电子邮件链接mailto_“ 3个链接”电子邮件的历史记录以及曾经发送的每个链接的存档...

免费编程学习社区freeCodeCamp的创始人Quincy Larson讲述了为何选择发送纯文本电子邮件,而不是HTML邮件。他强调可访问性和数据效率,以及如何在忙碌中筛选和分享资源。此外,他还分享了如何注册每周接收这些资源邮件的链接。


by Quincy Larson

昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)

It was March 2016. The freeCodeCamp community was growing. We’d just hit a quarter of a million campers, all through word of mouth.

那是2016年3月。freeCodeCamp社区正在成长。 我们只通过口口相传就击中了四分之一的露营者。

But the community was spread out across thousands of chat rooms, forums, and Facebook groups. Some people only used the freeCodeCamp.org learning platform. Others only followed the Medium publication or subscribed to the YouTube channel.

但是社区分散在成千上万个聊天室,论坛和Facebook群组中。 有些人只使用了freeCodeCamp.org学习平台。 其他人仅关注Medium出版物订阅了YouTube频道

I wanted a reliable way to communicate with all of these campers. So I turned to the oldest method on the internet: email.

我想要一种与所有这些露营者交流的可靠方法。 因此,我转向了互联网上最古老的方法:电子邮件。

I thought about the way that most organizations sent emails. They used fancy images and colors, and every word was carefully chosen by a marketer. Even when these emails mentioned your name, they didn’t feel very personal.

我考虑了大多数组织发送电子邮件的方式。 他们使用精美的图像和颜色,每个单词都由营销人员精心选择。 即使这些电子邮件提到您的名字,他们也不觉得很个人。

Since I tended to unsubscribe from those kinds of emails, I knew I needed to try a different approach.


I thought hard about what kind of email I would like to receive. People are busy. They’re more busy than ever before. So these emails needed to be short, simple, and worthy of people’s scarce time.

我认真思考过我想收到哪种电子邮件。 人们很忙。 他们比以往任何时候都更忙。 因此,这些电子邮件必须简短,简单,并值得人们的宝贵时间。

I started from the fundamental assumption that everyone who signed up for freeCodeCamp.org did so because they had a goal in mind: getting a new job, getting a promotion, or maybe even creating their own business.


So I focused on sharing resources that would help people achieve those goals.


Each week, developers publish tons of new articles, videos, podcasts, interactive web apps, and other resources. Rather than try to share all of these, I made the decision to only share three each week. The best three.

每周,开发人员都会发布大量新文章,视频,播客,交互式Web应用程序和其他资源。 我决定不共享所有这些内容,而是决定每周仅共享三个。 最好的三个。

I created a simple plain-text format. And every email I sent was structured the exact same way:

我创建了一个简单的纯文本格式。 而且我发送的每封电子邮件的结构都完全相同:

Here are this week’s three links that are worth your time:
1. [link description] (N minute read): [link 1]
2. [link description] (N minute watch): [link 2]
3. [link description] (N minute listen): [link 3]
- Quincy Larson
Teacher at freeCodeCamp.org
[one-click unsubscribe link]

All of these emails came straight from my personal email address. I sent them using Mail for Good, a free open source tool that the freeCodeCamp community built for nonprofits.

所有这些电子邮件直接来自我的个人电子邮件地址。 我使用Mail for Good发送了这些邮件,该邮件是freeCodeCamp社区为非营利组织构建的免费开源工具。

So far, my instincts seem to have been right. After two years, only about 25% of people who’ve ever received an email from me have chosen to unsubscribe. And many people write me back to say they found one of the links particularly helpful or timely. (And yes, I do get these replies. And I read every one of them.) I’ve even have people point to me at conferences and say, “Hey! It’s the email guy!”

到目前为止,我的直觉似乎是正确的。 两年后,只有大约25%收到过我的电子邮件的人选择退订。 很多人回信给我说,他们发现其中一个链接特别有用或及时。 (是的,我的确收到了这些答复。而且我阅读了其中的每一篇。)我什至让人们在会议上指向我说:“嘿! 是电子邮件人员!”

