

by Aleks Gorbenko

通过Aleks Gorbenko

我在伦敦进行岗后求职的经验教训 (Lessons From My Post-bootcamp Job Search in London)

Coding bootcamps are hard. And finding the job after one is often even harder.

编码训练营很难。 一个接一个地找工作通常更加困难。

After I finished a coding bootcamp, I spent a total of 3 months looking for a position. I eventually found one here in London.

完成编码训练营后,我总共花了3个月的时间寻找工作。 我最终在伦敦找到了一个。

I blogged about the entire experience. But after reading Felix Feng’s overview of his post-bootcamp job search, I decided to write this single article summarizing the main things I learned from this process.

我在博客上介绍了整个体验。 但是,在阅读了Felix Feng 关于训练营后求职概述之后 ,我决定写这篇文章,总结从此过程中学到的主要知识。

First of all — I did online bootcamp — Boston-based The Firehose Project — while I was in London. This meant I missed out on two big things in-person bootcamps often offer to make the job hunt easier:

首先,当我在伦敦时,我参加了在线 训练营 -位于波士顿的The Firehose Project 。 这意味着我错过了亲自训练营通常提供的两项重要内容,这些内容使找工作更加容易:

  1. “graduation day” where employers are coming to the campus and pick the graduates for Junior positions.

  2. A dedicated careers department that helps place students in their first roles.


I did receive training and support from my mentor, who was also based in London, and from the founders of The Firehose Project. But as you can imagine, things that work in US might not work in UK.

我的确得到了也来自伦敦的导师以及The Firehose Project创始人的培训和支持。 但您可以想象,在美国行之有效的东西在英国可能行不通。

助您一臂之力 (A Little Boost To Get You Going)

Sometimes it is hard to start anything. A project, a book, a job search. There’s a great book that can help you fight any resistance you may feel to getting started.

有时很难开始任何事情。 一个项目,一本书,一份工作。 有一本很棒的书可以帮助您抵抗入门时可能遇到的任何阻力。

This little book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield will put you in a right mindset from the get-go. It is short and can be read in one day easily. I read it while I was still in the bootcamp, but the effect kept on for much longer.

史蒂芬·普雷斯菲尔德(Steven Pressfield)的这本小书《艺术之战》将带您从一开始就拥有正确的思维方式。 它很短,可以在一天内轻松阅读。 我还在训练营时就读了它,但效果持续了更长的时间。

So if you are looking for a little push before you start looking for a job — give this book a go.


我为期三个月的求职过山车的六大建议 (The Six Biggest Take-aways From my 3-month Job Hunt Rollercoaster)

第1课:不要在工作板上浪费时间 (Lesson 1: Don’t Waste Your Time on Job Boards)

Don’t spend your time applying on the most popular job boards. There are recruiters behind and I have received only 2–3 calls from 100+ of my applications via the job board, which led to nowhere.

不要把时间花在最受欢迎的工作板上。 后面有招聘人员,通过求职委员会,我收到的100多个申请中只有2-3个电话,但结果无济于事。

At some point, I tried to attach a cover letter to these applications. It made absolutely no difference, so I stopped doing that, too.

在某些时候,我试图给这些申请书附上求职信。 绝对没有区别,所以我也停止这样做。

Instead, it was better to look for job postings that come directly from employers, such as the careers sections of companies’ websites, or job boards where recruiters are less likely to appear, such as Unicorn Hunt and Escape the City.

相反,最好查找直接来自雇主的职位发布,例如公司网站的职业部门,或招聘人员不太可能出现的职位委员会,例如Unicorn HuntEscape the City

第2课:尽量减少与招聘人员交谈的时间 (Lesson 2: Minimize the Time You Spend Talking to Recruiters)

At first, I thought I had to sell myself to the recruiters. So when they asked me about my situation, I told them my whole story: how I moved from SEO to programming, finished a bootcamp, worked on a group project, etc. This was a mistake.

起初,我认为我必须将自己推销给招聘人员。 因此,当他们问我有关我的情况时,我告诉了我我的整个故事:我是如何从SEO转到编程,完成训练营,从事团队项目等的。这是一个错误。

Most of the recruiters that call you won’t be know Java from JavaScript. They’ll have no idea what Model-View-Controller is, no idea about Ruby gems, REST, or Continuous Integration. They’ll just have the names and acronyms on a screen in front of them, and need someone who has experience with these.

