

In the past 10 years, I’ve had three separate experiences trying to learn programming. I’ve wondered why I’ve had such different results. What had caused me to both fail and succeed?

在过去的10年中,我有3种不同的尝试学习编程的经验。 我想知道为什么会有如此不同的结果。 是什么使我失败和成功?

I’ve finally come to an answer!


In all three experiences, there were three factors that had the biggest impact.


I will take you through each experience and show you exactly how each factor played a role in whether I failed or succeeded.


最初的失败 (Initial failure)

I had my first taste of programming back when I was 18 years old. Fresh out of high school.

当我18岁时,我第一次尝试编程。 高中刚毕业。

First year in university.


This wasn’t a computer science or software engineering program. I was in Civil Engineering. Think buildings and bridges.

这不是计算机科学或软件工程程序。 我在土木工程专业。 考虑建筑物和桥梁。

It was an introductory computer science course taught in Matlab. All Engineers had to take it.

这是Matlab开设的计算机科学入门课程。 所有工程师都必须接受。

To be fair, if it wasn’t for my programming friend, I don’t think I would have done very well in the class. There were many concepts I simply couldn’t grasp. Even with external help.

公平地说,如果不是我的编程朋友,我认为我在课堂上不会做得很好。 有许多我根本无法掌握的概念。 即使有外部帮助。

I could look back and blame a million things as to why I didn’t learn all the concepts. Why I left that class hating programming. However, it would just be a bunch of excuses.

我回头指责一百万件事,为什么我没有学习所有的概念。 为什么我离开了该类讨厌编程的人。 但是,这只是一堆借口。

So why did it happen? Why did I fail?

那么为什么会发生呢? 为什么我失败了?

太酷了 (Too cool)

I failed to learn programming because I didn’t have the desire to learn it. Yes, desire! It was simply a requirement for me. A requirement so I could get my degree.

我没有学习编程,因为我不想学习它。 是的,欲望! 这只是对我的要求。 一个要求,所以我可以得到我的学位。

Nothing more, nothing less.


I didn’t WANT to take the class. I HAD to take it. That mindset makes a big difference in how you approach learning.

我不想上课。 我不得不接受。 这种心态在学习方式上有很大的不同。

The only benefit I saw in taking the class was so I could get my degree. Not to expand my knowledge, or learn something new. I had a closed mind towards learning how to program.

我上这堂课的唯一好处是可以得到学位。 不要扩展我的知识或学习新知识。 我对学习如何编程持开放态度。

No wonder that the end result was terrible. I had left that class hating programming and never wanting to program again. It had frustrated the heck out of me because I never got those beginner concepts.

难怪最终结果是可怕的。 我离开了那个讨厌编程的班级,再也不想再编程了。 这让我很沮丧,因为我从来没有那些初学者的概念。

But I had seen the power of programming and what some people were able to do with it. So I did at least leave the class with a respect for programming.

但是我已经看到了编程的力量以及某些人能够做到这一点。 因此,我至少在上课时要尊重编程。

I just thought that it wasn’t for me.


无光 (No light)

Not having a purpose was the next factor that determined my failure. To me, I didn’t have a purpose beyond a requirement.

没有目标是决定我失败的下一个因素。 对我来说,我的目标没有超出要求的范围。

My purpose was just to get a good grade, and it showed. Years after I finished the class, I had literally forgotten almost everything. It just didn’t stick in my mind. There was no reason for it to.

我的目的只是为了获得良好的成绩,而且证明了。 我上完课的几年后,我几乎忘了一切。 它只是不留在我的脑海。 没有理由这样做。

I had simply learned it for the present, and not for the future.


My plan was never to learn programming. It was to get through the course. I wanted to get my degree and I had to do whatever that required.

我的计划是永远不要学习编程。 这是为了完成课程。 我想获得学位,所以我必须做任何必要的事情。

If I had a purpose for this, it would have helped in creating the last factor. As purpose alone will not get you there.

如果我有此目的,那将有助于创造最后一个因素。 仅凭目的并不能帮助您实现目标。

不够重要 (Not important enough)

The last factor is motivation. This is also what I was missing, and what caused me to fail.

