

by Michal Bialas

由Michal Bialas

您肯定要在2017年初试用的25个Android库 (25 Android libraries you definitely want to try out in early 2017)

This is a list of 25 best Android libraries released in January and February 2017. All of these are worth trying out — they are not in ranked order. Let’s get started!

这是2017年1月和2017年2月发布的25个最佳Android库的列表所有这些都值得尝试-排名不高。 让我们开始吧!

  1. Lottie


    This is a library that parses


    Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON with Bodymovin (After Effects plugin for exporting animations to SVG/Canvas/HTML + JavaScript) and renders them natively on mobile.

    Adobe After Effects动画通过Bodymovin (用于将动画导出到SVG / Canvas / HTML + JavaScript的After Effects插件)导出为JSON,并在移动设备上本地呈现。

    There is also an example app available in the


    Google Play Store.

    Google Play商店

    The more than 7,500 Github users who starred this library can not be wrong!


airbnb/lottie-androidlottie-android - Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOSgithub.com

airbnb / lottie-android lottie-android-原生在Android和iOS上渲染After Effects动画 github.com

2. ToastyThis is a library for creating customized Toasts. As the author described the lib, it is:

2. Toasty这是一个用于创建自定义Toasts的库。 正如作者描述的lib一样,它是:

“The usual Toast, but with steroids.”


You can find screenshots and the link to the library below.


GrenderG/ToastyToasty - The usual Toast, but with steroids ?github.com

GrenderG / 吐司吐司-常见的吐司,但带有类固醇?g ithub.com

3. StyleableToastThis is another library for Toasts customization. It adds:

3. StyleableToast这是另一个库Toasts定制。 它增加了:

“variety of styling options that gives your app and user experience that little extra unique feeling! Style your toast either by code or in styles.xml!”

“各种样式选项,使您的应用程序和用户体验几乎没有什么额外的独特感觉! 通过代码或在styles.xml中为烤面包添加样式!”

Muddz/StyleableToastStyleableToast - A library that takes the standard Android toast to the next level with a variety of styling options…github.com

Muddz / StyleableToast StyleableToast-一个通过各种样式选项将标准Android Toast提升到一个新水平的库 。github.com

4. StoreStore is a library for Async Data Loading and Caching. According to the documentation:

4. Store Store是用于异步数据加载和缓存的库。 根据文档:

“Store is a class that simplifies fetching, parsing, storage, and retrieval of data in your application. A Store is similar to the Repository pattern while exposing a Reactive API built with RxJava that adheres to a unidirectional data flow.”

“存储是一类,可简化应用程序中数据的获取,解析,存储和检索。 商店类似于存储库模式,同时公开了使用RxJava构建的Reactive API,该API遵守单向数据流。”

The documentation is really comprehensive and the lib is for sure worth trying. You can check many flows such as data requests, caching and parsing.

该文档真的很全面,lib肯定值得一试。 您可以检查许多流,例如数据请求,缓存和解析。

NYTimes/StoreStore - Android Library for Async Data Loading and Cachinggithub.com

NYTimes / Store Store- 用于异步数据加载和缓存的Android库 github.com

5. PreviewSeekBarIf you use Google Play Movies, you have probably noticed this great animated SeekBar with a preview of the movie. It turned out that Rúben Sousa implemented that as an open-source library. The gif below gives a good flavor of its functionalities. If your app is for instance a movie player, you should definitely try it!

5. PreviewSeekBar如果您使用Google Play电影,您可能已经注意到了带有动画预览的出色动画SeekBar 。 事实证明, RúbenSousa将其实现为一个开源库。 下面的gif很好地体现了其功能。 例如,如果您的应用是电影播放器​​,则一定要尝试!

rubensousa/PreviewSeekBarPreviewSeekBar - A SeekBar suited for showing a preview of something. As seen in Google Play Movies.github.com

rubensousa / PreviewSeekBar PreviewSeekBar-适合显示预览的SeekBar。 正如在Google Play电影中看到的那样。 github.com

6. ChuckIf you use OkHttp, this is the library that helps intercept and persist all HTTP requests and responses inside your application. It also provides a UI for inspecting their content.

