rss 阅读源_如何使用RSS更有效地阅读

rss 阅读源

by Naman Kamra

通过纳曼·卡姆拉(Naman Kamra)

如何使用RSS更有效地阅读 (How to read more efficiently with RSS)

Rich Site Summary (RSS) was developed way back in 1999 as a way to quickly subscribe to blogs and newspapers, back before tools like Twitter feeds made it so easy to find and read articles.


Over the last 17 years, RSS has largely faded from popular usage, but developers never stopped working on it. Today, if you want to streamline your information diet, RSS offers tons of advanced tools that make consuming content a breeze.

在过去的17年中,RSS在很大程度上已经从流行的使用中消失了,但是开发人员从未停止过使用它。 如今,如果您想简化信息饮食,RSS提供了许多高级工具,使内容的使用变得轻而易举。

您可以主动发现内容,也可以被动地偶然发现内容。 (You can either actively discover content or passively stumble upon it.)

Lets say you decide you want to learn to code. You go to Google and search “learn to code for free.” You find Free Code Camp on the first page of the Google results, sign up, and start progressing through its coding challenges. This is called active discovery.

假设您决定要学习编码。 您转到Google并搜索“免费学习编码”。 您可以在Google搜索结果的第一页上找到“免费代码营”,进行注册并开始应对其编码挑战。 这称为主动发现。

Now lets say you were just browsing Facebook and you see one of your friends talking about Free Code Camp. This is called passive discovery. You click on the link, bookmark it, then move on with your Facebook-ing, only to never get around to visiting the site again.

现在,假设您只是在浏览Facebook,并且看到您的一位朋友在谈论Free Code Camp。 这称为被动发现 。 您单击链接,将其添加为书签,然后继续使用Facebook-ing,仅此而已,再也不会四处访问该网站了。

These examples demonstrate why even if you stumble upon something relevant in social media, you can still end up wasting time. If you don’t have time then and there, you will most likely open a tab or bookmark it. You’ll never get back to, because if you’re busy now, you’re likely to be just as busy later. Contrast this with a google search, which you’ll only do at the exact moment that you need something.

这些示例说明了为什么即使偶然发现社交媒体中的某些相关内容,仍然会浪费时间。 如果没有时间,那么您很可能会打开一个标签页或将其添加为书签。 您再也回不来了,因为如果您现在很忙,以后可能会同样忙。 将此与Google搜索进行对比,您仅在需要时才进行搜索。

输入RSS feed阅读器 (Enter the RSS feed reader)

You know how you get a notification when a friend tags on Facebook? Well, you can get the exact same sort of notification from an RSS feed reader when a friend publishes a new article on their blog. Here’s the RSS feed reader Chrome extension that I use on my desktop.

您知道当朋友在Facebook上标记时如何收到通知吗? 好吧,当朋友在其博客上发布新文章时,您可以从RSS feed阅读器中获得完全相同的通知。 这是我在台式机上使用的RSS feed阅读器 Chrome扩展程序。

This will add a nice little icon on your chrome extensions bar, and every time you are on a blog where a feed exists, there will be a little “+” sign so you can “subscribe” to it.

这将在chrome扩展程序栏上添加一个漂亮的小图标,并且每次您访问存在供稿的博客时,都会有一个“ +”号,以便您可以“订阅”它。

Let’s say you are looking to form better habits, and you find a nice blog about habits like James Clear’s blog. Now, thanks to this Chrome extension, you can just click the + sign and it will add that blog to your feed.

假设您正在寻求养成更好的习惯,并且找到了一个关于习惯的不错的博客,例如James Clear的blog 。 现在,借助此Chrome扩展程序,您只需单击+号,它将将该博客添加到您的供稿中。

From this point on, whenever James Clear writes an article, you will have a pending notification on that bar until you mark it as read or — better yet — go and read it.

从那时起,每当詹姆斯·克莱尔(James Clear)撰写文章时,该栏上都会有一条待处理的通知,直到您将其标记为已读或(更好的是)去阅读为止。

Notice how I have subscribed to Free Code Camp’s Medium articles? That’s right — you can even subscribe to your favorite Medium publications, all in one place. This means you won’t have to open Medium and scroll through your its news feed just to find posts from your favorite publications.

请注意,我如何订阅Free Code Camp的中篇文章? 没错-您甚至可以在一处订阅您喜欢的Medium出版物。 这意味着您无需打开Medium并滚动浏览其新闻供稿,仅需从您喜欢的出版物中查找帖子即可。

Subscribing to blogs in this way saves you massive amounts of time, because you are targeting what you want to read. You can even see the titles, so you never have to open the website only to find out that you’re not interested its newest content.

