
Github has made it easy for millions of developers to publicize their projects so they can attract users and collaborators. But these developers often find themselves spending hundreds of hours building a project, only to push it to GitHub and earn a mere one or two stars.

Github使数百万开发人员可以轻松地公开他们的项目,从而吸引用户和合作者。 但是这些开发人员经常发现自己花费数百小时来构建项目,只是将其推送到GitHub并仅获得一两颗星。

I found myself in this situation while building a project for the nonprofit I work at, Hack4Impact. It’s a student group that makes technical projects for community organizations.

在为我工作的非营利组织Hack4Impact建立一个项目时,我发现自己处于这种情况。 这是一个为社区组织制定技术项目的学生团体。

Together, we’ve built flask-base, which serves as boilerplate code for all of our products. It contains some basic staples of a flask web app: SQLAlchemy, a Redis Queue, and User Authentication (among a few other features).

我们共同构建了flask-base 作为我们所有产品的样板代码。 它包含了Flask Web应用程序的一些基本基础:SQLAlchemy,Redis队列和用户身份验证(还有其他一些功能)。

You can check out our repo here.


The big advantage of flask-base is that its “plug and play.” You don’t need to do much setup to get a runnable version on your machine (and it is very easy to get it running on hosting services such as Heroku). Plus, it’s fairly barebones compared to a lot of other boilerplate applications out there, so there is a lot of room for customizability.

基于烧瓶的最大优点是“即插即用”。 您无需进行太多设置即可在计算机上获得可运行的版本(并且很容易在托管服务(例如Heroku)上运行它。 此外,与许多其他样板应用程序相比,这还算是准系统,因此有很大的可定制性空间。

Flask-base has been in development for two years, and it has helped us form the boilerplate for about 90% of the technical projects we take on. This project made it possible to create products for organizations like Kiva, OSET, Juvenile Law Center, and Givology.

Flask-base已经开发了两年,它帮助我们为大约90%的技术项目形成了样板。 该项目使为KivaOSET青少年法律中心Givology等组织创建产品成为可能。

Flask-base has enabled us to help community organizations across the United States achieve the social impact they strive for. But despite our efforts to publicize our code on various outlets, flask-base remained unknown to all but a handful of people who were working on it.

基于Flask的基础使我们能够帮助美国各地的社区组织实现他们所追求的社会影响。 但是,尽管我们努力在各种渠道上公开我们的代码,但除少数从事此工作的人员外,烧瓶瓶基地仍然未知。

Our failed efforts led us to frustration because we felt like other developers and small organizations could use flask-base for similarly impactful projects. But we just couldn’t quite figure out how to get the product out there. As a result, we started questioning the fairness of an open source medium that was supposed to bubble up great ideas to the top.

我们失败的努力使我们感到沮丧,因为我们感觉像其他开发人员和小型组织可以使用flask-base进行具有类似影响的项目。 但是我们只是无法弄清楚如何将产品推向市场。 结果,我们开始质疑一种开源媒体的公平性,这种媒体应该将伟大的创意推向高潮

But then we discovered what was wrong with our approach. We took a hard look at how open source works from the perspective of the user. We noticed key areas to fix and improved our project so we could poise it for use in the real world.

但是后来我们发现我们的方法出了什么问题。 我们从用户的角度认真研究了开源是如何工作的。 我们注意到修复和改进我们项目的关键区域,因此我们可以将其准备好用于现实世界。

Then, we got our moment. I posted our project to the /r/Python subreddit, and it got a little traction. We decided to run with it. Within the span of 48 hours, our repository went from 9 stars to over 200. And it kept growing.

然后,我们开始了。 我将我们的项目发布到了/ r / Python subreddit上,并获得了一些吸引力。 我们决定使用它。 在48小时内,我们的资料库从9星增加到200多个。而且它还在不断增长。

Suddenly, we were getting comments and suggestions from people who were interested in the project. It was incredible.

突然,我们收到了对该项目感兴趣的人的评论和建议。 实在太棒了。

This article is about how we got flask-base to where it is today. If you have an impactful project to share, you can implement our suggestions, (hopefully) get noticed in the open source universe, and make the most out of it.