大多数招募您的招聘人员不会从JavaScript中了解Java。 他们不知道什么是Model-View-Controller,也不了解Ruby gem,REST或持续集成。 他们只是在他们前面的屏幕上有他们的名字和缩写,并且需要有经验的人。

All they want to know is whether you fit their criteria. And some housekeeping questions.

他们只想知道您是否符合他们的条件。 还有一些管家问题。

After a while, I started to respond to them totally differently which saved a lot of my time in return. I made a little script of what I say on the first call after a usual question “what’s your current situation?”:

一段时间后,我开始完全不同地回应他们,这节省了我很多时间。 在回答“您现在的情况如何?”这个常见问题后,我写了一个小脚本,写了我在第一次通话中说的话:

“Yes, I am in the market. I am looking for permanent, full-time [Front-end, Back-end, Full Stack] Junior Dev position ideally in the Central CITY_NAME.

“是的,我在市场上。 我正在寻找在CITY_NAME中部理想的永久性全职[前端,后端,完整堆栈] Junior Dev职位。

I am based in PLACE_NAME and I don’t want to travel more than X hours one way. I have experience in LIST_YOUR_TECH_STACK. I am available immediately for both the interview and work.”

我目前居住PLACE_NAME ,我不想单程旅行超过X个小时。 我对LIST_YOUR_TECH_STACK有经验。 我可以立即进行面试和工作。”

It would only take me 20 seconds to say that. Then they would know exactly where I am and what I want. If the role they have fits, we carry on talking. If not, we wrap up the call and I haven’t wasted my time.

我只需要20秒就能说出来。 然后他们会确切地知道我在哪里以及我想要什么。 如果他们担任的角色合适,我们将继续进行讨论。 如果没有,我们结束了通话,我还没有浪费时间。

Other things to keep in mind when talking to recruiters:


  1. Don’t share the names of the companies that you’re currently interviewing with or have the offers from. It is just lead generation, so don’t create unnecessary competition for yourself. Normally saying “I would prefer not to disclose that at this moment” works fine. If they insist saying “Oh, I don’t want to send you CV somewhere, where you have applied before” ask them for the names of the companies they think of sending your CV. Then tell them whether you have already applied there.

    不要分享您目前正在面试的公司的名称,也不要提供这些公司的报价。 这只是潜在客户,所以不要为自己造成不必要的竞争。 通常,说“我现在不愿透露”是可以的。 如果他们坚持说“哦,我不想将您的简历发送到您之前申请过的地方”,请询问他们想发送您的简历的公司名称。 然后告诉他们您是否已经在那里申请。
  2. Record all the details in a spreadsheet of the recruiters that have interesting offers. I’ve wasted lots of calls where it all seemed great, and then they would just disappear. I have no clue why some of them waste their time (and mine) talking through a cool offer, promise to “send an email,” and then just vanish. To avoid that, I ask “Could you remind me your name and the agency you are calling from?” before the end of the call, and start typing… they normally say “I will send you an email right away” and this time they actually do (sometimes even before hanging up).

    将所有详细信息记录在有有趣职位的招聘人员的电子表格中。 我在看起来很棒的地方浪费了很多电话,然后它们消失了。 我不知道为什么其中一些人通过一个很酷的提议浪费时间(和我的时间),承诺“发送电子邮件”,然后消失。 为了避免这种情况,我问:“您能告诉我您的名字和您打来的电话吗?” 在通话结束之前,然后开始输入…他们通常会说“我会立即向您发送电子邮件”,而这一次他们实际上是这样做的(有时甚至在挂断电话之前)。
  3. If the company they recruit for is looking for mid-level developers and the recruiter says “the company will consider Juniors for the role with the passion and eagerness to learn. Write a nice cover letter and I will submit your CV, too” — don’t. I wrote at least 5 letters spending a good deal of time researching the companies and their background. None went through. Guess why? Because the company is looking for mid-level developers.