以这种方式订阅博客可以节省大量时间,因为您的目标是要阅读的内容。 您甚至可以看到标题,因此您不必仅打开网站即可发现您对它的最新内容不感兴趣。

使用文件夹和Dribbble技巧 (Using folders and the Dribbble Trick)

And that’s not all! You can even make folders, then combine your thematically similar blogs to better manage them. This often helps me when I am trying to focus one particular topic, and looking for inspiration.

不仅如此! 您甚至可以制作文件夹,然后合并主题相似的博客以更好地管理它们。 当我尝试着重于某个特定主题并寻找灵感时,这通常对我有帮助。

Do you use Dribbble for inspiration? Me too! And I follow a lot of designers there. With RSS, you can create folders for Dribbble feeds for individuals designers, so you’ll be the first to know whenever your favorite designers post new content.

您是否使用Dribbble来获得灵感? 我也是! 我在那里跟随很多设计师。 使用RSS,您可以为个人设计师创建Dribbble feed的文件夹,因此,无论何时您最喜欢的设计师发布新内容时,您都将第一个知道。

You can do the same for Material UP inspiration.

您也可以为Material UP灵感做同样的事情。

The Chrome extension comes packed with lots of other useful features, like the ability to star certain blogs combine them, and even subscribe to podcasts.


And if you prefer emails to notifications, you can configure this extension to send you emails about particular blogs, and at designated times of your day when you’re likely free to read them.


您应该停止被动冲浪。 (You should stop passively surfing.)

According to a CNN report, teens spend up to nine hours a day on social media, and check their news feeds up to 100 times a day.

根据CNN的报告 ,青少年每天在社交媒体上花费多达9个小时,每天检查新闻源的次数多达100次。

Now, if I didn’t know any better, I would assume that adults are not like teens, and place a higher value on their time. They wouldn’t end spend their days constantly checking social media.

现在,如果我不懂得更好,我会假设成年人不像青少年那样,并且将更多的时间放在他们的时间上。 他们不会花很多时间不断检查社交媒体。

But the reality is, as adults, we end up spending a lot of our time checking our social media instead of actively searching for content that is immediately relevant to us.


When we say we are “surfing the web,” what we are really doing is stumbling upon links which have nice clickbait headlines, only to later realize that the content didn’t teach us anything new. Nor was it relevant to whatever task we were trying to accomplish at the time.

当我们说“正在网上冲浪”时,我们真正要做的是绊倒具有诱人的点击诱饵标题的链接,后来才意识到内容没有教我们什么新东西。 这与我们当时试图完成的任务无关。

We often find ourselves scrolling through our Facebook news feeds, clicking links our friends have shared, worried that if we don’t do this we may “miss out” on something.


But in all reality, little of this content is essential. Productivity enthusiasts are quick to point out that this “fear of missing out” is misplaced, and that most such content won’t make any real difference in our lives.

但实际上,这些内容很少是必不可少的。 生产力狂热者很快指出,这种“错过错过的恐惧”是放错了地方,而且大多数此类内容不会对我们的生活产生任何实际的影响。

电子邮件列表的问题。 (The problem with email lists.)

The biggest reason for the decline in popularity of the RSS feeds has been that websites have shifted to manually sending you email newsletters with links to their recent blog posts.


It’s nice to stumble upon a website and be able to stay up-to-date by simply giving them an email address. But if they are not the subtle type, and start bombarding me with emails every day, I am going to feel overloaded at first, then eventually unsubscribe.

偶然发现一个网站并通过给他们一个电子邮件地址就能保持最新是很高兴的。 但是,如果它们不是微妙的类型,并且每天开始用电子邮件轰炸我,那么我一开始会感到超负荷,然后最终退订。

As you can see, getting 10 promotional emails a day isn’t exactly the most fun way to consume blog content. I have my own designated time to read these posts, and if I don’t get to them because I’m working, I will most likely never get back to them.

如您所见,每天获取10封促销电子邮件并不是消费博客内容最有趣的方式。 我有自己指定的时间阅读这些帖子,如果因为我在工作而没有找到它们,我很可能永远也不会再找他们。

With RSS, I have a list of all the blogs that I’ve subscribed to, along with how many new articles each has posted since I last checked them. And I can just leave them as unread for now, then approach them later in a more systematic way.

使用RSS,我可以获得我已订阅的所有博客的列表,以及自我上次检查以来每个博客发布了多少新文章。 我现在可以暂时不阅读它们,然后以更系统的方式处理它们。

This way, instead of dealing with random emails that pop up in the middle of my workday, or in the middle of the night when I am trying to sleep, all the content I want to read goes to the same place, and I can get to it at my leisure.


Thanks for reading. I hope this article — and RSS feed readers — can help you be more productive. Again, here’s the free Chrome extension I use for RSS. If you enjoyed this article, make sure to press that green heart to show your support.

谢谢阅读。 我希望本文以及RSS feed读者可以帮助您提高工作效率。 同样,这是我用于RSS的免费Chrome扩展程序 。 如果您喜欢这篇文章,请确保按下绿色的心表示支持。


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