
Résumés are hard. And most people are bad at them – which makes sense, because you probably only write or update your résumé every few years. It involves selling yourself and your skills - something most people struggle with.

简历很难。 而且大多数人都对他们不好,这是有道理的,因为您可能每隔几年才编写或更新一份简历。 它涉及推销自己和您的技能-大多数人都在挣扎。

On top of this, it's difficult to figure out how to sort through all the advice on the internet in order to figure out which is the good advice.


Plus people rarely think that their résumé is the problem, even if they've been struggling to get interviews. They'll often say something like "but I've had tons of people review it and they all say it's okay!"

另外,即使他们一直在努力争取面试机会,人们也很少认为简历是问题所在。 他们经常会说类似“但我已经有很多人评论过,他们都说还可以!”。

这里有什么问题? (What's the issue here?)

There are a couple of problems with this - first, you want your résumé to be better than okay - in order to stand out in an extremely competitive job market, it needs to be stellar.


Second, most people don't know how to write a good résumé, and therefore they can't help identify the problems with yours. Also, it's often hard for reviewers to provide constructive criticism for fear of hurting someone's feelings.

其次,大多数人不知道如何写一份好的简历,因此他们无助于发现您的问题。 而且,对于审稿人来说,由于担心会伤害某人的感受而常常很难提供建设性的批评。

Finally, you really need someone who has a lot of experience hiring or recruiting in your specific field in order to receive accurate advice.


As someone who has reviewed a lot of résumés (good and bad), here's the most important information you need to know about writing a résumé that will help land you a job. This applies whether you're writing a résumé for the very first time, or re-writing it for the 100th.

作为审查过很多简历(好坏)的人,这是您撰写简历以帮助您找到工作所需的最重要信息。 无论您是第一次编写简历,还是第一次编写简历,都适用。

不要创建自己的简历格式 (Don't create your own résumé format)

If you do, you risk having your résumé be difficult to read or end up with formatting issues. There are tons of freely available résumé templates available, such as the ones here, here, and here. Use them.

如果这样做,可能会导致简历难以阅读或出现格式问题。 有大量免费的简历模板可用,例如此处此处此处的模板。 使用它们。

When you write a résumé, you want the focus to be on your achievements, not how you've formatted them. You don't need unusual formatting for your résumé to stick out (and you don't want that to be the reason your résumé sticks out).

编写简历时,您希望重点放在成就上,而不是在格式化方面。 您不需要使用异常的格式来突出您的简历(并且您不希望那是您的简历突出的原因)。

Good résumés will stick out because they showcase your exceptional achievements. Hiring managers (and HR) want to be able to easily understand your qualifications and achievements by skimming your résumé (which they'll do in roughly 20 seconds). So make their lives easy.

优秀的简历将脱颖而出,因为它们展示了您的非凡成就。 招聘经理(和人力资源)希望能够通过浏览简历(他们将在大约20秒内完成)轻松地了解您的资格和成就。 因此,让他们的生活变得轻松。

Often hiring mangers and HR don't use résumés as a way to decide whom to hire, but instead, whom they're not interested in hiring. They may receive hundreds, if not thousands of résumés for a single position. They need a fast, easy way to sort through the résumés in order to decide who gets an interview.

招聘经理和人力资源部门通常不使用简历作为决定招聘对象的方法,而是他们对招聘不感兴趣的人。 他们可能会为一个职位获得数百甚至数千个简历。 他们需要一种快速,简便的方法来对简历进行分类,以便确定接受采访的人。

Thus, if there's anything wrong with the résumé (typos, strange formatting, and so on), they're likely to simply toss it in the 'no' or 'maybe' pile. Because they're likely to have so many résumés to review, the 'no' and the 'maybe' pile are unlikely to receive interviews.

因此,如果简历有任何问题(打字错误,奇怪的格式等),他们很可能会简单地以“否”或“也许”的方式将其扔掉。 由于他们可能需要审查太多的简历,因此“不”和“也许”一堆不太可能接受采访。

Therefore, your job when crafting your résumé is not to give the reviewer any reason to toss your résumé aside.


从您的联系信息开始 (Start out with your contact information )

List a phone number, email address, and if you have it, a link to your GitHub profile (a GitHub profile is a great way to show employers past projects, but it isn't necessary!).


Don't list other social media profiles, photos, or other personal details (family details, medical problems, and so on). An address isn't necessary unless you have recently moved and are job hunting far from where your past experience is listed, in which case you may want to add a city and state.

不要列出其他社交媒体个人资料,照片或其他个人详细信息(家庭详细信息,医疗问题等)。 除非您最近搬家并且正在寻找工作,而不是列出过去的经验,否则不需要地址,在这种情况下,您可能想要添加城市和州。

遗漏了什么 (What to leave out)

Don't include an 'objective', 'profile', 'summary' or 'highlight' section at the top of the résumé. Most of these simply repeat information found later in the résumé.

