

by Tanner Christensen

由Tanner Christensen

如何谈论您的辅助项目 (How to Talk About Your Side Projects)

Talk about your side projects whenever you get a chance. When you do, remember to start with the problem, talk about how you approached it, share the challenges you faced, express the outcome of your efforts, and end by defining what you’d do differently if you had to do it all over again.

只要有机会,就谈论您的辅助项目。 当您这样做时,请记住从问题开始,谈论您如何解决该问题,分享您所面临的挑战,表达您的努力成果,最后以定义您必须再次做的不同方式做事。

I remember sitting down for my first interview at Facebook.


Back then, the feeling I had deep in my stomach was mostly excitement but also a bubbling fear. Fear I was somehow being pranked. Fear they had the wrong guy. Fear I would walk in, embarrass myself, and return home defeated.

那时,我内心深处的感觉主要是兴奋,但又冒出了恐惧。 怕我被恶作剧。 害怕他们选错了人。 担心我会走进去,使自己尴尬,并被打败回家。

My career at that time had consisted almost entirely of online marketing work. I was applying for the role of a Product Designer but everything in my portfolio was about email marketing, copywriting, and technical search engine optimization. Surely I would be found out to be a fraud and turned away, how could I not feel some sense of looming dread?

当时我的职业生涯几乎完全是在线营销工作。 我当时申请产品设计师的职位,但我的投资组合中的所有内容都与电子邮件营销,文案撰写和技术搜索引擎优化有关。 当然,我会被发现是欺诈行为而被拒之门外,我怎么能不感到隐约的恐惧感?

Of course I wasn’t turned away. The interview went off without a hitch and I got the job. I did so without talking about any of my regular day-job, full-time career work.

当然我没有被拒绝。 面试顺利进行,我得到了这份工作。 我这样做并不是在谈论我的日常工作,全职工作。

Instead, I talked about the strong undercurrent of relevant product design work I had done over the last ten years through late hours and long weekends: designing, building, and marketing my own side projects.


At the time I didn’t see how my side projects perfectly aligned with the work I would be doing at Facebook, because to me these things were just “side projects.” But now I see that it was my side projects that taught me almost everything I needed to know in order to not only land the job, but excel at it.

那时,我还没有看到我的副业项目与我在Facebook上所做的工作完美契合,因为对我而言,这些只是“副业”。 但是现在我发现,正是我的辅助项目教会了我几乎所有我需要知道的一切,以便不仅找到这份工作,而且精益求精。

It’s unfortunate that side projects are often overlooked by the people who aren’t actively working on them. Side projects can be immensely rewarding to talk about. They demonstrate a lot about how you work.

不幸的是,那些没有积极开展工作的人们常常忽视了这些副项目。 谈论其他项目可能会很有收获。 他们展示了很多有关您的工作方式的信息。

About processes for identifying and overcoming challenges, about making trade-offs, and what goes on behind the scenes of the work someone might otherwise not be exposed to. Side projects can be incredibly fun too, of course.

关于识别和克服挑战的过程,权衡取舍,以及其他人可能不会接触到的工作幕后发生的事情。 当然,附带项目也可能非常有趣。

But if all you have on your resume is a few internships and a collection of side projects, how should you talk about each and—possibly more importantly—how do you weigh the experiences of real, job-based work over that of a side project? How do you convince anyone that a side project is a valuable thing to talk about? What about during a job interview, should you mention your side projects then?

但是,如果您简历中只有几个实习职位和一系列附带项目,那么您应该如何讨论每个项目,以及可能更重要的是,如何权衡实际的,基于工作的工作经验和附带项目的经验? ? 您如何使任何人相信边际项目是值得讨论的事情? 那在工作面试中呢,那你应该提到你的副业吗?

If it wasn’t for my side projects, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today. Here are a few things I learned over the years when it comes to talking about side projects.

如果不是我的辅助项目,那么我可能不会是今天的样子。 这些年来,我在谈论副项目时学到了一些东西。

从问题开始 (Start with the problem)

In any side project there’s a problem being solved; either a problem you experienced or someone you know has faced.

