

by Tiffany Eaton

蒂芙尼·伊顿(Tiffany Eaton)

我从飞往西雅图的最后一波设计采访中学到的东西 (What I learned from flying to Seattle for Microsoft’s final wave of design interviews)

Before I tell you about my onsite interview with Microsoft, I applied for the UX design intern position. My experience may differ from others, but it is definitely similar in regards to the rather rigorous (and long) process.

在向您介绍我在Microsoft的现场采访之前,我曾申请UX设计实习生职位。 我的经验可能与其他人有所不同,但是在相当严格(且很长)的过程方面肯定是相似的。

背景 (Background)

One of my goals is to gain experience in a really big company and work on products that have a HUGE impact on millions of users around the world. Out of the companies I interviewed with, I am writing about Microsoft because it was a very comprehensive experience. This gives me a chance to reflect on each aspect of the interview process. Though things could have gone better in regards to the interviews, I have learned SO much about myself and how to improve as a designer.

我的目标之一是在一家真正的大公司中积累经验,并致力于对全球数百万用户产生巨大影响的产品。 在接受采访的公司中,我写有关Microsoft的文章是因为它是非常全面的经验。 这使我有机会思考面试过程的各个方面。 尽管就面试而言情况可能会更好,但我已经学到了很多关于自己的知识以及如何提高设计师的水平。

I have used Microsoft’s products in past and since using them, they have helped me do simple tasks effortlessly, such as a writing a paper in Word or creating spreadsheets in Excel. Through countless uses, these products have left a lasting impression on me because of how versatile and convenient they were.

我过去曾经使用过Microsoft的产品,并且自从使用它们以来,它们已经帮助我轻松地完成了一些简单的任务,例如在Word中撰写论文或在Excel中创建电子表格。 通过无数次使用,这些产品因其用途广泛和方便而给我留下了持久的印象。

I also saw the kinds of designers who were working at Microsoft and their recent product releases. I saw the sheer amount of diversity and cross-collaboration driving the company to reimagine productivity for a wide range of users. And this was what really made me want to work at Microsoft.

我还看到了在Microsoft工作的设计师以及他们最近的产品发布。 我看到了巨大的多样性和交叉协作,促使该公司重新为广大用户重新定义生产力。 这正是让我想在Microsoft工作的真正原因。

第一封电子邮件 (The First Email)

Hello Tiffany,
We are very interested in speaking with you more about your technical skills and abilities to continue in the interview process for a User Experience role. There are many exciting opportunities and challenges to take on at Microsoft and we’d like to talk with you about the possibilities.
我们非常想与您交流更多有关您的技术技能和能力,以继续进行用户体验角色的面试过程。 在Microsoft面临许多激动人心的机遇和挑战,我们希望与您讨论这些可能性。

When I saw this e-mail, I was ecstatic. It was so unexpected and out of the blue that I thought it wasn’t real. I actually passed the resume screening and had the chance to intern at Microsoft.

当我看到这封电子邮件时,我欣喜若狂。 这太出乎意料了,出乎我的意料,我以为那不是真的。 我实际上通过了简历筛选,并有机会在微软实习。

I applied to Microsoft via online application with no referral and 2–3 weeks after sending the application, I received an email from a recruiter who was interested in interviewing me and sent me a link to schedule my interview.


I quickly entered my information and the times I was available. Now it was just a matter of time before the first round of interviews. Time to OWN it.

我Swift输入了我的信息和空闲时间。 现在开始第一轮采访只是时间问题。 是时候拥有它了。

制备 (Preparation)

Before the phone interview, I had 2 weeks to prepare so I did a little research on Microsoft, such as what they were doing at the time as well as the company itself (values, products, etc). I was also actively searching for companies and had an onsite interview with another company in which I had received an offer from, so I had a feeling of what to expect from the phone interview.

在电话采访之前,我有2周的准备时间,因此我对Microsoft进行了一些研究,例如他们当时的工作以及公司本身(价值,产品等)。 我也在积极地寻找公司,并接受了另一家我提供报价的公司的现场采访,因此我对电话采访有什么期待。

I looked up people’s experience with the phone interviews online (Quora, Glassdoor, blog posts) and questions which might come up.


These three questions are typically asked in design interviews to lead the conversation:


  • Tell me about yourself (your background in design such as how did you get into it)

  • Tell me about xxx project (a rundown of the project; title, what the project is, contribution, bullet point version of process, results, learnings and what you would have done differently, WHY is the project important to you)

  • Why x? (summarize your skills, how can you contribute to the company, are you a culture fit?)

    为什么是x? (总结您的技能,如何为公司做出贡献,您是否适合文化?)

By having a basic understanding of what questions I might be asked, I wrote them down and then bullet pointed experiences (examples of projects, situations in school or from my internships) I could talk about for each question, connect it to Microsoft’s values and convey how I could contribute to the company’s needs.


电话面试 (Phone Interview)

I interviewed with a senior interaction designer who is part of the Bing team. From some other people’s experiences, they would interview with a recruiter first to screen applicants but this was not the case for me. I believe they expedited the interview process for whatever reason.