6. Chuck如果您使用OkHttp ,则该库可帮助拦截和持久保存应用程序内的所有HTTP请求和响应。 它还提供了一个用于检查其内容的UI。

jgilfelt/chuckchuck - An in-app HTTP inspector for Android OkHttp clientsgithub.com

jgilfelt / chuck chuck- 适用于Android OkHttp客户端的应用内HTTP检查器 github.com

7. CoordinatorTabLayoutCoordinatorTabLayout is a custom composite control that quickly implements the combination of TabLayout and CoordinatorLayout. You can check how it works on the gif below:

7. CoordinatorTabLayout CoordinatorTabLayout是一个自定义的复合控件,可以快速实现TabLayoutCoordinatorLayout的组合。 您可以在以下gif上检查其工作方式:

hugeterry/CoordinatorTabLayoutCoordinatorTabLayout - Combination of TabLayout and CoordinatorLayout./TabLayout和CoordinatorLayout相结合的折叠控件github.com

hugeterry / CoordinatorTabLayout CoordinatorTabLayout-TabLayout和CoordinatorLayout的组合。/TabLayout和CoordinatorLayout相结合的折叠控件 github.com

8. boxingBoxing is a multimedia selector and by using it you can:

8. 装箱装箱是一种多媒体选择器,通过使用它,您可以:

  • do a selection of your images (single or multiple images)

  • preview and crop images.


It also supports gifs, video selection, image compression and custom UI as shown in the screenshot below:


Bilibili/boxingboxing - Android multi-media selector based on MVP mode.github.com

Bilibili / boxing boxing- 基于MVP模式的Android多媒体选择器。 github.com

9. excelPanelThis is a two-dimensional RecyclerView. It can not only load historical data, but also load future data.

9. excelPanel这是一个二维的RecyclerView 。 它不仅可以加载历史数据,还可以加载将来的数据。

zhouchaoyuan/excelPanelexcelPanel - An Android's two-dimensional RecyclerView. Not only can load historical data, but also can load future…github.com

zhouchaoyuan / excelPanel excelPanel-一个Android的二维RecyclerView。 不仅可以加载历史数据,而且还可以加载未来…… github.com

10. Horizontal CalendarAnother implementation for RecyclerView is dedicated to show Material horizontal Calendar View.

10. 水平日历 RecyclerView另一种实现专用于显示物料水平日历视图。

Mulham-Raee/HorizontalCalendarHorizontalCalendar - A material horizontal calendar view for Android based on RecyclerViewgithub.com

Mulham-Raee / Horizo​​ntalCalendar Horizo​​ntalCalendar-基于RecyclerView的Android材质水平日历视图 github.com

11. CameraFragmentCameraFragment is an implementation of a Fragment which allows you to easily integrate a camera functionality to your app. According to its README:

11. CameraFragment CameraFragment是Fragment的实现,可让您轻松地将相机功能集成到您的应用程序中。 根据其自述文件

“CameraFragment previews directly the camera view, and provides an easy API to capture or manage the device. You can setup your own layout and control the camera using CameraFragment.”

“ CameraFragment直接预览相机视图,并提供一个简单的API来捕获或管理设备。 您可以设置自己的布局并使用CameraFragment控制摄像机。”

florent37/CameraFragmentCameraFragment - A simple easy-to-integrate Camera Fragment for Androidgithub.com

florent37 / CameraFragment CameraFragment-适用于Android github.com的简单易用的Camera Fragment

12. AwesomeBarThis is another great implementation from Florent Champigny. It is new approach to a design of a top bar (which we know from ActionBar/Toolbar implementation), in conjunction with DrawerLayout, inspired by Gmail Mobile from Weekz. You can check, how it works below:

12. AwesomeBar这是Florent Champigny的另一个出色实现。 这是一种新的顶部栏设计方法(我们从ActionBar/Toolbar实现中知道),并与DrawerLayout结合使用,该方法受DrawerLayoutGmail移动启发 。 您可以在下面查看其工作方式:

florent37/AwesomeBarAwesomeBar - Just beautifulgithub.com

florent37 / AwesomeBar AwesomeBar-只是美丽的 github.com

13. ArcNavigationViewThis is an implementation of NavigationView from Android Design Support Library which introduces curved edges.

13. ArcNavigationView这是Android设计支持库中NavigationView的实现,其中引入了弯曲的边缘。

rom4ek/ArcNavigationViewArcNavigationView - Another approach to create NavigationDrawer with Material conceptsgithub.com

rom4ek / ArcNavigationView ArcNavigationView-使用材质概念创建NavigationDrawer的另一种方法 github.com

14. ShimmerRecyclerViewIt is a custom RecyclerView implementation with shimmer views to indicate that views are loading. The RecyclerView has also a built-in adapter, to control the shimmer appearance.