Since the beginning, people have asked me for an archive of all my past emails. So I’ve gathered them here in this Medium article.

从一开始,人们就要求我提供我过去所有电子邮件的存档。 所以我在这篇中型文章中将它们收集到了这里。

But first, here are some other questions people frequently ask me about my emails.


问题1:为什么要发送纯文本电子邮件? HTML电子邮件允许图像,更多格式选项和更好的跟踪。 (Question 1: Why do you send plaintext emails? HTML emails allow for images, more formatting options, and better tracking.)

I use plaintext emails for one major reason: accessibility.

我使用纯文本电子邮件的主要原因之一: 可访问性

  • Plaintext emails will render properly regardless of which email tool or browser people use.

  • A lot of campers are visually impaired or completely blind. They rely on screen readers so that they can listen to the contents of the email. Plaintext emails work best with screen readers.

    许多露营者有视力障碍或完全失明。 他们依靠屏幕阅读器来收听电子邮件的内容。 纯文本电子邮件最适合与屏幕阅读器一起使用。
  • A lot of campers are in parts of the world where internet access is limited or prohibitively expensive. Plaintext emails are very data efficient — often only a few kilobytes.

    在世界上互联网访问受限或昂贵的地区,许多露营者都在其中。 纯文本电子邮件具有很高的数据效率-通常只有几千字节。
问题2:如果您正在忙于运行freeCodeCamp.org社区,您如何找到时间阅读/观看/收听所有这些资源? (Question 2: If you’re busy running the freeCodeCamp.org community, how do you find time to read/watch/listen to all of these resources?)

I spend a lot of time reading. Aside from playing with my kids, it’s my main hobby.

我花很多时间阅读。 除了和孩子们一起玩,这是我的主要爱好。

I listen to podcasts and watch videos on 2x speed, which saves time. And I usually do this when I go for runs each morning — during which I wouldn’t be able to work, anyway.

我收听播客并以2倍的速度观看视频,从而节省了时间。 而且我通常每天早晨去跑步时都会这样做-在此期间我还是无法工作。

Also, a lot of the resources I share are created by developers within the freeCodeCamp community, and I get to help edit many of them myself.


问题3:我听说过您的电子邮件,但是我该如何注册才能每周开始接收它? (Question 3: I’ve heard about your emails, but how can I sign up to start receiving it each week?)

Go to freeCodeCamp.org and create an account real quick. All we ask for is your email address. Then you’ll start getting my weekly emails.

转到freeCodeCamp.org并快速创建一个帐户。 我们只需要您的电子邮件地址。 然后,您将开始获取我的每周电子邮件。

我过去的电子邮件的存档(按时间倒序排列) (An archive of my past emails (in reverse chronological order))

2018年2月8日 (February 8, 2018)

1. Here are 330 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free (browseable list): https://fcc.im/2C6En8m

1.以下是330项常春藤盟军课程,您可以立即免费在线上学(浏览列表): https : //fcc.im/2C6En8m

2. 3 years ago I was just a 30-something teacher coding in his closet. But yesterday, the IRS granted freeCodeCamp Tax Exempt status. And freeCodeCamp is now a public charity. As a result, every donation you’ve ever made to freeCodeCamp is now tax deductible. Here’s what all this means for you and for the global freeCodeCamp community (3 minute read): https://fcc.im/2BjNVjJ

2. 3年前,我只是30多岁的老师在他的壁橱里编码。 但是昨天,美国国税局授予freeCodeCamp免税资格。 freeCodeCamp现在是一个公共慈善机构。 结果,您对freeCodeCamp所做的每笔捐款现在都可以免税。 这对您和全球freeCodeCamp社区都意味着什么(阅读3分钟): https ://fcc.im/2BjNVjJ

3. If you’re considering freelancing or creating a startup, this is a must-watch. My friend Luke Ciciliano — who does freelance web development for law firms — will walk you through the best way to set up your US business for tax purposes (21 minute watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtIB_3_DZUk