在任何附带项目中,都需要解决一个问题。 您遇到的问题或您认识的人都遇到过。

The problem is what caused the project to become real in the first place. Maybe the problem was you were bored over the summer and needed a way to improve your design skills. Or perhaps the problem was that your friends kept running into scheduling issues when trying to make weekend plans.

问题是什么首先导致该项目成为现实。 也许问题出在夏天,您很无聊,需要一种提高设计技能的方法。 也许问题是您的朋友在尝试制定周末计划时一直遇到安排时间的问题。

Consider everything that happened before your project as the setup for talking about it, then start with the problem that emerged as a result.


Every story begins this way. Before the story can get underway, the laws of the land have to be laid out. In talking about your work, the same format should apply. Think of the slow, colossal scrolling text at the beginning of Star Wars and how that set the stage for the rest of the movie.

每个故事都是以这种方式开始的。 在故事开始进行之前,必须制定出土地法律。 在谈论您的作品时,应采用相同的格式。 想一想《星球大战》开始时缓慢而巨大的滚动文本,以及它如何为其余电影打下基础。

When talking about your project, first address questions around what the world was like before it existed. How did you first encounter the problem? How did you validate it was a real problem? What got you excited about attempting to work on it, and how did you make the trade-off between the work and other things you could have been doing with your time?

在谈论您的项目时,首先要解决世界存在之前的问题。 您是如何第一次遇到这个问题的? 您如何验证这是一个实际问题? 是什么让您对尝试进行这项工作感到兴奋,以及如何在工作与可能会花费的其他时间之间做出取舍呢?

Explore my story for Snaplight to see how the app went from being a weekend project to being featured by Starbucks.


定义你的方法 (Define your approach)

Once you’ve set the stage on how you encountered the problem, it’s important to talk about how you approached it.


In storytelling, what happens after an opportunity makes itself known is what’s commonly called: “the situation.” What was the situation like before you got too far away from the initial opportunity of the project? Maybe you found yourself unable to sleep because the problem gave you an itch you just had to scratch. Or perhaps you started daydreaming about the problem and what solutions might look like.

在讲故事中,机会被广为人知之后发生的事情就是通常所说的“情况”。 在离项目最初的机会太远之前,情况如何? 也许您发现自己无法入睡,因为问题使您发痒,只需要抓痒。 也许您开始做白日梦,想知道问题和解决方案是什么样的。

Did you do any research or dive right into the work? In either case: what was that like? Was that typical behavior for you? Did you talk to other people about the problem? Where did you look for inspiration? How did you motivate yourself? What types of trade-offs did you have to make for getting to work on the project?

您是否进行了任何研究或直接投入工作? 无论哪种情况:那是什么感觉? 那是您的典型行为吗? 您是否曾与其他人谈论这个问题? 您在哪里寻找灵感? 您是如何激励自己的? 您需要进行哪些类型的权衡才能开始该项目的工作?

How you manage the work can reveal a lot about not only your abilities, but also your character and drive. If you dove straight into the work without feeling out the market or seeing how competing solutions worked, what drove that decision?

您如何管理工作不仅可以揭示您的能力,还可以展现您的性格和动力。 如果您在不影响市场的情况下直接投入工作,也没有看到竞争解决方案的工作原理,那么是什么导致了这一决定?

分享您面临的挑战 (Share the challenges you faced)

Things rarely ever go as planned. We get sick and miss a few days of work, the scope of work ends up being greatly underestimated, we overestimate our abilities or misjudge the impact of our solution for the problem. No matter the type of work or whether it’s conducted over a weekend or in an office job, you’re going to encounter a lot of challenges.

事情很少按计划进行。 我们生病了,错过了几天的工作,工作范围最终被大大低估了,我们高估了自己的能力,或者错误地判断了解决问题的方法的影响。 无论工作类型是周末还是办公室,您都会遇到很多挑战。

Knowing how you deal with challenges can be great signal for someone looking to hire you.


