

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Isaac Newton

“如果我能比其他人看到更多,那就是站在巨人的肩膀上。” 艾萨克·牛顿

In 1676, Isaac Newton spoke of the great thinkers who came before him as “giants.” Their insights helped him discover new insights of his own.

1676年,艾萨克·牛顿谈到以“巨人”身份出现在他之前的伟大思想家。 他们的见解帮助他发现了自己的新见解。

340 years later, the giants are much taller. They’re all over the place — not just in books, like in Newton’s time. They’re in open academic journals. Open source projects. Open datasets.

340年后,巨人的身高更高。 它们无处不在-就像牛顿时代一样,不仅在书本上。 他们在公开的学术期刊中。 开源项目。 打开数据集。

With an internet connection, you can stand on the shoulders of as many giants as you’d like.


But most people don’t realize how much they’d see if they bothered climbing up there. Most people figure they can see far enough from where they’re already standing. The climb doesn’t seem like it would be worth the effort.

但是大多数人不知道如果他们不愿意去那里爬,会看到多少。 大多数人认为他们可以从已经站立的地方看到足够远的地方。 攀登似乎不值得付出努力。

Before you can stand on the shoulders of giants, you need to accept that you don’t see everything. You need to recognize how much there is out there that only these giants can show you.

在您站在巨人的肩膀上之前,您需要接受自己看不到所有东西。 您需要认识到只有这些巨人才能向您展示的数量。

的Ubuntu (Ubuntu)

“I am what I am because of who we all are.” — English translation of the Zulu word “Ubuntu”
“我就是我,因为我们都是谁。” —祖鲁语“ Ubuntu”的英语翻译

Even in the darkness of human prehistory, we started figuring out some cool things.


Giants started to emerge, riding on oral tradition. Then books.

依靠口头传统,巨人开始兴起。 然后书籍。

We compounded insight onto insight. And the giants grew.

我们将洞察力加进洞察力。 巨人成长了。

Over the aeons, we discovered some pretty neat ideas and built some pretty cool things. Things worth using.

历代以来,我们发现了一些漂亮的主意,并建造了一些很酷的东西。 值得使用的东西。

But every day, thousands of people ignore these things. They say: “I know, I’ll build this new thing from scratch.”

但是每天都有成千上万的人无视这些事情。 他们说:“我知道,我将从头开始构建新事物。”

And they embark on a costly journey to build their dreams from the ground up.


We spend a lot of money on software. About 60% of the $2.5 trillion we spend on technology every year goes toward software development and software consulting services.

我们在软件上花了很多钱。 我们每年在技术上花费的2.5万亿美元中,约有60%用于软件开发和软件咨询服务。

That’s one and a half trillion dollars. Enough to acquire Instagram 1,500 times over. Every year.

那是一个半万亿美元。 足以将Instagram收购1500倍。 每年。

And we don’t always get our money’s worth.


此处未发明 (Not Invented Here)

Humans are over-confident. We think we can reinvent the wheel, and that our version will be better.

人类过分自信。 我们认为我们可以重新发明轮子,并且我们的版本会更好。

Who knows, maybe the wheel can in fact be improved upon. But if we’re trying to design something more complicated — like a car — do we really want to spend all our time re-inventing wheels?

谁知道,也许实际上可以改进轮子。 但是,如果我们要设计更复杂的东西(例如汽车),我们是否真的想花所有的时间重新发明轮子?

It’s in our nature to want to build things ourselves.


We love vertically integrated products like Ferraris, Rolexes, and iPhones.


We admire the craftsmanship that goes into each detail.


We marvel at how the design, manufacturing, and distribution all flow together in one controlled process.


And we want that entire stack to ourselves, too.


But in doing so, we fall prey to a paralyzing mentality called Not Invented Here.


“Not Invented Here Syndrome is the tendency of a project group to believe it possess a monopoly of knowledge of its field, which leads it to reject new ideas from outsiders, to the likely detriment of its performance.” — Ralph Katz and Thomas J. Allen of the MIT Sloan School of Management
“此处未发明综合症是一个项目组倾向于认为自己拥有其领域知识的倾向,这导致它拒绝外界的新想法,从而可能损害其绩效。” —麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院的拉尔夫·卡茨和托马斯·艾伦

Here’s a PDF of the most widely cited paper on Not Invented Here — originally published in 1982 — in case you want to geek out on the gravity of its findings.


