
In this week's podcast episode, I chat with Harry Wolff, an engineering manager at MongoDB in New York City. Harry has been in the world of tech for over a decade, holding jobs in various startups before ending up at Mongo.

在本周的播客节目中,我与纽约市MongoDB的工程经理Harry Wolff聊天。 哈利(Harry)在科技界已有十多年的经验,曾在多家初创公司任职,然后才加入蒙哥(Mongo)。

We discuss his journey to his current managerial role, what it's like to work at Mongo, how to start a meetup, and do's and don'ts for migrating from legacy codebases.


Harry started his tech career working for startups. He liked the excitement, he liked learning new things, and he liked showing off his skills. After working for a few startups, he stumbled upon a position at MongoDB. One short week after beginning the interview process, he was in.

哈里开始了他在初创公司工作的技术生涯。 他喜欢刺激,喜欢学习新事物,喜欢炫耀自己的技能。 在一些初创公司工作之后,他偶然发现了在MongoDB的职位。 在开始面试过程的短短一周后,他进入了。

The decision to leave his previous job was easier than he expected, and he reflected on the reasons he made the change:


"For me, it was a matter of taking what I could from my job at the time, but knowing when it was time to move on. One of the ways you know it's time to leave is when the company's getting more out of you than you're getting out of the company."

Once Harry was settled in at Mongo, he got right to work. After a couple years as an engineer working on various projects, he achieved one of his major goals and became a manager.

一旦哈利在蒙哥安顿下来,他就有权工作。 在从事各种项目的工程师工作几年后,他实现了他的主要目标之一,并成为一名经理。

Harry and I discussed his relatively new position in detail. And while he's still in the process of figuring things out, he has some valuable insights into his transition.

我和哈利详细讨论了他相对较新的职位。 在他仍在弄清楚事情的过程中,他对过渡有一些宝贵的见解。

"One of the most difficult things about being a manager is that there's no easy way to evaluate the success of your day. There are no milestones to say you've accomplished a lot. You might have a eureka! moment where you figure something out, but you're definitely living in the grey a lot more. Because it's people - they change by the day and hour and minute."
“担任经理最困难的事情之一是,没有一种简单的方法可以评估您今天的成功。没有里程碑可以说明您已经取得了很多成就。您可能会遇到尤里卡! ,但您肯定会生活在更多的灰色中。因为是人-他们每天都在变化,时,分,分钟。”

But one of the best things for Harry is how much he gets to learn - constantly, from many different people, and about many different things. In addition to reading about new programming languages, discussing what's new in the JavaScript ecosystem in his podcast, and making every effort to stay on top of new tech, Harry has learned more nuanced skills as well.

但是,对于哈利而言,最好的事情之一就是他可以从很多不同的人那里学到很多东西,并且可以学习很多不同的东西。 除了阅读新的编程语言,在播客中讨论JavaScript生态系统中的新功能以及尽一切努力掌握最新技术之外,Harry还学习了更多细微的技能。

"One hard skill I needed to learn was being assertive and truthful when I needed to be. Most humans prefer that uncomfortable situations just resolve themselves...but if you wait six months [to deal with something], it becomes a dealbreaker."

In addition to managing his team, working on his podcast, YouTube channel, and blog, and reading programming handbooks for fun, Harry has been working to update MongoDB's tech stack and move away from their legacy codebase. In the process, he's developed some insights into such migrations.

除了管理团队,制作播客,YouTube频道和博客以及阅读编程手册以娱乐之外,Harry一直在努力更新MongoDB的技术堆栈,并摆脱原有的代码库。 在此过程中,他对这种迁移有了一些见解。

"You have to have a good reason for doing it. And part of this is scolding my former self who would say 'yeah, just do it!' But having learned more, you need to have a good reason. For us, it's more maintainable, less error-prone, and better for recruiting."
“你必须有这样做的充分理由。这部分是在责骂我以前的自我,他会说'是的,就这样做!” 但是,学到更多之后,您需要有一个充分的理由。对我们来说,它更易于维护,更少出错,并且更适合招募。”
"But don't rewrite everything - that's seldom the right answer. Occasionally there are exceptions, but they're exceptions."

When Harry isn't working or creating content, he hangs out with his wife and new son in New York. He encourages people getting into tech to keep at it and not get discouraged.

当Harry不工作或创作内容时,他和他的妻子和新儿子在纽约闲逛。 他鼓励人们继续使用技术,不要气tech。

"Never give up. Just keep hustling. Take with a grain of salt the feedback you get from companies and have confidence in what you do and don't know. And stay humble. It's hard but you have to just want it and keep hustling and stay curious."

This interview is a 1-hour listen in your favorite podcast player app - just search for "freecodecamp" and you should find it.

这次采访是在您喜欢的播客播放器应用程序中进行的1小时聆听-只需搜索“ freecodecamp”,就可以找到它。

If you have an Amazon Echo, you can just say "Alexa - play the freeCodeCamp podcast."

如果您有Amazon Echo,则可以说“ Alexa-播放freeCodeCamp播客”。

Or you can listen to it right here in your browser.


You can connect with Harry on Twitter here.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/from-startups-to-manager-at-mongodb-podcast/

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