in a couple of years. I’ve decided that I want to build a profitable side-business as a source of income. This business will also help me learn valuable multidisciplinary life skills which I wouldn’t have learned otherwise.

在过去的一年左右的时间里,我已经开始认真思考几年后的目标。 我已经决定要建立一个有利可图的副业作为收入来源。 这项业务还将帮助我学习宝贵的多学科生活技能,而这些我以前不会学过。

To turn my idea into reality, I launched my first SaaS side project a couple of weeks ago.


I’ve noticed that there are many articles about the launch of a product and how makers approach the launch day. That’s great, but I felt that there weren’t many stories about what comes after the launch.

我注意到,有很多关于产品发布以及制造商如何应对发布日的文章。 太好了,但我觉得发布后没有什么故事。

It’s probably because it’s hard for founders to share with the world the small disappointment that comes after the launch day. This is very natural, and I don’t blame anyone. To see the sessions or users count drop is not pleasant, and is hard to share with others.

可能是因为创始人很难在发布会后与世人分享这一小小的失望。 这是很自然的,我不怪任何人。 看到会话或用户计数下降并不令人愉快,并且很难与他人共享。

In this article, I want to share how I plan to grow my new SaaS project and acquire more customers after the launch. Mainly, I want to share my strategies and thinking process with you, with the intent of learning and getting feedback.

在本文中,我想分享我计划如何发展新的SaaS项目并在启动后吸引更多客户。 我主要是想与您分享我的策略和思考过程,以期学习和获得反馈。

我现在在哪里 (Where I’m at now)

I thought that sharing first where I am right now will give you’ll some context. Let’s do a quick rundown.

我认为先分享我现在的位置将为您提供一些背景信息。 让我们快速进行总结。

I launched Cronhub on March 20, 2018, and it has been a few weeks now. Cronhub became the #2 product of the day on Product Hunt with more than 800 upvotes. Seeing people upvote or comment on your project is a great feeling. Feedback from people was mostly encouraging.

我于2018年3月20日推出了Cronhub ,现在已经有几周了。 Cronhub在800多个投票中成为当天产品搜索的第二名。 看到人们支持或评论您的项目是一种很棒的感觉。 人们的反馈大多令人鼓舞。

On the day after the launch, I got my first and only paid user. To see the email from Stripe notifying me that I have a new paid customer was the best feeling. I’d not change that feeling with anything.

发布后的第二天,我得到了第一个也是唯一的付费用户。 看到Stripe的电子邮件通知我我有一个新的付费客户是最好的感觉。 我什么都不会改变这种感觉。

For the last few weeks, I saw the number of sessions drop significantly after the launch day. To be honest, it wasn’t a big surprise to me since I knew exactly what to expect from the previous side-project launches.

在过去的几周中,我看到发布会后的会话数量大幅下降。 老实说,这对我来说并不算什么大惊喜,因为我确切地知道之前的副项目启动会有什么期望。

Here is the screenshot of the Cronhub sessions for the last 2 weeks. The distribution below is by the hour. I’ve had 8,289 sessions in total so far.

这是最近2周的Cronhub会话的屏幕截图。 下面的分配是按小时进行的。 到目前为止,我总共有8289节课。

Two weeks after the launch, I have 1 paid user, about 450 sign-ups, and 125 active cronjob monitors on Cronhub. I consider the monitor active if it has at least one ping. My monthly recurring revenue (MRR) is $7 and I currently spend around $40 per month to cover all Cronhub expenses. I expect the expense number to grow a little bit in the future.

发布后两周,我在Cronhub上有1个付费用户,大约450个注册用户和125个活动cronjob监视器。 如果显示器至少有一个ping,我认为该显示器处于活动状态。 我的每月经常性收入(MRR)为$ 7,目前我每月花费约$ 40来支付所有Cronhub的费用。 我希望费用数字将来会有所增长。

Now that we know where I stand, I’ll go ahead and share what comes next for Cronhub and how I plan to acquire more paid users in the next 100 days.


我的目标是什么? (What’s my goal?)

My goal is to find a product market fit. What does it mean to me? It means to acquire at least 10 paid customers on the “Developer” plan and one customer on the “Team” plan (I’ll be launching the team plan next month).