本文是关于如何使烧瓶基数达到今天的水平。 如果您有一个有影响力的项目要分享,则可以实施我们的建议,(有希望)在开源领域中得到关注,并从中获得最大收益。

从研究开始 (It starts with research)

We began to look at examples of success. The popular repositories on GitHub tend to have a few features in common:

我们开始看一些成功的例子。 GitHub上流行的存储库往往具有一些共同点:

  • A README with pictures/gifs of the product in action

    包含产品图片/ gif的自述文件
  • Documentation

  • Static Code Analysis

  • Contributing instructions

  • A well-defined setup section

  • A logo (completely optional)


Some great examples of great Github repos to look at:


  • React-Router: 19k+ stars, 4.5k+ forks. Besides being useful for managing single page web apps, React Router is one of the few repositories out there with a dedicated tutorial on how to use the framework. It also has a comprehensive set up guide along with references to errors users may experience.

    React-Router :19k +星,4.5k +叉子 除了对管理单页Web应用程序有用之外,React Router还是其中的少数几个存储库之一,其中包含有关如何使用框架的专门教程。 它还具有全面的设置指南以及对用户可能遇到的错误的引用。

  • Webpack: 23.5k+ stars, 2.7k+ forks. Webpack is arguably one of the best tools for modern front-end web development because of its reliability and ability to cover building for many different browser versions. The README certainly attests to this with dozens of badges and example use cases along with links to documentation. Webpack also emphasizes the role of the community in maintaining the project (specifically by having dedicated Sponsor and Backer sections)

    Webpack :23.5k +颗星,2.7k +叉 Webpack可以说是现代前端Web开发的最佳工具之一,因为它的可靠性和覆盖许多不同浏览器版本的构建能力。 自述文件肯定会用许多徽章和示例用例以及指向文档的链接对此进行证明。 Webpack还强调社区在维护项目中的作用(特别是通过专门的赞助者和支持者部分)

Well how about a bad example of a Github repo:


  • abhisuri97/leARn: Yes… I am calling out one of my own repos as a bad example. This repo was for a hackathon project I made that won PennApps XIII VR/AR and got Top 10. This was my one and only time developing with Unity, hence the large amount of files that are extraneous and do not need to be committed. While there is great explanation of what the project does, it doesn’t explain how to get it working on someone’s system or what are the features.

    abhisuri97 / leARn :是的,我以我自己的一个回购协议作为一个不好的例子。 这个仓库是我做的一个黑客马拉松项目,该项目赢得了PennApps XIII VR / AR并获得了前10名。这是我一次也是唯一一次与Unity合作开发的经历,因此,大量无关紧要的文件不需要提交。 尽管对项目的功能有很好的解释,但没有说明如何使它在某人的系统上运行或有什么功能。

After looking through several dozen repositories and monitoring top-trending for a few days, we picked up on a crucial idea that all the popular repositories addressed: If I am a developer looking at your repo, give me a reason to use your project and make it as simple as possible to get set up.

在浏览了几十个存储库并监控了几天的热门趋势之后,我们想到了一个关键的想法,即所有流行的存储库都已解决: 如果我是开发人员,正在研究您的存储库,请给我一个使用您的项目并进行开发的理由尽可能简单地进行设置。

AGD(注意抓取装置) (The A.G.D. (Attention Grabbing Device))

演讲和自述: (Oratory and README:)

Back when I did speech competitions in high school, I participated in an event called Original Oratory. It was a 10-minute speech that you wrote and performed in front of a judge. Every oratory I gave started with a 2-minute long A.G.D. (attention grabbing device). Usually, it was a story followed by a thesis for the speech, and a preview of the points I was going to address.

当我在高中进行演讲比赛时,我参加了一个名为“原始演讲”的活动。 这是您在法官面前撰写并表演的10分钟演讲。 我做的每个演讲都是从2分钟长的AGD (注意力吸引设备)开始的。 通常,这是一个故事,后面是演讲论文,以及我要讲的要点的预览。

Well…READMEs are the A.G.D. of your project!