    如果他们所招募的公司正在寻找中级开发人员,而招募者则表示:“公司将以热情和学习的热情来考虑初级人员的角色。 写一封很好的求职信,我也将提交您的简历” –不。 我写了至少5封信,花了大量时间研究公司及其背景。 没有人通过。 猜猜为什么? 因为该公司正在寻找中级开发人员。

  4. As someone who’s looking for a Junior position, you are a small fish to recruiters. So be prepared to be treated as such. They won’t run after you as they do after the mid- and senior-level people. They often won’t follow-up, or will just totally discard you.

    作为正在寻找初级职位的人,您对招聘人员来说是一条小鱼。 因此要做好这样的准备。 他们不会像中高级人才那样追随您。 他们通常不会跟进,或者只会完全丢弃您。

By no means is the above relevant to ALL recruiters. I did have a few good experiences with recruiters who were very professional, organized and considerate. But, as I said, there were just a few.

以上绝非与所有招聘人员有关。 我确实与一些非常专业,有条理和体贴的招聘人员有过很好的经验。 但是,正如我所说,只有几个

第3课:前往初创公司招聘会,技术活动和聚会 (Lesson 3: Go to Startup Job Fairs, Tech Events, and Meetups)

There was a time when I would go for a week or two between landing interviews. It was hard and discouraging.

有一段时间我在登陆采访之间会花一两个星期。 这是艰难而令人沮丧的。

Then I went to the Startup Job Fair. Two days later, I had six interviews lined up for the following 1.5 weeks. I realized immediately how powerful it was to meet someone in person, build rapport, and get a chance to interview at their company.

然后我去了创业招聘会 。 两天后,在接下来的1.5周里,我进行了六次面试。 我立即意识到,与一个人见面,建立融洽的关系并有机会在他们的公司进行面试是多么强大。

As a bootcamp graduate or as a self-taught programmer, your main weapons are your fascination with programming and your thirst to learn more. In-person encounters are a perfect place to show these.

作为训练营的毕业生或自学成才的程序员,您的主要武器是编程的迷恋和对了解更多内容的渴望 。 面对面的交流是展示这些内容的理想场所。

I suggest going to meetups regularly. I normally went to one relevant meetup a week, and every big or small tech job fair I could find.

我建议定期参加聚会。 我通常每周参加一次相关的聚会,然后找到我所能找到的每个大型或小型技术招聘会。

Startup Job Fair proved to be the best, and I accepted a position with a company that I initially encountered there.


On top of everything else, I got introduced to several great people, who also helped me to push my CV through some more doors, and gave me good career and life advice.


One person I met while eating lunch there was also looking for a job. She got one after a week or two, then messaged me with a developer opening at her new company.

我在那里吃午餐时遇到的一个人也在找工作。 一两个星期后,她得到了一个,然后给我发消息,通知她在她的新公司开设了一家开发商。

This won’t be true for all events, of course. Some events I went were pretty useless. For example, I went to a tech job fair for startups with 10 companies, 5 of which were not even looking for developers.

当然,并非所有事件都如此。 我去的一些活动是没有用的。 例如,我参加了一个有10家公司的初创公司的技术招聘会,其中5家甚至没有在寻找开发人员。

But I still suggest going to as many events you can. It will pay off in offers, connections, and other unexpected bonuses.

但我仍然建议您参加尽可能多的活动。 它将在要约,联系和其他意外奖励中获得回报。

“You miss 100% of shots you don’t take.”


“You miss 100% of shots you don’t take.” — Wayne Gretzky

“您会错过100%不拍摄的照片。” —韦恩·格雷茨基

第4课:多样化您的技术技能 (Lesson 4: Diversify Your Tech Skill Set)

Here are two options, depending on the market you’re in, and the type of bootcamp you’ve attended.


First, if your bootcamp is full-stack JavaScript and you are only looking for JavaScript jobs, and there are plenty in your city — keep writing JavaScript and studying it more.


In my case, however, my bootcamp focused on Ruby on Rails, with some JavaScript. Naturally, I’d been mostly considering Ruby on Rails jobs. As it turned out, there are very few Junior roles and lots of mid and senior available in London. Hence, I chose to diversify, and it worked.

但是,就我而言,我的训练营集中在Ruby on Rails和一些JavaScript上。 自然,我主要是考虑Ruby on Rails的工作。 事实证明,伦敦很少有初级职位,而有很多中高级职位。 因此,我选择了多元化,并且成功了。

I went through courses, tutorials, endless blog posts, and built a couple of simple projects. This helped me learn enough Node.js, Express.js, Python, Django, and React to able to qualify for Junior positions with these technologies.