简历顶部不要包含“目标”,“配置文件”,“摘要”或“突出显示”部分。 其中大多数只是重复了以后在简历中找到的信息。

They're typically unhelpful to the reviewer and ultimately a waste of space you can use for more valuable content.


首先添加您最相关的内容 (Add your most relevant content first )

This means that if you're a recent college graduate, with little work experience, your education should come first. If your work experience is more relevant to the job you're applying for (most people), place that first.

这意味着,如果您是刚毕业的大学毕业生,并且工作经验很少,那么您的教育应该排在第一位。 如果您的工作经验(大多数人)与您要申请的工作更相关,请放在第一位。

Education should be a line or two that states where you went to school and/or certifications/courses you've taken. You can include a line for relevant coursework, awards, or school projects below the education section, but it shouldn't be more than a line or two.

教育应该是一两行,说明您去的学校和/或所修的证书/课程。 您可以在“教育”部分的下方添加一行用于相关课程作业,奖项或学校项目的内容,但最多不能超过一两行。

Work experience should list the company which employed you, your job title, the dates worked, and a few bullet points about what you accomplished at the job.


You don't have to include every job you've ever had, just the most relevant ones (though I would be sure to show a consistent track record of employment, as much as you can).


确保您的要点反映成就而不是职责 (Make sure that your bullet points reflect achievements, not duties)

This is the most important thing to do in a résumé – and the thing that separates good résumés from great ones.

这是简历中最重要的事情 -区分好简历和优秀简历的事情。

Many people list the things that they've done at a job - for example "wrote code for x software", "debugged y project in C++", and so on.

许多人列出了他们在工作中所做的事情,例如“为x软件编写代码”,“在C ++中调试了y项目”等等。

Instead, you want to list what your accomplishment was, or how you performed job duties better than someone else would have in your position. You want the reader to understand what you were assigned to do, and how good you were at the job.

相反,您想列出自己的成就,或者您如何比其他人更好地履行工作职责。 您希望读者理解您被分配要做的事情,以及您在工作中的表现如何。

Ideally, you can demonstrate this via quantifiable results (like "reduced average help desk ticket response time by 25%") with some type of measure or metric which demonstrates how well you performed your duties.


If that isn't possible, you can still describe results (for example, "became the subject matter expert in Y"). This should be the most important part of your résumé – ensuring that your bullet points accurately describe the results you delivered in your role.

如果不可能,您仍然可以描述结果(例如,“成为Y的主题专家”)。 这应该是您简历中最重要的部分–确保您的要点准确地描述了您在职位上所取得的成果。

One formula you can use for this is to say "[action verb such as created, wrote, developed] [product], using [highlight the language or tool you've used], in order to achieve [result]."

为此,您可以使用的一个公式是说“使用[突出显示您使用的语言或工具]的[动作动词,例如创建,编写,开发的] [产品],以获得[结果]。”

This helps you break down what your duties were, what skills you've gained from these duties, and what you were able to accomplish in this position.


跳过技能部分 (Skip the skills section)

Instead of including skills as a separate section, describe the tools you've used in your project (such as, created X using C++, or acted as administrator for Splunk).

不要在单独的部分中介绍技能,而要描述您在项目中使用的工具(例如,使用C ++创建的X,或充当Splunk的管理员)。

In this way, you'll still highlight the same skills, but you'll also provide the potential employer with context, so they know how familiar you are with various tools.


There's nothing more frustrating than someone listing a series of tools and skills without any context.


As a potential employer I'm not sure if they used the tool or language once, or if they have near mastery and can complete complex tasks. (And the definition of 'complex' can vary a lot from person to person). It makes my life much easier if I understand which projects you completed with this tool/language.

作为潜在的雇主,我不确定他们是否曾经使用过该工具或语言,或者他们是否精通并可以完成复杂的任务。 (“复杂”的定义因人而异)。 如果我了解您使用此工具/语言完成了哪些项目,这将使我的生活变得更加轻松。

Some organizations will also filter résumés using automated keyword searches (automatically discarding résumés which don't mention specific keywords they're looking for). However, as you've still mentioned the same skills, you'll still be able to pass the keyword filters.

一些组织还将使用自动关键字搜索来过滤简历(自动丢弃没有提及他们要查找的特定关键字的简历)。 但是,由于您仍然提到相同的技能,因此仍然可以通过关键字过滤器。

简历中不要包含主观特征 (Don't include subjective traits in your résumé)

Things like 'strong leader', 'team player' or 'critical thinker' are things that a potential employer should be able to infer from your experience – not something you explicitly tell them.


In addition, because these are entirely subjective traits that most people will claim to have, the statements are essentially meaningless. Most employers will entirely disregard these types of assessments.

另外,由于这些完全是大多数人会声称具有的主观特征,因此这些陈述实质上是毫无意义的。 大多数雇主将完全无视这些类型的评估。

包括个人项目 (Include personal projects)

If you've worked hard on a website/game/project – even if it was not for work or school – those projects are great places to showcase your talents. (Particularly if they're included in your GitHub, which you should include a link to).