14. ShimmerRecyclerView这是一个自定义的RecyclerView实现,带有微光视图,指示正在加载视图。 RecyclerView还具有内置适配器,可控制微光的外观。

sharish/ShimmerRecyclerViewContribute to ShimmerRecyclerView development by creating an account on GitHub.github.com

sharish / ShimmerRecyclerView 通过在GitHub上创建一个帐户为ShimmerRecyclerView开发 做出 贡献。 github.com

15. Android-SwitchIcon

15. Android-SwitchIcon

“A Google launcher-style implementation of switch (enable/disable) icon.”

“ Google启动器样式的开关(启用/禁用)图标实现。”

This library extends AppCompatImageView and allows you to set any icon (vector or image), to SwitchIconView using app:srcCompat attribute.


zagum/Android-SwitchIconAndroid-SwitchIcon - Google launcher-style implementation of switch (enable/disable) icongithub.com

zagum / Android-SwitchIcon Android-SwitchIcon-Google启动器式的开关实现(启用/禁用)图标 github.com

16. CounterFabThis library is a FloatingActionButton subclass that shows a counter badge in the top right corner. You can download a demo app from Google Play.

16. CounterFab该库是FloatingActionButton子类,在右上角显示计数器标志。 您可以从Google Play下载演示应用

andremion/CounterFabCounterFab - A FloatingActionButton subclass that shows a counter badge on right top cornergithub.com

andremion / CounterFab CounterFab-一个FloatingActionButton子类,在右上角 github.com 上显示一个计数器徽章

17. FadingTextViewThis library allows you to make a TextView change its content automatically every few seconds.

17. FadingTextView此库使您可以使TextView每隔几秒钟自动更改其内容。

rosenpin/FadingTextViewFadingTextView - A textview that changes its content automatically every few secondsgithub.com

rosenpin / FadingTextView FadingTextView-每隔几秒钟自动更改其内容的textview github.com

18. Bridge


“Bridge is a simple but powerful HTTP networking library for Android. It features a Fluent chainable API, powered by Java/Android’s URLConnection classes for maximum compatibility and speed.”

“ Bridge是用于Android的简单但功能强大的HTTP网络库。 它具有Fluent可链接的API,由Java / Android的URLConnection类提供支持,以实现最大的兼容性和速度。”

This library has a really comprehensive documentation and is definitely worth checking out.


afollestad/bridgebridge - A simple but powerful HTTP networking library for Android. It features a Fluent chainable API, powered by Java…github.com

afollestad / bridge bridge- 一个简单但功能强大的HTTP网络库,适用于Android。 它具有由Java支持的Fluent可链接API,… github.com

19. AsonIt is the second library from Aidan Follestad. Its main idea is to simplify an interaction with JSON. The library:

19. Ason这是Aidan Follestad的第二个图书馆。 其主要思想是简化与JSON的交互。 图书馆:

“also makes (de)serialization painless.”


The documentation is also pretty good. You can check it out here:

该文档也很好。 您可以在这里查看:

afollestad/asonason - JSON in Java made easy!github.com

afollestad / ason ason -Java中的JSON变得简单! github.com

20. ObjectBoxI assume that majority of you knows greenrobot. If not, they developed GreenDAO and EventBus. Now, this is time for a new database for objects focused on performance. As greenrobot claims,

20. ObjectBox我假设你们大多数人都知道greenrobot 。 如果没有,他们开发了GreenDAOEventBus 。 现在,是时候建立一个新的数据库,用于关注性能的对象了。 正如greenrobot所说,

Performance is the number one reason why we created ObjectBox. Previously, we created greenDAO, the fastest Object/Relational Mapper (ORM) for Android and SQLite. Since its first release in 2011, we gained a lot of insight into object persistence — and the performance limitations imposed by SQLite. We realized that in order to improve performance on mobile significantly, we needed to go to the core and build a database designed for objects.”

性能是我们创建ObjectBox的第一原因。 之前,我们创建了greenDAO,这是适用于Android和SQLite的最快的对象/关系映射器(ORM)。 自2011年首次发布以来,我们对对象持久性和SQLite所施加的性能限制有了很多了解。 我们意识到,为了显着提高移动设备的性能,我们需要进入核心并建立一个为对象设计的数据库。”

You can read more about it here. Please take into consideration that ObjectBox is currently in beta (version 0.9.7 ).

您可以在此处了解更多信息。 请考虑到ObjectBox当前处于beta版本(0.9.7版)。

greenrobot/ObjectBoxObjectBox is a superfast mobile database for objectsgithub.com

greenrobot / ObjectBox ObjectBox是用于对象 github.com 的超快速移动数据库

21. FlowLayoutThis library:

21. FlowLayout该库:

“allows child views flow to next row when there is not enough space.


