

Conferences  can be stressful even if you are not giving a talk. On the other hand,  speaking can really boost your career, help you network, allow you to  travel for (almost) free, and give back to others at the same time.

即使您不讲话,会议也会让人感到压力很大。 另一方面,演讲确实可以促进您的职业发展,帮助您建立人脉关系,让您(几乎)免费旅行,同时回馈他人。

I’ve given over a dozen conference talks in the last few years and I want to  share some of the things I’ve learned from my experience here.


申请会议 (Applying to Conferences)

It can be tricky to get accepted at your first conference. Your best bet is to speak at local meetups, user group meetings, or nearby events  first. The people who run those groups are always happy to have  volunteer speakers and the audience is much more forgiving when you are  starting out.

在您的第一次会议上被接受可能很棘手。 最好的选择是先在本地聚会,用户小组会议或附近的活动上发言。 参加这些小组的人们总是很高兴有志愿演说家,而且当您刚开始时,听众会更加宽容。

Before speaking at my first conference, I met lots of people by speaking at local events. This really helped to boost my confidence enough to start  projecting my voice better and make eye contact. After a few local  talks, someone recommended that I apply for a new, local conference. I  got in! Then one talk led to another and here I am today.

在我的第一次会议上发言之前,我在当地活动上发言遇到了很多人。 这确实有助于增强我的信心,足以开始更好地表达我的声音并进行眼神交流。 在当地进行了几次交谈后,有人建议我申请一个新的当地会议。 我进来了! 然后一个话题引向另一个话题,今天我在这里。

Here are some conferences I recommend applying to:


  1. Any  local conference — They love to attract local speakers because it’s, A:  cheaper, and B: better for local advertising and promotion. You can  also usually connect with the people who run it beforehand and ask them  to give you a chance as a first-time speaker.

    任何本地会议-他们都喜欢吸引本地演讲者,因为A:更便宜,B:更适合本地广告和促销。 通常,您还可以与事先运行它的人联系,并要求他们给您作为首次演讲者的机会。
  2. NDC conferences — These  are very well run conferences that are hosted all over the world. They  pay for your airfare, hotel, and some events, meals, and, of course,  give you a free ticket to the conference. It’s not just about the free  stuff though; they attract top notch speakers and a wonderful community  of people. I’ve personally been to NDC conferences in London, Sydney,  and Minnesota. I plan on applying for many more in the future, so maybe I  will see you at one soon :)

    NDC会议 -这些是运行良好的会议,在世界各地举办。 他们为您支付飞机票,酒店以及一些活动,膳食的费用,当然,您还可以免费获得会议的入场券。 不过,这不只是免费的东西。 他们吸引了顶尖的演讲者和一群很棒的人。 我亲自去过伦敦,悉尼和明尼苏达州的NDC会议。 我计划将来再申请更多,所以也许我很快就会见到您:)

  3. Python  conferences — The Python community is known for being very open and  welcoming to newcomers. Many of the conferences are low cost or free and  you can sign up to give a five minute lightning talk if you just want  to get your feet wet. The people at all of the Python conferences I’ve  been to are so nice and will try to help you and give you feedback on  what you can do better.

    Python会议-Python社区非常开放并欢迎新来者。 许多会议都是低成本或免费的,如果您只是想弄湿自己的话,可以注册进行5分钟的闪电演讲。 我去过的所有Python会议的人都非常友好,他们会尽力帮助您,并就可以做的更好的事情给您反馈。

提出建议 (Making a Proposal)

Once  you have found a conference you want to apply at, you have to write a  proposal for the talk and come up with a title. Most of the time, the  requirements will be similar or the same so you can pretty much  copy/paste to reuse talk proposals. Here are some general steps to  making good proposals:

找到要申请的会议后,您必须为这次演讲撰写建议并提出标题。 在大多数情况下,需求将是相同或相同的,因此您几乎可以复制/粘贴以重复使用通话建议。 以下是提出好的建议的一些一般步骤:

  1. Research the topic:  Usually, you can see a list of the speakers and talks from previous  years on the conference website (unless it’s the first year, of course).  Take note of about what people spoke about and which topics were  underrepresented. Most of the speaker profiles will also link to contact  information, so you can reach out to individual speakers and ask them  their opinion on the conference and for advice on applying and getting  accepted.