我采访了Bing团队的一名资深交互设计师。 根据其他人的经验,他们将首先与招聘人员面谈以甄选应聘者,但对我而言并非如此。 我相信他们无论出于何种原因都会加快面试过程。

Tell me about yourself

After exchanging basic how are yous, the interviewer immediately asked me to tell me about myself. Because, it was such a broad question, I asked her to clarify a bit more by asking what she wanted to know about me. If you are not sure about answering a question, it never hurts to ask clarifying questions as it shows your thoughtfulness to what the interviewer would want to hear.

交换基本情况后,面试官立即问我有关我自己的情况。 因为这是一个广泛的问题,所以我要求她通过询问她想知道的关于我的信息来进一步澄清。 如果您不确定要回答的问题,那么提出澄清的问题也无济于事,因为这表明您对面试官想听的内容有所考虑。

Tell me about a project you did

After I told her about how I got into design, she asked me to talk about one of my recent projects at the time. I talked about a start up project I was working on with a team of three designers to connect junior designers with senior designers. I told her about the process of coming up with the idea as well as the overall purpose of why we were designing the product in the first place.

当我告诉她如何进入设计领域后,她要求我谈论我当时的最新项目。 我谈到了一个由三位设计师组成的团队进行的启动项目,以将初级设计师与高级设计师联系起来。 我告诉了她提出这个想法的过程,以及为什么我们要首先设计产品的总体目的。

Answer every question like a story

I didn’t just talk about the project; I told a story about how my teammates and I came up with the idea, the struggles we had as a team, how we overcame it, and what I learned from the experience. By framing every answer like a story, the interviewer can relate to you better and it creates a better interview atmosphere. Here is a structure my teacher, Christina Wodtke taught my class to answer questions without having to remember a script: S.T.A.R.

我不只是在谈论这个项目。 我讲了一个故事,讲述我和我的队友是如何想出这个主意,团队中的挣扎,如何克服这个主意以及从经验中学到的。 通过将每个答案都像故事一样构架,访调员可以更好地与您建立联系,并营造更好的访调氛围。 这是我的老师克里斯蒂娜·沃特克 ( Christina Wodtke)教给我的课的结构,无需记住剧本即可回答问题:STAR

  1. Situation - Explain the experience (context)

    情况 -说明经验(上下文)

  2. Trigger - What was the problem you needed to solve?

    触发因素 -您需要解决什么问题?

  3. Action - The steps you took to solve it

    行动 -解决问题所采取的步骤

  4. Result - Was the outcome positive or negative? (describe you learned or what you would take away from the experience)

    结果 -结果是阳性还是阴性? (描述您学到的东西或将从中获得的收获)

With this method, regardless of the question, I was able to describe a story of facing obstacles which resonated better than giving a straightforward answer. Interviewers want to know about you as a person and why you made the choices you did.

使用这种方法,无论出现什么问题,我都能描述一个面对障碍的故事,这个故事比给出一个简单的答案更好地引起了共鸣。 面试官想了解您作为一个人的身份,以及您为什么做出选择。

Tell me about a technical problem and how did you overcome it?

Following the question about my project, the interviewer proceeded to ask me a technical problem that occurred in the project and how I approached it. In 5–10 minutes, I told her about the problem of validating our idea and reaching out to our target audience in regards to our value proposition.

在回答有关我的项目的问题后,面试官继续问我项目中发生的技术问题以及如何进行。 在5至10分钟内,我告诉了她有关验证我们的想法并就我们的价值主张与我们的目标受众进行联系的问题。

I then presented one solution which was where I created a landing page to advertise on Linkedin, Facebook, etc. in order to see if people would be interested based on the number of signups we gathered and from there, found a way to interview them and gain insights on iterating our service.


In the end, I presented my findings, what I learned from overcoming the problem and our team’s next steps. The interviewer asked me questions regarding my idea, such as why was it important and even gave me feedback on next steps which I found very helpful moving forward.

最后,我介绍了我的发现,从克服问题中学到的知识以及我们团队的后续步骤。 面试官问我有关我的想法的问题,例如为什么它很重要,甚至还给了我有关下一步工作的反馈,这些对我的前进很有帮助。

Why do you want to work at Microsoft?

Every company you apply for will ask this question. They want to know how well you align with the company culture and their goals, but the most important thing they want to know is why are you interested.

您申请的每个公司都会问这个问题。 他们想知道您对公司文化和目标的适应程度,但是他们想知道的最重要的事情就是为什么感兴趣。

Would you work well with one of their teams? Does Microsoft have what you need to grow? Do you have skills beneficial to the company? Are you passionate about their problems?

您会和他们的团队之一一起工作吗? 微软有您增长所需要的吗? 您有对公司有利的技能吗? 您对他们的问题充满热情吗?

By conveying your interest and honesty to why you want the position, as well as why they should choose you over a bunch of other qualified candidates will go a long way.


Microsoft is known to have lots of benefits as well as enormous brand value. I wanted to be able to go beyond the company name and really understand what I wanted to get out of my internship experience. I looked at the role as well as overall culture to have a better understanding of what to expect and how could I align it with my goals. From my research, I would want to work at Microsoft for a few reasons:

众所周知,Microsoft具有很多好处,并且拥有巨大的品牌价值。 我希望能够超越公司的名称,并且真正了解我想从实习经验中获得什么。 我研究了角色以及整体文化,以更好地了解期望的结果以及如何使其与目标保持一致。 根据我的研究,出于以下几个原因,我想在Microsoft工作:

微软正在经历文化变革 (Microsoft is going through a culture change)

I would like to experience how they are becoming a company who focuses more on being customer-obsessed, diverse and inclusive.