3.如果您正在考虑自由职业或创建一家初创公司,这是必须注意的。 我的朋友卢克·西西里亚诺(Luke Ciciliano)(为律师事务所进行自由网络开发)将为您介绍建立以税收为目的的美国业务的最佳方法(观看21分钟): https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v= AtIB_3_DZUk

Bonus: Elvis was “just a village boy from Nigeria who had nothing but a dream and a Nokia J2ME feature phone.” Today, he’s a 19 year old Android developer who has worked on over 50 apps and currently works for an MIT startup. On this week’s episode of the freeCodeCamp Podcast, I tell his inspiring story of how he built apps using nothing more than his feature phone (15 minute listen): https://fcc.im/2EdyvMb

奖金:猫王是“来自尼日利亚的一个乡村男孩,除了梦想和诺基亚J2ME功能手机外别无其他。” 如今,他是19岁的Android开发人员,已经开发了50多个应用程序,目前在MIT初创公司工作。 在本周的freeCodeCamp播客中,我讲述了他的启发性故事,他如何仅使用功能手机(听15分钟)即可构建应用: https//fcc.im/2EdyvMb

一月31,2018 (January 31, 2018)

1. Learn how you can code your own chat room app using React, Redux, Redux-Saga, and Web Sockets in this free in-depth YouTube tutorial (85 minute watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_fHXt9V3zQ

1.在这个免费的深度YouTube教程(观看85分钟)中,了解如何使用React,Redux,Redux-Saga和Web Sockets编写自己的聊天室应用代码: https//www.youtube.com/watch? v = x_fHXt9V3zQ

2. How to manage your taxes as a freelance developer or startup (7 minute read): https://fcc.im/2BKOYp4

2.如何以自由开发人员或初创公司的身份管理税款(阅读7分钟): https : //fcc.im/2BKOYp4

3. Want to build apps using blockchain and smart contracts? This in-depth guide will help you get started (21 minute read): https://fcc.im/2nuzrFZ

3.想使用区块链和智能合约构建应用程序吗? 这份深入的指南将帮助您入门(阅读21分钟): https : //fcc.im/2nuzrFZ

Bonus: Here are 440 free online programming and computer science courses you can start in February (browsable list): https://fcc.im/2DR0rVY

奖励:这是您可以在2月开始的440项免费在线编程和计算机科学课程(浏览列表): https : //fcc.im/2DR0rVY

一月25,2018 (January 25, 2018)

1. My friend just launched a free full-length CSS Flexbox course where you can build responsive websites interactively in your browser (5 minute read): https://fcc.im/2E5INyK

1.我的朋友刚刚开设了免费CSS Flexbox全长课程,您可以在其中通过浏览器交互地构建响应式网站(阅读5分钟): https ://fcc.im/2E5INyK

2. A 5-minute intro to Color Theory: how to combine colors and set the mood of your designs (5 minute read): https://fcc.im/2nasXe6

2.色彩理论入门5分钟:如何组合色彩并设置设计心情(阅读5分钟): https : //fcc.im/2nasXe6

2. How you can build your own VR headset for $100 (3 minute read): https://fcc.im/2ncIiuC

2.如何以100美元(阅读3分钟)的价格构建自己的VR耳机: https//fcc.im/2ncIiuC

Bonus: 5 years ago, Ken was a college dropout who woke up every day at 4 a.m. to drive a forklift. He taught himself to code and kick-started his career by convincing a local web development company to hire him. In this week’s episode of The freeCodeCamp Podcast, Ken shares his advice on how to go from a hobbyist to a professional developer (15 minute listen, also on iTunes and Google Play): https://fcc.im/2FfGpoH

奖励:5年前,肯(Ken)是一名大学辍学生,每天凌晨4点醒来,他要开一辆叉车。 他说服自己编写代码,并通过说服本地一家Web开发公司雇用他来开始他的职业生涯。 在本周的freeCodeCamp播客中,Ken分享了有关如何从业余爱好者转变为专业开发人员的建议(15分钟的收听时间,也可以在iTunes和Google Play上收听): https : //fcc.im/2FfGpoH

一月18,2018 (January 18, 2018)

