
by Michal Bialas

由Michal Bialas

这些工具将提高您的Android生产率 (These tools will boost your Android productivity)

The main purpose of this post is to list and describe tools (mainly free ones), which allow you to boost your productivity, efficiency, and increase the hype among your product owners and managers.


To every single tool (or groups of tools) I will add annotations like: [FREE] or [FREE/PAID] or [PAID].

我将为每个工具(或工具组)添加注释,例如: [FREE][FREE / PAID][PAID]

Let’s not waste time!


1. Android Tool for Mac [FREE] — when I discovered this tool, it just made my day. It is completely free and allows you to:

1.适用于Mac的Android工具 [免费]-当我发现此工具时,它就让我感到欣慰。 它是完全免费的,并允许您:

  • Record screen videos,

  • take screenshots,

  • install (sideload) APKs,

  • take bug reports,

  • use common scripts.


You can see the main menu in the picture below. You can simply take a screenshot or start recording a video, by clicking on a proper icon.

您可以在下图中看到主菜单。 您只需单击适当的图标,即可截图或开始录制视频。

The tool offers also quite powerful preferences which you can see below:


What is really important to me is that it can also create a gif for you, besides mp4 format.


You can set the quality of videos and gifs and also adapt Android status bar to the needs of the video or screenshot.

您可以设置视频和gif的质量,还可以使Android 状态栏适应视频或屏幕截图的需求。

One of disadvantages is that the Android tool is available only for OSX / MacOS.

缺点之一是Android工具仅可用于OSX / MacOS

2. Vysor [FREE/PAID] — this is a Chrome app, compatible with all operating systems¹. It gives you a possibility to operate your physical device from your desktop.

2. Vysor [免费/付费] -这是一个Chrome应用,与所有操作系统兼容。¹ 它使您可以从台式机操作物理设备。

As per above gif, you can use a mouse pointer to click and scroll in the device. Your computer keyboard would also work.

按照上面的gif,您可以使用鼠标指针单击并滚动设备。 您的计算机键盘也可以使用。

There are two versions of the app:


  • Free — it offers mirroring and controlling your Android device and taking screenshots.

    免费 -它提供镜像和控制您的Android设备并拍摄屏幕截图。

  • Pro — it gives you high quality mirroring, taking screen videos, fullscreen mode, going wireless and drag & drop functionality.

    专业版 -它为您提供高质量的镜像,拍摄屏幕视频,全屏模式,无线连接和拖放功能。

Honestly speaking, the combination of the Android Tool for Mac and Vysor Free covers most of the use cases. You can do a live demo, you can take screen video and share it after, or record a gif. However, for the sake of having a really good quality of streaming / mirroring, I think it is worth it to go Pro, especially since it costs just $1.99/mo.

坦白地说, 适用于Mac的Android工具和Vysor Free的结合涵盖了大多数用例 。 您可以进行现场演示,也可以拍摄屏幕视频并在之后分享,或者录制gif。 但是,为了拥有非常好的流/镜像质量,我认为值得选择Pro,特别是因为它的成本仅为$ 1.99 / mo。

To sum up, use these two apps and make your demo perfect! It will make your stakeholders happy as well!

总结起来, 使用这两个应用程序,使您的演示完美! 这也将使您的利益相关者感到高兴!

3. Genymotion [FREE/PAID] — I think everybody knows Genymotion. If not, this is a powerful Android emulator.

3. Genymotion [免费/付费] -我认为每个人都知道Genymotion。 如果没有,这是一个功能强大的Android模拟器。

Genymotion is an AOSP, ported to VirtualBox (by integrating its drivers). It is compiled directly in x86. So it can run directly on your CPU/GPU without any abstraction or translation. It makes a huge difference in term of performance.²
Genymotion是一个AOSP,已移植到VirtualBox(通过集成其驱动程序)。 它直接在x86中编译。 因此它可以直接在您的CPU / GPU上运行,而无需任何抽象或转换。 它在性能方面有很大的差异。²

The tool offers:


  • Compatibility with Android SDK tools, Eclipse and Android Studio (there is also a plugin which I listed in my last article about Android Studio Tips & Tricks)

    与Android SDK工具,Eclipse和Android Studio的兼容性(还有一个插件,我在上一篇有关Android Studio提示和技巧的文章中列出了)

  • lots of predefined emulators,

  • using laptop webcam as the video source for your Android camera,

  • testing your app with various charge levels and seeing how it handles those use cases,

  • using the GPS widget to test your geolocation-based apps,

  • running UI tests like Espresso,

  • screencasting (taking screenshots, recordings etc.).