微软不断成长 (Microsoft is constantly growing)

I want to be able to learn in a fast paced environment which allows me to make quick and calculated decisions.


微软拥有许多才华横溢且精明的设计师,他们不仅具有设计知识,而且还具有如何将设计用于评估业务和消费者不同方面的经验。 (Microsoft has many talented and smart designers who don’t just have design knowledge, but experience on how design can be used to assess different aspects of the business and consumer)

Receiving mentorship is something extremely important to me as I want someone who is very open to giving me honest advice and feedback to grow as a designer. During my last internship, Aviva Rosenstein was an amazing mentor as she wasn’t afraid to give me critical feedback and she always was able to set time to talk to her when I needed advice.

接受指导对我来说非常重要,因为我希望有人愿意向我提供诚实的建议和反馈,以发展成为一名设计师。 在我上一次实习期间, Aviva Rosenstein是一位了不起的导师,因为她不怕给我重要的反馈,而且她总是能够在我需要建议时与她交谈。

微软一直在将技术转移到云中,并使其可在所有产品中使用 (Microsoft has been in the process of moving technology to the Cloud and having it work across all products)

They have also been creating products which have the potential to change the way we use software and navigate through technology such as exploring mixed reality with the Hololens. With the way product teams work, there is the opportunity to work on high impact products which are directly related to another product. I want to be able to explore the different technologies and how they relate + work together as one cohesive experience.

他们还一直在创造产品,这些产品有可能改变我们使用软件的方式并浏览技术,例如使用Hololens探索混合现实。 通过产品团队的工作方式,就有机会处理与其他产品直接相关的高影响力产品。 我希望能够探索不同的技术以及它们如何相互联系并一起工作,作为一种凝聚力的经验。

I would advise you to have a good idea of why you want to work somewhere before you interview. In fact, not understanding why you want to work at x company is a red flag for not doing your research. It wastes the interviewer’s time if they see you aren’t putting in the effort to know them and shows your lack of respect/enthusiasm for the company.

我建议您在面试之前先弄清楚为什么要在某个地方工作。 实际上,不理解为什么要在x公司工作是不做研究的一个危险信号。 如果面试官看到您没有努力去了解他们,并浪费了您对公司的尊重/热情,那将浪费他们的时间。

Do you have any questions for me?

This part is where I had the opportunity to show my interest and passion for Microsoft. I asked my interviewer questions about my role, such as what would be expected of me and how to be a successful intern. I also asked about deliverables and what kinds projects I might be working on to understand how my skills would be a good fit.

在这一部分中,我有机会表达了我对Microsoft的兴趣和激情。 我问面试官有关我的角色的问题,例如对我的期望以及如何成为一名成功的实习生。 我还询问了可交付成果,以及我可能正在从事哪些项目以了解我的技能如何适合自己。

Going off from that, I then asked the recruiter about herself; what project she did in last 6 months, why she likes working at Microsoft and what she learned. It was really insightful being able to hear my interviewer talk about her work at Microsoft because I could tell from her voice and the amount of detail she went into describing her work showed me how much she loved working at Microsoft.

然后,我问招聘人员关于她自己的情况。 她在过去6个月中做了什么项目,为什么喜欢在Microsoft工作以及学到了什么。 能够听到我的面试官关于她在Microsoft工作的谈话真是很有见识,因为我可以从她的声音中看出她所描述的工作细节,这表明我非常喜欢在Microsoft工作。

I looked at your portfolio and your design work is very thoughtful. I love your aesthetic. You’ll be successful where ever you go and anyone would love to work with you.

我查看了您的作品集,您的设计工作非常周到。 我你的美学。 无论您走到哪里,都将获得成功,任何人都愿意与您合作。

Before the call ended, the interviewer shifted the focus back to me and though she didn’t know what the next steps or when Microsoft would be getting back to me, she said some very encouraging things about my work that left an extremely positive atmosphere and was motivation for me to keep producing work that means a lot to me.


Good interviews are a conversation

By showing your passion in the way you tell a story to asking questions to your interviewer, it enhances the overall feeling of an interview to feeling more like a conversation and can lead to the interviewer to passing you because you are not just qualified and good at answering questions, but because of your personality (culture fit) and great communication skills.


等待游戏(更多电子邮件) (The Waiting Game (more e-mails))

Days to turned weeks and weeks turned into almost a month when I received an email from my recruiter, hearing back on my results that I passed and was going Seattle for the final round of interviews!


Good Afternoon,
I wanted to reach out and thank you for taking the time to interview with Microsoft. You did a great job in your interview, and I’m happy to let you know that we would like to have you move on to the final round of interviews!
我想伸出手,感谢您抽出宝贵时间采访Microsoft。 您在面试中表现出色,很高兴告诉您,我们希望您继续进行最后一轮面试!

Because of hectic scheduling, the recruiter told me they had very few opportunities to schedule me for an interview during that month and I would have to wait. I exchanged e-mails with the recruiter to notify her of pending offers I had from other companies and asked if they expedite the process. My recruiter told me she would do her best to accommodate and schedule the interview earlier.