我的目标是找到适合市场的产品。 对我来说意味着什么? 这意味着至少要在“开发人员”计划上获得10位付费客户,并在“团队”计划上获得1位客户(我将在下个月启动团队计划)。

These numbers are random but also important. The reason I’m so focused on these numbers is that I believe nothing endorses the value of the product more than paid users. If I have 10 - 15 paid customers, I can tell myself that I’ve found or I’m very close to finding product-market fit.

这些数字是随机的,但也很重要。 我之所以如此关注这些数字,是因为我相信没有什么比付费用户更认可该产品的价值了。 如果我有10到15个付费客户,我可以告诉自己我已经找到了,或者我非常接近找到适合产品市场的产品。

With my goal and these numbers, I want to measure the success of the decisions I make around Cronhub. My product decision domain is very broad and it’s not tied only to what features I should build next. I also ask myself how I should market Cronhub or who my ideal customer is.

根据我的目标和这些数字,我想衡量我围绕Cronhub做出的决策是否成功。 我的产品决策领域非常广泛,不仅与我接下来要构建的功能有关。 我也问自己应该如何营销Cronhub或我的理想客户是谁。

If you ask me who my targets should be, I wouldn’t know the exact answer. Currently, I’m targeting individual engineers and engineering teams. That may be right, but I have to be certain. I want to eventually find the niche market that Cronhub belongs to.

如果您问我目标应该是谁,我将不知道确切的答案。 目前,我的目标是单个工程师和工程团队。 可能是正确的,但我必须确定。 我想最终找到Cronhub属于的利基市场。

If you’re an engineer like I am, you know that building is most likely the easiest part, and what comes next is the hardest. I’m so pumped to challenge myself, though.

如果您像我一样是工程师,那么您就会知道,建筑最有可能是最容易的部分,而接下来的工作则是最困难的部分。 不过,我非常乐于挑战自我。

Now that I have set my goal, I want to talk about the steps I’ll take to achieve it. Of course, as with any other goal, it’s possible that I won’t achieve it. However, what drives me is really the process of getting there.

现在,我已经设定了目标,我想谈一谈实现目标所要采取的步骤。 当然,与其他目标一样,我可能无法实现。 但是,真正驱动我前进的是到达那里的过程。

During the next 100 days, I’ll learn important lessons from all of the good and bad decisions I make, and I promised myself I’d write them down in my decision journal. The decision journal helps me to reflect on my decisions so I can become a better decision maker in the future.

在接下来的100天内,我将从所有的好与坏决定中吸取重要的教训,并向自己保证我会在决策日记中写下这些教训。 决策日记可以帮助我反思自己的决策,以便将来成为更好的决策者。

我的策略 (My strategy)

产品周期 (Product cycles)

I’m a product engineer, and this step is probably the one I’m most qualified for. Spending time to build new features or even fix bugs is fun compared to other things I have to do.

我是产品工程师,这一步可能是我最有资格的一步。 与我必须做的其他事情相比,花时间去构建新功能甚至修复错误很有趣。

However, I know it’s a myth that if you build it people will come. I don’t believe in that.

但是,我知道这是一个神话,那就是如果有人建造它,人们就会来。 我不相信这一点。

Most engineers tend to measure their productivity based on how much they ship. I’m afraid I’m not an exception here, however, I try to change the way I think about my productivity. It doesn’t always have to be materialistic. Sometimes the time you spend thinking about a particular product feature is the best time spent.

大多数工程师倾向于根据出货量来衡量生产率。 恐怕在这里我也不例外,但是,我试图改变我对生产率的看法。 它并不总是必须是唯物的。 有时候,您花费在思考特定产品功能上的时间是最佳的时间。

Before jumping into coding and building a new feature, I try to spend enough time answering the following questions.


  • Is this feature really needed?

  • If the answer is yes then I ask another question: is this the most important thing I should be working on/building right now?


Usually, these two questions are enough to decide whether a new feature will make it or not. Prioritizing and time management are likely the most important skills for solo developers. As a single founder or maker, we don’t have too many resources to rely on so we do everything by ourselves. That’s where time and prioritization come into play.

通常,这两个问题足以决定是否要启用新功能。 优先排序和时间管理可能是开发人员最重要的技能。 作为一个单独的创始人或制造商,我们没有太多资源可依赖,因此我们自己做所有事情。 这就是时间和优先级发挥作用的地方。

Most of the Cronhub product ideas come from user feedback as well as my own intuition. It’s a mix of these two. For user feedback, I have a dedicated Dropbox Paper where I collect all the Cronhub feedback I’ve received from different people and users. This is how I’ve organized it so far.

