

by Shawn McKay

肖恩·麦凯(Shawn McKay)

在基于状态图的状态机上使用React的模式 (Patterns for using React with Statechart-based state machines)

Statecharts and state machines offer a promising path for designing and managing complex state in apps. For more on why statecharts rock, see the first article of this series.

状态图和状态机为设计和管理应用程序中的复杂状态提供了一条有希望的途径。 有关状态图为何摇摆的更多信息,请参阅本系列的第一篇文章

But if statecharts are such an excellent solution for managing UI & state in Javascript (JS), why isn’t there more momentum behind them?


One of the main reasons statecharts have not grown in popularity within the front-end world is that best practices have yet to be established. It’s not abundantly clear how to use state machines with popular component-based UI libraries such as React, Vue, or Angular.

状态图在前端世界中尚未普及的主要原因之一是尚未建立最佳实践。 尚不清楚如何将状态机与流行的基于组件的UI库(如React,Vue或Angular)一起使用。

While it may be too early to declare best practices for statecharts in JS, we can explore some patterns used by existing state machine integration libraries.


状态图机 (Statechart machine)

Statecharts work both for visual design and as the underlying code for a graph-based state machine.


Bear in mind that we’re in the early days of using statecharts with JS, and it may be worth experimenting with a variety of libraries or even developing your own. That being said, XState is currently leading the pack for statechart machine libraries in JS.

请记住,我们处于将状态图与JS一起使用的初期,可能值得尝试各种库甚至开发自己的库。 话虽这么说, XState目前在JS中领先于Statechart机器库。

The above state machine code can generate a much more readable statechart diagram when passed as JSON to the XState Visualizer.

上面的状态机代码作为JSON传递给XState Visualizer时,可以生成更具可读性的状态图。

You can even work the other way, starting by visually designing and then exporting to an XState configuration using We don’t have all the pieces in one place yet, but there are no serious technical barriers to an open source solution.

您甚至可以以其他方式工作,从视觉设计开始,然后使用sketch.systems导出到XState配置。 我们还没有将所有内容都放在一个地方,但是开源解决方案没有严重的技术障碍。

Now that we have an idea of what XState does, let’s look at what it doesn’t do.


XState Tagline: “stateless finite state machines and statecharts”.

So what does it mean for a state machine to be stateless?


无状态机器 (Stateless machines)

Stateless machines offer an unopinionated blueprint for state management — a kind of “roll your own” solution that doesn’t dictate where or how state in your application is stored.

无状态机器为状态管理提供了一个不受质疑的蓝图 -一种“滚动自己的”解决方案,它不指示应用程序中状态的存储位置或方式。

Much like a presentational component, a stateless machine is made of pure functions, is immutable, and maintains no state. It tracks no past, current, or future — but it can be used to help you calculate each.

无状态机器很像表示组件,是由纯功能组成的,是不变的,并且不保持任何状态。 它不会跟踪过去,现在或将来,但是可以用来帮助您计算每个。

Managing your state can be as easy as storing it in a local state variable.


Stateless machines don’t give you much out of the box. To trigger a transition, we must always pass in the current state node in to find the next. XState can let you know which actions should be fired on each state change, but you’ll have to find a way to manage the actions yourself.

无状态机器无法为您提供很多便利。 要触发转换,我们必须始终传入当前状态节点以查找下一个。 XState可以让您知道在每次状态更改时应触发哪些操作,但是您必须找到一种自行管理操作的方法。

If you’re interested in a more complete solution, consider making your state machine stateful.


状态机 (Stateful machines)

A stateful machine tracks your node position on the state graph and manages the firing of actions. There is no need to pass in the current state on transitions — it tracks your current state node.

有状态机会跟踪您在状态图上的节点位置并管理动作的触发。 过渡时无需传递当前状态-它会跟踪您的当前状态节点。

As a summary, the instance of the stateful machine above:


  • determines the green state position at “Ringing”

    确定“ Ring”处的绿色状态位置
  • limits the possible purple’active transition events to CANCEL or SNOOZE

    将可能的“紫色”活动过渡事件限制为“ CANCEL或“ SNOOZE

  • fires the startRing action on entry


  • fires the stopRing action on leaving the state


Of course, there is more than one way to create a stateful machine. We’re back to the question of where to manage state:

当然,创建状态机的方法不止一种。 我们回到了在哪里管理状态的问题:

  • within the existing component state?

  • in a connected state machine?


Let’s explore some design patterns with examples, starting with stateful components.


有状态的组件 (Stateful components)

A stateful component, as you might imagine, manages state within the component, or within a wrapping higher-order component. In React, this would be as state. Storing state within a UI library ensures that changes won’t be missed and will trigger re-renders.