如果您为网站/游戏/项目而努力工作(即使不是工作或上学),那么这些项目就是展示您才华的理想之地。 (特别是如果它们包含在您的GitHub中,则应包括一个链接)。

If the project shows off skills which aren't present in another area of your résumé, list them!


包括其他相关经验 (Include other relevant experience)

If you have limited experience in your chosen field, or have significant experience in volunteer work which is relevant, include it.


For example, if you are looking for jobs in web design, and in your spare time you created a website for a local nonprofit, include it (and link to the website).


However, if you are looking for jobs in web design and volunteer as a nanny in your free time, don't include that.


This also goes for extracurriculars. If they're relevant (and you're within a few years of graduating), feel free to include them. Otherwise, leave them off.

课外活动也是如此。 如果它们是相关的(并且您即将毕业,则请随意添加)。 否则,请将其关闭。

如果有空间,请包括兴趣/爱好部分。 如果没有,请跳过。 (Include an interests/hobbies section if you have space. Skip it if you don't.)

This is a space to list personal hobbies (rock climbing, hiking, scuba diving, and so on) as well as professional ones (groups such as OWASP, interest in learning about AWS, and so on).


Most hiring managers won't care (and are unlikely to penalize you for including it), but some will enjoy seeing it. It is unlikely to be the deciding factor in your application.

大多数招聘经理都不会在意(也不太可能因加入而受到惩罚),但有些人会喜欢看到它。 这不太可能成为您应用程序中的决定性因素。

除非您出席会议或担任领导职务,否则不要列出会议/小组 (Don't list conferences/groups unless you presented or had a leadership role)

Skip listing conferences you've attended as a separate section (unless you've presented research or won an award there).


The same goes for groups you're a part of, unless you've taken on leadership positions, where it may be appropriate to include in an 'other experience' section.


将简历限制为1或2页 (Limit your résumé to 1 or 2 pages)

If you're a recent graduate, it should not be more than one page. If you're slightly older, two pages is fine, though you should be wary of going past two pages.

如果您是应届毕业生,则不应超过一页。 如果您年龄稍大,则可以使用两页,尽管您应该小心不要超过两页。

Having a longer résumé will not show a potential employer that you are more qualified, but it will show them that you can't figure out what is most important in your résumé. Which isn't a good thing.  

拥有更长的简历不会向潜在的雇主表明您更有资格,但是会向他们表明您无法弄清简历中最重要的是什么。 这不是一件好事。

Note that this advice only applies to resumes. CVs, which are more common in Europe, use a different, longer format.

请注意,此建议仅适用于简历。 CV在欧洲更为常见,但使用的格式则更长一些。

校对您的简历10次 (Proofread your résumé 10 times)

Then go back and review it again. If you struggle with grammar and spelling, or English isn't your first language, check out Grammarly. It's free and will help you identify changes you should make to your writing. If you can, ask a friend (or two) to help you out.

然后返回并再次检查。 如果您在语法和拼写方面遇到困难 ,或者英语不是您的母语,请查看文法 。 它是免费的,可帮助您确定您应该对写作进行的更改。 如果可以,请一个(或两个)朋友帮助您。

This is similar to the issue of formatting. If your résumé is difficult to read due to spelling and grammatical mistakes, the focus won't be on your achievements.

这类似于格式化问题。 如果您的简历由于拼写和语法错误而难以阅读,则重点不会放在成就上。

Plus, communication is a huge part of any job (really, no matter how technical) and your résumé is a place to showcase your communication skills.


Since you've had essentially unlimited time to write and review your résumé, it's expected that it will be free from grammatical mistakes or spelling errors.


面试前复习您的简历 (Review your résumé before the interview)

You should assume that an interviewer will ask you questions about items you list on your résumé and you should come prepared to talk about your past jobs and experiences.


This should go without saying, but don't list things on your résumé that aren't true (even if they sound impressive).


为您关心的工作提供个性化的自定义求职信 (Include a personalized, custom cover letter for jobs you care about)

Cover letters are a way that you can stand out from your competition and show the organization why you're interested in working for them, as opposed to any other organization.


This is more important to some organizations than others (FAANG companies typically won't care). But a great cover letter will never hurt your chances of being hired, only help them.

对于某些组织而言,这比其他组织更重要(FAANG公司通常不在乎)。 但是一份出色的求职信永远不会损害您的录用机会,只会帮助他们。

It can also be a helpful exercise for you – it gives you the chance to think about and articulate why you're interested in working for this company. So when you're asked in an interview "why this organization?"  you have an answer readily available.

这对您也可能是有益的练习-它使您有机会思考和阐明您对在该公司工作感兴趣的原因。 因此,当您在采访中被问到“为什么要组织吗?” 您有一个容易得到的答案。

Good luck with the job hunt, and don't let yourself get discouraged.


Here are some other popular articles with résumé advice from freeCodeCamp authors:


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-write-a-resume-that-works/





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