    研究主题 :通常,您可以在会议网站上看到前几年的演讲者和演讲列表(当然,除非是第一年)。 注意人们在谈论什么以及哪些主题代表性不足。 大多数发言人的个人资料也会链接到联系信息,因此您可以与各个发言人联系,并询问他们对会议的意见以及有关申请和接受会议的建议。

  2. Make a catchy title:  The title is the first — and sometimes only — thing attendees see when  they are scrolling through a list of talks online or in the brochure at the event. It has to grab their attention, so conference organizers look  for great titles when they are reviewing talks. Pick out some of the  titles that pop out at you when you scroll through talks from previous  years and keep a list of them for inspiration as you are making your  proposals.

    标上一个醒目的标题 :标题是与会者在滚动浏览在线讲座列表或活动手册时看到的第一个(有时是唯一的)东西。 它必须引起他们的注意,因此会议组织者在审查演讲时会寻找出色的标题。 滚动浏览前几年的演讲时,请挑选出一些弹出的标题,并在提出建议时保留它们的列表以启发灵感。

  3. Create a proposal:  Make a quick list of things you will cover and in what order. It’s good  to write down an overview of what the talk will be about and then make  notes about what you want the audience to get out of the talk.  Experienced speakers have always told me to talk to the audience in the  proposal and tell them how they will directly benefit from attending.  From reviewing lots of talk descriptions in the past, I have found that  it can also be good to start the description with a question to pique  interest. Here is an example: “What if we could build apps that aren’t  just functional, but also fun to use? Done right, gamification can  vastly improve user experience as well as boost…” Some conferences will  ask you to do an abstract as well as a description and some will ask  only for a description and then truncate it if they need a shorter  version. Either way, the method of writing the proposal is about the  same.

    创建提案 :快速列出要涵盖的内容和顺序。 最好写下演讲内容的概述,然后记下您希望听众离开演讲内容的内容。 经验丰富的演讲者总是告诉我在提案中与听众交谈,并告诉他们如何从参加会议中直接受益。 通过回顾过去的许多谈话说明,我发现以引起兴趣的问题开始介绍也很不错。 这是一个示例:“如果我们可以构建不仅功能强大而且使用起来有趣的应用程序怎么办? 做得好,游戏化可以极大地改善用户体验并提高用户体验……”一些会议将要求您进行摘要和描述,而另一些会议仅要求提供描述,然后在需要较短版本时将其截断。 无论哪种方式,编写建议的方法都是相同的。

  4. Ask someone to review it:  Several experienced speakers have helped me a lot over the years; from  reviewing my talk proposals to giving me advice to helping me practice.  It can never hurt to ask someone for help. The title of my last  conference talk, “Game on! Gamifying your apps for fun and  profit.” — and the idea for making it — came from another speaker I met  years ago who has helped me with encouragement and advice for almost  every talk I have given. People can seem scary, but they are usually  nicer than you think.

    请某人对其进行审查 :多年来,一些经验丰富的发言人为我提供了很多帮助; 从审查我的谈话建议到给我建议以帮助我练习。 向某人寻求帮助永远不会受伤。 我上次会议演讲的标题是“继续游戏! 为您的应用游戏化,以获得乐趣和收益。” 我的演讲是由我几年前遇到的另一位演讲者提供的,他的发言几乎为我所做的每一次演讲提供了鼓励和建议。 人们看起来很吓人,但通常比您想像的要好。

  5. Save your proposal:  Many conferences manage their proposals with something like  Sessionize.com or PaperCall.io so you can log back in and look at them  in the future. Some conferences, however, have their own forms that you  won’t have access to, so it’s best to save the title, abstract,  description, tags, and any other information you enter in a separate  location just in case.

    保存您的提案 :许多会议都使用Sessionize.com或PaperCall.io之类的东西来管理他们的提案,因此您可以重新登录并在将来查看它们。 但是,有些会议具有自己无法访问的形式,因此最好将标题,摘要,描述,标签以及您输入的任何其他信息保存在单独的位置,以防万一。

拒绝 (Rejection)

Everyone  gets rejected. It happens all the time, even to experienced speakers.  You never know if it was because you are a new speaker, or maybe the  topic didn’t fit in with one of the tracks, or they might have had too  many people applying to give similar talks. It’s not personal, you just  have to keep applying and you will get in somewhere.