最后一个因素是动力。 这也是我所缺少的,也是导致我失败的原因。

When I’m motivated to do something, I don’t give up. I will try again and again until I figure it out. Until I get it right. That is the type of person I am.

当我有动力去做某事时,我不会放弃。 我会一次又一次尝试,直到找出答案。 直到我说对了。 那就是我的类型。

So why didn’t I apply this motto when I couldn’t grasp several programming concepts?


It was because I didn’t have the motivation.


Why should I have to spend more time and effort to learn programming when it wasn’t even relevant to my degree? I had other more important classes.

为什么与我的学位无关的我为什么要花更多的时间和精力来学习编程? 我还有其他更重要的课程。

Even if I had the desire and purpose to learn programming, I didn’t have the motivation. I would not have succeeded anyways. I would have given up. I wasn’t willing to spend the time and dedication required to learn it.

即使我有学习程序设计的愿望和目的,也没有动力。 反正我不会成功。 我会放弃的。 我不愿意花费时间和奉献精神来学习它。

How different were these factors in my next attempt?


第一次成功 (First Success)

Fast forward to eight years later. That is about how long it took me to try my hand at programming again. Yes…eight years!

快进到八年后。 那是我花了多长时间才能再次尝试编程。 是的……八年!

It took me a very long time to return.


In the meantime, I had gotten my degree. Took a little bit of time off to travel, and worked for several years.

同时,我获得了学位。 花了一点时间旅行,并工作了几年。

Then I finally came to a point where I wanted to try programming again.


Yes, I wanted to!


You might be thinking… what? Didn’t you say you hated programming?

您可能在想...什么? 您不是说您讨厌编程吗?

Yes I did, but time heals all wounds. Situations change.

是的,我做到了,但是时间可以治愈所有伤口。 情况改变了。

This time around things played out differently.




It all had to do with those three factors again.


极限 (The limits)

This time my desire to learn programming was starkly different. I had a reason. I wanted to learn programming.

这次,我学习编程的愿望完全不同了。 我有一个理由。 我学习编程。

How did I get to wanting to learn?


Well, a bit before this point I had started getting into entrepreneurship and reading business books. I was slowly realizing that one day I wanted to have my own online business.

好吧,在此之前,我已经开始涉足企业家精神和阅读商业书籍。 我逐渐意识到,有一天我想拥有自己的在线业务。

I knew that if I wanted to do something online, I should probably learn programming.


Though this wasn’t the driving factor why.


The factor actually came from a pain point of mine. Over those eight years, I became very skilled at Excel. I was the spreadsheet guy at work.

该因素实际上来自我的痛苦点。 在那八年中,我变得非常擅长Excel。 我是工作中的电子表格人。

However, making long if statements in Excel soon became a nuisance.


It started frustrating me.


I knew I could do more if I knew how to program. I could make better, more powerful, and easier spreadsheets.

我知道如果我会编程,我可以做得更多。 我可以制作更好,功能更强大,更轻松的电子表格。

I had only recently become aware of the power of macros. I had known about macros long before, but never really bothered to figure out what they were for. So I put these thoughts together and researched macros.

我直到最近才意识到宏的功能。 我很早以前就了解宏,但是从来没有真正去弄清楚它们的用途。 因此,我将这些想法放在一起并研究了宏。

This lead me to realize that I needed to learn VBA for Excel. Which also meant learning how to program.

这使我意识到我需要学习VBA for Excel。 这也意味着学习如何编程。

So back to programming it was, but this time I had the desire.


It came from the pain of not being able to do things in Excel that I wanted. I wanted to do more, but I couldn’t, as I didn’t have the skills.

这是由于无法在Excel中执行所需的操作而造成的。 我想做更多,但我做不到,因为我没有这个技能。

多做 (Do more)

My purpose was very simple.


I wanted to create more powerful and easier spreadsheets. As this would help me out at work. It wasn’t for some purely selfish reason. It was to make my life at work easier.

我想创建功能更强大,更简单的电子表格。 这样可以帮助我上班。 这不是纯粹出于自私的原因。 这是为了使我的工作更轻松。

I knew I had a project coming up where if I used macros, it would be much simpler.


I was also really starting to realize the importance of continued education, and thought this would be a great way to increase my skill-set.