您可能会想到,有状态组件将管理该组件内或包装的高阶组件内的状态。 在React中,这将是state 。 将状态存储在UI库中可确保不会丢失更改,并会触发重新渲染。

This is the approach of a library called React-Automata that uses a higher-order component initiated by withStatechart.


React-Automata offers several patterns for using statecharts with components:


  • state from props

  • conditional rendering from a context

  • state from actions


We’ll go over each pattern and consider the pros and cons.


道具状态 (State from Props)

Passing state directly into components seems like the most obvious solution.


In React-Automata, state can be passed by accessing it on the machineState prop — a reference to the actual state machine.


But be wary, this is by no means best practice. In the example above, the integration has coupled the statechart to the component, leading to a poor separation of concerns.

但是要小心, 这绝不是最佳实践 。 在上面的示例中,集成将状态图耦合到了组件,从而导致关注点分离不佳。

Consider that the statechart and components can allow for a clean divide as they solve different problems:


  • statecharts: when things happen, for example, enter state, actions fired

    状态图: 事情发生时,例如进入状态,触发动作

  • components: how and what happens, for example, the view, user interactions

    组件: 如何以及如何发生,例如视图,用户交互

Alternatively, you could decouple the component from the state machine by conditionally rendering with a default of no render.


Certainly, there must be a more natural way to set up conditional rendering without having to turn all your renders into if/else and switch statements.


从上下文进行条件渲染 (Conditional rendering from a context)

State accessed by a context doesn’t need to be passed directly.


React-Automata provides a pattern for conditional rendering of child components using React’s context and a <State> component. Note that the value property can match on a string, array of strings, or even a glob-based pattern.

React-Automata提供了一种使用React上下文和<Sta te>组件有条件地渲染子组件的模式。 注意THA t the值属性可以匹配的字符串,字符串数组,或甚至基于水珠图案。

If the state value matches Ringing, the children inside of the State component will render. Otherwise, nothing.

如果状态值匹配Ringing ,则将渲染State组件内的子级。 否则,什么都没有。

State from context can help clarify the number of possible finite state view combinations. As in the case above, it’s clear there are only two possible configurations.

上下文中的状态可以帮助阐明可能的有限状态视图组合的数量。 与上面的情况一样,很明显只有两种可能的配置。

If view configurations start to get out of hand, React-Automata offers a render prop pattern that passes in a boolean based on the value.


Similarly, it’s possible to conditional render based on context actions.


Conditionally rendering based on state or actions maintains a coupling between the statechart and components, but less explicitly through context. How might you give components their isolated state apart from statecharts?

基于状态或动作的有条件渲染可维持状态图和组件之间的耦合,但通过上下文不太明确。 除了状态图,您如何赋予组件孤立的状态?

从行动状态 (State from actions)

It’s possible to use statecharts to update the internal state of a linked component using actions as triggers.


React-automata checks the methods on a component and calls the functions if the names match the actions being fired.


As an example, the onEntry action startRing is fired as the state machine enters Ringing, causing the AlarmClock state to change to ringing. On leaving the Ringing state, stopRing is fired, and ringing is set to false.

例如,当状态机进入Ringing ,会触发onEntry操作startRing ,导致AlarmClock状态更改为ringing 。 退出Ringing状态时,将触发stopRing ,并将ringing设置为false

Note that, although of these methods are called with params, the methods already have access to whatever they need from machineState through props.


Using internal component state managed through actions leads to a strong decoupling of components from state charts. However, it can also create a degree of clutter or confusion in components. It is not explicitly clear how or when methods will be called without examining the names of actions in the statechart. For this reason, I often call my actions and methods enterX or exitX in order to make it explicitly clear why and where they are being fired.

使用通过操作管理的内部组件状态会导致组件与状态图之间的强烈分离。 但是,它也会在组件中造成一定程度的混乱或混乱。 在不检查状态图中动作名称的情况下,尚不清楚如何或何时调用方法。 因此,我经常将我的操作和方法enterXexitX ,以便清楚地阐明其原因和触发位置。

外部状态机 (External state machines)

Another option worth considering is storing state outside of your UI framework. As with other state management libraries like Redux, components can be connected to an external state machine and updated with “on state change” and “on action” events.

另一个值得考虑的选择是将状态存储在UI框架之外。 与Redux等其他状态管理库一样,组件可以连接到外部状态机,并通过“状态更改”和“动作中”事件进行更新。

As an example, XStateful is a wrapper around XState that handles state, transitions, emitting events, triggering actions, and more.

例如, XStatefulXState的包装,用于处理状态,转换,发出事件,触发动作等。

XStateful works well with a React connector called XStateful-React.


XStateful-React has much in common with React-Automata. But there is at least one signficant difference — the state machine instance is not managed within any component.

XStateful-React与React-Automata有很多共同点。 但是,至少有一个显着的区别-状态机实例不在任何组件中进行管理。

So how does external state from reducers work in XStateful?