Cronhub的大多数产品创意都来自用户反馈以及我自己的直觉。 这是两者的混合。 为了给用户提供反馈,我有专门的Dropbox Paper ,收集了从不同的人和用户那里收到的所有Cronhub反馈。 到目前为止,这就是我组织的方式。

I have to keep talking to my users and hear their feedback. Until I have many customers, I’m going to keep trusting my intuition, too. Once I have enough customers I’ll probably start creating a comprehensive data tracking mechanism for Cronhub to better understand how my customers use my product. With only a few data points, I don’t think it’s worth focussing on data-driven decisions just yet.

我必须继续与用户交流,并听听他们的反馈。 在拥有许多客户之前,我也将继续相信自己的直觉。 一旦有了足够的客户,我可能会开始为Cronhub创建一个全面的数据跟踪机制,以更好地了解客户如何使用我的产品。 仅具有几个数据点,我认为现在仅关注数据驱动的决策是不值得的。

I keep most of my ideas in the Trello Backlog column, and then prioritize them into product cycles. At Buffer, we use 6-week product cycles and I find them very valuable. As a team, we get a lot of things done within 6 weeks.

我将大部分想法保留在“ Trello待办事项”列中,然后将它们排入产品周期的优先级。 在Buffer,我们使用6周的产品周期,我发现它们非常有价值。 作为一个团队,我们在6周内完成了很多工作。

I’ve decided to do something very similar with Cronhub as well. The difference is that my cycles are a month long and I have one week in between cycles to prioritize the most important tasks for the next cycle.

我也决定对Cronhub进行类似的操作。 区别在于我的周期为一个月,而在两个周期之间我有一周的时间来优先安排下一个周期中最重要的任务。

If a single feature request comes up many times, it gets more attention from me. For instance, “Webhook Integration” was one of them and I just shipped it. Every feature is broken down into very small tasks. If I need to spend more than a day on a single task, then the task is not small enough. Keeping my tasks smaller has been key to seeing continuous progress.

如果单个功能请求多次出现,它将引起我更多的关注。 例如,“ Webhook Integration ”就是其中之一,而我只是将其交付。 每个功能都分解为非常小的任务。 如果我需要在一个任务上花费多于一天的时间,那么该任务还不够小。 保持较小的任务是不断取得进展的关键。

For the next 100 days, I plan to finish three product cycles. I hope after three months that the improvements on Cronhub will be very visible. What features do I have in mind for the next three cycles?

在接下来的100天里,我计划完成三个产品周期。 我希望三个月后Cronhub的改进将是显而易见的。 接下来的三个周期我要记住哪些功能?

  • I want to launch the new “Team” plan. It will be $49 per month and it will include unlimited team members with up to 100 monitors. I can start targeting teams, too, when I have this plan available. This plan will most likely have a “Free Trial.” I know my ideal customers are teams and not individual developers. Also, I think selling a product to businesses is a lot easier than to individual consumers.

    我要启动新的“团队”计划 。 每月49美元,包括无限制的团队成员,最多可容纳100位监视器。 当我有此计划时,我也可以开始针对团队。 该计划很可能会进行“免费试用”。 我知道我的理想客户是团队,而不是个人开发人员。 此外,我认为向企业销售产品比向个人消费者销售要容易得多。

  • I want to improve the weekly report I send to all Cronhub users. Weekly reports are super important, and I want to make it more valuable to my users.

    我想改善发送给所有Cronhub用户的每周报告。 每周报告非常重要,我想使其对我的用户更有价值。
  • Product improvements and better documentation. As a developer, I really appreciate the importance of a well-documented product. I envision Cronhub docs to also include educational materials.

    产品改进和更好的文档。 作为一名开发人员,我真的很感谢记录良好的产品的重要性。 我设想Cronhub文档还将包括教育材料。

I think all these will keep me busy for the next couple of months considering that I also have a full-time job that I love!


内容行销 (Content marketing)

I know I have to market Cronhub, no questions asked. However, I’m not sure how I should market it and what the best marketing strategy is for Cronhub. I’ve read Gabriel Weinberg’s “The 19 Channels You Can Use to Get Traction” article (which is great, btw) and it helped me to find a temporary answer.

我知道我必须推销Cronhub,没有任何问题。 但是,我不确定该如何营销以及Cronhub的最佳营销策略是什么。 我已经读过加布里埃尔·温伯格(Gabriel Weinberg)的“ 您可以用来获取牵引力的19个渠道 ”一文(很棒,顺便说一句),它帮助我找到了一个临时的答案。

I want to focus on the marketing channel I personally enjoy and my working competitors dismiss.


