aspx 微型_最初的十亿分钟:正在向世界授课的微型非营利组织背后的数字

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by Quincy Larson

昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)

最初的十亿分钟:正在向世界授课的微型非营利组织背后的数字 (The First Billion Minutes: The Numbers Behind the Tiny Nonprofit That’s Teaching the World to Code)

People have now spent more than 1 billion minutes using freeCodeCamp.


That’s the equivalent of nearly 2,000 years.


To put it another way — if freeCodeCamp usage was a person, it would be old enough to have broken bread with Jesus himself.


The past 4 years have been a whirlwind for our tiny nonprofit, and for the massive developer community that has sprung up around us.


We’re now helping millions of people learn to code — thousands of whom have since landed their first jobs as software developers.


I was at a conference a few weeks ago where I got to meet some of my heroes, including developer legends like Wes Bos, Scott Tolinski, Jessica Lord, and Chris Coyier.

几周前,我在一次会议上会见了我的一些英雄,包括像Wes BosScott TolinskiJessica LordChris Coyier这样的开发传奇人物。

They were all surprised to learn of freeCodeCamp’s scope. They said they had no idea we’d become such a huge community, and thought we were “just a blog” or “just a YouTube channel.”

他们都对freeCodeCamp的范围感到惊讶。 他们说,他们不知道我们会成为如此庞大的社区,并认为我们只是“一个博客”或“一个YouTube频道”。

Apparently I’m pretty terrible at publicizing the scale of freeCodeCamp, so I’m writing this article to try and remedy that.


For starters, did you know that gets more visits than Codecademy, a coding education startup that has raised $47 million dollars?


We also get more visits than Udacity, a corporation valued at $1 billion dollars.


Keep in mind that freeCodeCamp’s entire 2018 budget was only $200,000 — a tiny fraction of the tens of millions of dollars that other large education websites operate on.


In this article, I’ll share the numbers behind freeCodeCamp’s global impact. I’ll dive into how we’ve accomplish all this with the help of a community of volunteers, and with donations from thousands of people like you.

在本文中,我将分享freeCodeCamp的全球影响力背后的数字。 我将深入探讨如何在志愿者社区的帮助下以及来自像您这样的数千人的捐款中实现这些目标的方法。

I want you to imagine how much more freeCodeCamp could accomplish with a larger budget.


And — I won’t mince words here — I want you to become a supporter of freeCodeCamp.

而且-在这里我不会打断 -我希望您成为freeCodeCamp的支持者

For less than the price of a sandwich, you can help yourself and millions of other people learn to code.

您只需花费不到三明治的价格 ,就能帮助自己和数百万其他人学习编码。

我们如何达到十亿分钟 (How we reached one billion minutes)

The freeCodeCamp community is spread across several platforms: our curriculum, our forum, our guide, YouTube, and Medium.


Instead of trying to mix metrics like YouTube views, coding challenge completions, or article pageviews, I’ve standardized everything around the number of minutes people have spent using these resources.


All of this can be precisely measured using Google Analytics.

所有这些都可以使用Google Analytics(分析)进行精确测量。

But there are two issues with this method:


1. A lot of people use ad blockers, which also block Google Analytics. So these people’s usage isn’t included in these figures.

1.许多人使用广告拦截器,它们也屏蔽了Google Analytics(分析)。 因此,这些人的用法未包含在这些数字中。

2. Projects are the most time-consuming part of freeCodeCamp, and people don’t build them on freeCodeCamp itself. People usually build their projects on Glitch, CodePen, or on their own local computer. So time spent building projects isn’t included in these figures.

2.项目是freeCodeCamp中最耗时的部分,并且人们不会在freeCodeCamp本身上进行构建。 人们通常在Glitch,CodePen或自己的本地计算机上构建项目。 因此,花费在建设项目上的时间不包括在这些数字中。

So the total amount of time people spend using freeCodeCamp is much larger than the numbers below. But I wanted to err on the side of being conservative.

因此,人们使用freeCodeCamp花费的总时间远远大于下面的数字。 但是我想保守一点。

这是过去4年中使用freeCodeCamp的人数 (Here’s how much people have used freeCodeCamp over the past 4 years)

Now let’s step through the past few years so we can give these numbers some context.


2015年:我们推出了免费的在线编码课程 (2015: We launch the free online coding curriculum)

When I launched freeCodeCamp from my closet in late 2014, it was just a list of Harvard and Stanford courses we completed together, along with a chatroom where we hung out and asked each other questions.