由于日程安排很忙,招聘人员告诉我,在那个月内他们几乎没有机会安排我去面试,因此我不得不等待。 我与招聘人员交换了电子邮件,以通知她我收到其他公司的待定报价,并询问他们是否加快了这一过程。 我的招聘人员告诉我,她会尽力安排和安排较早的面试。

It is important to be very transparent with your recruiter when you have pending offers, so they can do their best to expedite the interview process and allow time for you to decide between multiple offers.

Though, sometimes this doesn’t work and you have to take the other offer, it is MUCH better than rejecting it and counting on the chance to get a “better” offer. After all, job searching is extremely competitive these days and having an internship is better than none.

不过,有时候这并不工作,你必须采取其他优惠,这是明显优于拒绝它,指望机会得到一个“更好”的报价。 毕竟,如今求职竞争异常激烈,拥有实习总比没有好。

Eventually, I received an email to prepare for the final interview as well as the date and what to expect on the day of:


I have secured you a space in the next upcoming final round event, scheduled for x/xx/xxxx, and am very excited for you to get the opportunity to show your work to our broader design teams! Schedulers will be reaching out shortly to arrange travel and accommodations if needed.
我已经为下一次即将到来的x / xx / xxxx决赛活动确保了空间,很高兴您有机会向我们更广泛的设计团队展示您的作品! 如有需要,调度员将很快伸出手来安排旅行和住宿。

All of the waiting paid off; I WAS GOING TO SEATTLE!!

所有的等待都得到了回报; 我要去西雅图!!

更多准备 (More Preparation)

The big focus will be on the 45–50 min. long portfolio presentation in the morning, as this will be your introduction of your work and design ethos to the interviewers.
重点将放在45-50分钟。 上午进行长时间的投资组合介绍,因为这将是您向面试官介绍您的工作和设计精神。

Using the presentation guide I received as a reference, I prepared vigorously for the onsite, setting some time aside from schoolwork to prepare my presentation and practice presenting to my peers. I received feedback from my awesome network of classmates and teachers. I do not think I would have learned about my work or refined my presentation as much if I didn’t ask for help.

使用我收到的演示指南作为参考,我为现场做了大量准备,除了功课外还留了一些时间来准备我的演示文稿并练习向同龄人演示。 我从很棒的同学和老师网络中收到了反馈。 如果我不寻求帮助,我认为我不会了解我的工作或完善我的演示文稿。

Microsoft wanted to see the breadth and depth of my process, my contribution to the projects and frame it in a way of overcoming great obstacles. They wanted to see me cover a wide range of problems and the outcomes which resulted from them.
微软希望了解我的流程的广度和深度,对项目的贡献并以克服巨大障碍的方式来构架。 他们希望看到我涵盖各种各样的问题以及由此产生的结果。

A few weeks before the interview, a travel specialist prepared everything regarding my flight, hotel and whether or not I wanted a rental car. I filled out a travel form that required my basic information as well as dates and times for my flights. Once I finished the form, Microsoft made all of my arrangements.

面试前几周,一位旅行专家准备了有关我的航班,酒店以及是否需要租车的一切信息。 我填写了旅行表格,其中需要我的基本信息以及航班的日期和时间。 填写完表格后,Microsoft会进行所有安排。

D日之前 (Before D-Day)

I took an Uber to the airport where I took an 2 hour afternoon flight to Seattle. Once I got to the hotel, I told the receptionist I had a reservation and when she found my name, she immediately greeted me by welcoming me on behalf of Microsoft and the hotel (SO cool). She explained how the room service and food was all paid for by Microsoft as long as I kept the receipts. The cost of transportation was unlimited so I could take as many Uber or taxi rides as I wanted.

我乘坐Uber到机场,在下午2个小时的航班飞往西雅图的情况下。 到达酒店后,我告诉接待员我已经预订了房间,当她找到我的名字时,她立即代表Microsoft和酒店向我表示欢迎(太酷了)。 她解释说,只要我保留收据,客房服务和食物都是由Microsoft支付的。 交通成本是无限的,因此我可以随意乘坐Uber或出租车。

I received my hotel key and went up to my room where I explored the hotel room. It was pretty nice and had a pretty decent view of city buildings!

我收到了酒店钥匙,然后回到了我探索酒店房间的房间。 这是非常好的,并具有相当不错的城市建筑的景色!

By the time I settled down, it was already 3:30pm. I decided to go downtown to explore Pike Place Market.

在我安顿下来的时候,已经是下午3:30。 我决定去市区探索派克市场。

Let me just say, the traffic going from Bellevue to Downtown Seattle during rush hour was TORTURE. It took me a hour to get to Pike Place Market. By the time I arrived, most places were beginning to close. In the end, I only went to a few places such as Piroshki Piroshki where they sell piroshki, fried buns with fillings inside.

我只想说,高峰时段从贝尔维尤到西雅图市中心的交通是酷刑。 我花了一个小时才到达派克市场。 当我到达时,大多数地方都开始关闭。 最后,我只去了一些地方,例如Piroshki Piroshki,那里出售piroshki,里面有馅料的炸面包。

For dinner, I went to a French restaurant. Let’s just say I ate pretty fancy that night with the budget Microsoft gave me. After a satisfying dinner, I went back to the hotel where I practiced my presentation. I prepared to defend my design decisions and other questions I would be asked on the big day.