In addition, you can install Google Services applications, like Goole Play Store and enjoy the full Android experience.

此外,您可以安装Google服务应用程序(例如Goole Play商店)并享受完整的Android体验。

Unfortunately, every rose has its thorns and Genymotion is an extra-paid solution (just think about all these features, which I listed above). The cheapest plan costs 99€/year.

不幸的是,每玫瑰都有刺, Genymotion是一个额外的解决方案 (只需考虑一下我上面列出的所有这些功能)。 最便宜的计划每年收费99欧元。

Update 4th Feb 2017: Genymotion is also available for free, but for personal use only. You can download it here.

2017年2月4日更新: Genymotion也免费提供 ,但仅供个人使用。 您可以在此处下载。

Another [FREE] alternative is to use built-in Android emulator. Since 2015 it works pretty well, as it uses Google Intel x86 images. I like its smoothness, intuitiveness and that it is well-integrated with Android Studio.

另一种[FREE]替代方法是使用内置的Android仿真器 。 自2015年以来,它运行良好,因为它使用了Google Intel x86图像。 我喜欢它的流畅性,直观性以及它与Android Studio的完美集成。

4. Postman [FREE/PAID] — this tools is just awesome. I’ve used it for 3 years now, initially as a Google Chrome extension, then as a native app. Postman helps you to be as productive and efficient as possible, while working with APIs.

4. 邮递员 [免费/付费] -这个工具真棒 。 我已经使用了3年,最初是作为Google Chrome扩展程序,然后是本机应用程序。 在使用API​​的同时,Postman可帮助您尽可能地提高生产力和效率。

Basic features include³:


  • Compact layout,

  • HTTP requests with file upload support,

  • formatted API responses for JSON and XML,

  • HATEOAS support,

  • image previews,

  • request history,

  • basic Auth and OAuth 1.0 / 2.0 helpers,

    基本的Auth和OAuth 1.0 / 2.0帮助器,
  • autocomplete for URL and header values,

  • key/value editors for adding parameters or header values. Works for URL parameters too,

    键/值编辑器,用于添加参数或标头值。 也适用于URL参数,
  • using environment variables to easily shift between settings. Great for testing production, staging or local setups,

    使用环境变量轻松在设置之间切换。 非常适合测试生产,暂存或本地设置,
  • keyboard shortcuts to maximise your productivity,

  • using collections to organise requests,

  • documenting requests inside collections. You can even store entire HTML notes. Postman uses Bootstrap so you can use it too to style your notes,

    在集合中记录请求。 您甚至可以存储整个HTML注释。 Postman使用Bootstrap,因此您也可以使用它来设置笔记的样式,
  • download and share collections with your team of developers.


What I really like about Postman, is:


  • The ability to write pre-request scripts (e.g. for generating and passing timestamps) and then play with results (write tests or save results for another API call),

  • having multiple environments (dev, stage / preprod, prod etc.),

  • grouping API calls in collections,

  • syncing collections across the team (you can achieve it manually by exporting the collection or buy a PRO version to sync it across all teammates automatically),

    在团队中同步收藏夹(您可以通过导出收藏夹来手动实现,也可以 购买 PRO版本以在所有队友之间自动同步),

  • great documentation.


For me the free version is enough, but you can of course read more about product comparison and pricing plans on the official website.


5. Sequel Pro [FREE] — a fast and easy-to-use Mac database management application for working with MySQL databases. You can check it out on Github.

5. Sequel Pro [FREE] —一个快速且易于使用的Mac数据库管理应用程序,用于处理MySQL数据库。 您可以在Github上查看。

Main reasons why I like it:


  • Quick and direct access to MySQL Databases on local and remote servers,

  • it is a native app,

  • good documentation,

  • open-source project.


Unfortunately, there is only OSX / MacOS version available for now. Still, MySQL Workbench might be considered as a free Windows alternative.

不幸的是,目前只有OSX / MacOS版本。 仍然可以将MySQL Workbench视为免费的Windows替代产品

If you use PostgreSQL, you can use PSequel, which provides a clean and simple interface to perform common PostgreSQL tasks and it is free.