That changed in 2015. We built what would become our free 1,800-hour-long full stack developer curriculum.


At the time there were already tons of free beginner coding resources. But freeCodeCamp’s curriculum had two important things in its favor:

当时已经有大量免费的初学者编码资源。 但是freeCodeCamp的课程有两点对它有利:

  1. Our curriculum was completely interactive, and taught you programming fundamentals through step-by-step coding challenges right in your browser.

  2. Our curriculum was open source — which meant anyone could help improve it. And thousands of people did just that.

    我们的课程是开源的,这意味着任何人都可以帮助改进它。 数千人做到了这一点。

The curriculum’s breadth and functionality have ballooned through open source contributions.


Today the curriculum covers everything from basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript up to more advanced tools like Node.js, React, and databases. It even covers advanced topics like accessibility, information security, and testing frameworks.

今天的课程涵盖了从基本HTML,CSS和JavaScript到更高级的工具(如Node.js,React和数据库)的所有内容。 它甚至涵盖了高级主题,例如可访问性,信息安全性和测试框架。

As a result, more and more people are using it to learn to code and prepare for their first developer job. As of 2018, thousands of alumni now have freeCodeCamp certifications and are working as software developers.

结果,越来越多的人正在使用它来学习编码并为他们的第一个开发人员工作做准备。 截至2018年,成千上万的校友现已获得freeCodeCamp认证,并正在从事软件开发人员的工作。

Trippin’ through time: In 2015, people used freeCodeCamp for 37 million minutes. That’s the equivalent of about 70 years, or 1 human lifetime. 70 years ago, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

穿越时空 :2015年,人们使用freeCodeCamp的时间为3,700万分钟。 大约相当于70年,即1个人的生命。 70年前,联合国通过了《世界人权宣言》。

2016年:freeCodeCamp社区中型出版物和论坛的诞生 (2016: The birth of the freeCodeCamp community Medium publication and forum)

Most of freeCodeCamp’s early blog posts were written by me. But so many other people in the freeCodeCamp community were writing things worth reading. And Medium made it easy for us to cross-post their articles all in one place.

freeCodeCamp的大部分早期博客帖子都是由我撰写的。 但是freeCodeCamp社区中还有很多其他人在写值得一读的东西。 而Medium使我们可以轻松地将他们的文章全部交叉发布到一个地方。

Hundreds of authors submitted programming tutorials, explanations of computer science concepts, and their own coding journeys.


I initially edited all the submissions myself. But after editing a thousand articles or so, I admitted to myself that I needed help.

我最初是自己编辑所有提交的内容。 但是在编辑了大约一千篇文章之后,我承认自己需要帮助。

We formed our Medium editorial team, and a dozen volunteers helped improve the readability of articles.


We were still selective with which articles we published, but we were able to publish a lot more while keeping quality consistently high.


Many of the authors on freeCodeCamp’s Medium publication have gotten jobs or freelance clients based on the reputation they’ve built with their articles.


And thanks to the hundreds of skilled authors and editors, our publication recently became the largest publication on Medium, with more than 500,000 people following it.


freeCodeCamp社区论坛 (The freeCodeCamp community forum)

We also launched the freeCodeCamp forum in 2016. This made it easier for people to ask for help when they got stuck.


Thanks to a team of friendly forum regulars, most questions get answered in just an hour or two. So it’s nearly as fast as asking in our chat room system.

多亏了一群友好的论坛常客,大多数问题都在一两个小时内得到了回答。 因此,这几乎与在我们的聊天室系统中询问一样快。

The forum also became a place where people could reliably get constructive feedback on projects they were building.


One of the more popular areas of the forum is Getting a Developer Job, where people talk about their job search, and share tips and encouragement.

论坛上最受欢迎的区域之一是“ 获得开发人员工作” ,人们在此谈论他们的工作搜索,并分享提示和鼓励。

And the forum is searchable. About 80% of people who visit the forum don’t even bother logging in. They just find the answer they need to get un-stuck, then keep plowing forward with their coding.

并且该论坛是可搜索的。 大约80%的访问论坛的人甚至都无需登录。他们只是找到需要解决的答案,然后继续努力编码。

Trippin’ through time: In 2016, people used freeCodeCamp for 190 million minutes — the equivalent of about 310 years — about the same length of time that Liechtenstein has been a country.