吃晚饭,我去了一家法国餐厅。 可以这么说,就是那天晚上我吃了微软给我的预算。 享用了令人满意的晚餐后,我回到了我的饭店进行演讲。 我准备捍卫我的设计决策以及在重要的一天会被问到的其他问题。

面试日 (Day of Interviews)

I woke up at 5am to get dressed and prepare my presentation. I had to check into Microsoft by 9:30am, but I wanted as much time to present before I had to leave. The night before, I ordered room service (because free meal and YOLO), so at around 5:40am, breakfast was brought to me and after I finished eating an overpriced filling meal, I practiced 3–5 more times.

我在凌晨5点醒来穿衣服并准备演示文稿。 我必须在上午9:30之前登录Microsoft,但是在离开之前,我想有足够的时间进行演讲。 前一天晚上,我订购了客房服务(因为免费用餐和YOLO),所以在早上5:40左右带了早餐,当我吃完一顿定价过高的便餐后,我又练习了3-5次。

At around 8:30am, I ordered Uber and proceeded to go to the Microsoft campus. I left relatively early in case there would be traffic and there was, of course. As I was getting closer to my destination, I saw buildings. I didn’t know those were Microsoft buildings until I entered the campus, but they were was HUGE. The driver had a bit of trouble finding the right building, as there were lots of numbers, but I eventually arrived.

大约在上午8:30,我命令Uber前往微软校园。 我走得比较早,以防万一会有车流,当然有。 当我离目的地越来越近时,我看到了建筑物。 直到我进入校园,我才知道那是微软的建筑物,但那是巨大的。 由于有很多数字,驾驶员在找到合适的建筑物时遇到了一些麻烦,但我最终还是到了。

I entered the building of where I would have my interviews and I got my name badge at the reception. As I was about to go into the area where all the other interviewees, I asked the receptionist if I could take a pen or two as a souvenir. After taking some pens (I took a lot more later haha), I went to the meeting space where there were other candidates around my age or older hanging around and talking. There was a wide spread of coffee, drinks and food for the candidates as well as an area to play X-Box and go on a PC. This space was where interviewees would be called for their interviews as well as dropped off to take a 15 minute break between interviews.

我进入了将进行面试的建筑物,并在接待处得到了我的名字徽章。 当我正要进入所有其他受访者所在的地区时,我问接待员是否可以拿一两支钢笔作为纪念品。 拿完笔后(后来我花了很多时间哈哈),我去了会议空间,那里有我这个年龄或更年长的其他候选人闲逛并交谈。 应聘者的咖啡,饮料和食物种类繁多,还有可以玩X-Box和在PC上玩耍的区域。 在这个空间中,受访者将被要求进行采访,并在采访之间间隔15分钟。

Overall, I noticed that there were a lot of people applying for the full time UX designer position while I barely was able to find people applying for the UX design intern position like myself. Some of the people I met would be the people I hung out with and talked to between breaks. Before 10am, recruiters were greeting the candidates and giving us a rundown of how the rest of the day was going to look.

总的来说,我注意到有很多人申请全职UX设计人员职位,而我几乎找不到像我这样的申请UX设计实习职位的人。 我遇到的一些人可能是我在休息时间与之聊天的人。 上午10点之前,招聘人员向应聘者致意,并向我们简要介绍了其余时间的情况。

作品集介绍 (Portfolio Presentation)

Once it was 10am, my interviewer called me and took me to a room where I would be presenting my work to her and two other designers from different teams. She told me that the presentation was informal and reassured me not to worry. It wasn’t specified as to what team I would be working with until after the interview. I presented for 30 minutes with a good amount of time saved for Q and A.

凌晨10点,面试官给我打电话,带我去一个房间,向她和来自不同团队的另外两位设计师介绍我的作品。 她告诉我,这次演讲是非正式的,让我放心。 直到面试之后才确定我将与哪个团队一起工作。 我参加了30分钟的演讲,并为Q和A节省了大量时间。

It’s important to show your design work where interviewers can understand how you interact on a day to day basis and your problem solving skills.

They want to see a breadth and depth of different work and process. Make sure to stand behind your decisions, show that you are able learn from feedback and I think one of the most important things which may make or break your presentation is whether or not you have an understanding of is the fundamental design principals to support your design style.

他们希望看到不同工作和流程的广度和深度。 确保支持您的决策,表明您能够从反馈中学习,并且我认为可能影响或破坏您的演示文稿的最重要的事情之一就是您是否了解支持设计的基本设计原则样式。

At the end of the presentation, the interviewers asked me questions regarding my projects, such as clarifying whether or not I shipped product (which I did), and asking about what my contributions were for each project. They also asked some questions about my design decisions in which they didn’t ask too much in detail, just a lot of general questions regarding my technical skills and process. Overall, they wanted to know the outcome, the tradeoffs of WHY I did something and how was that beneficial to solving the problem, rather than the WHAT.

