

Dear Self,


You just graduated and you are ready to start your career in the IT field. I cannot spoil anything, but I assure you it will be an interesting ride.

您刚刚毕业,就可以开始在IT领域的职业了。 我不能破坏任何东西,但是我向您保证这将是一个有趣的旅程。

I'm writing you this letter because I want to give you some advice that will help you be a better professional. These are all things you'll learn yourself in the next few years, but this list contains everything I wish someone had told me when I started my career. They are not ordered by any means and are all equally important.

我给您写这封信是因为我想给您一些建议,以帮助您成为更好的专业人士。 这些都是您未来几年会学到的所有东西,但是此列表包含了我希望有人在我开始职业生涯时告诉我的所有内容。 它们不以任何方式命令,并且都同等重要

跑马拉松,而不是短跑。 (Run a marathon, not a sprint.)

The road to becoming a good software engineer is a long one. Don't rush things, and don't give up just because you are not getting an easy and fast win.

成为一名优秀的软件工程师的路很长。 不要急于求成 ,也不要仅仅因为您没有轻松快捷地获胜而放弃。

Take your time to learn and become proficient in the topics you are interested in. Remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint.


要谦虚,不要愚蠢。 (Be humble, not stupid.)

It is good -- sorry, it is fundamental -- to be humble. There is always something to learn from others, even when you are an experienced professional.

谦虚是一件好事-对不起,这是根本 。 即使您是一位经验丰富的专业人士,也总有可以向他人学习的东西。

But this doesn't mean that everyone is better than you. You have to respect yourself and your skills.

但这并不意味着每个人都比你更好。 您必须尊重自己和自己的技能

When you don't respect yourself you become stupid, not humble.


与自己而不是别人比较。 (Compare with yourself, not others.)

There is no point in comparing yourself with others. There will always be someone better than you in your job. And there will always be someone better than the one that is better than you. And there will... ok, you get the point. Just do your best.

与其他人进行比较没有任何意义。 在工作中总会有比你更好的人。 永远会有比你更好的人。 然后……好,您明白了。 尽力而为

If you think someone is a better engineer than you are, learn from them. Keep doing your best, and eventually, you will be a reference for someone else.

如果您认为某人是比您更好的工程师,请向他们学习。 继续努力,最终,您将成为其他人的参考。

尊重人,而不是头衔。 (Respect people, not titles.)

During your career, you will work with exceptional professionals. Most importantly, you will meet exceptional human beings. Respect people for who they are, not for the title they have.

在您的职业生涯中,您将与杰出的专业人员合作。 最重要的是,您将遇到杰出的人类。 尊重人们的身份 ,而不是拥有的头衔。

If foo is the "Principal Senior Lead Engineering Chief Architect", that doesn't mean that he deserves more respect than bar who is a junior software developer.


选择挑战,而不是安慰。 (Choose the challenge, not comfort.)

The road will be full of crossroads. There may be multiple choices, but everything boils down to a choice: stay in your comfort zone, or go outside your comfort zone.

这条路将充满十字路口。 可能有多种选择,但一切都归结为一个选择:留在您的舒适区中,还是走出您的舒适区。

There may be a moment in your life -- hopefully after decades of work -- when you will feel the need to cool down a bit because you will be satisfied with what you achieved. Until that moment, try to go out of your comfort zone. It will make you a better professional and you will feel more satisfied with your career.

在您的生活中可能会有片刻(希望经过数十年的工作),此时您会感到需要冷静一下,因为您会对所取得的成就感到满意。 在那一刻之前,请尝试脱离舒适区。 这将使您成为一个更好的专业人士,并对您的职业感到更满意。

Remember that the best things often happen outside your comfort zone.

请记住, 最好的事情经常发生在您的舒适区之外

跳到白板上,而不是键盘上。 (Jump on the whiteboard, not on the keyboard.)

When you have to design a new feature or a new system, don't jump on the keyboard to start coding. The "muscle" you have to train and use as an engineer is your brain, not your fingers. Always think before you act.

当您必须设计新功能或新系统时,请勿跳动键盘来开始编码。 您必须训练和用作工程师的“肌肉”是您的大脑,而不是手指。 行动前要三思

For this reason, jump on the whiteboard instead of the keyboard, and start thinking of what you should implement. Better if you have a sparring partner to challenge your thoughts.

因此,请跳到白板而不是键盘上,然后开始考虑应该执行的操作。 如果您有争吵的伙伴来挑战您的想法,那就更好了。

Oh, when I say "the whiteboard" I mean "anything that can help you think", be it pen and paper, a notebook application, draw.io, and so on.

哦,当我说“白板”时,我的意思是“任何可以帮助您思考的东西”,包括笔和纸,笔记本应用程序, draw.io等。

提供价值,而不是代码。 (Deliver value, not code.)

Please don't be affected by the NIH syndrome. There is no point in reinventing the wheel. Avoid wasting time on something that is already out there.

请不要受到NIH综合征的影响。 重新发明轮子没有意义。 避免浪费时间在已经存在的东西上

If you can achieve your goal simply gluing some tools together, just do it. What you should deliver as a software engineer is value to your business, not lines of code.

如果您只需将一些工具粘合在一起就可以实现目标,那就去做。 作为软件工程师,您应该交付的东西对您的业务至关重要,而不是代码行。

选择生活,而不是工作。 (Choose life, not work.)

In the IT field, it is easy to focus too much on work. After all, for most of us, it is not just a job, it is our passion. Remember that work is important, but life is more important.

在IT领域,很容易将精力集中在工作上。 毕竟,对于我们大多数人来说,这不仅仅是工作,而是我们的激情。 请记住, 工作固然重要,但生活更重要

Live a meaningful and rich life. Play sports, read books, find hobbies, travel and see the beautiful world we are living in. Hang out with friends, find a partner for your life and give to your partner all the love, attention, and support that you can. You'll be surprised how much having a rich life will improve you as a professional.

过着有意义而丰富的生活。 参加体育运动,读书,兴趣爱好,旅行,看看我们所生活的美丽世界。与朋友们出去玩,为自己的生活寻找伴侣,并尽一切所能给自己的爱,关怀和支持。 您会惊讶地发现,拥有充实的生活会极大地提高您的专业水平。

That's all I can tell you right now. I still have a lot to learn.

那就是我现在能告诉你的。 我还有很多东西要学。

One last note: enjoy the ride! 🚀

最后一点: 享受旅程 ! 🚀

With love, (a more experienced) You.


You can read other articles like this on my blog, florio.dev.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-letter-to-myself-as-a-fresh-software-engineer/






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