Managing a YouTube channel is a lot of work. It includes content experimentation which can make or break your SEO effectiveness for your channel. How can we track our channel’s performance to see what works?
管理YouTube频道需要做很多工作。 它包括内容试验,可以提高或破坏您的频道的SEO效果。 我们如何跟踪频道的效果以查看效果如何?
SEO为什么重要? (Why is SEO important?)
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of writing and organizing content in a way that search engines like Google can crawl and ultimately understand what your website or YouTube channel is about.
SEO(或搜索引擎优化 )是一种编写和组织内容的做法,以使Google等搜索引擎可以抓取并最终了解您的网站或YouTube频道的内容。
Using this information, Google and others make decisions with their algorithms to determine which content is of higher quality, more relevant, and more likely to answer the question you’re looking for on their search engine in the first place. With that information, the search engines rank this content and display their results ordered by those rankings.
Google和其他公司利用这些信息来决定自己的算法,以确定哪些内容的质量更高,更相关,并且更可能首先在搜索引擎上回答您要查找的问题。 搜索引擎利用这些信息对内容进行排名,并按照这些排名显示其结果。
SEO对YouTube有何重要性? (How is SEO important to YouTube?)
Just like any other website, YouTube gets crawled by Google and other search engines. Additionally, YouTube has its own internal search that will take these same things into consideration when deciding how to display results on a YouTube search.
就像任何其他网站一样,YouTube也会被Google和其他搜索引擎抓取。 此外,YouTube拥有自己的内部搜索,在决定如何在YouTube搜索结果上显示结果时会考虑到这些相同的因素。
This means, depending on how well you create your descriptions, manage your keywords, or name your videos, it could impact how well your videos rank in the results. And this can impact how many views your videos get.
这意味着,取决于您创建描述,管理关键字或命名视频的程度,这可能会影响视频在结果中的排名。 这会影响您的视频获得的观看次数。
This also applies to your channel. You have opportunities to experiment with effectiveness through the content you feature, your channel description, and the name of your channel.
这也适用于您的频道。 您可以通过功能内容,频道说明和频道名称来尝试效果。
什么是Google Analytics(分析)? (And what is Google Analytics?)
Google Analytics is a free analytics tool from Google that will allow you to gain better insights into your traffic. I previously wrote about what is Google Analytics and how you can make sense of it which provides a more in depth view. So if you want to learn a little more before diving in, I highly recommend starting there.
Google Analytics(分析)是Google提供的免费分析工具 ,可让您更好地了解流量。 之前,我曾写过什么是Google Analytics(分析)以及如何利用它来提供更深入的了解。 因此,如果您想在潜水之前学习更多一点,我强烈建议从这里开始。
如何连接我的频道? (How do I connect my channel?)
设置新的跟踪代码 (Setting up a new tracking code)
To start, we’ll need a tracking code from Google Analytics. Google has some great up to date resources on how to do this, so I'm not going to try to re-explain here:
首先,我们需要来自Google Analytics(分析)的跟踪代码。 Google拥有有关如何执行此操作的最新资源,因此在这里我不会尝试重新解释:
Though some say you can use your website’s property and create a filtered View, I recommend starting with a separate property. That way you don’t have to worry about any data crossover or setting up complicated filters.
尽管有人说您可以使用网站的属性并创建过滤的视图,但我还是建议您从一个单独的属性开始。 这样,您不必担心任何数据交叉或设置复杂的过滤器。
Your tracking ID will be in the following format: UA-######-#
. Once you have that, we're ready to go.
您的跟踪ID将采用以下格式: UA-######-#
。 一旦有了,我们就可以开始了。
将您的跟踪代码添加到YouTube (Adding your tracking code to YouTube)
There are a few steps we have to navigate through to find where we can set up our Google Analytics account. If you want to skip to the right place, you can visit
我们必须完成几个步骤,才能找到可以设置Google Analytics(分析)帐户的位置。 如果您想跳到正确的位置,可以访问 。
To take the long route, which will also help you get a little more familiar with your YouTube account, first head over to the Settings section from within your YouTube Studio page.
