敏捷 冲刺_在这个敏捷的假期季节给予技术债务冲刺的礼物

敏捷 冲刺

Holidays can be a challenging time in software development. How can you make the most of your velocity and energize the team at the same time?

在软件开发中,假期可能是充满挑战的时期。 您如何充分利用自己的速度并同时激发团队力量?

假期挑战 (The holiday challenge)

For a lot of teams, the holidays are a time of year when a large amount of peope take off after saving their PTO for the whole year. This time is precious, especially for those who work with e-commerce after getting through a rough peak season spending long nights making sure all the promotions went as scheduled.

对于许多团队来说,假期是一年中的一段时间,在整个一年中保存了他们的PTO之后,会有大量的人腾飞。 这段时间是宝贵的,特别是对于那些在经历了旺季的漫长旺季之后,花了很长的夜晚确保所有促销活动如期进行的那些与电子商务合作的人而言。

What this means in practice, is you have a sprint with limited capacity or you have people coming in and out (depending on their schedule), carrying a lot of overhead with context switching and minimal communication throughout the week.


So what can be a better option?


借助技术债务冲刺来为假期加油 (Spread the holiday cheer with a tech debt sprint)

The reality is, your holiday sprint isn’t going to be the most productive sprint of the year. More often than not, you’re met with chaotic schedules that are hard to truly plan around.

现实情况是,您的假期冲刺将不会成为今年最高产的冲刺。 通常,您会遇到难以真正计划的混乱计划。

For example, you have Joe visiting his family, maybe he can snag a few hours between get-togethers. Then you have Nancy who’s working the full week, but only at night, as her days are packed with holiday activities. Finally you have Todd who used his PTO early in the year, so can’t take any time off, but is working his standard 9-to-5.

例如,您让乔拜访了他的家人,也许他可以在聚会之间度过几个小时。 然后,您会看到Nancy,她整周都在工作,但只能在晚上工作,因为她的日子充斥着度假活动。 最后,您有Todd,他在今年初使用了他的PTO,所以不能休假,但是他的标准成绩是9比5。

It’s hard to imagine having a regular daily standup cadence, let alone figuring out if and when a ticket will be get completed. So instead, schedule a sprint dedicated to tackling the technical debt that’s accrued throughout the year.

很难想象每天都有定期站起来的节奏,更不用说弄清楚何时以及何时能完成机票了。 因此,排定一个冲刺,专门解决全年累积的技术债务。

等一下,什么是技术债务? (Wait, what is technical debt in the first place?)

For a lot of devs, there’s a daily balance trying to determine whether the bug or concern that popped up warrants blowing up the scope of a ticket or if it’s better to dig in and fix it as they’re working through it. These things can take a toll on a team, leaving spirits low, knowing they’ll never actually get the opportunity to loop back and course correct.

对于许多开发人员来说,每天都有一个平衡,试图确定是弹出的错误还是引起的关注扩大了票证的范围,还是最好在研究过程中对其进行挖掘和修复。 这些事情可能会给团队造成巨大的损失,使他们情绪低落,因为他们知道他们实际上将永远没有机会回头路并改正方向。

Just because this concern isn’t going to bring the app down, that doesn’t mean it’s not valid and doesn’t need to be taken care of, so instead of fixing it, the next course of action is to throw it in the backlog for a rainy day.


The problem is, this rainy day doesn’t seem to ever come. That backlog of not-really-high-priority tickets adds up becoming a mountain that will throw you into technical bankruptcy!

问题是,这个雨天似乎从未来过。 优先顺序不高的积压订单加起来将使您陷入技术破产!

利用混乱的时间表 (Take advantage of the chaotic schedule)

With everyone’s schedules in flux, it’s a good chance to find a backlog of narrowly scoped tickets that your team can work through on a case by case basis.


Have a few code paths that lack some tests? Perfect ticket. Have a few fragile functions that already have tests but need to be refactored to avoid future grief? Put it on the list.

有一些缺少某些测试的代码路径吗? 完美机票。 有一些脆弱的功能已经过测试,但是需要重构以避免将来的痛苦吗? 把它放在清单上。

This type of work–while small in the overall picture–can make a difference in how your team perceives their own work, which directly impacts their attitude towards the project.


记住最适合您的团队的东西 (Remember what’s best for your team)

Overall, the point is to do what’s best for your team. Low spirits can impact a team’s velocity, so being able to provide these little wins can end up helping in ways you wouldn’t have thought of.

总体而言,关键是要为您的团队做最好的事情。 情绪低落会影响团队的发展速度,因此,能够赢得这些小胜利最终会以您没有想到的方式提供帮助。

Whatever your strategy may be, it’s important to enjoy a stress-free holiday season whether you’re taking PTO or not.


Read more of my articles on element84.com.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/give-the-gift-of-a-tech-debt-sprint-this-agile-holiday-season/

敏捷 冲刺





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