1. These CSS naming tips will save you hours of debugging (7 minute read): https://fcc.im/2mNUFNw

1.这些CSS命名技巧将节省您调试时间(阅读7分钟): https : //fcc.im/2mNUFNw

2. CSS Flexbox basics explained in just 5 minutes (5 minute read): https://fcc.im/2FR1DtW

2.只需5分钟(阅读5分钟)即可解释CSS Flexbox基础知识: https ://fcc.im/2FR1DtW

3. We just published a free video course on how to build your own iOS flashcard app using React Native, from setup to animations. All four videos are now live on freeCodeCamp’s YouTube channel (4 hour watch in total): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b6F0KiFpG8

3.我们刚刚发布了一个免费的视频课程,内容涉及如何使用React Native从设置到动画来构建自己的iOS闪存卡应用程序。 现在,所有四个视频都在freeCodeCamp的YouTube频道上直播(总共观看了4小时): https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v= _b6F0KiFpG8

Bonus: How not to bomb your job offer negotiation: part two of Haseeb Qureshi’s tips that helped him negotiate a $250,000 starting package when he got his first developer job at Airbnb. This episode of The freeCodeCamp Podcast can help you increase your starting salary by thousands of dollars (34 minute listen, also on iTunes and Google Play): https://fcc.im/2rk69Ow

奖励:如何不炸毁你的求职谈判:Haseeb Qureshi的技巧的第二部分,帮助他在Airbnb上获得第一份开发人员工作时谈判了25万美元的起薪。 freeCodeCamp Podcast的这一集可以帮助您将起薪提高数千美元(34分钟收听,也可以在iTunes和Google Play上收听): https : //fcc.im/2rk69Ow

一月11,2018 (January 11, 2018)

1. Here are some stories from 300 developers who got their first tech job in their 30s, 40s, and 50s (4 minute read): https://fcc.im/2miUtWv

1.以下是300个开发人员的故事,这些开发人员分别在30、40和50年代(读了4分钟)获得了第一份技术工作: https : //fcc.im/2miUtWv

2. HTTPS explained with carrier pigeons (5 minute read): https://fcc.im/2D0Infc

2. HTTPS与信鸽一起解释(阅读5分钟): https : //fcc.im/2D0Infc

3. How we recreated Amazon Go in 36 hours (7 minute read): https://fcc.im/2qUlgOv

3.我们如何在36小时(阅读7分钟)内重新创建Amazon Go: https//fcc.im/2qUlgOv

Bonus: If you’re actively looking for a developer job in the new year, this is a must-listen. Hasseeb Qureshi is famous for negotiating a $250,000 starting compensation package when he accepted his first developer job at Airbnb in San Francisco. In this new episode of the freeCodeCamp Podcast, Hasseeb shares negotiation tips you can use to increase your starting salary by thousands — and in some cases — tens of thousands of dollars (27 minute listen, also on iTunes and Google Play): https://fcc.im/2D3sANt

奖励:如果您正在积极寻找新的一年的开发人员工作,这是必须听的。 Hasseeb Qureshi因在旧金山Airbnb接受了他的第一份开发人员工作而谈判获得25万美元的起薪补偿而闻名。 在freeCodeCamp播客的这一新剧集中,Hasseeb分享了一些谈判技巧,您可以使用这些技巧将起薪增加数千美元,在某些情况下还可以提高数万美元(27分钟收听,也可以在iTunes和Google Play上收听): https:// /fcc.im/2D3sANt

一月4,2018 (January 4, 2018)

1. Some lessons I learned from 7 self-taught coders who now work as professional software developers (6 minute read): https://fcc.im/2CF6S2a

1.我从7位自学成才的编码员那里学到了一些教训,这些编码员现在是专业软件开发人员(阅读6分钟): https : //fcc.im/2CF6S2a

2. Don’t do it at runtime. Do it at design time (4 minute read): https://fcc.im/2CRUpVE

2.不要在运行时这样做。 在设计时执行此操作(读取4分钟): https : //fcc.im/2CRUpVE

3. Next Level Accessibility: 5 ways Scott made the freeCodeCamp Guide more usable for people with disabilities (7 minute read): https://fcc.im/2EPTeqk