穿越时空: 2016年,人们使用freeCodeCamp达1.9亿分钟(相当于约310年),与列支敦士登成为一个国家的时间长度相同。

2017年:我们发布了免费的CodeCamp指南 (2017: We launch the freeCodeCamp Guide)

By 2017, thousands of people had completed most of freeCodeCamp’s curriculum and had landed jobs as developers. Now that they were working with other developers, they would often encounter concepts and terminology they were unfamiliar with.

到2017年,数千人完成了freeCodeCamp的大部分课程,并找到了开发人员职位。 现在,他们正在与其他开发人员合作,他们将经常遇到不熟悉的概念和术语。

Rather than spidering through Wikipedia footnotes for an afternoon, they wanted quick, good-enough answers. So we created the freeCodeCamp Guide.

他们不是想要在Wikipedia的脚注中搜寻一个下午,而是想要快速,足够好的答案。 因此,我们创建了freeCodeCamp指南。

The Guide is a searchable reference that aims to cover all concepts related to software development.


The articles are simple enough for non-native English speakers to understand. And they’re short enough for busy people to read while taking a few sips of coffee.

这些文章非常简单,非英语母语者也可以理解。 而且它们足够短,忙碌的人们可以一边喝几口咖啡一边阅读。

And — like everything else at freeCodeCamp — the Guide is open source. Developers are constantly expanding it.

并且-与freeCodeCamp的其他所有内容一样-该指南是开源的。 开发人员正在不断扩展它。

The Guide has been the most popular open source project for two Hacktoberfests in a row.


It now includes nearly 5,000 articles on all kinds of technology and computer science concepts.


Trippin’ through time: In 2017, people used freeCodeCamp for 316 million minutes — the equivalent of about 600 years. For some perspective on how long that is, Beijing’s Forbidden City was built 600 years ago.

穿越时空: 2017年,人们使用freeCodeCamp的时间为3.16亿分钟,相当于约600年的时间。 从多远的角度来看,北京的紫禁城建于600年前。

2018年:经过4年的努力,我们的YouTube频道终于起飞 (2018: After 4 years of effort, our YouTube channel finally takes off)

freeCodeCamp has been posting videos and streaming on YouTube since the beginning. But YouTube never really recommended our videos to anyone.

从一开始,freeCodeCamp就一直在YouTube上发布视频和流式传输。 但是YouTube从未真正向任何人推荐我们的视频。

We suspected it might be because we refused to show ads on our channel, so YouTube wasn’t making any money off of us.


Either way, we were happy that YouTube gave us a free place to host our videos. (Hosting HD video is expensive!)

无论哪种方式,我们都很高兴YouTube为我们提供了一个免费的托管视频的地方。 (托管高清视频非常昂贵!)

But that all changed this year, when freeCodeCamp became the fastest-growing programming channel on YouTube.


So far this year, our channel has grown 1,100% in watch time.


YouTube’s algorithms are a black box, so we can only guess as to why YouTube suddenly started sending everybody to our community’s channel.


Maybe it’s because we posted some long, in-depth tutorials on topics like Python, Database Design, SQL, and Java.


Maybe it’s because we have been posting videos almost every day for the past four years.


Whatever happened, people seem to be learning a lot from our YouTube channel. So we’re going to keep doing what we’re doing and publishing high quality tutorials, talks, and coding livestreams.

无论发生什么,人们似乎都从我们的YouTube频道中学到了很多东西。 因此,我们将继续做我们正在做的事情,并发布高质量的教程,演讲和编码直播。

Trippin’ through time: So far in 2018, people used freeCodeCamp for 493 million minutes — the equivalent of about 937 years. If we were to go back that far in time, we could hear the first lectures being given at Oxford University in England.

穿越时空: 2018年到目前为止,人们使用freeCodeCamp的时间为4.93亿分钟,相当于937年的时间。 如果我们回到过去,我们可以听到在英国牛津大学举行的第一场演讲。

我们对2019年的计划:更多世界语言,课堂模式和针对本地学习小组的更好工具 (Our plans for 2019: more world languages, Classroom Mode, and better tools for local study groups)

We have big plans for 2019. And we think we can achieve them. If we have the budget.

我们为2019年制定了宏伟的计划。我们认为我们可以实现这些目标。 如果我们有预算

Our goal is to increase our number of supporters to 10,000. This will expand our annual budget from a meager $200,000 to a more manageable $500,000.

我们的目标是将支持者的数量增加到10,000。 这将使我们的年度预算从微不足道的200,000美元增加到更易于管理的500,000美元。

This is still very modest by global NGO standards, but it will allow us to help a lot more people and expand our learning resources much faster.


Here’s what we’d like to accomplish in 2019.