With that, and a rough timeline, I set out to learn VBA for Excel.

有了这些,以及大致的时间表,我开始学习VBA for Excel。

I did some research. Found an excellent free online course to learn from. Everything was set.

我做了一些研究。 找到了一个很好的免费在线课程供您学习。 一切都准备好了。

My purpose was to use programming on my next Excel project.


寻找快乐 (Finding the joy)

I was working full-time and spent most of my day in front of a computer screen. The last thing I wanted was to do more work at home.

我全职工作,大部分时间都在电脑屏幕前度过。 我想做的最后一件事是在家做更多的工作。

I had a mentally exhausting job and I didn’t want to drain myself more. I wanted to rest, recover and enjoy my free time.

我的工作很费力,我不想再浪费自己的时间。 我想休息,恢复并享受我的空闲时间。

But that wasn’t possible.


What I discovered from reading books was that I needed to change my mindset in order to succeed.


I shifted my priorities and goals. I made learning VBA for Excel a high priority. Everything else that didn’t help me get there was a waste.

我改变了工作重点和目标。 我将学习VBA for Excel放在了高度优先地位。 其他没有帮助我到达那里的东西都是浪费。

I also looked at this as something that I wanted and enjoyed. As a challenge. It didn’t feel like homework, work, or study. I made it enjoyable. Only then did it become easy to establish good habits and consistency.

我也将此视为我想要和喜欢的东西。 作为挑战。 感觉不像是作业,工作或学习。 我使它变得愉快。 只有这样,养成良好的习惯和一致性才变得容易。

Having this consistent motivation to learn, I completed the course.




Some topics/concepts did take me longer to grasp, but I simply spent more time on them.


At work, I also wrote small VBA programs to solidify my learning. When the project finally came around to me, I was able to use my skills to build a nice, easy-to-use spreadsheet.

在工作中,我还编写了小型VBA程序以巩固我的学习。 当项目最终出现在我的脑海中时,我能够使用自己的技能来构建漂亮的,易于使用的电子表格。

I was proud of what I was able to do!


第二次成功 (Second Success)

While this one is still in progress, I consider it a success. Though it hasn’t been easy. There was actually a time where I thought I would fail.

尽管这一过程仍在进行中,但我认为它是成功的。 虽然这并不容易。 实际上曾经有一段时间我以为我会失败。

After my first triumph with VBA for Excel, I realized its limits. One big one being that it is bound by the Excel environment.

在使用VBA for Excel取得了第一次胜利之后,我意识到了它的局限性。 一个很大的问题是它受Excel环境的约束。

Also around this point in my life, I became even more hooked on entrepreneurship. I knew I wanted to create an online business so I could finally have the ability to make my own website.

同样在我生命中的这一点上,我变得更加着迷于企业家精神。 我知道我想创建一个在线业务,因此我最终可以创建自己的网站。

I realized that continuing in VBA wasn’t the best idea. I needed to learn another programming language.

我意识到继续VBA并不是最好的主意。 我需要学习另一种编程语言。

After doing a bunch of research, I settled on JavaScript.


I found out that it was a good beginner language to learn. Plus it helped that there were many great free resources to learn from like freeCodeCamp.

我发现这是一种很好的初学者学习语言。 另外,它像freeCodeCamp一样有很多很棒的免费资源可供学习。

Nine months after my VBA success, I made the commitment to learn JavaScript. I chose to start off with the freeCodeCamp curriculum.

在VBA成功9个月后,我就致力于学习JavaScript。 我选择从freeCodeCamp课程开始。

两条路 (Two paths)

My desire to continue learning programming this time was twofold. One was so that I could eventually build a website and start an online business. This desire was a want.

我这次希望继续学习编程的愿望是双重的。 一个目的是让我最终可以建立一个网站并开始在线业务。 这种欲望是一种渴望

The other came from reading many inspirational books, and I finally just wanted to do something. I simply got tired of learning and wanted to act.

其他来自阅读很多励志书籍,我最后只想一些事情。 我只是对学习感到厌倦,想采取行动。

These two reasons were the driving force in continuing my journey to learn programming.


画一个空白 (Drawing a blank)

This time around, I really didn’t have a specific purposee — as in, I wanted to learn programing to do X. Or I wanted to do X after I learned programming.


