

by Billy Le

比利·勒(Billy Le)

如何在您的城市中建立强大的编码社区-我是如何做到的 (How you can build a strong coding community in your city — and how I did it)

Communities are important. They are the bedrock that glues together shared beliefs, a common passion, and a sense of belonging. This helps everyone work together towards their personal or communal goals.

社区很重要。 它们是将共同的信念,共同的激情和归属感凝聚在一起的基石。 这可以帮助每个人共同努力实现自己的个人或公共目标。

I’ve been the organizer of freeCodeCamp Sacramento for over a year now, and I’ve learned a great deal about how to run a community. I’ve met people from other study groups, and we often exchange tips for how to run a community. The topic often comes up because I think people genuinely want to organize their own communities.

一年以来,我一直是freeCodeCamp Sacramento的组织者,并且我已经学到了很多有关如何管理社区的知识。 我见过其他学习小组的人,我们经常交流有关如何运营社区的技巧。 之所以经常出现这个话题,是因为我认为人们确实希望组织自己的社区。

In this article, I’ll share some tips for running a community. I’ll elaborate on some of the values, techniques, leadership, and organization skills I’ve learned along the way. I’ve organized these into 10 tips that I think you’ll find actionable and memorable.

在本文中,我将分享一些运行社区的技巧。 我将详细介绍我在此过程中学到的一些价值观,技术,领导能力和组织技能。 我已将这些内容整理为10条提示,我认为您会发现这些建议可行且令人难忘。

提示1:加强用于生产力和社交编码的时间 (Tip 1: Enforce time dedicated to productivity and social coding)

I encourage people to bring headphones or earphones to the events. This is because I want people to get some work done in the first hour of the event. Because the community is together, it’s really easy to get distracted by the conversations happening around them.

我鼓励人们带耳机或耳机参加活动。 这是因为我希望人们在活动的第一个小时完成一些工作。 因为社区在一起,所以很容易因周围的话题而分心。

To help people progress in their coding goals, I try to enforce a policy where people are encouraged to work on their code for one hour during the event.


This is not limited to freeCodeCamp material. People can work on Java, help someone with their code, watch video tutorials, or whatever.

这不限于freeCodeCamp材料。 人们可以使用Java进行工作,使用代码帮助某人,观看视频教程等。

Encouraging people to be productive helps them build their existing skill set so that they can become better developers. I want everyone to have a chance to work toward their goals.

鼓励人们提高工作效率可以帮助他们建立现有的技能,从而可以成为更好的开发人员。 我希望每个人都有机会朝着自己的目标努力。

The second part about these events is that they allow time for social coding or networking. Many developers will tell you that knowing how to program will land you a job, but soft skills are equally important.

关于这些事件的第二部分是,它们为社交编码或网络腾出了时间。 许多开发人员会告诉您,知道如何编程会找到您的工作,但是软技能也同样重要。

For the quiet types, I often try to engage them in conversations. Sometimes in the middle of a conversation with another person, I will find an opportunity to ask the the quiet person, “What is your opinion on this [insert subject]?” I know the person is paying attention, but doesn’t necessarily want to speak up. I may be putting people on the spot, but I want to let them know that their opinions are valued in my community.

对于安静的人,我经常尝试让他们参与对话。 有时,在与另一个人交谈的过程中,我会发现一个机会问安静的人,“您对此[插入主题]有何看法?” 我知道这个人正在注意,但不一定要大声说出来。 我可能会把人们当场,但我想让他们知道他们的意见在我的社区中很有价值。

提示2:请记住会员的名字 (Tip #2: Try to remember the names of your members)

If there is one important lesson to learn from this, it is to try to remember the name of the individuals who attend your study group. This will make them feel valued because you’ve taken the time to learn their name and commit it to memory.

如果要从中学习一个重要的课程,那就是要记住参加您的学习小组的个人的名字。 这会让他们感到很有价值,因为您已经花了一些时间来学习他们的名字并将其提交到记忆中。

Making people feel important by remembering their name is a key concept from Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” This is how I conduct myself in front of others.

戴尔·卡耐基(Dale Carnegie)的著作“ 如何赢得朋友并影响人们。 这就是我在别人面前表现自己的方式。

If you’re not good at remembering names, try to employ techniques like repeating people’s name back to them slowly or repeating their name in your head. Or find facial features that defines them and associate them with their name. If you need more suggestions, here is a great article that provides tips on how to remember people’s name.

