

by Roshan Jossey

罗珊·乔西(Roshan Jossey)

如何在短短5分钟内完成您的第一个开源贡献 (How to make your first open source contribution in just 5 minutes)

The best way to level up your programming skills it to code more. The second best thing is to read others’ code.

提升编程技能的最佳方法是编写更多代码。 第二件事是阅读他人的代码。

What better way to do this than collaborating in open source projects?


You’ll be exposed to various coding styles. You’ll get awesome reviews on the code you write.

您将接触到各种编码样式。 您将获得有关所编写代码的出色评论。

First contributions is a project to help you get started with contributing to open source projects. Excited to start your open source journey? You can follow the instructions in tutorial in Readme of First Contributions project on GitHub.

首要贡献是一个项目,可以帮助您开始为开源项目做贡献。 激动地开始您的开源之旅? 您可以按照GitHub上的“首次贡献的自述文件”项目中的教程中的说明进行操作

为什么要为开源项目做出贡献? (Why should you contribute to open source projects?)

Contributing to open source projects came with benefits like having lots of fun, improving your skills, building an awesome profile that could help you in your career, meeting like minded people, finding awesome mentors etc.


Nevertheless, I’ve always felt that everybody should have personal reasons for contributing. When I started, I was excited about the freedom open source gives me. I could make the changes I want in tools I’m using. I could share my version with anyone I want.

尽管如此,我一直认为每个人都应该有自己的贡献理由。 当我开始的时候,我为开源给我的自由感到兴奋。 我可以在使用的工具中进行所需的更改。 我可以与任何人分享我的版本。

I was also thrilled about giving back to the community I’m taking so much from. I’m standing on the shoulder of giants when I’m doing my work. I wanted to give back as much as I could.

我也很高兴能回馈我从中受益的社区。 我在工作时站在巨人的肩膀上。 我想尽我所能。

This is starting to grow on me as a moral obligation now. I feel like open source is like the software equivalent of everybody who helped me to become the person I am today. Like family, friends, mentors etc., who helped without expecting anything in return.

现在,这已成为我的一项道德义务在我身上逐渐发展。 我觉得开源就像每个帮助我成为今天的人的软件一样。 像家人,朋友,导师等,他们的帮助没有任何回报。

Similarly, most of the tools such as programming languages, libraries, frameworks, text editors, version control system, various command line tools etc are open source. I couldn’t reach where I am now without them. The people who created all those did that without expecting anything in return from me.

同样,大多数工具(例如编程语言,库,框架,文本编辑器,版本控制系统,各种命令行工具等)都是开源的。 没有他们,我无法到达现在的位置。 创造所有这些的人没有想到我会得到任何回报。

I learned that many people have various reasons for contributing. Here’s a compilation of reasons why people contribute to open source.

我了解到很多人都有不同的贡献原因。 这是人们对开源做出贡献原因的汇总。

为什么我开始这个项目 (Why I started this project)

When I was studying, I had a strong desire to contribute to open source. Unfortunately, I faced a lot of obstacles in that path. Eventually I found what I was doing wrong. I was trying to do everything at once. I learned that a gradual approach is best to get started.

在学习时,我强烈希望为开源做贡献。 不幸的是,我在这条路上遇到了很多障碍。 最终,我发现自己做错了。 我试图一次做所有事情。 我了解到最好采用循序渐进的方法。

That’s when I stared First contributions. It started off as a hands-on tutorial to provide an understanding of contribution workflow (pull request style) in GitHub. I wanted to give everybody the joy of getting their first pull request.

那是我盯着第一捐款的时候 。 它从动手教程开始,以提供对GitHub中的贡献工作流(拉式请求样式)的理解。 我想让每个人都得到他们的第一个请求请求的乐趣。

I started collecting feedback from users on how to take it forward. Most people wanted suggestions on which projects to start contributing. We started building a web app for suggesting projects. We also started a slack group for anybody to ask questions or get help.

我开始收集用户对如何进行反馈的反馈。 大多数人都希望就开始着手的项目提出建议。 我们开始构建用于建议项目的Web应用程序。 我们还成立了一个闲散小组,供任何人提出问题或寻求帮助。

我们从第一笔捐助中学到了什么 (What we learned from first contributions)

One thing I learned from this project is that there is a big gap between projects that are looking for new contributors and people who are trying to start contributing to open source projects. It’d be awesome to bridge that gap.

我从该项目中学到的一件事是,正在寻找新贡献者的项目与试图开始为开源项目做出贡献的人们之间存在很大的差距。 缩小差距真是太棒了。

There is still a lot of friction for beginners to start contributing. Even with a lot of effort from maintainer’s side, it’s really hard to make your project beginner friendly. Take a look at this discussion in nodejs admins repo

对于初学者来说,仍然存在很大的磨擦来开始贡献。 即使维护者付出了很多努力,也很难使您的项目初学者友好。 看看nodejs管理员仓库中的讨论

对未来的梦想和希望 (Dreams and hopes for future)

It’d be great to get more people involved in the slack group. It’d be good to influence maintainers to make their projects more beginner friendly. We’re also actively trying to reach more people.

希望有更多的人参与到松弛小组中来。 最好影响维护者,使他们的项目对初学者更友好。 我们还积极尝试吸引更多人。

There is also another thing I wanted to do, but failed at it’s inception. Most students do a project in college. If this is to contribute to an open source project, that’d be much more rewarding and fruitful. It’d be wonderful to get that back on track.

我还想做另一件事,但是一开始就失败了。 大多数学生在大学里做一个项目。 如果这有助于开源项目,那将是更大的收获和丰硕的成果。 让它回到正轨真是太好了。

结束语 (Closing notes)

Leave a few claps and a star in the project repository if you found this interesting.


I’m indebted to Quincy Larson for advising me to write this article and all his work for freeCodeCamp. Also Kent C. Dodds and Scott Hanselman for inspiring me to start this project.

我感谢Quincy Larson建议我为freeCodeCamp写这篇文章和他的所有作品。 肯特·C·多德斯(Kent C. Dodds)斯科特·汉塞尔曼 ( Scott Hanselman)也启发了我启动这个项目。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-make-your-first-open-source-contribution-in-just-5-minutes-aaad1fc59c9a/


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