在演示的结尾,面试官问我有关我的项目的问题,例如澄清我是否发货(我做了),以及询问我对每个项目的贡献。 他们还问了一些有关我的设计决策的问题,其中没有详细询问,只是有关我的技术技能和Craft.io的许多一般性问题。 总体而言,他们想知道结果,为什么要做一些事情的权衡以及对解决问题有什么好处,而不是什么。

午餐 (Lunch)

After the portfolio review, we had a hour left until lunch, so I chatted with people I met in the morning. The time in-between interviews is a great opportunity to network with other people, especially when the candidate pool for big companies is high and extremely competitive. I was able to meet super passionate and talented designers.

在对作品集进行审查之后,我们还有一个小时才到午餐,所以我和早上遇到的人聊天。 面试之间的时间是与其他人建立联系的绝好机会,尤其是在大公司的候选人池很高且极具竞争力的情况下。 我遇到了超级热情和才华横溢的设计师。

The design industry is small, so by connecting with the people you meet, chances are, you’ll probably meet them again

At 12pm, a recruiter and some employees came and led us to the cafeteria to get food. The cafeteria was HUGE. It was like a mall, where there was a plethora of food choices as well as other stores in it. The food isn’t free, but it is subsidized. We received a meal card to purchase food with and if we wanted more food, we could get more cards. My new friend and I ordered Thai food and it was pretty good in terms of size and quality! There was no lunch interview with your interviewers like in some other people’s experiences, but instead, candidates and some of the employees ate together.

下午12点,一名招聘人员和一些员工来了,并带我们到自助餐厅领取食物。 自助餐厅很大。 就像一个购物中心,那里有很多食物选择以及其他商店。 食物不是免费的,而是有补贴的。 我们收到了一张饭卡,用来购买食物,如果我们想要更多的食物,我们可以得到更多的饭卡。 我和我的新朋友点了泰国菜,而且在大小和质量上都还不错! 没有像其他人的经历那样与面试官进行午餐面试,而是候选人和一些员工一起吃饭。

After lunch, we went back the interview building and waited until our first interviewer came to pick us up individually.


Every interview was different in regards to the structure and the kind of questions I received. Because it won’t be fair to the interviewers, I will not disclose specific questions as they were unique to my interview or the people who interviewed onsite.

每次面试在结构和我收到的问题方面都是不同的。 因为这对访问者不公平,所以我不会透露特定的问题,因为它们是我的访问或现场访问者所特有的。

第一次面试 (1st Interview)

In the first interview, my interviewer asked me to describe a team project and how I contributed to it. I went to my website to show her one of my pieces where I described to her my role as a leader of the group and each part of the process. I could have described how I specifically contributed to each step but I did not. The next part of the interview was to a whiteboard challenge where I had to design an improved experience for an app. From here, I asked clarifying questions to understand the problem better as well as talked about my design out loud.

在第一次面试中,我的面试官要求我描述一个团队项目以及我对该项目的贡献。 我访问了我的网站,向她展示了我的作品之一,向她介绍了我作为小组负责人的角色以及过程的每个部分。 我可以描述我是如何为每个步骤做出具体贡献的,但是我没有。 采访的下一部分是白板挑战,我必须为应用设计更好的体验。 从这里开始,我问了一些澄清问题,以更好地理解问题,并大声谈论了我的设计。

I framed the process like this: problem, user, value of product, persona (assuming i had research insights), mapping out current experience, finding pain points and opportunities and brainstorming key features. This process does not apply to every problem but based on the information I was given and being able to brainstorm different solutions in the time given.

我将流程设计为:问题,用户,产品价值,角色(假设我有研究见解),规划当前经验,找到痛点和机会并集思广益。 此过程并不适用于所有问题,但基于我得到的信息,并能够在给定的时间内集体讨论不同的解决方案。

Everyone has a different design process depending on the context you are given and being able to show your framework of analyzing the problem is more beneficial than solving the problem

After the exercise, the interviewer asked “Do you have questions for me?” and I asked her questions about her role and what would be expected of me. I would say this interview ended on a pretty good note and we left the conference room to go back to the waiting room.

演习结束后,面试官问:“您有问题要问我吗?” 我问她有关她的角色以及对我的期望的问题。 我想说这次采访的结果很好,我们离开了会议室回到等候室。

第二次面试 (2nd Interview)

The second interview was probably one of the most “casual”, but challenging interviews I had. At first the interviewer asked if I had questions for him and then when I was done, I was ultimately given one extremely open-ended question which would then be used to ask other questions.

第二次采访可能是我最“随意”但最具挑战性的采访之一。 最初,面试官问我是否有关于他的问题,然后当我完成后,我最终得到一个非常开放的问题,然后将其用于提出其他问题。

Along with the one open-ended question and the questions relating to that, the interviewer asked me to show a project that was related to my design statement, why I wanted to intern at Microsoft and how did they align with my goals. I explained how I wanted to able to work with a wide range of different designers and people from different backgrounds as well as the mentorship. I also talked about wanting to work on products which have an impact on many people and being able to create new meanings and uses through the continued use of their products. The interview ended with me asking questions to my interviewer in which some of the questions were a little unrelated to my role or the interviewers role.

除了一个不限成员名额的问题以及与此相关的问题之外,面试官还要求我展示一个与我的设计声明相关的项目,为什么我要在Microsoft实习以及他们如何与我的目标保持一致。 我解释了我如何能够与来自不同背景和背景的众多不同设计师和人员一起工作。 我还谈到了希望开发对许多人有影响的产品,并希望通过持续使用他们的产品来创造新的意义和用途。 面试结束时,我向面试官提出了一些问题,其中有些问题与我的角色或面试官的角色无关。

What kind of designer am I?