每个人都被拒绝。 它一直在发生,即使是经验丰富的演讲者也是如此。 您永远不会知道这是因为您是一位新演讲者,还是该主题不适合其中一个曲目,或者他们可能有太多人申请进行类似的演讲。 它不是个人的,您只需要继续申请就可以进入某个地方。

规划与准备 (Planning & Preparation)

Like  I said before, practice the talk at local meetups first. If you have  already been accepted, then you have to prepare the talk anyways — you  might as well use it more than once. Meetup.com, Facebook groups, and  local coding bootcamps are great places to ask if they will listen to  you give your talk.

就像我之前说过的,首先在当地聚会上练习演讲。 如果您已经被接受,那么无论如何您都必须准备演讲-您可能不止一次使用它。 Meetup.com,Facebook小组和本地编码训练营都是询问他们是否听您说的好地方。

When  I get accepted for a conference, I like to make a map of what I have to  get done and by when I need to do it. Preparing for a talk is not easy.  There is research to do, code to write, and slides to make. If you  don’t plan and start working in advance, the time for the conference will arrive with you scrambling to get everything done. This makes an  already stressful situation even more stressful.

当我被会议接受时,我喜欢对要做的事情和需要做的事情做一个地图。 准备演讲并不容易。 需要进行研究,编写代码和制作幻灯片。 如果您不计划并提前开始工作,那么会议时间将随着您争先恐后地完成所有工作而到。 这使本来就很紧张的情况更加紧张。

Every  talk will be different, but I generally find myself following similar  steps to prepare. For example, I usually make a list of relevant  articles and books to read right away because that takes the longest. Once I have done some research and have lots of notes, I go through them  and write out a detailed outline of what I will cover in the talk. Then  I decide what framework I want to use for my slides; if I can reuse  styles from someone else’s template, all the better. After that, I make  some placeholder slides for each section of my talk and then work to  fill in the details. Note: it’s a  good idea to keep the description of your talk nearby where you can see  it while preparing for your talk. This will help to make sure your  content doesn’t diverge from what you promised the conference and your  audience.

每次谈话都会有所不同,但是我通常会按照类似的步骤进行准备。 例如,我通常列出要立即阅读的相关文章和书籍的列表,因为这花费了最长的时间。 一旦进行了一些研究并获得了很多笔记,我将仔细阅读并写下我将在演讲中涵盖的内容的详细概述。 然后,我决定要为幻灯片使用哪种框架; 如果我可以重用别人模板中的样式,那就更好了。 在那之后,我为演讲的每个部分制作了一些占位符幻灯片,然后努力填写细节。 注意:最好将演讲说明放在附近,以便在准备演讲时可以看到。 这将有助于确保您的内容不会与您向会议和观众承诺的内容有所出入。

Once  I have the talk and slides almost ready, I will start practicing it.  This helps me find holes and inconsistencies that I might not notice  while creating individual slides and sections one at a time. If the talk  is longer than 30 minutes, it can be hard to practice the whole thing  many times over. In that case, I shoot for at least 3–6 complete  run-throughs, depending on how well I know the topic. For long talks, it’s easy to start practicing and then have to stop and go do something  else: Thus, it’s important to make sure you aren’t only practicing the  beginning, but the middle and ending as well.

演讲和幻灯片准备好之后,我将开始练习。 这可以帮助我发现一次创建单个幻灯片和切片时可能不会注意到的Kong和不一致之处。 如果谈话时间超过30分钟,那么可能很难反复练习整个过程。 在这种情况下,我至少要拍摄3–6个完整的贯穿程序,具体取决于我对该主题的了解程度。 对于长话来说,开始练习很容易,然后必须停下来再做其他事情:因此,确保您不仅练习起点,而且练习中间和结尾,这一点很重要。

In addition to preparing your talk, here are a few items to remember to bring with you to the conference:


  1. I  like to prepare cables for my laptop and any dongles just incase the  conference doesn’t have the right ones for my setup (most will, but you  never know).

  2. I  also store a copy of my talk in the cloud or on a thumb drive just in  case something happens to my computer. If you are using slides.com,  google slides, or something similar, they have the ability to export as  html or pdf files.