如果您不擅长记住姓名,请尝试采用一些技术,例如慢慢将人们的名字重复给他们,或者在脑海中重复他们的名字。 或找到定义它们的面部特征并将其与名称关联。 如果您需要更多建议,这是一篇很棒的文章,其中提供了有关如何记住人的名字的提示

提示3:用温暖的笑容迎接所有人 (Tip #3: Greet everyone with a warm smile)

First impressions are important and create a lasting affect. To set the tone for my community, I usually stand near the front door when people enter and greet them as they come in.

第一印象很重要,并且会产生持久的影响。 为了给我的社区定下基调,我通常会在人们进入时迎接他们时,站在前门附近。

This is my golden opportunity to get to know the individuals, learn why they are attending the event and the goals they want to achieve, and what they are working on.


By being receptive to newcomers, I let them know that we are a friendly community and that we are here for their needs.


By learning a few facts about them, I can do one of the following things: direct them to another camper who can pair up with them to do some pair programming, introduce them to someone who can help them complete a specific challenge with which they are having trouble, or even just show them to an available seat in the venue.


提示4:让所有人聚在一起 (Tip #4: Try to keep everyone together)

A community is not a community if people feel like they don’t belong. Another important aspect of a community is togetherness. When arranging an event, look for a venue with big tables or sections that can seat everyone together.

如果人们觉得自己不属于社区,那么社区就不是社区。 社区的另一个重要方面是团结。 安排活动时,请寻找一个可以摆放所有人的大型桌子或大板块的场地。

By having everyone near each other, everyone feels like they belong to a community. Campers can work alongside each other, engage in conversations about technology, and help each other pass challenges or tackle them together.

通过使每个人彼此靠近,每个人都感觉自己属于一个社区。 营员可以相互合作,进行有关技术的对话,互相帮助克服挑战或共同应对挑战。

I like coffee shops over venues that have classroom-like settings. Coffee shops are informal and make people feel more comfortable about joining conversations. People are seated close to one another, so they may peek at someone else’s screen and ask, “Hey, what are you working on?”

我喜欢咖啡店,而不喜欢教室般布置的场所。 咖啡厅是非正式的,使人们对加入对话更加自在。 人们坐在彼此附近,所以他们可以窥视别人的屏幕,然后问:“嘿,您在做什么?”

The environment is organic and gives members an opportunity to develop friendships.


提示5:至少提前两周安排活动 (Tip #5: Schedule events at least two weeks in advance)

I’ve seen too often organizers wait until the last minute to announce an event. And they usually get only a few attendees.

我已经看到组织者经常等到最后一分钟才宣布一个事件。 他们通常只有少数与会者。

You want to aim for maximum participation, and you won’t get that if you give people less than a week’s notice.


If you can’t schedule events two weeks in advance, then try to schedule an event as far in advance as possible.


提示6:使用标志让别人知道你是谁,你在哪里 (Tip #6: Use a sign to let people know who you are and where you are)

When I first started organizing events, I didn’t use any visual displays to let newcomers know who and where we were in the venue. People would walk through the door, look around like a lost child, and have to play the guessing game by asking strangers, “Is this [insert event name]?”

当我第一次开始组织活动时,我没有使用任何视觉显示来让新来者知道我们在场内的人和位置。 人们会走进门,像个迷路的孩子一样环顾四周,不得不通过问陌生人来玩猜谜游戏,“这是[插入事件名称]吗?”

You don’t want to put people in that situation because you would violate tip #2 on my list. And you would make people feel unwelcome if they can’t find you the first time.

您不想让人们处于这种情况,因为您会违反我名单上的提示2。 如果他们第一次找不到你,就会使人们感到不受欢迎。

When you put up a sign, you’re openly advertising as well. There have been times where I had people from outside the group come and ask me what the group is about. Strangers will be curious and it might be an opportunity to get new members. You never know who you’ll meet.

当您张贴标语时,您也在公开广告。 有时候,我有小组以外的人来问我小组的内容。 陌生人会很好奇,这可能是获得新成员的机会。 你永远都不知道会见谁。

提示7:与组织活动保持一致 (Tip #7: Be consistent with organizing events)

Try to organize at least one event each month. This will show your members that they are participating in an active community.

尝试每月至少组织一次活动。 这将向您的成员表明他们正在参加一个活跃的社区。

Scheduling the right number of events is something you have to think about.


Do you want to do one every Tuesday? The first Friday of the month? Every Saturday morning? These are things you have to consider.