I believe the overall interview could have been better in that I do more research on the company, read more on design in general and the most important thing, think about what kind of designer I am. What problems do I want to solve? What are my strengths? I still don’t quite know what I want to do specifically and how I could use my strengths to contribute to what the company is currently doing. Also thinking thoroughly about the questions I was given and asking clarifying questions before answering would be something to do moving forward.

我认为总体面试会更好,因为我对公司进行了更多研究,了解了一般的设计,也是最重要的事情,请考虑一下我是什么样的设计师 我想解决什么问题? 我的优势是什么? 我仍然不太清楚我想具体做什么,以及如何利用自己的优势为公司目前的工作做出贡献。 还要仔细考虑我所给的问题,并在回答之前问清楚问题,这是向前迈进的事情。

第三次采访 (3rd Interview)

The third interviewer was focused on my technical skills as a designer. I was asked what my strengths and weaknesses are, the kinds of tools I used and what my design style was. I provided examples to products related to my style and why they were successful in doing what they do. We then talked about design trade offs, where the interviewer used my example of a design feature I mentioned before and presented a problem with a particular design feature. I was to provide alternatives around the problem and I answered with examples of other UI features I remembered through research and use of apps.

第三位面试官专注于我作为设计师的技术技能。 我被问到我的长处和短处是什么,我使用的工具种类和设计风格是什么。 我提供了一些与我的风格有关的产品示例,以及它们为何成功完成了自己的工作。 然后,我们讨论了设计权衡问题,在这种情况下,访问员使用了我之前提到的设计功能示例,并提出了特定设计功能的问题。 我将提供解决问题的替代方法,并回答了一些我通过研究和使用应用程序而记得的其他UI功能的示例。

The other interviewers and I really want to know: Do you want to focus on more UX research or UX design in the future?

This question was really important as it showed how much I must have emphasized my research work to the point where it sounded like I was applying for the UX research intern position instead. It also made me realize I might not have been clear on my UX strengths and what problems I was passionate solving for.

这个问题真的很重要,因为它表明我必须在研究工作中强调多少,以至听起来好像我正在申请UX研究实习职位。 这也使我意识到我可能还不清楚自己的UX优势以及我热衷于解决哪些问题。

After this question, I was asked on what products I would like to work on and if I had any questions for my interviewer.


Despite how good the conversation is with your interviewer, you are in an extremely professional situation where it is make or break.

Overall, I think I did a pretty good job on being able to explain my technical skills, but I definitely need to look at the job description more, highlight my strengths better with regards to UX and how that was conveyed through my design work. I made a little mistake where I felt too comfortable with the interviewer and ended up asking a question that was not related to the job or Microsoft AT ALL and also asking a question about how I didn’t know about one of their products.

总的来说,我认为我在解释自己的技术技能方面做得很好,但是我绝对需要多看一下工作说明,更好地强调我在UX方面的优势以及如何通过我的设计工作来传达这一点。 当我对面试官感到太自在时,我犯了一个小错误,最终提出了一个与工作或Microsoft AT ALL无关的问题,还问了一个关于我不知道他们的产品的问题。

After the interview was done, I was sent to the waiting room where the interviewer told me I would receive an e-mail with the results in the next week or two.


面试后 (After Interviews)

My new friends and I went downtown to explore Seattle. We met my friend’s friend where she took us to a Japanese restaurant and gave us a list of where to explore after dinner.

我和我的新朋友去市区探索西雅图。 我们遇到了我朋友的朋友,她带我们去了一家日本餐厅,并给了我们晚餐后去哪里旅游的清单。

After dinner, we went for ice cream, drove to the Starbucks Reserve, Space Needle and then to Kerry Park where we saw the beautiful skyline of the city. We definitely bonded through our passion for design and I think being able to meet them was one of the best parts of the interview experience.

晚餐后,我们去吃冰淇淋,驱车前往星巴克自然保护区,太空针塔,然后前往凯里公园,在那里我们看到了城市的美丽天际线。 我们绝对对设计充满热情,我认为能够满足他们是面试体验中最好的部分之一。

We have kept in contact since that day and I believe we will all see each other soon.


我要完成的目标 (What I aimed to accomplish)

I had small goals where I wanted to make connections with new people, understand Microsoft better in terms of employees and the culture, presenting confidently, answering questions and understanding the overall interview process. I can say I met all of those goals and that I have improved more from them than if I were just aiming for the job.

我的目标很渺小,我想与新朋友建立联系,在员工和文化方面更好地了解Microsoft,自信地发表意见,回答问题并理解整个面试过程。 我可以说我实现了所有这些目标,并且与仅仅以工作为目标相比,我从这些目标中得到了更大的进步。

Never think about how SURE you are going to get the job until you get it.

Job hunting and getting the job is an extremely competitive process so even when you do get a job, definitely do not take it for granted. I was originally going to decline all of my other offers for Microsoft, but as a student, the internship doesn’t matter too much as long as you get one, and despite getting so far into the process, there was no guarantee I would get the job in the first place. In the end, it is more important to learn from the opportunity you are presented with rather than dropping it all to chase one.