“allows child views flow to next row when there is not enough space. The spacing between child views can be calculated by the FlowLayout so that the views are evenly placed.”

当空间不足时,允许子视图流向下一行。 子视图之间的间距可以通过FlowLayout进行计算,以使视图均匀放置。”

Please note that this is still in its early stages of development.


nex3z/FlowLayoutFlowLayout - A flow layout for Android with auto-spacing.github.com

nex3z / FlowLayout FlowLayout-具有自动间距的Android流布局。 github.com

22. Unofficial Google Actions Java SDKThis is a polish accent from Mirek Stanek. Because of the fact that the official Google Actions SDK is written in Node.js, he introduced his unofficial version written natively in Java. According to the README:

22. 非官方的Google Actions Java SDK这是Mirek Stanek的优美口音。 由于官方的Google Actions SDK是用Node.js编写的,因此他介绍了他的非官方版本,它是用Java本机编写的。 根据自述文件:

“Google Actions Java SDK is built based on official Node.js library, but it’s not a mirror copy of it. The goal is to make it fully compatible with Conversational Protocol of Assistant Platform.”

“ Google Actions Java SDK是基于官方的Node.js库构建的,但不是其镜像副本。 目的是使其与助手平台的会话协议完全兼容。”

frogermcs/Google-Actions-Java-SDKGoogle-Actions-Java-SDK - Unofficial Google Actions Java SDK - for Android engineers and all Java loversgithub.com

frogermcs / Google-Actions-Java-SDK Google-Actions-Java- SDK- 非官方的Google Actions Java SDK- 适用于Android工程师和所有Java爱好者 github.com

23. Wearable ReplyOn 9th of February 2017 Google released a new Android Wear 2.0. Luke Klinker found a missing API and released the library for this OS. It:

23. Wearable Reply在2017年2月9日,Google发布了新的Android Wear 2.0卢克·克林克(Luke Klinker)发现缺少的API,并为此操作系统发布了该库。 它:

“allows for quick and easy text input, whether that is from your voice, a keyboard, or canned responses. The missing API is now available!”

“无论您是通过语音,键盘还是罐头回复,都可以快速,轻松地输入文本。 缺少的API现在可用!”

klinker24/wearable-replywearable-reply - Simplify text input for Android Wear 2.0, by voice, keyboard, or canned response.github.com

klinker24 / wearable-reply wearable- reply- 简化Android Wear 2.0的文本输入,可通过语音,键盘或罐装响应进行。 github.com

24. ShortbreadThis is a library:

24. 脆饼这是一个库:

“generates app shortcuts for Activities and methods annotated with @Shortcut. No need to touch the manifest, create XML files or use the shortcut manager. Just annotate the code that you want the shortcut to call.”

“为带有@Shortcut注释的@Shortcut和方法生成应用程序快捷方式 无需触摸清单,创建XML文件或使用快捷方式管理器。 只需注释您要调用快捷方式的代码即可。”

Currently, it’s at version 1.0.0.


MatthiasRobbers/shortbreadshortbread - Android library that generates app shortcuts from Shortcut annotationsgithub.com

MatthiasRobbers / shortbread shortbread-通过快捷方式注释 github.com 生成应用程序快捷方式的Android库

25. Material AboutThis library helps you to prepare an About Me screen to introduce you to your users.

25. 关于资料的材料库可帮助您准备“ 关于我”屏幕,以向您介绍用户。

jrvansuita/MaterialAboutMaterialAbout - It's a material-design about screen to use on your Android apps. A developer profile and application…github.com

jrvansuita / MaterialAbout MaterialAbout-这是要在您的Android应用程序上使用的关于屏幕的材料设计。 开发人员资料和应用程序… github.com

That’s it. I hope you enjoyed my list. If you know any great library, which was released in January or February this year and I didn’t mention about it, please let me know in the comments.

而已。 我希望你喜欢我的清单。 如果您知道今年1月或2月发布的任何出色的库,但我没有提及,请在评论中让我知道。

If you like my article, please don’t forget to click ??? to recommend it to others ???.

如果您喜欢我的文章,请不要忘记单击???。 推荐给其他人???。

Also, to be notified about my new articles and stories, follow me on Medium and Twitter. You can find me on LinkedIn as well. Cheers!

另外,要了解我的新文章和故事,请在MediumTwitter上关注我。 您也可以在LinkedIn上找到我。 干杯!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/25-new-android-libraries-which-you-definitely-want-to-try-at-the-beginning-of-2017-45878d5408c0/






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