您要每个星期二做一次吗? 一个月的第一个星期五? 每个星期六早上? 这些是您必须考虑的事情。

I want to be flexible, so I schedule events that are convenient for me.


Early in my organizing days, one time I scheduled a event every week for two months straight, and I felt burnt out. That was the exact opposite of how I wanted to feel, so I dialed it back.

在组织初期,有一次我每周计划一次活动,连续两个月,但我感到筋疲力尽。 那与我想要的感觉正好相反,所以我拨回了电话。

Now I schedule three events a month, but they all differ from one another. Two are “coffee and coding” events, and one is either a “talk, workshop, or hack night”.

现在,我每月安排三个事件,但是它们彼此之间是不同的。 两个是“咖啡和编码”事件,一个是“谈话,研讨会或黑客之夜”。

One of the two “coffee and coding” events is on a Friday night for people who can make it out on a week night. But for those who have families and have only the weekends free, I schedule an event on Saturday mornings.

两个“咖啡和编码”活动之一是在周五晚上,适合那些可以在一个星期晚上进行的活动。 但是对于那些有家人但只有周末免费的人,我将在星期六早上安排一个活动。

I’m trying to target two different audiences by employing this strategy.


And for my “talks, workshops, or hack nights”, I often schedule it on Saturdays. They last anywhere from three hours to seven hours, depending on the topic.

在我的“演讲,研讨会或黑客之夜”中,我通常将其安排在星期六。 根据主题的不同,它们的持续时间从三个小时到七个小时不等。

提示8:发挥创意,成为您所在地区的利基市场 (Tip #8: Be creative and be a niche in your area)

There are meetups in my area that cover intermediate to advanced topics. I felt lost the few times I visited them when I was the new guy learning how to code. Nothing made sense at the time.

我所在的区域有一些聚会,涵盖了中高级主题。 当我还是新手学习编码时,我几次拜访他们时感到迷茫。 当时没有任何意义。

So when I finally started thinking like a community leader, I asked myself, “What is this market lacking?”


And that’s how I started to envision what freeCodeCamp Sacramento could be like — a friendly and fun community for all ages who want to learn how to code. As well, it helps those who don’t know how to code to become self-sufficient so that they can learn on their own.

这就是我开始设想freeCodeCamp Sacramento可能是什么样的人-一个适合所有想学习编码的年龄段的友好而有趣的社区。 同样,它可以帮助那些不知道如何编码的人变得自给自足,以便他们可以自己学习。

Be the niche that no one else is doing.


Most of my talking events are tailored to introductory topics like “Intro to Sass,” “Web Accessibility,” “Graduating from Codepen.io,” and in other areas that I think new developers could use help.

我的大部分演讲活动都是针对介绍性主题而定制的,例如“ Sass入门”,“ Web可访问性 ”,“ 从Codepen.io毕业 ”,以及其他我认为新开发人员可以使用帮助的领域。

You want to think outside of the box. This year I ran my first Annual freeCodeCamp Sacramento BBQ. We got away from coding and ate some amazing homemade BBQ instead.

您想跳出框框思考。 今年,我运行了我的第一个年度freeCodeCamp萨克拉曼多烧烤 。 我们摆脱了编码,转而吃了一些很棒的自制烧烤。

New events breathe life into your community and keeps things fun and refreshing. Think of new ways to approach your audience and make them excited about upcoming events.

新事件为您的社区注入了生命,并使事情变得有趣而令人耳目一新。 想办法吸引观众,并使他们对即将发生的事件感到兴奋。

提示#9:如果可能,请务必早起,待到很晚 (Tip #9: Always be early and stay late, if possible)

This is something I learned in the military, but it may not be feasible for everyone. I make it a habit to arrive as early as possible to prepare for events.

这是我在军事上学到的,但对于每个人来说可能都不可行。 我养成早点准备活动的习惯。

I usually call the venue in advance to let them know that I’m coming and the number of people attending. Sometimes the venue reserves an area for us, but often times they will not, such as it goes with coffee shops.

我通常会提前打电话给场地,让他们知道我要来了和参加人数。 有时,场地为我们保留了一块区域,但很多时候却没有,例如咖啡厅。

Arrive an hour early, scout the place, and start sectioning off an area for your members by using signs or settling into the area with your belongings.


When people start to show up, direct them to where you want them to sit and then take your position by the front door to greet people.


Be early and be consistent about being early to give the impression that you take these events seriously. People will perceive you as the go-to person if anyone has questions.