寻找工作和获得工作是一个极度竞争的过程,因此即使您确实找到了工作,也绝对不要认为这是理所当然的。 我原本打算拒绝所有其他对Microsoft的录取通知书,但是作为一名学生,只要您能获得一份实习机会,实习就没什么大不了的,尽管过程如此深入,但无法保证我会得到首先是工作。 最后,重要的是要从出现的机会中学习,而不是全力以赴。

学问 (Learnings)

微软在西雅图的巨大影响力 (Huge presence of Microsoft in Seattle)

When Uber/taxi drivers asked me what I was doing in Seattle and I said I had an interview, they immediately assumed it was Microsoft.

当Uber /出租车司机问我在西雅图做什么时,我说我接受了采访,他们立即认为是微软。

公司本身 (The company itself)

Microsoft still feels quite corporate despite being in the process of changing their culture. When I talked to my interviewers and the emails I received from multiple recruiters, I could definitely feel an bureaucratic vibe where people often move in-between the ladder to make decisions, which is probably why the interview process with Microsoft was so slow.

尽管微软正在改变他们的文化,但微软仍然感觉很坚定。 当我与面试官交谈以及我从多名招聘人员那里收到的电子邮件时,我肯定会感觉到官僚主义的氛围,人们经常在阶梯之间移动以做出决定,这可能就是为什么与Microsoft进行面试的过程如此缓慢的原因。

惊人的候选人 (Amazing pool of candidates)

Because Microsoft is a huge company, it attracts top talent. I was able to meet people doing amazing things and having a big penchant for design. I feel so thankful to have met my new friends and they are definitely people I look up to for feedback or advice because they have had lots of experience and are not afraid to share their tips. Being apart of a open, growing community where people encourage each other feels so amazing and I want to be a person who people can come to for help or encouragement. There is no need to create competition amongst your peers if no one is able to learn and grow from one another .As a designer, it is not all about you, but the community you surround yourself with and the ability to create relationships with others.

因为微软是一家大公司,所以它吸引了顶尖人才。 我能够结识一些人,他们做着令人惊奇的事情,并对设计充满了兴趣。 我很高兴认识新朋友,他们肯定是我期待得到反馈或建议的人,因为他们有很多经验,并且不怕分享自己的建议。 在一个开放的,不断发展的社区中,人们相互鼓励感到非常惊奇,我想成为一个可以得到人们帮助或鼓励的人。 如果没有人能够相互学习和成长,则无需在同行之间进行竞争。作为设计师,这不仅关乎您,还关乎您周围的社区以及与他人建立关系的能力。

准备工作很漫长 (Preparation goes a long way)

I prepared a few weeks before the interview and that really helped me be calm and composed during the interviews, as well as have a better understanding of who I was as a designer through my work and how to express that.


西雅图交通不畅 (Seattle has bad traffic)

The one thing I did not enjoy too much during the trip was the traffic. It was hard to get anywhere on time unless you planned accordingly in which I learned to do after the first day of my trip.

我在旅途中没有过分享受的一件事就是交通。 除非您做出相应的计划,否则我很难准时到达目的地,这是我旅行第一天后就学会的事情。

带走 (Takeaway)

Overall, I learned lot about the interview process, made new connections with employees and friends, and opened new opportunities for my career. In the end, the most important thing for me was having fun during the process and enjoying my trip.

总体而言,我对面试过程了解很多,与员工和朋友建立了新的联系,并为我的职业生涯打开了新的机会。 最后,对我来说最重要的是在此过程中获得乐趣并享受我的旅行。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

Getting to your dream or goal is a process. It doesn’t always happen right away but eventually if you put your mind to it, along with determination, hard work and luck, you’ll get there, one way or another. You might just not get there now.

实现梦想或目标是一个过程。 它并不总是立即发生,但是最终,如果您全神贯注,再加上决心,努力和运气,您会以一种或另一种方式到达那里。 您可能现在还没到那里。

My Microsoft experience was a learning opportunity and the main goal was to have fun, keep an open mind to learn and constantly be curious. Even if I don’t get the offer, there is still so much for me to improve on instead of being complacent where I am. I am really grateful to Microsoft for giving me the opportunity to notice my potential and challenge myself, as well as being able to interview in a company I admire so much and would want to work for in the future.

我在Microsoft的经历是一次学习的机会,其主要目标是获得乐趣,保持开放的态度进行学习并不断好奇。 即使我没有得到报价,我仍有很多需要改进的地方,而不是对自己所在的地方感到沾沾自喜。 我非常感谢Microsoft给我机会,让我注意到自己的潜力并挑战自己,并能够在我非常佩服并且希望在未来工作的公司中进行面试。

如果您对设计有任何疑问,请在LinkedIn上给我发消息,我会写信给您! (If you have any questions about design, message me on LinkedIn and I’ll write about it!)
为了帮助您开始拥有自己的设计事业,这里有一些Rookieup的出色工具,我曾经从该网站获得高级设计师的指导: (To help you get started on owning your design career, here are some amazing tools from Rookieup, a site I used to get mentorship from senior designers:)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-i-learned-from-flying-to-seattle-for-microsofts-final-wave-of-design-interviews-8eab06c50ce5/






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