状态和数据 (State and data)

Applications often require more than just the state node in a state graph— they require data as well. Often this data needs to be synced across components, in a way that can be frustrated if it must be passed from the uppermost shared parent.

应用程序通常不仅需要状态图中的状态节点,还需要数据。 通常,此数据需要跨组件同步,如果必须从最上层共享父级传递数据,可能会感到沮丧。

There are existing popular solutions for syncing data, such as Redux, or my state management wrapper for Redux. Unfortunately, these don’t play well with many state wrappers such as React-Automata due to an open issue with passing refs in React Redux (see this open issue with connect() and React.forwardRef).

有用于同步数据的现有流行解决方案,例如Redux或我的 Redux 状态管理包装器 。 不幸的是,由于在React Redux中传递引用存在开放性问题 (请参见connect()和React.forwardRef的开放性问题) ,这些方法在许多状态包装器(例如React-Automata)中无法很好地发挥作用。

A complete state solution should manage both state and data.


XStateful offers just such a state and data solution using a state reducer pattern, similar to Redux.


State machine subscribers listen and update changes based on actions emitted from the state machine. Note that XState refers to data as extended state, or extstate.

状态机订户根据状态机发出的操作来侦听和更新更改。 请注意,XState将数据称为扩展状态extstate

This particular Reducer pattern may seem unfamiliar, however, it’s heavily used in projects such as ReasonReact.


Data can also be accessed in conditional renders on the property cond.


Be careful with using state to conditionally render components, as it creates a non-deterministic set of possible states. No longer are you limited to the number of states, but now to the number of state and data combinations. You lose out on deterministic features, discussed later in the testing section.

使用状态来有条件地渲染组件时要小心 ,因为它会创建一组不确定的可能状态。 您不再局限于状态数,而是现在仅限于状态数和数据组合数。 您将失去确定性功能,稍后在测试部分中进行讨论。

This data can be passed into your component using a render prop pattern.


There is less of a need for state management tools like Redux if data can be stored within a complete state machine tool like XStateful.


测试中 (Testing)

State machines also offer a better path for front-end testing.


The deterministic nature of state machines creates the possibility of simplified front-end testing.


In React-Automata you can autogenerate snapshot tests using testStatechart, a method that takes the XState configuration and the component.


testStatechart runs through the state graph and creates a Jest snapshot test for each possible configuration of the component. It will toggle on and off your various <State />, <Action /> components, leading to a recording of all possible conditional rendering combinations.

testStatechart贯穿状态图,并为组件的每个可能配置创建一个Jest快照测试 。 它将打开和关闭各种<State / >, < Action />组件,从而记录所有可能的条件渲染组合。

开发工具 (Devtools)

Devtools play an active role in what makes a library developer-friendly — debugging can be the hardest or most straightforward part of your job.


In this respect, React-Automata offers a helpful integration via Redux Devtools. Each connected component becomes a named instance in the devtools, and each transition and action are displayed chronologically as actions are presented in Redux devtools.

在这方面,React-Automata通过Redux Devtools提供了有用的集成。 每个连接的组件在devtools中成为一个命名实例,并且每个动作和动作都按时间顺序显示在Redux devtools中。

XState offers an entirely new set of variables to track. Consider the following example by Erik Mogensen on the kinds of information an XState debugger may track.

XState提供了一组全新的变量来跟踪。 考虑一下Erik Mogensen的以下示例,示例涉及XState调试器可能跟踪的信息。

This is not to say that state machine devtools need to look like our existing devtools. State machine devtools present an opportunity for a more visual debugging experience.

这并不是说状态机devtools必须看起来像我们现有的devtools。 状态机devtools提供了获得更直观的调试体验的机会。

结论 (Conclusion)

While we’re still in the early days of statecharts in JS, there are enough options available to start developing applications on top of XState. We can learn from these development patterns to both improve available libraries and to create tools to support the enormous potential of visual-based programming.

虽然我们仍处于JS状态图的早期,但是有足够的可用选项来开始在XState之上开发应用程序。 我们可以从这些开发模式中学习,以改进可用的库并创建工具来支持基于视觉的编程的巨大潜力。

Having developed applications with statecharts over the past three months, I’ve personally found these new patterns to be a breath of fresh air. Collaboration has become much more comfortable, as team members can visually grasp the underlying logic of a significant and growing system.

在过去三个月中使用状态图开发了应用程序之后,我个人发现这些新模式令人耳目一新。 由于团队成员可以从视觉上掌握重要且不断发展的系统的基本逻辑,因此协作变得更加舒适。

My hope is that this article will help others find statechart-based development more approachable. If you found it helpful, give a clap and pass it on :)

我希望本文将帮助其他人发现基于状态图的开发更加平易近人。 如果您觉得有用,请鼓掌并继续进行:)







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