Expressing some of the challenges you faced in your side project can tell a lot about how you work under pressure or in less-than-ideal circumstances.


What challenges did you face when you worked on the project? Did you ever find yourself doubting your abilities, or the project at large? Did you ever feel like giving up? What got you through those feelings? Did you ever find yourself stumped? How did you get around any roadblocks? Was anyone there to help you, if so: how did you rely on them to keep the work going?

当您从事该项目时,您面临什么挑战? 您是否曾经怀疑自己的能力或整个项目? 你曾经想过放弃吗? 是什么让您通过这些感觉? 你有没有发现自己陷入困境? 您如何绕过任何障碍? 如果有的话,有人在帮助您吗:您如何依靠他们来保持工作的顺利进行?

Explore my story for Brainbean to see how seven months of work turned into #3 top app for the iPad.


以结果结尾 (End with the results)

You’ve talked about life before the problem, how you got inspired, how you approached solving it, and some of the complications you faced along the way. Now it’s time to talk about what happened as a result of your work.

您已经谈到了问题之前的生活,如何获得启发,如何解决问题以及一路上遇到的一些难题。 现在该讨论您的工作所发生的情况。

(Here it’s worth noting that an incomplete project is worth talking about just as much as a completed one. Completed projects demonstrate an ability to see things through, but incomplete projects can say a lot about you as well.)


After all was said and done, what were you left with? Was the world—even if it was just your small part of the world—altered as a result of your work? How did your solution end-up and was it different than what you expected it to be? What proof do you have that things are any different?

说完一切之后,您还剩下什么? 您的工作是否改变了世界(即使只是您的一 小部分) ? 您的解决方案最终结果如何,与您的预期有何不同? 您有什么证据证明事情有所不同?

When summarizing your project, talk about the world as it is now: after you harnessed your abilities and pushed forward in search of a solution to the problem. What’s changed? Has your solution shown results? Why do you think it has or hasn’t?

在总结项目时,请谈论当前的世界:在利用能力并推动寻找问题的解决方案之后。 有什么变化? 您的解决方案是否显示了结果? 您为什么认为它有没有?

跟进您将采取的不同措施 (Follow-up with what you would do differently)

The last thing to talk about is probably one of the most important: if you could go back and do it all again, what would you differently?


Self-awareness is a key trait in critical thinking and personal growth. Knowing where you failed or flubbed, where you succeeded, and what you would do again if you had the chance, can demonstrate your awareness and lessons learned.

自我意识是批判性思维和个人成长的关键特征。 知道自己失败或困惑的地方,成功的地方,以及如果有机会又会做些什么,可以证明你的意识和经验教训。

Did you learn any shortcuts through the project? Did you learn any new skills, or any traits about yourself you didn’t realize you had? What might you have done to speed up the work, or to polish it a bit more? How do you think you might translate what you learned from the side project to your next project or something more substantial?

您在项目中学到了任何捷径吗? 您是否学过任何新技能,或者没有意识到自己的某些特质? 您可能会做些什么来加快工作速度或进一步完善它? 您认为如何将从副项目中学到的知识转化为下一个项目或更重要的内容?

Talking about your side projects can be powerful. It got me where I am today, and I’m constantly looking for ways to incorporate what I learn on the job into my side projects and vice versa.

谈论您的辅助项目可能很有用。 它使我今天处于今天的位置,并且我一直在寻找方法,将在工作中学习到的内容纳入我的副项目中,反之亦然。

If you’re interested in learning more about side projects, creativity, writing, or design, follow me on Medium or on Twitter.


——————Tanner Christensen is a self-taught product designer at Facebook, author of The Creativity Challenge, founder of Creative Something, developer of some of the top creativity apps, blogger on Medium, former writer for Adobe’s 99u and contributing author for Inc.

—————— Tanner Christensen是Facebook的自学产品设计师, The Creativity Challenge的 作者, Creative Something的 创始人 ,一些 顶级创意应用程序的 开发商, Medium的 博客 作者,Adobe 99u的 前作家 和撰稿人为 公司

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-talk-about-your-side-projects-18b96f192817/


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