倡议1:多语言freeCodeCamp (Initiative 1: Multi-lingual freeCodeCamp)

We’ve already translated freeCodeCamp’s curriculum and guide into five major world languages:


  • Arabic

  • Chinese

  • Portuguese

  • Russian

  • Spanish


We want to deploy parallel freeCodeCamp front ends for these language communities, all attached to the same shared databases. We also want to host separate forums for each of these languages.

我们想为这些语言社区部署并行的freeCodeCamp前端,所有前端都附加到相同的共享数据库。 我们还希望为每种语言举办单独的论坛。

We already have moderator teams for each of these languages, and hundreds of contributors who are refining and expanding these translations.


Once these languages are live, about 80% of people on earth will be able to learn to code in their native language, for free.


And these people won’t have to suffer through awkward machine translations, because all of these resources will be overseen by native speakers who understand the quirks and culture behind each language.


But doing this right will involve a big jump in server costs and maintenance. More donations from supporters would go a long way toward offsetting these costs.

但是,正确地做到这一点将涉及服务器成本和维护的巨大飞跃。 支持者的更多捐款将大大抵消这些费用。

计划2:课堂模式 (Initiative 2: Classroom Mode)

freeCodeCamp was designed with adult learners in mind. The median age of people in our community is 30 years old.

freeCodeCamp的设计初衷是针对成人学习者。 我们社区的平均年龄为30岁。

Still, we receive tons of requests from teachers around the world who want to use freeCodeCamp in their classrooms.


There are already hundreds of teachers at high schools, universities, job training programs — and even prisons — who use freeCodeCamp as part of their curriculum.


But it’s still a somewhat tedious process for teachers. They have to tell their students to set their freeCodeCamp profiles to public (they’re private by default). Then the teachers have to manually go through and check their students’ progress through the freeCodeCamp curriculum.

但这对于老师来说仍然是一个乏味的过程。 他们必须告诉学生将其freeCodeCamp配置文件设置为公开(默认情况下为私有)。 然后,教师必须通过freeCodeCamp课程手动检查学生的进度。

We want to empower teachers to use freeCodeCamp more easily. We want to build classroom tools that allow teachers to assign parts of the freeCodeCamp curriculum and easily visualize their students’ progress.

我们希望使教师能够更轻松地使用freeCodeCamp。 我们希望构建教室工具,以允许教师分配部分freeCodeCamp课程并轻松可视化其学生的进度。

With a bigger budget, we can allocate more resources toward making Classroom Mode a reality in 2019.

有了更大的预算 ,我们可以分配更多资源以使``课堂模式''在2019年成为现实。

计划3:为研究小组提供更好的工具 (Initiative 3: Better tools for study groups)

The freeCodeCamp community has more than 2,000 local study groups in cities around the world. Many of these study groups meet weekly to code together. Some of them even host hackathons and conferences.

freeCodeCamp社区在世界各地的城市中拥有2,000多个本地学习小组。 这些研究小组中的许多小组每周开会开会,共同编写代码。 他们中的一些人甚至举办黑客马拉松和会议。

These study groups are run in a decentralized way. Most of them have study group leaders who plan events and find local sponsors to provide venues.

这些研究小组以分散的方式运行。 他们中的大多数人都有研究小组负责人,他们负责策划活动并寻找当地赞助商提供场地。

We want to better-support these study group leaders, their members, and their sponsors.


Currently we organize these groups through Facebook Groups because it’s free. But Facebook has limited features, limited transparency, and lacks reliable ways to reach group members.

目前,我们免费通过Facebook网上论坛组织这些网上论坛。 但是,Facebook的功能有限,透明度有限,并且缺乏可靠的联系小组成员的方式。

Some study groups use, which is a more specialized tool than Facebook, but would cost us $100,000’s per year to use at scale — even with nonprofit discounts.


Over the past 3 years, we’ve evaluated every alternative tool out there, and the best solution we’ve found is still Facebook Groups.

在过去的三年中,我们已经评估了每种替代工具,而我们发现的最佳解决方案仍然是Facebook Groups。

So we’ve decided to build our own open source tool to organize these study groups. This way study groups can have full control of their data, and we can gradually build up new functionality as they need it.

因此,我们决定构建自己的开源工具来组织这些研究小组。 这样,研究小组就可以完全控制自己的数据,并且我们可以根据需要逐步建立新的功能。

One benefit to building our own free open source tool for this is that other nonprofits will be able to deploy their own servers and use this to coordinate their own local chapters and events.