I just thought that it would be useful to know so I could make a website one day. I didn’t have anything specific in mind.

我只是想知道这很有用,因此我有一天可以建立一个网站。 我没有什么特别的主意。

为什么不 (Why not)

My motivation was actually a bit weak. It came from two things:

我的动机实际上有些虚弱。 它来自两件事:

One was from not having anything better to do. The other was to keep learning so one day I could build a website, or a web app.

一是没有更好的事情要做。 另一种是继续学习,以便有一天我可以建立一个网站或一个Web应用程序。

If you have noticed, this was a reoccurring theme in my life — building a website.


This time I didn’t have that super high motivation. I think part of the motivation was riding a bit of a high from my VBA programming success.

这次我没有那么高的动力。 我认为部分动机来自于我的VBA编程成功。

I had some confidence built up and used this as my motivation.


I had a weak version of all three factors accounted for. I thought this would be enough to achieve success. However, after accumulating around 190 points in freeCodeCamp, I hit a stump.

我对这三个因素的解释都很弱。 我认为这足以取得成功。 但是,在freeCodeCamp中累积了大约190点后,我遇到了一个难题。

挫折 (Setback)

I found the early lessons in the freeCodeCamp curriculum easy to grasp. However, soon these little exercises were taking longer and longer to do. They were becoming a lot more challenging.

我发现freeCodeCamp课程的早期课程很容易掌握。 但是,不久之后,这些小练习就花费了越来越多的时间。 他们变得更具挑战性。

When the exercises got too challenging, I switched over to work on my first project.


This only made me feel overwhelmed. Lost. Discouraged. I didn’t know what to do or how to start.

这只会让我感到不知所措。 丢失。 灰心。 我不知道该怎么办或如何开始。

In the meantime, I was also pushing myself down the entrepreneur path. I had recently come up with an idea for an invention.

同时,我也在推动自己走上企业家之路。 我最近想出了一个发明的主意。

This is when I started to have an inner conflict between programming and entrepreneurship.


As programming got more difficult, my desire to work on my invention took over. So I gave up on programming.

随着编程变得越来越困难,我从事发明工作的愿望接took而至。 所以我放弃了编程。

I pursued the invention, and after many months, I failed at that too. I had even made a prototype. It wasn’t until I started talking to people about the idea where I found out some horrifying news.

我追求了这项发明,几个月后,我也失败了。 我什至做了一个原型。 直到我开始与人们谈论这个想法时,我才发现一些可怕的消息。

Someone told me that the invention already existed!


I was in disbelief. I checked, and sure enough it was true. I was heartbroken.

我难以置信。 我检查了一下,果然是真的。 我伤透了心。

I went back to the drawing board. Back to reading/learning about entrepreneurship.

我回到了绘图板上。 回到关于创业的阅读/学习。

Six months passed before I decided to begin another stint of doing. It was another business idea. And another failure.

六个月过去了,我决定开始另一次工作。 这是另一个商业想法。 还有另一个失败。

回到正轨 (Getting back on track)

It actually took around one full year before I decided to go back to learning JavaScript through the freeCodeCamp curriculum.


I had done a little bit of learning here and there, but nothing was consistent. None of those attempts were serious.

我在这里和那里做了一些学习,但是没有什么是一致的。 这些尝试都不是认真的。

That is, until my mindset changed.


用我的沮丧 (Using my frustration)

My desire didn’t change a whole lot, but it had a significant impact.


I no longer had as strong of a desire to do things. I didn’t want to force myself to pursue (do) another business idea. I wanted it to come more naturally.

我不再渴望做某事 。 我不想强迫自己去追求(做)另一个商业想法。 我希望它变得更自然。

So I pushed “doing something” (in terms of business) down in priority.


Don’t get me wrong, though. I still had the desire to do something, but it always seemed to come down to one excuse.

不过不要误会我的意思。 我仍然有做某事的愿望,但似乎总是可以归结为一个借口。

That I didn’t know how. How to make a website. How to program.

我不知道怎么做 。 如何建立一个网站。 如何编程。

This is where my new desire came from.