如果使用PostgreSQL,则可以使用PSequel 提供了一个干净而简单的界面来执行常见的PostgreSQL任务,并且它是免费的。

6. JD-GUI [FREE] — it is a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source code of .class files. You can browse the reconstructed source code and for instance, access to methods and fields. I always use it when I decompile Android apps.

6. JD-GUI [FREE] -它是一个独立的图形实用工具,显示.class文件的Java源代码。 您可以浏览重构的源代码,例如,访问方法和字段。 我在反编译Android应用程序时总是使用它。

The tool is open-source and the code is available on Github. There are also 2 plugins to use with it:

该工具是开源的,代码可在Github上找到 。 还可以使用2个插件:

  • IntelliJ (last changes: 28 March 2014),

    IntelliJ (最新更改:2014年3月28日),

  • Eclipse (last changes: 23 April 2015).

    Eclipse (最新更改:2015年4月23日)。

7. Android Asset Studio [FREE] — who hasn’t heard about Roman Nurik? His contributions to the Android world are just exceptional. One of them is Android Asset Studio which is

7. Android Asset Studio [免费] -谁还没有听说过Roman Nurik ? 他对Android世界的贡献是卓越的。 其中之一是Android Asset Studio,

a web-based set of tools for generating graphics and other assets that would eventually be in an Android application’s res/ directory.
基于网络的一组工具,用于生成最终将位于Android应用程序的res /目录中的图形和其他资产。

The set is available on Github and consists of:


8. Material Colors for Mac [FREE] — another cool tool from Roman Nurik. This is a Material Colors palette viewer accessible from the Menu Bar. You can download it from here.

8. Mac的材料颜色 [FREE] -Roman Nurik的另一个很酷的工具。 这是可以从菜单栏访问的“材料颜色”调色板查看器。 您可以从这里下载。

The only disadvantage is that Windows users can not use it. You can check out how it works below:

唯一的缺点是Windows用户无法使用它。 您可以在下面查看其工作方式:

9. Spectacle [FREE] — this is a tool for Mac user who struggle with lack of move / resize / operate functionality of windows, which we know well from Microsoft Windows. You can see below how it works:

9. Spectacle [FREE] -这是Mac用户的一种工具,他们因缺少Windows的移动/调整大小/操作功能而苦苦挣扎,而我们从Microsoft Windows便知道这一点。 您可以在下面查看其工作方式:

[PAID] alternative of my choice is Moom. I use it on a regular basis. It costs $10 and I consider it a more powerful solution.

[PAID]我选择的替代方法Moom 。 我定期使用它。 它的价格为10美元,我认为它是更强大的解决方案。

10. f.lux [FREE] — a tool that makes the colour of your computer’s display adapt to the time of a day. It is warm at night and looks like sunlight during the day. If you work at night, this tool will do the job! I use it everyday. It helps me to stake awake, even after working late hours. What is more, I noticed that I wake up more relaxed.

10. f.lux [FREE] -一种使计算机显示屏的颜色适应一天中的时间的工具。 晚上温暖,白天看起来像阳光。 如果您在晚上工作,此工具即可完成工作! 我每天都使用它。 即使工作了很长时间,它也可以帮助我清醒。 而且,我注意到自己醒来后更加放松。

What I like most about f.lux:


  • Useful preferences with 4 presets for your needs (as you can see, I use Working late preset)

    有用的偏好设置和4个预设可满足您的需求(如您所见,我使用“ 工作较晚”预设)

  • Notifications:

  • It allows me to sleep well.


That was the very last point! I hope you enjoyed the article. Please let me know, if you know any useful tool which boosts your Android productivity!

那是最后一点! 希望您喜欢这篇文章。 如果您知道任何可提高Android生产率的有用工具,请告诉我!

¹ Actually you can also install Vysor which is wrapped into a native app. The link is here.

¹ 实际上,您还可以安装包装在本机应用程序中的Vysor。 链接在这里

² How does AndroVM/GenyMotion work?

²AndroVM / GenyMotion如何工作?

³ Source

³ 来源

I posted this article originally on my blog.


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如果您喜欢我的文章,请不要忘记单击???。 推荐给其他人???。

Also, to be notified about my new articles and stories, follow me on Medium and Twitter. You can find me on LinkedIn as well. Cheers!

另外,要了解我的新文章和故事,请在MediumTwitter上关注我。 您也可以在LinkedIn上找到我。 干杯!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/10-tools-which-will-boost-your-android-productivity-and-hype-bea88e0bcd86/

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