I think that would be content marketing. None of my competitors are focused on content marketing, and I personally enjoy writing articles and educational materials. After all, I come from a family of teachers.

我认为那将是内容营销。 我的竞争对手没有一个专注于内容营销,我个人喜欢撰写文章和教学材料。 毕竟,我来自一个教师家庭。

But first, I have to define what content marketing means for Cronhub. Most of my users are developers, so I roughly know that my target audiences are developers and developer teams. I should write content that acquires more developer visitors. I’ve created the following flow to better visualize my marketing strategy.

但是首先,我必须定义内容营销对Cronhub意味着什么。 我的大多数用户是开发人员,因此我大致知道我的目标受众是开发人员和开发人员团队。 我应该写一些吸引更多开发者访问者的内容。 我创建了以下流程,以更好地形象化我的营销策略。

According to my Google Analytics numbers, 15% of my visitors sign up for Cronhub. I don’t know what the industry average is but I feel 15% is not bad. Cronhub is a very niche product, so I don’t ever expect a very high number of signups anyway.

根据我的Google Analytics(分析)数据,我有15%的访客注册了Cronhub。 我不知道行业平均水平是多少,但我觉得15%还不错。 Cronhub是一个非常小众的产品,所以我永远都不会期望有太多的注册。

If my visitor/sign up rate is not low, then my main challenge is to convert already signed up users to paid customers, right? For that, I have to work on the product side. I know that awareness and acquisition are all marketing efforts, but activation is all about the product.

如果我的访问者/注册率不低,那么我的主要挑战是将已经注册的用户转换为付费客户,对吗? 为此,我必须在产品方面进行工作。 我知道意识和获取都是营销工作,但激活与产品有关。

My marketing goal is to bring visitors that are more likely to convert to paid customers. Since I don’t know who exactly those potential customers are, I want to bring more visitors so I can put the conversions into buckets by visitor types. This way I can differentiate the type of visitors that convert and that will probably be my niche target audience.

我的营销目标是吸引更有可能转化为付费客户的访问者。 由于我不知道这些潜在客户到底是谁,因此我想吸引更多的访问者,这样我就可以按访问者类型将转化归类到存储桶中。 通过这种方式,我可以区分转化的访问者的类型,这很可能是我的目标受众。

When I have a better idea of my target audience, I can research to find out what really interests them. I’ll write blogs posts and educational articles on the topics that interest them.

当我对目标受众有了更好的了解时,我可以进行研究以找出真正使他们感兴趣的对象。 我将写博客文章和有关他们感兴趣的主题的教育文章。

But for now, I’m going to focus on the broad developer market and write content for that audience. This article is part of that strategy.

但是现在,我将专注于广阔的开发人员市场并为该受众群体编写内容。 本文是该策略的一部分。

Since I’m a developer, it’s not hard for me to guess what type of content will attract other developers. Building a product for the market that you’re part of is really invaluable. I built Cronhub to scratch my own itch and because I believed that there have to be other developers facing the same problem. I hope I’m right.

由于我是一名开发人员,因此我不难猜测哪种类型的内容将吸引其他开发人员。 为您所参与的市场开发产品确实非常宝贵。 我建立Cronhub是为了挠痒痒,因为我相信必须有其他开发人员面临同样的问题。 我希望我是对的。

Another reason why I think content marketing is a better fit for Cronhub is that I strongly believe that investing in writing quality content now will pay off in the long run, especially for SEO. I’ll probably write a different article just about SEO, but in a nutshell, I’m planning to get better at the SEO game by hosting my own blog on Cronhub and constantly producing quality content for developers.

我认为内容营销更适合Cronhub的另一个原因是,我坚信,从长远来看,现在投资写高质量的内容将是有回报的,特别是对于SEO。 我可能会写一篇关于SEO的不同文章,但总而言之,我计划通过在Cronhub上托管我自己的博客并不断为开发人员提供高质量的内容来在SEO游戏中变得更好。

Apart from content marketing I also want to share a quick hack I’ve done on Twitter to bring more visitors to Cronhub. Most of my Twitter followers are tech people, so it fits well to use my existing audience as well.