3.更高级别的可访问性:Scott使freeCodeCamp指南对残疾人更有用的5种方式(阅读7分钟): https ://fcc.im/2EPTeqk

Bonus: Here are 600 free online programming and computer science courses you can start in January (browsable list): https://fcc.im/2CztEbq

奖励:这里有600项免费的在线编程和计算机科学课程,您可以在一月份开始学习(浏览列表): https : //fcc.im/2CztEbq

2017年12月28日 (December 28, 2017)

Here are this week’s three links that are worth your time:


1. The unlikely history of the 100 Days Of Code Challenge, and why you should try it for 2018 (8 minute read): https://fcc.im/2lmVXhR

1. 100天代码挑战的不太可能的历史,以及为什么要在2018年尝试使用它(阅读8分钟): https : //fcc.im/2lmVXhR

2. CSS Grid is an exciting new way to build responsive websites. And a freeCodeCamp contributor just released a full CSS Grid course for free (5 minute read): https://fcc.im/2E6oT6i

2. CSS Grid是一种构建响应式网站的令人兴奋的新方法。 一个freeCodeCamp贡献者刚刚免费发布了完整CSS Grid课程(阅读5分钟): https ://fcc.im/2E6oT6i

3. How exactly does Bitcoin work? This camper built an interactive web app to show you (5 minute read): https://fcc.im/2C47zl3

3.比特币到底如何工作? 该露营者构建了一个交互式Web应用程序来向您显示(阅读5分钟): https : //fcc.im/2C47zl3

Bonus: How I built and launched a chatbot over the weekend (10 minute watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IUgB5-CKDQ

奖励:我如何在周末建立和启动聊天机器人(观看10分钟): https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v= 8IUgB5-CKDQ

2017年12月21日 (December 21, 2017)

1. This is the story of a high school kid in Nigeria named Elvis who coded and launched two popular apps using nothing more than his Nokia feature phone. He eventually earned enough money from freelancing to buy a proper laptop, and now he works for an MIT-based startup (10 minute read): https://fcc.im/2Bwp50Y

1.这是一个尼日利亚高中生猫王的故事,他用诺基亚功能手机编写并启动了两个流行的应用程序。 他最终从自由职业中获得了足够的钱来购买合适的笔记本电脑,现在他在一家基于MIT的创业公司工作(阅读10分钟): https : //fcc.im/2Bwp50Y

2. Sacha just asked 23,000 developers what they think of JavaScript. Here are the results of his 2017 State of JavaScript Survey (8 minute read): https://fcc.im/2BtKuYI

2. Sacha刚刚问了23,000个开发人员他们对JavaScript的看法。 这是他2017年JavaScript状态调查的结果(阅读8分钟): https : //fcc.im/2BtKuYI

3. Here are 5 helpful GitHub tips for new coders (4 minute read): https://fcc.im/2kzNAQp

3.以下是针对新程序员的5个有用的GitHub技巧(阅读4分钟): https : //fcc.im/2kzNAQp

Bonus: I just published episode 11 of The freeCodeCamp Podcast: “Programming is hard. That’s precisely why you should learn it.” Listen to it in iTunes or Google Play, or right here in your browser (11 minute listen): https://fcc.im/2k9zLuH

奖励:我刚刚发布了freeCodeCamp播客的第11集:“编程很难。 这就是为什么你应该学习它。” 在iTunes或Google Play中收听,或在浏览器中直接收听(收听11分钟): https : //fcc.im/2k9zLuH

2017年12月14日 (December 14, 2017)

1. This is the best article I’ve ever read on Bitcoin technology and the engineering challenges it faces (17 minute read): https://fcc.im/2Cjax1A

1.这是我读过的关于比特币技术及其面临的工程挑战的最佳文章(阅读17分钟): https : //fcc.im/2Cjax1A

2. How to make your HTML responsive by adding a single line of CSS (6 minute read): https://fcc.im/2ktADqP

2.如何通过添加一行CSS来使HTML响应(阅读6分钟): https : //fcc.im/2ktADqP

3. Briana’s back with her new in-depth video: how to use Bash and the command line in Mac, Windows 10, and Linux (33 minute watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFMyUgF6I8Y