我遍历了课程,教程,无尽的博客文章,并建立了几个简单的项目。 这帮助我学习了足够的Node.js,Express.js,Python,Django和React,从而有资格获得这些技术的初级职位。

If the bootcamp you have finished gave you good fundamentals, new tech will be relatively easy and quickly to pick up.


After I updated my CV and included more technologies, more people started to call. I started to get more responses.

更新简历并加入更多技术后,更多的人开始打电话。 我开始得到更多回应。

The aim here was not to become the jack-of-all-trades, but to first become employable, and then study deeper the technology that I would be using at work.


In my new position, I’ll be working with Java mainly, so all my focus right now is on that.


第5课:像第二次训练营一样组织求职 (Lesson 5: Structure Your Job Search like a Second Bootcamp)

Structure. This is very important in a curriculum of a bootcamp. It’s equally important to create a structure and strategy for yourself when searching for a job.

结构体。 这对于训练营的课程非常重要。 寻找工作时,为自己创建结构和策略同样重要。

Make a plan of attack and only then start implementing it. Schedule your days to include both job search and study.

制定攻击计划,然后才能开始实施。 安排您的工作日,包括求职和学习。

Don’t mix things and multitask. We should all know that multitasking is a myth by now.

不要把事情和多任务混在一起。 我们都应该知道, 多任务处理现在是一个神话

Focus is the key. Do one thing at a time and don’t forget to take breaks.

专注是关键。 一次做一件事,不要忘记休息一下。

If you’re close to finishing the bootcamp , here’s how I would approach the job search:


研究与研究 (Research and Study)
  1. Look at the job boards and see if there is enough demand for the tech that you know.

  2. Make a list of tech that you lack and need to study or brush up on, based on the job specs. Here is the ‘Awesome list of Awesome Lists’ on Github to get you started.

    根据工作规格,列出您缺少的,需要学习或掌握的技术。 这是Github上的“超赞列表的超赞列表”,可帮助您入门。

  3. Research, make a list of blog posts, Youtube tutorials, online courses on each subject from point 2.

  4. Prioritize the topics from point 2 and start studying. Every day at least a bit.

    从第2点开始对主题进行优先排序,然后开始学习。 每天至少一点。
搜索SEO方式 (Job Search The SEO Way)

Write down a description of the company that you would like to work for. This is more of a mind exercise to understand better what exactly you are looking for. You should have a specific aim and not just “I’m looking for a job.”

写下您想工作的公司的描述。 这更是一种头脑锻炼,可以更好地了解您到底在寻找什么。 您应该有一个特定的目标,而不仅仅是“我正在寻找工作”。

Is it an agency, a product company, SaaS? Big, small, medium-sized? A startup or a mature business? What sort of culture you want to be a part of? You want to be a part of a big engineering team or a small one with 2–3 people?

是SaaS的代理商,产品公司吗? 大,小,中型? 创业还是成熟的企业? 您想加入哪种文化? 您想成为一个大型工程团队的一员,还是一个只有2-3人的小型团队?

Then list the industries that you like and start searching for companies that match your criteria.


Google is your friend and here are a few tips on how to make your search much more effective. First, I suggest reading Google search operator guides here and here. Here is another place to learn with more examples.

Google是您的朋友,这里有一些技巧,可帮助您提高搜索效率。 首先,建议您在此处此处阅读Google搜索操作指南。 这是学习更多示例的另一个地方

To give you an idea here are some queries that I used to narrow down my search:


inurl:co.uk/careers intext:junior+ruby+developer+london inurl:co.uk/jobs intext:"junior+ruby+developer"+londoninurl:co.uk/jobs intext:junior+software+engineer+london

inurl:co.uk/careers intext:junior+ruby+developer+london inurl:co.uk/jobs intext:"junior+ruby+developer"+london inurl:co.uk/jobs intext:junior+software+engineer+london

It should be self-explanatory how the queries above filter the search.