除了内容营销之外,我还想分享我在Twitter上所做的快速介绍,以吸引更多的访问者到Cronhub。 我的大多数Twitter关注者都是技术人员,因此也适合使用我现有的受众群体。

I love Twitter, and I use it to occasionally tweet updates on Cronhub. Some of my past tweets got a lot of attention recently. Those tweets most often earn profile clicks. Since I know that, I’ve recently intentionally added a direct cronhub.io link to my Twitter profile so people checking out my profile are more likely to click on that link.

我喜欢Twitter,并且偶尔使用它在Cronhub上发布更新。 我最近的一些推文最近引起了很多关注。 这些推文最常获得个人资料点击。 据我所知,我最近有意在我的Twitter个人资料上添加了直接cronhub.io链接,这样,签出我的个人资料的人更有可能点击该链接。

Believe it or not, it really worked. The days when I have high tweet engagement I have relatively more visitors to Cronhub. It has become an essential part of my social media marketing, plus I really enjoy connecting with my followers.

信不信由你,它确实有效。 在推特互动度很高的日子里,Cronhub的访客相对较多。 它已成为我的社交媒体营销的重要组成部分,而且我非常喜欢与追随者建立联系。

One example is my most recent tweet that earned high impressions (and thus many profile clicks). After checking GA, I saw I had more visitors for that day.

一个例子是我最近的推文,获得了很高的印象(因此获得了很多个人资料点击)。 检查完Google Analytics(分析)后,我发现当天有更多访问者。

To sum up, marketing is hard for me and it’s okay. I know it’s hard because it’s new to me and I don’t have the necessary skillset just yet. However, I’m really interested in learning about different marketing strategies and understanding what other marketing channels may work for Cronhub.

总结起来,行销对我来说很难,也可以。 我知道这很困难,因为它对我来说是新手,而我现在还没有必要的技能。 但是,我真的很想了解不同的营销策略,并了解Cronhub可以使用哪些其他营销渠道。

Content marketing is very time consuming, especially for a single person, so I have to consider different channels as well at some point. However, as I said, content marketing is very natural to me because I really enjoy writing!

内容营销非常耗时,特别是对于一个人来说,因此我有时必须考虑不同的渠道。 但是,正如我所说,内容营销对我来说很自然,因为我真的很喜欢写作!

结论 (Conclusion)

Now that I’ve shared my goals and strategies with you, the next step for me is to accomplish them. And this has to be without burning myself out or working myself into exhaustion. Since I have a full-time job, I plan to work 1 - 2 hours every day on Cronhub. Rest is very important to me, so spending long nights or working long hours on the weekends is not an option.

既然我已经与您分享了我的目标和策略,那么下一步就是实现它们。 这必须不使自己疲惫或使自己筋疲力尽。 由于我有一份全职工作,因此我计划每天在Cronhub工作1-2小时。 休息对我来说非常重要,因此,不能在夜晚度过长夜或长时间工作。

I’ll be dividing my time between product and content marketing. I’m so excited for my journey, and can’t wait to share more in the future. Expect more articles like this from me.

我将把时间分配到产品营销和内容营销之间。 我为自己的旅程感到非常兴奋,并且迫不及待想在将来分享更多。 希望我能收到更多类似的文章。

Thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading my story and learned at least one thing from it. Even if you didn’t, maybe it inspired you to build and market your side project.

非常感谢您的阅读。 希望您喜欢阅读我的故事,并从中学到至少一件事。 即使您没有这样做,也可能激发了您建立和销售副业的机会。

If you’re building a product and this story resonates with you, I’d love to hear from you. What have you done in the first 100 days after the launch of your product? Please feel free to comment with your questions. You can reach out to me on Twitter or email me at tigran[at]cronhub.io.

如果您正在开发产品,并且这个故事引起您的共鸣,我希望收到您的来信。 产品发布后的前100天内您做了什么? 请随时对您的问题发表评论。 您可以在Twitter上与我联系,或通过tigran [at] cronhub.io向我发送电子邮件。

If you’re a developer or part of a developer team that uses cronjobs, you can try Cronhub for free. Use coupon code “freecodecamp” to get a 20% discount if you upgrade to the “Developer” plan.

如果您是使用cronjobs的开发人员或开发人员团队的成员,则可以免费试用Cronhub 。 如果升级到“开发人员”计划,请使用优惠券代码“ freecodecamp”获得20%的折扣。

Originally published at www.indiehackers.com.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/things-to-do-in-the-first-100-days-after-launching-your-side-project-f572f8efa739/


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