What this paper doesn’t tell you is that 34 years later, we’re still falling for this same old cognitive bias.


A recent example of Not Invented Here is India’s Swayam online course platform. They could have just built on top of edX’s open source course platform for free. Dozens of other organizations did so, including China’s popular XuetangX platform.

最近未公开的示例是印度的Swayam在线课程平台。 他们本可以只是在edX的开源课程平台之上免费构建的。 数十个其他组织也这样做了,其中包括中国流行的XuetangX平台。

Instead, Swayam spent $6 million building a platform of their own. And they’ll spend millions more in the coming years to maintain this custom solution.

相反,Swayam花了600万美元建立了自己的平台。 在未来几年中,他们将花费数百万美元来维护此定制解决方案。

This may not sound like much money, but put that figure in the context of the $30 million they budgeted for paying teachers to create the courses. And this also set back their launch date by two years.

这听起来似乎并不多,但将这个数字与他们为向教师支付课程费用而预算的3000万美元相结合。 这也将其推出日期推迟了两年。

Not Invented Here starts innocently enough…


“Why should we use WordPress for our blog? Blogs aren’t hard. Let’s build our own CMS.”
“为什么我们的博客应该使用WordPress? 博客并不难。 让我们建立自己的CMS。”

Then people get bolder and start thinking…


“Why should we use Sugar CRM to keep track of donors? Donor tracking isn’t hard. Let’s build our own CRM.”
“为什么我们应该使用Sugar CRM跟踪捐赠者? 捐助者追踪并不难。 让我们建立自己的CRM。”

Which only further emboldens people to propose things like:


“Why should we use AWS? Cloud isn’t hard. Let’s build our own data center and implement our own private cloud.”
“我们为什么要使用AWS? 云并不难。 让我们建立自己的数据中心并实施自己的私有云。”

Left unchecked, this mentality can lead to projects like HealthCare.gov — a $90 million project that ended up costing American taxpayers $1.7 billion.


I was one of the millions of people who wasted hours of their lives trying to sign up for health insurance, only to be thwarted by JavaScript errors and unresponsive servers.


Amid the Healthcare.gov meltdown, three San Francisco developers decided to grab some off-the-shelf components. They integrated some public APIs. They built significant chunks of Healthcare.gov’s functionality. And they did all this in just a few weeks, for a few hundred dollars.

在Healthcare.gov崩溃期间,三名旧金山开发人员决定购买一些现成的组件。 他们集成了一些公共API。 他们构建了Healthcare.gov的重要功能。 他们花了几百美元就在短短几周内完成了所有这些工作。

站在巨人肩膀上的故事。 我自己的。 (A tale of standing on the shoulders of giants. My own.)

Two years ago, I wanted to start a community where busy people could learn to code together.


I had just spent 18 months building a huge custom solution: a course recommendation engine that it turned out no one wanted to use.


So I decided to go in the exact opposite direction. I would write as little code as necessary, and focus instead on using other people’s code.

所以我决定朝相反的方向走。 我将编写尽可能少的代码,而专注于使用其他人的代码。

So what did the community need?


  1. a way to communicate with one another

  2. a blog where everyone could share their personal insights and stories

  3. a curriculum, and a way to track people’s progress through it


The old Not Invented Here-prone me would have:


  1. built a chatroom using web sockets, then built the moderation tools, various API integrations, and figured a good way to persist messages across sessions.

  2. built a blog from scratch, dealt with design issues like readability, tagging, embedding, and basic features people have come to expect, such as RSS.

  3. built a custom CMS for the interactive coding challenges, then built out the profile system, then designed and implemented a core programming curriculum.


This last step probably would have taken me years to do on my own.


And before you tell me “in this day and age, no one’s silly enough to roll their own blog” — well, apparently I was, because I spent a few days doing just that. A few days that I’ll never get back.