要走很长一段路,这也有助于您更熟悉YouTube帐户,请先从YouTube Studio页面中转到“ 设置”部分。
Once selected, find the Advanced channel settings link by visiting Channel, Advanced Settings, and then scrolling down to the bottom.
选择后,通过访问Channel , Advanced Settings ,然后向下滚动到底部,找到Advanced channel settings链接。
Finally, scroll down to the bottom of the page again, find the Google Analytics property tracking ID field, enter the tracking ID you created, and hit save.
最后,再次向下滚动到页面底部,找到Google Analytics(分析)属性跟踪ID字段,输入您创建的跟踪ID,然后点击保存。
坐下来等 (Sit back and wait)
Google Analytics will only show your website traffic from the point it was set up and through the future. Unfortunately we can’t check out that weekend your video first went viral if you didn’t have Google Analytics set up then, but at least we’re prepared for the next time!
Google Analytics(分析)将仅显示从设置之日到未来的网站访问量。 不幸的是,如果您当时未设置Google Analytics(分析),那么我们不能在周末检查您的视频是否具有病毒性,但是至少我们为下一次做好了准备!
That said, now's the time to continue working hard on your channel since you have the ability to track how that hard work is paying off as people visit your channel.
可选:设置站点搜索 (Optional: Setting up Site Search)
Setting up Google Analytic’s Site Search feature gives us an easy way to separate out search usage to make it easier to gain insight into how people are searching our channel.
设置Google Analytic的“网站搜索”功能可让我们轻松地区分搜索使用情况,从而更轻松地了解人们如何搜索我们的频道。
To enable Site Search, we want to go to the Admin section of our Google Analytics property and then navigate over to View Settings. Once there, under the Site Search settings at the bottom, first click the button to toggle on Site search Tracking, then type “query” into the Query parameter input.
要启用“网站搜索”,我们要转到Google Analytics(分析)媒体资源的“ 管理”部分,然后导航至“ 查看设置” 。 到达那里后,在底部的“ 网站搜索”设置下,首先单击按钮以打开“ 网站搜索跟踪” ,然后在“查询” 参数输入中键入“ query”。
Optionally, though recommended, you can select to strip query parameters out of your URL. This means that in your main content view, you will see all traffic as /search instead of many instances of /search?query=[keyword], which can be more cumbersome to analyze.
(可选)(尽管推荐)您可以选择从URL中剥离查询参数。 这意味着在您的主内容视图中,所有流量将显示为/ search,而不是/ search?query = [keyword]的许多实例,这可能会使分析变得更加麻烦。
Note: before you set this up, it’s generally recommended to have more than one view for your property. I would recommend having at least 2 views, a Raw Data view and Main view. You would only apply the Site Search feature to your Main view. This will help to make sure you can always see the unfiltered Raw Data view if you want.
注意:在进行此设置之前, 通常建议您的媒体资源拥有多个视图 。 我建议至少有2个视图,即“原始数据”视图和“主”视图。 您只能将“站点搜索”功能应用于主视图。 如果需要,这将有助于确保您始终可以看到未过滤的原始数据视图。
我将看到什么? (What will I be able to see?)
有多少人访问了我的频道? (How many people visited my channel?)
The first thing we get immediately with our new data when we open up our Google Analytics property is how many people visited our site.
当我们打开Google Analytics(分析)媒体资源时,我们首先获得的新数据就是访问我们网站的人数。
The default here is in the past 7 days, but you can change the time range in the bottom left corner of the panel.
What this also provides is a quick insight into how the number of people has changed since the previous period (the 7 days before in this example). As we can see here, the number of people this week has increased by 13.9% which is awesome news for freeCodeCamp’s YouTube channel, proving whatever they did is working.