Sometimes you might get a lot of results from a job board. Filter these out with -site:jobboard.com, so that any page from this domain is excluded from your search:

有时,您可能会从求职委员会获得很多结果。 使用-site:jobboard.com过滤掉这些-site:jobboard.com ,以便从您的搜索中排除该域中的任何页面:

inurl:co.uk/careers intext:"junior+software+engineer"+london -site:reed.co.uk -site:jobsite.co.uk

inurl:co.uk/careers intext:"junior+software+engineer"+london -site:reed.co.uk -site:jobsite.co.uk

Search queries with quotes are ‘exact match’, so if you search for intext:"junior+ruby+engineer", you will get results that have all three keywords in the exact sequence as you wrote them.

带引号的搜索查询是“完全匹配”,因此,如果您搜索intext:"junior+ruby+engineer" ,则将获得包含所有三个关键字的确切顺序的搜索结果。

Experiment and play around with these depending on your location and the type of role you are looking for.


Then create templates for cover letters and email responses for different occasions. I personally kept them all in Google Sheet with different versions depending on the industry. You can also use tools such as Hubspot Sales for creating templates directly in Gmail. It also has free 200 notifications when someone opens your email, which is handy.

然后创建用于不同场合的求职信和电子邮件回复的模板。 我个人将它们全部保留在Google表格中,根据行业的不同版本。 您还可以使用Hubspot Sales之类的工具直接在Gmail中创建模板。 当有人打开您的电子邮件时,它也免费提供200条通知,这非常方便。

For the cover letter — ALWAYS include at least one personalized paragraph at the top of your cover letter. Here is a sample:

对于求职信— 总是在求职信的顶部至少包含一个个性化的段落。 这是一个示例:

“Good Afternoon,


My name is Jar Jar Binks and I would like to be considered as a candidate for the ROLE at COMPANY NAME. Having looked at your company’s website I think it is a really amazing thing that you do — making SOME TASK easier and faster.

我叫Jar Jar Binks,我想被选为COMPANY NAME角色 看完您公司的网站后,我认为这确实是一件了不起的事情-使“ 某些任务”更容易,更快捷。

My main aim for the role that I am looking for is to be part of a project that actually matters and makes certain part/task of human life better/easier. The way I see it, the bottom line is that when people SOMETHING they can meet this need via your platform much faster. On top of everything else, I have a keen interest in RELATED FIELD TO WHAT THE COMPANY DOES and I would like to be part of COMPANY NAME cause and your mission.”

我要寻找的角色的主要目的是成为一个真正重要的项目的一部分,并使人类生活的某些部分/任务更好/更轻松。 我看到它的方式,底线是,当人们的东西 ,他们可以更快地满足通过你的平台,这方面的需求。 最重要的是,我对公司所从事的领域非常感兴趣,并且我希望成为公司名称事业和您的使命的一部分。”

…rest of the template.


Consider adding some more personalized text at the bottom of the letter, where relevant.


Then structure your Job Search/Study day and treat it like a full-time job. For example:

然后安排您的求职/学习日,并将其视为全职工作。 例如:





  • Study 3 hours the programming topic that will help you make more employable.

  • Watch a keynote presentation/ interview with an engineer/listen to the podcast. I find Software Engineering Daily to be amazing.

    观看主题演讲/与工程师的访谈/收听播客。 我发现《 软件工程日报》很棒。

  • Make a break/read a book (fiction, not non-fiction, let your brain rest)

  • Read 3 useful blog posts. Make sure you are subscribed to the Weekly Newsletters.

    阅读3篇有用的博客文章。 确保您已订阅每周新闻通讯



  • Read a book on programming. Here is a great list.

    读一本关于编程的书。 这是一个很棒的清单

  • Take a walk and breathe fresh air.


Don’t forget:


  • to eat.

  • to take breaks.

  • to drink lots of water. Aim for 2.5–3 liters per day.

    喝很多水 每天目标为2.5至3升。
  • to exercise. Even 20–30 min per day in your living room would be just fine.

    锻炼身体。 即使每天在您的客厅中20–30分钟也没问题。

Full Disclosure: over the course of the bootcamp and after (7 months total) I have lost 8 kg of muscle that I have worked hard to gain a year before. I forgot to do pretty much all 4 things listed above because I was too much immersed in the programming. Don’t make the same mistake. Keep the balance.

全面披露:在训练营期间和之后(总共7个月),我失去了8公斤的肌肉,这是我一年前努力锻炼的。 我忘了做上面列出的全部4件事,因为我太沉迷于编程了。 不要犯同样的错误。 保持平衡。

Finally, attack! Send several applications per day. Set yourself a benchmark of how many you want to send daily and stick to that.