好吧, 自述文件是您项目的AGD!

READMEs are the first thing your visitor will see when looking at your repository. So you should make sure your README contains essential information about your project.

自述文件是访客在查看存储库时会首先看到的内容。 因此,您应确保自述文件包含有关项目的基本信息。

But what’s crucial? How do you grab the attention of your visitor?

但是关键是什么? 您如何吸引访客的注意力?

When someone is looking at your project, they want to know:


  • what is it

  • how good the code is

  • how much support is available

  • what’s included

  • what does it look like

  • and how they should go about setting it up.


Let’s address each of these questions.


它是什么? (What is it?)

This is a fairly simple question to answer for most repositories, but a lot of people do it wrong. Your project is one amongst millions. You have a small amount of time to make an impression.

对于大多数存储库来说,这是一个相当简单的问题,但是很多人做错了。 您的项目是数以百万计的项目之一。 您有少量的时间来留下印象。

Describe your project in a tweet (around 140 characters). It’s okay to leave out details. That’s what the features section is for. A logo also helps with this, because it will distinguish the name of your project from the plain black and white of the README text (and also shows you put effort into making a logo).

用推文(约140个字符)描述您的项目。 可以省略细节。 这就是功能部分的用途。 徽标也有帮助,因为它将区分您的项目名称和README文本的纯黑白(并显示您已努力制作徽标)。

代码有多好? (How good is the code?)

This question is probably the one that a 90% of repositories fail to address. While the definition of “good” code is subjective, there are a few aspects people can agree on.

这个问题可能是90%的存储库无法解决的问题。 尽管“好的”代码的定义是主观的,但在某些方面人们可以达成共识。

  • It is well tested

  • It passes style checks (ESLint etc.)

  • It can compile in its current state (and there are relatively no issues)

  • It passes some form of static analysis (through services such as Code Climate)

    它通过某种形式的静态分析(通过诸如Code Climate之类的服务)

No developer is going to look at your code line by line to see whether it’s good before deciding to use your project. Hence the “badges” that appear on the first line of a project. The great thing about these badges is that they are ridiculously easy to set up, and give your project a lot of credibility without visitors having to look at your code at all.

决定使用您的项目之前,没有开发人员会逐行查看您的代码是否良好。 因此,“徽章”出现在项目的第一行。 这些徽章的好处在于,它们非常容易设置,并且使您的项目具有很高的可信度,而无需访问者完全查看您的代码。

有多少支持? (How much support is available?)

Support comes in two flavors: support for problems and support for learning how to use the project.


Support for problems can be solved through a FAQ. But for new projects, people don’t know what bugs may be lurking in the depths of old code (and hence may not have content for a FAQ). The only way to demonstrate this type of support is to address issues as they come up, and quickly resolve them.

对问题的支持可以通过常见问题解答解决。 但是对于新项目,人们不知道在旧代码的深度中可能隐藏着哪些错误(因此可能没有FAQ的内容)。 证明这种支持的唯一方法是解决问题,并Swift解决。

The second flavor of support can be addressed through documentation. This task is a huge pain point for developers, but it’s critical to the popularity of your project (and it should be done at some point regardless).

支持的第二种形式可以通过文档解决。 对于开发人员而言,此任务是一个巨大的痛点,但对于您的项目的普及至关重要 (无论如何都应在某个时候完成)。

Docs are easy to create with mkdocs, and you can generate a gh-pages site from the mkdocs CLI, which you can then host for free on Github.

使用mkdocs可以轻松创建文档,并且您可以从mkdocs CLI生成一个gh页的网站,然后可以在Github上免费托管该网站。

Good documentation will give your users examples of how to use the program and explain difficult components. It should also give a detailed guide of how to launch the project (if it is a web app).

良好的文档将为您的用户提供有关如何使用该程序的示例,并解释困难的组件。 它还应提供有关如何启动项目的详细指南(如果它是一个Web应用程序)。

包括什么? (What’s included?)