3. Briana带来了她的新的深入视频:如何在Mac,Windows 10和Linux中使用Bash和命令行(观看33分钟): https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFMyUgF6I8Y

Bonus: I just published episode 10 of The freeCodeCamp Podcast and it’s gut-wrenching: “We fired our top developer talent. Best decision we ever made.” Listen to it in iTunes or Google Play, or right here in your browser (10 minute listen): https://fcc.im/2k9zLuH

奖励:我刚刚发布了freeCodeCamp Podcast的第10集,这实在令人费解:“我们解雇了我们的顶级开发人才。 我们做出的最佳决定。” 在iTunes或Google Play中收听,或在浏览器中直接收听(收听10分钟): https : //fcc.im/2k9zLuH

2017年12月8日 (December 8, 2017)

1. How did I land my first job as a self-taught developer? I prepared like crazy (6 minute read): https://fcc.im/2iDU67l

1.我如何找到自己的自学成才的第一份工作? 我准备疯了(阅读了6分钟): https : //fcc.im/2iDU67l

2. The definitive JavaScript handbook for your next developer interview (14 minute read): https://fcc.im/2jwgTmL

2.下次开发人员访谈的权威JavaScript手册(阅读14分钟): https : //fcc.im/2jwgTmL

3. Here are 450 free online programming and computer science courses you can start in December (browsable list): https://fcc.im/2A1x6Gs

3.这里有450项免费的在线编程和计算机科学课程,您可以在12月开始(浏览列表): https : //fcc.im/2A1x6Gs

Bonus: Learn how to build an API using Node.js with this free in-depth YouTube tutorial (33 minute watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsCjFHuMXj0

奖励:通过此免费的深入YouTube教程(观看33分钟),了解如何使用Node.js构建API: https//www.youtube.com/watch?v = fsCjFHuMXj0

2017年11月30日 (November 30, 2017)

1. Learn CSS Grid in 5 minutes: a quick introduction to the future of website layouts (5 minute read): https://fcc.im/2AjmK89

1.在5分钟内学习CSS Grid:网站布局的未来快速介绍(阅读5分钟): https : //fcc.im/2AjmK89

2. How I built the Airbnb of music studios in a single evening: the story of Studiotime (6 minute read): https://fcc.im/2BAxZY0

2.我如何在一个晚上建造音乐工作室的Airbnb:Studiotime的故事(阅读6分钟): https ://fcc.im/2BAxZY0

3. Regular Expressions Demystified: RegEx isn’t as hard as it looks (21 minute read): https://fcc.im/2AlB8KU

3.揭开正则表达式的神秘面纱:RegEx并不像看起来那么难(阅读21分钟): https : //fcc.im/2AlB8KU

Bonus: I just published Episode #8 of The freeCodeCamp Podcast: “What I learned from spending 3 months applying to jobs after a coding bootcamp.” You can subscribe to The freeCodeCamp Podcast in iTunes or Google Play, or just listen to all the episodes in your browser here (10 minute listen): https://fcc.im/2k9zLuH

奖励:我刚刚发布了freeCodeCamp播客的第8集:“我在编码训练营之后花了3个月的时间申请工作中学到了什么。” 您可以在iTunes或Google Play中订阅freeCodeCamp播客,或在此处浏览浏览器中的所有剧集(收听10分钟): https : //fcc.im/2k9zLuH

2017年11月22日 (November 22, 2017)

1. The freeCodeCamp Toronto team hosted the first freeCodeCamp conference. More than a hundred campers attended this free event, including myself. And we live-streamed it to the global community. Here’s the opening talk I gave (24 minute watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si1pjn5R0xU&t=1540s

1. freeCodeCamp多伦多团队主持了第一次freeCodeCamp会议。 包括我在内的一百多名营员参加了这项免费活动。 我们将其实时流式传输到全球社区。 这是我给的开幕演讲(24分钟观看): https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=si1pjn5R0xU&t=1540s