最后攻击! 每天发送多个应用程序。 为自己设定一个基准,确定每天要发送多少并遵守该基准。

第六课:不要放弃。 从内部找到激发您动机的因素 (Lesson 6: Don’t Give Up. Find What Motivates You from Within)

It’s easy to give up. Everyone can do that. Only a few can grind forth. Most of us need something external to motivate us. But to get through, you’ll need to find something to motivate you from within.

放弃很容易。 每个人都可以做到。 只有少数可以磨碎。 我们大多数人都需要外部动力来激励我们。 但是要获得成功,您需要找到一些可以从内部激励您的东西。

Find the mechanism that helps you keep going, then channel it every time you feel discouragement or despair closing in on you. It could be literally anything, so it is hard to recommend anything in particular.

找到有助于您继续前进的机制,然后在每次遇到挫折或绝望时向您提供帮助。 它实际上可以是任何东西,因此很难特别推荐任何东西。

Instead, I will share where I channel my inner power. It is Stoicism — probably the most practical philosophy to date.

相反,我将分享我的内在力量。 这是斯多葛主义-可能是迄今为止最实用的哲学。

There is one particular quote from the monumental book Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, that I remind myself every single day:

马库斯·奥雷留斯(Marcus Aurelius)的经典著作冥想》(Meditations)中有一句话特别引人注意

“Impediment to action advances action, what stands in the way becomes the way.” — Marcus Aurelius

“行动的积极性促进了行动,阻碍前进的道路就成了道路。” - Marcus Aurelius

It helps me treat every obstacle as an opportunity:


  • Didn’t progress to the next stage after spending spent 2 days writing the coding test for the company, and didn’t get a single piece of feedback? That’s not bad, that’s good. I’ve learned how to build a new tool and picked up few new tricks. I’ve also learned that such treatment of candidates discourages them, and I will never do that to others in my future career.

    在花了2天的时间为公司编写编码测试之后,是否还没有进入下一阶段,并且没有得到任何反馈? 那还不错,那很好。 我已经学会了如何构建新工具并学到了一些新技巧。 我还了解到,对候选人的这种待遇会使他们灰心丧气,而且在以后的职业生涯中,我永远不会对其他人那样。
  • Didn’t get the offer after the final stage? That’s not bad, that’s good. It’s time to reflect on the interview process and see what I could have done better. It’s also a good time to kindly ask for some feedback from the interviewers.

    最后阶段之后没有得到报价吗? 那还不错,那很好。 现在该反思一下面试过程,看看我本可以做得更好。 这也是一个很好的时机,请采访员提供一些反馈。
  • Didn’t pass that test on an interview and felt bad not knowing the answer? That’s not bad, that’s good. I just found a crack in my knowledge that I didn’t know existed. So I can go back home and study the subject of that test. I can also make sure that next time I nail this interview question.

    没在面试中通过该测试并且不知道答案就感到难过吗? 那还不错,那很好。 我只是发现我不知道存在的裂缝。 这样我就可以回家学习该测试的主题。 我还可以确保下次我要回答这个面试问题。
  • The interviewer was a jerk? That’s not bad, that’s good. That’s valuable intel, which shows that such behavior is accepted in the company’s culture. I’ll think twice before moving forward with such a company.

    面试官是个混蛋吗? 那还不错,那很好。 那是有价值的英特尔,表明这种行为在公司的文化中得到了接受。 在建立这样的公司之前,我会三思而后行。

Make no mistake — this is not a “look at the bright side of things” philosophy, this is I turn crap into gold with my sheer power of perception and move on” philosophy.


This is a simple yet very powerful perspective — whatever is in my way IS my way.

这是一个 简单但很有影响力的观点- 挡住我的一切就是挡风玻璃

If you want to learn more about Stoicism — check the Daily Stoic site.

如果您想进一步了解Stoicism,请访问Daily Stoic网站。

Admittedly, I’ve had lots of non-stoic days while looking for a job. Thankfully, I had the support of my family, friends and close people who never stopped believing in me for what I am incredibly grateful.