A features list should not be exhaustive, but should list features that are central to your application and are accessible (and demo-able). At maximum, this list should be 10 features long and be in the format “(Used) X for feature Y.”

功能列表不应详尽无缺,而应列出对应用程序至关重要且可以访问(且可演示)的功能。 此列表最多应包含10个特征,并且格式为“(特征Y使用(X)。”

它是什么样子的? (What does it look like?)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a .gif is worth a million. Show how your application is working — even if this means showing command line output. This piece of information gives the developer looking at your project an idea of a) how it is supposed to look, and b) whether it suits their needs.

如果一张图片值一千个单词,那么.gif值一百万。 显示您的应用程序如何工作—即使这意味着显示命令行输出。 这些信息使开发人员在查看您的项目时有以下想法:a)外观如何,b)是否适合他们的需求。

Never underestimate how much a good graphic will convince a developer to use your project.


如何设置? (How do I set it up?)

While developing, chances are you’re working on the project on a single computer with everything installed. But you must provide a way to get a user set up and running with your in 3–4 steps. If this means creating a MakeFile, do it. Also be sure to mention any “global” tools you used, like babel-cli and babel-core.

在开发过程中,您很有可能在安装了所有组件的单台计算机上进行项目。 但是您必须提供一种方法,让用户分3至4个步骤来设置和运行您的用户。 如果这意味着创建MakeFile,请执行此操作。 另外,请务必提及您使用的所有“全局”工具,例如babel-clibabel-core。

As a general rule of thumb, if you had to install it, chances are someone else will have to do this as well. Also be sure to compress all your scripts into install into a single file (for python this would be requirements.txt and for node/javascript it would be package.json). In short, someone should be able to get your project running in less than 5 minutes.

作为一般经验法则,如果必须安装它,则可能还有其他人也必须这样做。 另外,请确保将所有脚本压缩到安装文件中(对于python,这将是requirements.txt ;对于节点/ javascript,将是package.json )。 简而言之,某人应该能够在不到5分钟的时间内使您的项目运行。

So a great Attention Grabbing Device (aka README) will help you retain your visitors. But how do you drive visitors to your project in the first place?

因此,出色的Attention Grabbing Device(又名README)将帮助您留住访客。 但是,首先您如何吸引访问者进入您的项目?

There are 3 main outlets that you can use:


Hacker News/Product Hunt: Both provide great ways to expose the project to an engaged community of developers (and you can pick up media coverage). But the problem is that getting your post to the top of either requires a significant amount of planning and some users willing to help promote your post from the beginning.

黑客新闻/产品搜索:两者都提供了一种很好的方式将项目展示给一个敬业的开发人员社区(您可以获取媒体报道)。 但是问题是,要想使您的帖子达到最高水平,需要大量的计划,并且有些用户愿意从一开始就帮助您推广帖子。

Reddit: By far the best way to get a repository off the ground with some stars. But you need to find the right community. For flask-base, that community was /r/Python, where we got to the top post of the day without much effort.

Reddit:到目前为止,最好的办法是在地面上放一些星星。 但是您需要找到合适的社区 。 对于flask-base,该社区是/ r / Python ,在这里我们无需花费太多精力就可以到达当天的最高职位。

The key is to get to a community that will care about your project (and will use it). But you should be wary of posting in very generic subreddits such as /r/Programming where there are tons of competing posts that will drown out your own post.

关键是要建立一个关心您的项目(并会使用它)的社区。 但是您应该警惕在非常通用的子reddit中发布,例如/ r / Programming,那里有大量竞争性帖子会淹没您自己的帖子。

Workshops: This is also a “secret”, but workshops are an excellent way to get your initial dozen or so stars on your repository. Give a workshop on how you created your project, what it does, and most importantly, show how to use it (with an example).