在您告诉我“在当今时代,没有人会愚蠢地推出自己的博客”之前-显然我是,因为我花了几天的时间来做这个。 有几天我永远都不会回来。

But here’s what the new me — fresh from an 18-month descent into Not Invented Here Hell — decided to do.


I didn’t know any Node.js at the time. But I knew smart people who convinced me that full stack JavaScript was the future.

当时我还不知道任何Node.js。 但是我认识一些聪明的人,他们使我相信全栈式JavaScript是未来。

I also knew about the Hackathon Starter, a popular open source Node.js boilerplate. So I forked it.

我也了解Hackathon Starter ,这是一个流行的开源Node.js样板。 所以我分叉了。

Since I’d spent the last 18 months scraping, auditing, and classifying thousands of online courses, I knew which ones best covered programming and computer science. So instead of designing a curriculum, I curated existing resources.

由于我在过去的18个月中一直在对数千种在线课程进行抓取,审核和分类,因此我知道哪门课程最适合编程和计算机科学。 因此,我没有设计课程,而是策划了现有资源。

For the chat room, I just used HipChat. For the blog, I just used Blogger.

对于聊天室,我只是使用HipChat。 对于博客,我只是使用Blogger。

And within 3 days, the new community was live.


It’s hard to predict how a solution will evolve over time. You learn so much from just shipping the damn thing.

很难预测解决方案将随着时间的发展而变化。 您可以从运送该死的东西中学到很多东西。

If you get started immediately using off-the-shelf solutions, you can swap them out later, and fine-tune things as you go.


Over time, our community has made thousands of small tweaks based on feedback. We’ve also moved our chat rooms over to Gitter, and our community’s blog over to Medium.

随着时间的流逝,我们的社区根据反馈进行了数千次小调整。 我们还将聊天室移至Gitter,并将社区博客移至Medium

Once we had a critical mass of open source contributors, we set to work designing and implementing our own 1,200 hour curriculum.


Today, more than 5,000 people from our community have learned to code well enough to get their first developer jobs.


But if I hadn’t resisted my Not Invented Here tendencies, I never would have gotten things off the ground.


如何站在巨人的肩膀上 (How to stand on the shoulders of giants)

I’ll leave you with three simple tips for making the most of the thousands of years of insights at your fingertips.


提示1:学会识别自己和他人的未曾发明的东西。 (Tip 1: Learn to recognize Not Invented Here in yourself and others.)

Accept that it’s in our nature to want to build things ourselves. The light side of this is a hobbyist building their own furniture. The dark side is a developer rolling their own security.

接受我们自己的东西,这是我们的本性。 光的一面是业余爱好者自己建造家具。 阴暗的一面是开发人员自己滚动安全性

提示2:了解那里提供了哪些工具。 (Tip 2: Learn what tools are out there.)

The easiest way to understand what types of tools are available is to continue doing what you’re doing right now: reading about technology.


Most major open source projects are on GitHub, where you can view their documentation. You can deploy many of these tools in minutes to your own cloud server.

大多数主要的开源项目都在GitHub上,您可以在其中查看其文档。 您可以在几分钟之内将许多这些工具部署到自己的云服务器。

提示3:阅读历史记录。 (Tip 3: Read history.)

I’m sure your high school history teacher quoted you this, and they were right:


“Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it.” — George Santayana in 1905
“那些不读历史的人注定要重复它。” — 1905年,乔治·桑塔亚娜(George Santayana)

There are a lot of excellent books about the history of technology. I recommend this one by Walter Isaacson, the same guy who wrote the famous Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs biographies. It’s specifically about the history of software:

关于技术历史,有很多很棒的书。 我推荐沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)的这一本书,他是写著名的阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和史蒂夫·乔布斯传记的那个人。 特别是关于软件的历史:

The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital RevolutionEdit descriptionamzn.to

创新者: 一群 黑客,天才和怪胎如何创造数字革命 编辑描述 amzn.to

The giants are eager to hoist you onto their shoulders. Let them. They will give you a view of just how many problems are still out there, waiting for you to go solve them.

巨人渴望将您抱在肩上。 让他们。 他们将为您提供一个解决方案,让您了解仍有多少问题等待着您解决。

I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-stand-on-shoulders-16e8cfbc127b/


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