    我还将演讲的副本存储在云中或拇指驱动器上,以防万一我的计算机出现问题。 如果您使用的是slides.com,google幻灯片或类似内容,则它们可以导出为html或pdf文件。
  3. If  you are doing any sort of live coding, you should probably have a video  or slideshow backup. All sorts of things seem to happen when you are on  stage and it never hurts to be extra prepared. Video backups have saved  me a few times.

    如果您要进行任何实时编码,则可能应该备份视频或幻灯片。 当您在舞台上时,各种各样的事情似乎都会发生,而做好充分的准备也无济于事。 视频备份为我节省了很多时间。
  4. I always make sure I have business cards to give out after my talk in case there is someone I want to connect with.


到达会议 (Arriving at the Conference)

You arrive in a new place with lots of strange people around you. What do you do? Who do you talk to?

您到达一个新地方,周围有很多陌生的人。 你是做什么? 你跟谁说话?

The  best thing is to arrive at least a day early and get situated. This can  really help to relax your nerves and feel more confident. I like to  check out the conference venue in advance and make sure I know how to  get there. I was late for one of my talks once because I got lost in a new city trying to get to the conference. I felt terrible about it for the rest of the trip.

最好的办法是至少提前一天到达并找到位置。 这确实可以帮助您放松神经并感到更加自信。 我想提前检查会议场地,并确保我知道如何到达那里。 我一次演讲迟到了,因为我迷失在一个试图参加会议的新城市。 在接下来的旅行中,我对此感到非常恐惧。

When  you arrive at the conference venue, the first thing you will see is an info desk where you can check in and receive a speaker name tag or badge and whatever official swag they are giving out. If the room you are speaking in isn’t marked  on your name tag, make sure to ask them so you know where it is and  aren’t scrambling at the last minute.

当您到达会议场地时,首先会看到一个问讯处,您可以在这里登记并获得演讲者的姓名标签或徽章以及他们所发出的任何正式赃物。 如果您要讲话的房间没有在您的名字标签上标记,请确保询问他们,以便您知道它在哪里,并且在最后一刻都不会打扰。

As  a speaker, you will probably have access to a few rooms that other  attendees do not. Most conferences have a tech check room where you can  plug in your laptop ahead of time. Make sure you ask about this at the  info desk if you can’t find where it is. There will also be a speaker  room for you to work on your talk and relax or chat with other speakers.  This is probably the best place to go to meet people when you initially  get there. It’s a relaxed environment and it’s great to start  networking with other people in the speaker circuit as soon as you can.

作为发言人,您可能可以访问其他与会者没有的几个房间。 大多数会议都设有技术检查室,您可以在其中提前插入笔记本电脑。 如果找不到它,请确保在问询处询问此问题。 还将有一个演讲室,您可以在此进行演讲,并与其他演讲者放松或聊天。 当您最初到达那里时,这可能是结识人们的最佳场所。 这是一个轻松的环境,因此最好尽快与扬声器电路中的其他人建立网络。

When  I started going to conferences, I would hide in my hotel room during  meals if I didn’t know anyone. I don’t do that anymore. Now I make  myself sit at a table with other humans and start a conversation. The  other people are usually just as awkward and nervous as myself and I’ve  met lots of cool people like this.

当我开始参加会议时,如果我不认识任何人,我会在饭后躲在旅馆房间里。 我不再这样做了。 现在,我让自己和其他人坐在一张桌子旁,开始对话。 其他人通常和我一样尴尬和紧张,我遇到了很多像这样的酷人。

在舞台上 (On Stage)

If  you are more of an introvert, it can feel very overwhelming to know you  are about to go on stage and start speaking. In the past, I have even  had panic attacks before giving talks. It’s just something you have to  push through if you want to become a good speaker. Remember, everyone  wants you to succeed, especially your audience. I like to go into the  bathroom beforehand and take a few deep breaths. Then I arrive at least  10–15 minutes early to get set up in the room where I will give my talk.  This has really helped in calming my nerves.