提早行动并保持一致,以给人以为您认真对待这些事件。 如果有人有疑问,人们会认为您是首选。

If you’re not there, you might create confusion among the new people in your group. I’ve been to a meetup where the organizer was consistently late and people spoke poorly about the organizer.

如果您不在那里,则可能会在小组中的新成员之间造成混乱。 我去过一次聚会,组织者一直很晚,人们对组织者的评价很差。

You don’t want to give anyone an excuse to criticize you for something that is preventable, because it can affect everyone in your community.


As for staying late, often I try to stay as long as I can. Even though I schedule the events to be about two hours long, there have been many times when attendees will stay longer than that.

至于熬夜,我经常会尝试尽可能地熬夜。 即使我将活动安排为大约两个小时,但很多时候与会者的停留时间都将超过此时间。

As the event organizer, if I have time, I may hang out for a few extra hours if I can, but other members can leave at the scheduled time because that is expected of them.


提示10:在线吸引观众 (Tip #10: Engage your audience online)

It is especially important to engage your online members. freeCodeCamp does a great job of driving new members to your online community.

吸引在线会员尤为重要。 freeCodeCamp在将新成员吸引到您的在线社区方面做得很好。

I try to greet new members in our Facebook group with a personal message within a week of them joining. Making them feel welcomed when they join is a great way to open communication with them. This way they can provide a quick introduction about themselves. You can also answer their questions and invite them out to your events.

在加入后的一周内,我会尝试通过个人消息向我们的Facebook组中的新成员打招呼。 让他们在加入时受到欢迎是与他们进行开放交流的好方法。 这样,他们可以提供有关自己的快速介绍。 您还可以回答他们的问题,并邀请他们参加您的活动。

I also post every local event that is happening in our area for the week. This might include other meetups like Ruby coding, Bitcoin and blockchain, entrepreneurship, WordPress, and many more relatable technology topics. I usually break it down by day and provide a link to the meetup page of each group.

我还发布了本周在我们地区发生的所有本地事件。 这可能包括其他聚会,例如Ruby编码,比特币和区块链,企业家精神,WordPress,以及更多相关技术主题。 我通常按​​天细分,并提供指向每个小组的聚会页面的链接。

At the end of the day, I am advocating for technology. I try not to restrict my support to just my group. I am biased about my community, but I want to serve beyond my community in different ways.

归根结底,我提倡技术。 我尽量不只将支持仅限于我的小组。 我对自己的社区有偏见,但我想以不同的方式在社区之外服务。

Also, I frequently post articles, tutorials, and other good resources for the community to consume. Sharing is caring.

另外,我经常发布文章,教程和其他有用的资源,以供社区使用。 分享是关怀。

Lastly, I ask people what they want to see from the community. I run a poll to gather suggestions from our members about the topics they want to hear. I even ask members what they accomplished during that week.

最后,我问人们他们想从社区中看到什么。 我进行了一项民意调查,以收集我们成员关于他们想听的话题的建议。 我什至问成员那一周他们取得了什么成就。

These are just some of the strategies I use to engage my online community so that it doesn’t feel stale. Remember to be creative.

这些只是我用来吸引在线社区的一些策略,因此不会感到陈旧。 记住要有创造力。

I have many more ways I want to engage and grow my community. I have a bigger vision for my community, and I would love to see it materialize in the future. But for now, this is as much as I can do because we are run by volunteers. Some days I spend about 25% of my day thinking about what I can do to improve my community. Sometimes it feels like a part-time job.

我还有很多其他方式可以吸引和发展我的社区。 我对我的社区有一个更大的愿景,我很希望看到它在将来成为现实。 但是就目前而言,这是我所能做的,因为我们由志愿者经营。 有时候,我会花费大约25%的时间思考如何做才能改善自己的社区。 有时感觉像是一份兼职工作。

So if you’re willing to build your community and see it grow, be prepared to put in your best effort!


欣赏我们社区的更多照片! (Enjoy some more pictures of our community!)

If you like this article, please share with your peers.


I would love to hear from community organizers and how they improve their community.


If you want to find out more about me and my involvement in the community, you can follow me on twitter. :)

如果您想了解有关我以及我在社区中的参与的更多信息,可以在Twitter上关注我 。 :)

那是所有人! (That’s all folks!)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/https-medium-com-xgee-whiz-tips-for-building-an-amazing-coding-community-7606c81c3822/






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