平安 开源 数据库 实践_刻意的实践-成为开源

平安 开源 数据库 实践

by Anthony Ng

由Anthony Ng

刻意的实践-成为开源 (Deliberate Practice — Becoming an Open Sourcerer)

I recently finished reading Cal Newport’s book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You. It’s a quick read, and it introduced me to the concept of deliberate practice.

我最近读完Cal Newport的书《好,他们不能忽略你》 。 这是一本快速阅读的书,它向我介绍了故意练习的概念。

什么是故意练习? (What is deliberate practice?)

In the book, Cal talks about people who claim they have 20 years of experience. Generally, these people have 20 of the same 1 year experiences. What he means is that they go through the same routine and feel comfortable. They choose not to be uncomfortable and do not push themselves.

在这本书中,Cal谈论了声称自己拥有20年经验的人。 通常,这些人在相同的1年经验中有20次。 他的意思是,他们经历相同的例行程序并感到自在。 他们选择不感到不自在,也不推自己。

A good metaphor of this is going to the gym. If you don’t push yourself to lift heavier and heavier weights, you won’t see improvement. Imagine a person going to the gym for 20 years, but never getting past the 20 pound dumbbell section. Compare this to someone who challenges themselves every single time they go to the gym. Imagine the difference in their improvements.

一个很好的比喻是去健身房。 如果您不推动自己越来越重,就不会有改善。 想象一个人去健身房锻炼了20年,但是从来没有超过20磅重的哑铃。 将其与每次去健身房挑战自己的人进行比较。 想象一下它们在改进方面的区别。

After graduating from university, Cal found that his knowledge and growth plateaued. To combat this, he took to studying academic papers to push and challenge himself.

大学毕业后,Cal发现他的知识和成长处于稳定状态。 为了解决这个问题,他开始研究学术论文以推动和挑战自己。

将刻意练习付诸实践 (Putting Deliberate Practice to…practice)

In Corbett Barr’s article, Deliberate Practice: What It Is and Why You Need It, Corbett states that expert performance is a result of expert-level practice and not talent.

在Corbett Barr的文章“有意识的实践:这是什么以及为什么需要它”中 ,Corbett指出专家的表现是专家级实践的结果,而不是才华。

It has to be the right kind of practice. It has to be hard enough to challenge us. But not too hard to make us feel like we’re drowning.

它必须是正确的做法。 挑战我们必须足够困难。 但不要太难让我们觉得自己快要淹死了。

My quest is to improve myself as a software developer. I am going to start studying, and (hopefully) contributing to Open Source projects. I plan on writing articles about what I learned. This will solidify my own knowledge, and might even help others learn a couple of things.

我的目标是提高自己的软件开发能力。 我将开始学习,并(希望)为开源项目做出贡献。 我计划撰写有关所学知识的文章。 这将巩固我自己的知识,甚至可能帮助其他人学习一些东西。

Please leave a comment if you have any other deliberate practice techniques!


And here’s the first article in my series of explorations of deliberate practice:


Deliberate Practice: What I learned from reading the classNames codebaseThis is part of my plan for deliberate practice to improve as a developer. Take a look at this article to learn more.medium.freecodecamp.com

审慎的实践:我从阅读classNames代码库中学到的知识 这是我作为开发人员进行的有意改进计划的一部分。 看一下这篇文章以了解更多信息。 medium.freecodecamp.com

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/deliberate-practice-becoming-an-open-sourcerer-27a4f7640940/

平安 开源 数据库 实践





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