Frustration that I wasn’t able to program my own website so I could test out future business ideas. This limiting factor really annoyed me.

感到沮丧的是,我无法编写自己的网站,因此我可以测试未来的业务构想。 这个限制因素使我很烦。

So I set out to change that. I used frustration to provide me the fuel to go back and continue with programming.

所以我着手改变这一点。 我沮丧地为我提供了回去继续编程的动力。

展望未来 (Looking beyond)

This time around, I had a purpose. It had just taken me awhile to figure it out. It was simple, but powerful.

这次,我有一个目的。 我花了一段时间才弄清楚。 它很简单,但是功能强大。

My purpose was to go back and continue to learn programming so that I could change careers.


I didn’t want to continue in my engineering field. I wanted to have my own online business. However, if I couldn’t reach that goal, I wanted to have programming as my new career. Because I knew I would be happier working as a programmer, or front-end web developer, than as an engineer.

我不想继续从事我的工程领域。 我想拥有自己的在线业务。 但是,如果我不能达到那个目标,我想将编程作为我的新职业。 因为我知道我要成为一名程序员或前端Web开发人员要比担任工程师更快乐。

So now I had two reasons.


  • My pain desire of not being able to make my own website.

  • My discovered purpose of wanting to have programming as a fallback career, assuming that I wasn’t successful in online business.


Either way, I needed programming for both.


This made learning how to program (in JavaScript) critical and very important in my life.


不回头 (No looking back)

My motivation now came from wanting a better future. One that I would be happier in. One that I would enjoy.

我现在的动力来自想要更好的未来。 我会更快乐的一种。我会喜欢的一种。

After all, what is life without happiness?


I saw learning how to program as a way to lead me there. I got a new perspective. I also changed my mindset. It wasn’t something that I WANTED to do, but something that I needed to do.

我看到了学习编程的方法,以此引导我到那里。 我有了新的看法。 我也改变了主意。 这不是我想要做的,而是我需要做的。

This one word makes all the difference. A must do means that there is no other alternative.

这个词使一切变得不同。 必须做意味着没有其他选择。

While I haven’t quite reached this goal yet, I know that I’ve gotten far enough over the hump that I will succeed. It is only a matter of time.

虽然我还没有达到这个目标,但我知道我已经取得了成功,我已经取得了足够的成就。 这只是时间问题。

I also used several additional resources to freeCodeCamp the second time around.


This allowed me to pick up different bits of information that I hadn’t fully grasped. Using multiple resources only helped me to solidify my learning.

这使我可以收集到一些我没有完全掌握的信息。 使用多种资源只会帮助我巩固学习。

I’m currently still working towards getting my front-end development certificate. I’ve completed all of the algorithm problems and only have seven projects remaining.

我目前仍在努力获取前端开发证书。 我已经完成了所有算法问题,仅剩下七个项目。

结论 (Conclusion)

To summarize, keep these three factors in mind the next time you want to achieve success.


欲望 (Desire)
  • A pain desire is more powerful than a want desire. Use that to your advantage.

    一个痛苦的愿望是不是一个想要的欲望更加强大。 利用它来发挥您的优势。

目的 (Purpose)
  • Have a valuable purpose. To help someone else, to do something to improve your life, or to create a benefit for yourself/others.

    有一个有价值的目的。 帮助他人,做点事情来改善您的生活或为自己/他人创造利益。

This helps with the last factor.


动机 (Motivation)
  • Make something important enough to you so you must do it and not just want to do it.


  • Make it a consistent habit to work towards your goal.

  • Eliminate waste or things that hold you back from getting there.


Did you find this article helpful? Are you currently aspiring to have your own online business? Then I’d love to connect with you on Twitter.

您觉得这篇文章对您有帮助吗? 您当前是否想拥有自己的在线业务? 然后,我很想在Twitter上与您联系。

You might also want to check out my CreateYourTale community. It’s a place where aspiring online entrepreneurs help each other out. Each are striving to achieve their goal of creating a successful online business.

您可能还想查看我的CreateYourTale社区。 这是一个有抱负的在线企业家互相帮助的地方。 每个人都在努力实现创建成功的在线业务的目标。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-went-from-failure-to-success-in-programming-and-what-got-me-there-7bfe151b30ef/


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