这还提供了快速的洞察力,以了解自上一时期(在此示例中为前7天)以来的人数变化。 正如我们在这里看到的那样,本周的人数增加了13.9%,对于freeCodeCamp的YouTube频道而言,这是一个了不起的消息,证明了他们所做的一切都是有效的。
人们如何找到我们的频道? (How are people finding our channel?)
So how do we figure out if the strategies we’re using (like SEO) to get people to our channel are effective? By analyzing our organic search traffic.
那么,如何确定我们使用的策略(例如SEO)来吸引人们进入我们的渠道是否有效? 通过分析我们的自然搜索流量。
By navigating to the Source/Medium report by visiting Acquisition, All Traffic, then Source/Medium, we can see what sources are providing our YouTube channel the most traffic.
通过依次访问Acquisition , All Traffic , Source / Medium导航到Source / Medium报告,我们可以看到哪些源为YouTube频道提供了最多的访问量。
By clicking in to google / organic, we can also see how this has changed over time.
通过点击google / Organic ,我们还可以看到随着时间的变化。
While analyzing a single week isn’t the most effective, being able to tell how your organic traffic has changed over multiple weeks will be able to tell you if your strategy is working.
人们来自哪些网站和页面? (What websites and pages are people coming from?)
Navigating to the Referrals report by going to Acquisition, All Traffic, and then Referrals, we can see that most of the referral traffic for the freeCodeCamp YouTube is from itself.
通过将采集 , 所有的流量 ,然后转介导航到引荐报告中,我们可以看到,大部分的引荐流量的freeCodeCamp的YouTube是freeCodeCamp.org本身。
But say we want to see what pages those referrals are coming from. We can find this out by clicking on the link in the view above where we can see a full breakdown of which pages are giving the channel the most traffic.
但是说,我们想看看这些推荐来自什么页面。 我们可以通过单击上方视图中的freecodecamp.org链接来找到答案,在该视图中可以查看哪些页面为该频道带来最多流量的完整细分。
人们在我的频道上搜索什么? (What are people searching for on my channel?)
After setting up Site Search on your Google Analytics account, you’ll be able to get better insight into how people are actually searching your site.
在您的Google Analytics(分析)帐户上设置“ 网站搜索”后,您将能够更好地了解人们实际上是如何搜索您的网站的。
Here we can see what keywords people want to see the most, meaning we can tailor our content and future videos to those keywords, making our channel more effective.
更多见解 (More insights)
By default, you’ll get a lot of other cool insights from Google Analytics that are baked in like where your visitors are physically located and whether they’re visiting on a desktop or mobile device.
默认情况下,您会从Google Analytics(分析)中获得许多其他很棒的见解,例如访问者的实际位置以及访问者是在台式机还是移动设备上访问。
To learn more about what you can see, check out my article on making sense of Google Analytics.
要了解有关您所看到的内容的更多信息,请参阅我的文章“了解Google Analytics(分析)” 。
我看不到什么? (What won’t I be able to see?)
While the information you’ll discover through Google Analytics is important, it’s not all inclusive. There are many points you’ll need to dive into YouTube’s own Analytics tool to see.
虽然您将通过Google Analytics(分析)发现的信息很重要,但并不全部。 您需要深入了解YouTube自己的Google Analytics(分析)工具,这有很多要点。
视频分析 (Video analytics)
Video states and actions aren’t going to be visible in Google Analytics, which includes things like Play, Pause, and time watched.
视频状态和动作不会在Google Analytics(分析)中显示,其中包括播放,暂停和观看时间等内容。
However, by using the Engagement tab in the YouTube Studio Analytics section, we can see how long people are watching our videos and a graph of the Audience retention. This will help us determine how the content of our videos is performing.
但是,通过使用YouTube Studio Analytics(分析)部分中的“ 参与度”标签,我们可以看到人们观看我们的视频多长时间以及受众群体保留情况的图表。 这将有助于我们确定视频内容的效果。
订户 (Subscribers)
You’re not going to be able to gain insights into how the visitors on your channel are subscribing.