如果您是一个比较内向的人,那么知道您将要上台并开始说话会感到非常不知所措。 过去,我甚至在演讲前都曾出现过惊恐发作。 如果您想成为一名优秀的演讲者,这只是您必须努力完成的事情。 请记住,每个人都希望您成功,尤其是您的听众。 我喜欢事先进入浴室深呼吸。 然后,我至少提前10-15分钟到达房间,在那里我进行演讲。 这确实有助于安抚我的神经。

I  once listened to a talk by Robert C. Martin — author of “Clean  Code” — and asked him for speaking advice afterwards. He told me that I  have to believe that I am the expert in the room and the audience is  stuck there listening to me no matter what, so I might as well have fun  with it. It was a simple thing to say, but for some reason it stuck with  me and my speaking improved after that.

我曾经听过《清洁法》的作者罗伯特·C·马丁的演讲,然后请他发表演讲建议。 他告诉我,我必须相信我是会议室里的专家,无论如何听众都会被困在那儿,所以我也很乐意。 说的很简单,但是由于某种原因,它一直困扰着我,之后我的口语得到了改善。

Remember,  it doesn’t have to be perfect. Everyone has good and bad speaking days.  It can be a good idea to lead off the talk by saying that it’s your  first conference and that you really appreciate XYZ conference for  allowing you to come and speak. It’s always a good thing to start off by  getting your audience to relate to you somehow, and that will probably  make you feel more comfortable too.

请记住,它不一定是完美的。 每个人的演讲日子都好过又不好。 通过说这是您的第一个会议来结束本次演讲是一个好主意,并且非常感谢XYZ会议允许您发言。 首先,让听众以某种方式与您建立联系始终是一件好事,这也可能会让您感到更加自在。

If  I have more than a few minutes left at the end of my talk, I will ask  the room for questions and try to answer them in front of everyone.  Otherwise, I will wrap up and tell attendees that I would love to answer  their questions or talk to them afterwards.

如果我的演讲结束时还剩下几分钟,我会在会议室里提问,并尝试在所有人面前回答。 否则,我会总结并告诉与会人员我希望回答他们的问题或之后与他们交谈。

Note:  there may be times when you only have a few or even zero attendees.  I’ve personally seen this happen to two very experienced speakers.  Sometimes, it’s a topic that people aren’t interested in, or there is  another famous speaker scheduled at the same time as you, or it was just  a bad time of day (early in the morning after people went out the night  before, or at the end of the day when people are worn out).

注意:有时您的参加者人数很少甚至为零。 我个人已经看到这发生在两位经验丰富的演讲者身上。 有时,这是一个人们不感兴趣的话题,或者与您同时安排了另一位著名演讲者,或者这只是一天中的一段糟糕的时光(人们前一天晚上出门后的清晨,或者在人们疲惫的一天结束时)。

之后 (Afterwards)

You’re  done! Almost… Be sure to stay around for questions and discussion. If  there is another talk after yours in the same room, just say you’ll be  in the hallway after. It’s a great feeling to finish and then have  people tell you thanks and give you compliments.

你完成了! 几乎……一定要在附近提问和讨论。 如果您在同一个房间后还有另一个谈话,只需说您以后会在走廊上即可。 完成后让人们告诉您谢谢并给予您赞美是一种很棒的感觉。

Don’t  forget to thank the conference organizers for allowing you to attend  and give a talk. If you don’t want to do it in person, a thank you email  is great too. Tweet or write about your experience on a blog like  freeCodeCamp’s.

不要忘了感谢会议组织者允许您参加并发表演讲。 如果您不想亲自去做,那么感谢邮件也很棒。 在诸如freeCodeCamp的博客上发布或写您的经历。

结语 (Wrap Up)

Don’t  be afraid to speak at conferences. It’s a great way to improve your  speaking skills, meet new people, and travel, among other benefits.

不要害怕在会议上发言。 这是提高口语能力,结识新朋友和旅行以及其他好处的好方法。

I  hope to meet many of you at conferences in the future. Please let me  know in the comments or on Twitter if there are good conferences that  you have attended in the past. I’m always looking for new ones to  attend :)

我希望将来能在会议上与大家见面。 如果您过去参加过很好的会议,请在评论中或Twitter上告诉我。 我一直在寻找新人参加:)

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/gwen_faraday

我的Twitter: https//twitter.com/gwen_faraday

My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxA99Yr6P_tZF9_BgtMGAWA

我的YouTube频道: https//www.youtube.com/channel/UCxA99Yr6P_tZF9_BgtMGAWA

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/complete-guide-to-giving-your-first-conference-talk/






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