2. This tool makes learning algorithms and data structures way more fun (7 minute read): https://fcc.im/2A1FG99

2.此工具使学习算法和数据结构更有趣(阅读7分钟): https : //fcc.im/2A1FG99

3. Andy just got a developer job at Facebook. Here’s how he prepared for on-site interviews at seven Silicon Valley companies, and what he learned from them (9 minute read): https://fcc.im/2A26WV1

3.安迪(Andy)刚在Facebook担任开发人员工作。 这是他准备在七家硅谷公司进行现场采访的方式,以及他从他们那里学到的东西(阅读了9分钟): https : //fcc.im/2A26WV1

Bonus: The newest episode of The freeCodeCamp Podcast explores developer ethics, and what happens when your code can kill people (10 minute listen): https://fcc.im/2mRhgwd

奖励:freeCodeCamp播客的最新一集探讨了开发人员的道德规范,以及当您的代码可以杀死人(听10分钟)时会发生什么: https : //fcc.im/2mRhgwd

2017年11月17日 (November 17, 2017)

1. I just published the first 6 episodes of the new freeCodeCamp Podcast all at once. You can binge-listen to them now, or subscribe and listen to them at your convenience. We’ll publish new episodes every Monday. Here’s the full episode list, with links to listen for free (3 minute read): https://fcc.im/2ioiZEw

我刚刚一次发布了新的freeCodeCamp Podcast的前6集。 您可以立即狂欢听他们的声音,或者在方便时订阅并收听它们。 我们将在每个星期一发布新剧集。 以下是完整的剧集列表,其中包含免费收听的链接(阅读3分钟): https : //fcc.im/2ioiZEw

2. Everything you should know about React: the basics you need to start building (10 minute read): https://fcc.im/2zHmsb6

2.您应该了解的有关React的一切:开始构建所需的基础知识(需阅读10分钟): https : //fcc.im/2zHmsb6

3. Hard coding concepts explained with simple real-life analogies: how to explain coding concepts like streams, promises, linting, and declarative programming to a 5-year-old (15 minute read): https://fcc.im/2mvDGml

3.用简单的现实类比解释硬编码概念:如何向5岁的孩子(阅读15分钟)解释流,promise,lint和声明式编程之类的编码概念: https//fcc.im/2mvDGml

Bonus: The Reusable JavaScript Revolution — our newest freeCodeCamp Talk (42 minute watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNClb7HEqeI

奖励:可重用JavaScript革命-我们最新的免费CodeCamp演讲(42分钟观看): https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v= LNClb7HEqeI

2017年11月9日 (November 9, 2017)

1. I’m thrilled to announce a new YouTube channel called freeCodeCamp Talks. Here’s how you can watch the best tech talks for free (3 minute read): https://fcc.im/2hRbfL8

我很高兴宣布一个新的YouTube频道,名为freeCodeCamp Talks。 您可以通过以下方式免费观看最佳技术讲座(阅读3分钟): https : //fcc.im/2hRbfL8

2. Everything you need to know about Tree Data Structures (16 minute read): https://fcc.im/2zuuvYu

2.您需要了解的有关树数据结构的所有信息(阅读16分钟): https : //fcc.im/2zuuvYu

3. Here are 430 free online programming and computer science courses you can start in November (browsable list): https://fcc.im/2m8TYkT

3.这里有430项免费的在线编程和计算机科学课程,您可以在11月开始(浏览列表): https : //fcc.im/2m8TYkT

Bonus: Check out one of the talks from the new freeCodeCamp Talks YouTube channel: “SVG can do that?!” by Sarah Drasner. If you don’t have time to watch it now, just subscribe and you can watch it at your convenience (38 minute watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLgb3CVVTRw

奖励:请查看新的freeCodeCamp Talks YouTube频道的其中一个演讲:“ SVG可以做到吗?!” 由Sarah Drasner撰写。 如果您现在没有时间观看,只需订阅即可,您可以在方便的时候观看(观看38分钟): https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLgb3CVVTRw

2017年11月2日 (November 2, 2017)

1. How one devel





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