讲习班:这也是“秘密”,但是讲习班是在存储库中获得最初十几颗星星的绝佳方法。 举办关于如何创建项目,如何执行项目的研讨会, 最重要的是 ,演示如何使用它(带有示例)。

We did this at PennApps XV by teaching a workshop on how to make web applications with Flask. The turnout was around 40 people, and we showed flask-base as an example of a Flask app they could use during the hackathon. Five minutes after our workshop ended, we checked the repository and found that it had gotten 17 stars and eight forks. That feeling was amazing :)

我们在PennApps XV上通过举办关于如何使用Flask制作Web应用程序的研讨会来做到这一点。 参加人数约为40人,我们以Flask-base为例,展示了他们在黑客马拉松中可以使用的Flask应用程序。 研讨会结束五分钟后,我们检查了存储库,发现它已获得17星和8个分叉 。 那种感觉真是棒极了:)

监控状态 (Monitoring Status)

Inevitably there will be someone who points out a bug/inconsistency after you launch. Just be sure to address those individuals, reply to all comments, and take into account all feedback. Keeping engaged with your audience is key to making sure the audience is invested in your project.

启动后,不可避免地会有人指出错误/不一致。 只要确保与这些人打交道,回复所有评论并考虑所有反馈即可。 与观众保持互动是确保观众对您的项目进行投资的关键。

Once you get an initial growth of 30 to 40 stars in a short period (1–2 hours), then your project will have a decent chance of making it to trending. (Of course, I can’t speak to the specifics of how GitHub’s trending algorithm works)

一旦您在短时间内(1-2小时)获得了30到40颗星的初始增长,那么您的项目将有很大的机会使其发展。 (当然,我不能说GitHub的趋势算法如何工作的细节)

我们的一些成就 (Some of our accomplishments)

Flask-base reached the top daily trending for python repositories, top 3 overall trending, and top of /r/Python for the week.

Flask-base在python存储库中达到了每日 最高的趋势 ,在整体趋势中 排名前三,在/ r / Python中达到了本周的最高水平

Hack4Impact became the 4th most trending python developer and 5th most trending overall developer.


Additionally, we’ve had 80+ clones and 40+ forks to date.


As a computer science undergraduate, it’s amazing to see that people are using the code that I helped write.


If you don’t reach your goal of getting trending, don’t worry. Just rinse and repeat. Sometimes you will get lucky and sometimes you won’t.

如果您没有达到发展趋势的目标,请不要担心。 只需冲洗并重复。 有时您会很幸运,有时却不会。

If you make an effort to create open source code that you think other people will find useful, you’ll be contributing to the open source world. You’ll be making the most of all that open source has to offer.

如果您努力创建别人认为会有用的开源代码,那么您将为开源世界做出贡献。 您将充分利用所有开放源代码。

致谢 (Acknowledgements)

A big thanks to Alex Piatski, Veronica Wharton, Emmett Neyman, Stephanie Shi, and Ben Sandler for giving input on this article. Thank you to the developers of flask-base (Ben Sandler, Yoni Nachmany, Max McCarthy, Veronica Wharton, Alex Harelick, Nancy Wong, and Annie Meng) for making this a great project.

非常感谢Alex PiatskiVeronica WhartonEmmett Neyman ,Stephanie Shi和Ben Sandler在本文中的投入。 感谢Flask -base的开发人员( Ben SandlerYoni NachmanyMax McCarthyVeronica Wharton ,Alex Harelick,Nancy Wong和Annie Meng ),使它成为一个了不起的项目。

Lastly, thank you to Hack4Impact for letting me be part of such a socially impactful community.


If you want to learn more about flask-base, visit the repo.

如果您想了解有关烧瓶瓶的更多信息, 请访问repo

If you want to check out some of the projects made with flask-base, visit Hack4impact’s projects page.

如果您想查看一些使用flask-base 进行的 项目请访问Hack4impact的 项目页面

If you want to learn more about Hack4Impact (aka the organization that created flask-base), visit our website.

如果您想了解有关Hack4Impact(又名创建flask-base的组织)的更多信息, 请访问我们的网站

If you want to learn more about me, visit my personal site, my Github, or email me at suria@seas.upenn.edu.

如果您想了解更多有关我的信息,请访问我的个人网站 ,我的Github或给我发送电子邮件至suria@seas.upenn.edu

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-we-got-a-2-year-old-repo-trending-on-github-in-just-48-hours-12151039d78b/

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