诚然,我在找工作的时候经历了很多漫长的日子。 值得庆幸的是,我得到了家人,朋友和亲密朋友的支持,他们从没停止过相信我,我对此深表感谢。

奖励课程:薪水 (Bonus Lesson: Salaries)

If you’re in London and reading this, you might still have a question of how much you should ask for and could get in your new role. There is no straight answer to that. But most of the recruiters will tell you can get £20 — £25k, and that £30k is out of reach for a junior developer. Please know that this is nonsense.

如果您在伦敦阅读此书,您可能还会有一个问题,问您应该要求多少才能担任新职位。 没有直接的答案。 但是,大多数招聘人员会告诉您,您可以获得20英镑至25,000英镑,而对于初级开发人员来说,3万英镑是遥不可及的。 请知道这是胡说八道。

Firstly, I’ve received an offer of £30k+, to work with the technology that I had zero prior experience with.


Secondly, once at a Free Code Camp event, I asked the salary question to a recruiter who was giving us some tips on job hunting. Jump to 1 hour and 10 minutes into this video to hear his advice.

其次,在一次免费代码营活动中,我问了一个招聘人员的薪水问题,该人员向我们提供了一些求职技巧。 跳至该视频的 1小时10分钟,以听听他的建议。

Overall, £25k should be the very minimum that you should ask for in my opinion. And I think it is totally possible to get to the mark of £35k after a bootcamp (not necessarily straight away, but with additional study and practice while during your job search).

总体而言,我认为您应该要求的最低下限为2.5万英镑。 而且我认为,在进行新手训练营之后,完全有可能获得35,000英镑的奖金(不一定马上就到,但在求职过程中还要额外学习和练习)。

At the end of the day, the final amount depends largely on the type of the company you’re getting the offer from.


Finally, the number in your contract should not be the reason for the choice of your job. Opportunity should be. That is why I turned down offers of 30k+ and accepted a short internship with the potential of becoming a full-time member of the team. I will work with Java (which I have never worked before), lots of AWS, cloud tech, Real-Time Transfer Protocols, and many other tasty technologies that make me absolutely excited.

最后,合同中的数字不应成为您选择工作的原因。 机会应该是 。 这就是为什么我拒绝提供超过30k的薪水并接受短暂的实习,并有可能成为该团队的全职成员的原因。 我将使用Java(以前从未使用过),许多AWS,云技术,实时传输协议以及许多其他让我感到非常兴奋的美味技术来工作。

It will be hard of course, and that’s good. Because I will turn this obstacle into a great opportunity.

当然会很难,这很好。 因为我会将这个障碍变成一个巨大的机会。

摘要 (Summary)

  1. Don’t bother too much with the Job Boards, it is the least effective channel of getting a job.

  2. Recruiters can help you in the search, but working with them is not the most reliable option when looking for a junior developer position.

  3. Go to all possible tech job-related events. Expand your network. You might find the right job opportunity from someone you meet there.

    转到所有可能的技术工作相关事件。 扩展您的网络。 您可能会从遇到的人那里找到合适的工作机会。
  4. Diversify your skill set and learn new technologies that are in demand every day to make you more employable.

  5. Strategize your job search. Just like learning to code, your job search demands a lot of hard work and structure.

    制定求职策略。 就像学习编码一样,求职也需要大量的工作和结构。
  6. Don’t give up. Do whatever it takes to keep your mind focused on the aim. Tell yourself: “No matter how bad it is or how bad it gets, I’m going to make it!”

    不要放弃 尽一切努力使您的注意力集中在目标上。 告诉自己:“无论它有多糟或有多糟,我都会做到!”
  7. Don’t base your choice on salary alone. Look for opportunities and amazing technologies to work with.

    不要仅凭薪水来选择。 寻找机会和令人惊奇的技术。

Finally, I hope you’ll find the advice in this post useful, and that you’ll learn from the various mistakes I made.


If you’re at the start of a bootcamp journey, or considering attending one, feel free to check my 13-week journey at The Firehose Project, starting at week 1.

如果您是新手训练营的开始,或者正在考虑参加新兵训练营,请随时检查我在Firehose Project进行的13周旅程, 从第1周开始

If you have anything to add — I am happy to hear! Leave the comments below!

如果您要添加任何内容,我很高兴听到! 在下面留下评论!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/lessons-from-my-post-bootcamp-job-search-in-london-cb37ea12ec2f/


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