The good news is you can find this by visiting the the Analytics section in your YouTube Studio page, then clicking the Audience tab at the top.
好消息是,您可以通过访问YouTube Studio页面中的“ 分析”部分,然后单击顶部的“ 受众群体”标签来找到它。
深入了解YouTube Studio分析 (Dig in to YouTube Studio Analytics)
There’s a whole lot you can find out if you dig around YouTube Studio Analytics. Take the time to poke around both Analytics report solutions and learn what information is most useful to providing an impactful experience for your channel.
如果您深入了解YouTube Studio Analytics,则可以找到很多东西。 花点时间探讨两种Google Analytics(分析)报告解决方案,并了解哪些信息对为您的频道提供有意义的体验最有用。
YouTube和Google Analytics(分析)还能做什么? (What else can I do with YouTube and Google Analytics?)
跟踪从YouTube到您网站的链接 (Track links from YouTube to your website)
If you have a website outside of your YouTube channel and have Google Analytics set up on it, you can build custom URLs that will allow you to see your YouTube traffic as a campaign. This is useful not only for YouTube, but any other source you’re directing traffic to your website from.
如果您的网站不在YouTube频道中,并且已在其中设置Google Analytics(分析),则可以构建自定义URL,以使您可以查看广告系列的YouTube流量。 这不仅对YouTube有用,而且对您将流量从中引到您网站的任何其他来源都很有用。
Google Analytics provides this capability using URL parameters attached to the links. You can learn more about the setup and what you need to do with Google’s Analytics Help site.
Google Analytics(分析)使用链接中附带的URL参数提供此功能。 您可以了解有关设置的更多信息以及需要使用Google Analytics(分析)帮助网站进行的操作 。
It should also be noted that you don’t really need to set up your YouTube channel with Google Analytics to make use of this feature.
还应注意的是,您实际上并不需要通过Google Analytics(分析)设置YouTube频道即可使用此功能。
跟踪嵌入到您网站上时观看视频的方式 (Track how videos are watched when embedded on your website)
YouTube provides an API that developers can use to write custom JavaScript and track usage of embedded videos on a given website.
YouTube提供了一个API ,开发人员可以使用该API编写自定义JavaScript并跟踪给定网站上嵌入式视频的使用情况。
Using this, we can send custom events based on time references or video actions (like play and pause) to get a better idea of how the videos on our site are being used.
To be clear – this is only for videos embedded on your website and will probably track usage with your website's Google Analytics property unless you configure it otherwise.
需要说明的是–这仅适用于嵌入在您网站上的视频,除非您另行配置,否则可能会跟踪网站Google Analytics(分析)媒体资源的使用情况。
Check out YouTube iFrame Player API for more info.
查看YouTube iFrame Player API以获得更多信息。
默认情况下,Google Analytics(分析)提供的几乎所有内容 (Pretty much anything Google Analytics provides by default)
There’s a whole lot you can do with Google Analytics, whether it’s getting better visibility into where people are coming from or where they’re physically located. And by connecting your YouTube channel you automatically get those insights.
使用Google Analytics(分析) , 您可以做很多事情 ,无论它是为了让人们更好地了解其来历或地理位置。 通过连接您的YouTube频道,您可以自动获得这些见解。
资源越多,您可以获得的见解越多 (The more resources, the more insight you can gain)
Though there are benefits to both YouTube Analytics and Google Analytics, having more information will ultimately help you make better judgement calls about how you manage your channel and content. Use these tools to help launch yourself to inevitable YouTube stardom!
尽管YouTube Analytics(分析)和Google Analytics(分析)都有好处,但是拥有更多信息最终将帮助您更好地判断如何管理频道和内容。 使用这些工具来帮助您提升自己在YouTube上的知名度!