We have no illusions — this will require a lot of additional developer time, and there will be additional server costs. More donations from supporters would go a long way toward helping with this.

我们没有幻想-这将需要大量额外的开发人员时间,并且还会有额外的服务器成本。 支持者的更多捐款将大大有助于实现这一目标。

接下来的十亿分钟 (The next billion minutes)

I hope this article has helped show that:


  1. freeCodeCamp is helping millions of people

  2. in a cost-effective way

  3. and we have well thought-out plans for how we can help even more people

  4. but we need your support


With your help, we can reach our goal of 10,000 supporters.


2019 could be the biggest year ever for the freeCodeCamp community.


I’m not going to say: “Donate to freeCodeCamp or we’ll go dark forever!” or anything scary like that.

我不会说:“捐赠给freeCodeCamp,否则我们将永远消失!” 或类似的恐怖内容

The reality is this: the genie is out of the bottle. We aren’t going away. We’re open source, and worse case scenario I could continue to run freeCodeCamp part-time as a passion project.

现实是这样的:精灵已经掉了。 我们不会离开。 我们是开源的,在更糟糕的情况下,我可以继续作为激情项目兼职运行freeCodeCamp。

So instead of preaching gloom and doom, I’m just going to say this:


We have incredible momentum. We are improving millions of people’s lives and careers by helping them learn to code. But we could be moving so much faster. We could be helping so many more people.

我们有不可思议的势头。 通过帮助人们学习编码,我们正在改善数百万人的生活和职业。 但是我们可能会移动得更快。 我们可以帮助更多的人。

It’s safe to say there has never been a community quite like freeCodeCamp before. Some of my friends in finance have privately told me they think freeCodeCamp is “the most capital-efficient organization in modern history.”

可以肯定地说,从来没有像freeCodeCamp这样的社区。 我的一些金融朋友私下告诉我,他们认为freeCodeCamp是“现代历史上最具资本效率的组织”。

We have a small team of 5 people — all of whom either write code or create learning resources. In nonprofit speak: 100% of our budget goes toward “programs” and none of it goes toward “fundraising” or “administrative costs.”

我们有一个由5人组成的小团队-所有这些人要么编写代码,要么创建学习资源。 用非营利组织来说:我们的预算中有100%用于“计划”,而没有用于“筹款”或“管理费用”。

We’ve always been transparent about our finances and our operations, and we recently received the Platinum Certification from, the nonprofit that rates charities.


We have an energetic community of thousands of open source contributors helping us in our mission. And all 5 of our staff members started out as prolific open source contributors to freeCodeCamp.

我们有一个由成千上万的开源贡献者组成的充满活力的社区,可以帮助我们完成任务。 我们的所有5名员工都是freeCodeCamp的开源贡献者。

Instead of spending money recruiting developers, we have the luxury of being able to look at people who are already contributing to freeCodeCamp in their free time, and just paying them to work on freeCodeCamp full-time.


We are also incredibly thrifty with servers. We’ve secured in-kind sponsorship from several service providers, and we have built our architecture around scaling as inexpensively as possible.

我们对服务器也非常节俭。 我们已经从数家服务提供商那里获得了实物赞助,并且我们已围绕可扩展性尽可能便宜地构建了我们的体系结构。

freeCodeCamp could be the next Wikipedia. We could democratize technology education on a scale that Wikipedia has democratized historical reference. And so far — 4 years into our journey — we are tracking pretty closely with Wikipedia’s growth over the past 17 years.

freeCodeCamp可能是下一个维基百科。 我们可以按照维基百科使历史参考民主化的规模使技术教育民主化。 到目前为止,我们已经经历了4年的路程,我们一直在密切关注Wikipedia在过去17年中的发展。

One difference is that Wikipedia gets $100 million in donations every year — 500 times the $200,000 we get. So let’s change that. With even $500,000 (1/200th of what Wikipedia gets), we can dramatically improve technology education.

区别之一是Wikipedia每年获得1亿美元的捐款,是我们获得的20万美元的500倍。 因此,让我们对其进行更改。 只需$ 500,000(是Wikipedia收入的1/200),我们就可以大大改善技术教育。

Help us reach our goal of 10,000 supporters. Become a supporter and set up a tax-deductible donation you can afford to

帮助我们实现10,000个支持者的目标。 成为支持者,并设置您可以负担得起freeCodeCamp.org的免税捐款

Thanks again to you and to everyone in the freeCodeCamp community.


Congratulations on the first billion minutes of helping people learn to code.


Here’s to the next billion. ?

这是下一个十亿。 ?


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