

Up until a few years ago, language classes cost hundreds of dollars, and came on CDs or DVDs. But now you can now learn English, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Korean, and other languages — from top universities online, for free.

直到几年前,语言课程的费用高达数百美元,并以CD或DVD形式出现。 但是现在,您现在可以从在线顶级大学免费学习英语,中文,西班牙语,意大利语,韩语和其他语言。

There are a ton of language learning apps out there, but these Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) go one step further: they teach you language in the context of history and business culture.


To get a sense of what I’m talking about, take a look at the intro video for edX’s Mandarin Chinese for Business course:


At Class Central, we’ve curated a collection of 30+ MOOCs that teach a variety of languages.

在Class Central,我们策划了30多种MOOC的集合,这些MOOC可以教授多种语言。

I recommend edX’s Tsinghua Chinese: Start Talking with 1.3 Billion People and FutureLearn’s Introduction to Dutch. Both these courses are highly rated and, and made our list of the Top 50 MOOCs of all time.

我推荐edX的“ 清华汉语:开始与13亿人聊天,以及FutureLearn的荷兰语入门” 。 这两个课程均获得高度评价,并入选我们有史以来前50名MOOC

Note that some of these courses are self-paced, and others operate on a fixed schedule. Don’t worry if you don’t have time to participate in the current session — another one will probably start in a few months.

请注意,其中一些课程是自定进度的,而其他课程则按照固定的时间表进行。 如果您没有时间参加当前会议,请不要担心-另一个会议可能会在几个月后开始。

学中文 (Learning Chinese)

Tsinghua Chinese: Start Talking with 1.3 Billion PeopleTsinghua University via edXThis introductory Chinese language course will emphasize basic language skills for everyday life in Mandarin speaking countries. Self-paced.

清华汉语:开始 通过edX 与13亿人对话清华汉语入门课程将着重讲普通话国家日常生活中的基本语言技能。 自定进度。

Mandarin Chinese for Business Learn common Mandarin Chinese business phrases and understand Chinese culture so you can communicate professionally in the largest market in the World. Started August 22nd.

商务汉语 学习常见的汉语普通话商务用语并了解中国文化,以便您可以在全球最大的市场上进行专业交流。 8月22日开始。

Chinese for BeginnersPeking University via CourseraThis is an ABC Chinese course for beginners, including introduction of phonetics and daily expressions. After taking this class, learners can have a basic understanding of Chinese Mandarin and make basic conversations of daily living. Started August 24th.

通过Coursera 北京大学提供 中文入门课程这是一门面向初学者的ABC中文课程,其中包括语音和日常表达的介绍。 上完本课后,学习者可以对汉语普通话有基本的了解,并进行日常生活的基本对话。 8月24日开始。

More Chinese for BeginnersPeking University via CourseraLearners will expand vocabularies about personal information, daily life, food and drink, healthy, and expressions about greeting, suggestion, agreement, comparison, complaint, prohibition, experience, plan, recommendation, etc. Starts August 29th.

通过Coursera 北京大学提供 更多中文初学者。学习者将扩展有关个人信息,日常生活,饮食和健康的词汇,以及有关问候,建议,协议,比较,投诉,禁止,经验,计划,推荐等的表达方式。 29日。

西班牙文 (Spanish)

AP Spanish Language and CultureSt. Margaret’s Episcopal School via edXPerfect your Spanish speaking and writing skills while learning about the cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world to prepare for the AP* Spanish Language and Culture exam. Self-paced.

AP西班牙语和西班牙语语言文化 圣玛格丽特圣公会学校通过edX在学习西班牙语世界的文化方面的同时完善您的西班牙语听说能力,为AP *西班牙语和文化考试做准备。 自定进度。

Spanish for Beginners 1: Meeting and GreetingThe Open University via FutureLearnLearn how to greet people, and talk about where you live and what you do in the first of six Spanish for Beginners courses. Starts August 8th.

初学者西班牙语1:会面和问候 通过FutureLearn开放大学学习如何在初学者西班牙语六门课程中的第一部分中与人打招呼,并谈论您的住所和工作。 从8月8日开始。

Spanish for Beginners 2: People and PlacesThe Open University via FutureLearnLearn how to describe people and what they wear, and talk about your family and home in the second Spanish for Beginners course. Starts September 12th.

初学者西班牙语2:人和地方 开放大学通过FutureLearn学习如何描述人和他们的穿着,并在第二个西班牙语初学者课程中谈论您的家庭和住所。 9月12日开始。

Spanish for Beginners 3: My Life The Open University via FutureLearn Learn to talk about daily life, what you do during the day and when things happen in the third Spanish for Beginners course. Starts October 17th.

初学者西班牙语3:我的生活 通过FutureLearn开放大学 在第三门西班牙语初学者课程中学习谈论日常生活,一天中的工作以及发生的事情。 10月17日开始。

Spanish for Beginners Universidad a Distancia de Madrid via iversity Want to speak Spanish? This course will teach you Spanish with video sequences that use real situations in a variety of contexts. Learn the basics for understanding and communicating in both a practical and fun way. Self paced.

通过大学通过马德里Distancia大学 初学者西班牙语 想说西班牙语吗? 本课程将通过视频片段教您西班牙语,这些视频片段可以在各种情况下使用实际情况。 学习实用和有趣的方式来理解和交流的基础知识。 自定进度。

Learn Spanish: Basic Spanish for English Speakers Universitat Politècnica de València via edX Learn Spanish and explore Spanish culture in this introductory language course, designed for English speakers. Self paced.

学习西班牙语:英语的基础西班牙语 通过edX到瓦伦西亚大学政治学院 专为英语使用者设计的入门语言课程,学习西班牙语并探索西班牙文化。 自定进度。

英语 (English)

Conversational English SkillsTsinghua University via edXLearn how to effectively communicate in English and improve your conversational language skills. Self-paced.

会话英语技能 通过edX清华大学了解如何有效地进行英语交流并提高您的会话语言技能。 自定进度。

English for Doing Business in Asia — SpeakingThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology via edXIntroducing strategies for developing your spoken English communication skills in the context of doing business in Asia. Starts September 13th.

在亚洲经商的英语— 通过edX 香港科技大学介绍在亚洲经商的背景下发展口语交流能力的策略。 9月13日开始。

Exploring English: Language and CultureBritish Council via FutureLearnThis course for learners of English looks at British culture and examines English in use to help you improve your language skills. Starts September 12th.

通过FutureLearn 探索英语:语言和文化 英国 文化 协会该课程面向英语学习者,探讨英国文化并研究使用的英语,以帮助您提高语言技能。 9月12日开始。

韩语 (Korean)

First Step KoreanYonsei University via CourseraThis is an elementary-level Korean language course, consisting of 5 lessons with 4 units, and covers 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Starts August 22nd.

第一步 韩国延世大学通过Coursera课程这是一门基础级的韩国语课程,由5节课和4个单元组成,涵盖4种技能:阅读,写作,听力和口语。 从8月22日开始。

Learn to Speak Korean 1Yonsei University via CourseraThis course is for beginner students who are familiar with the Korean alphabet, Hangeul. Through this course students will learn the skills essential for daily interactions with Koreans while living in Korea. Starts September 5th.

通过Coursera 学习讲韩语1 延世大学本课程适用于熟悉韩文字母Hangeul的初学者。 通过本课程,学生将学习在韩国生活期间与韩国人日常互动所必需的技能。 9月5日开始。

义大利文 (Italian)

Introduction to ItalianUniversità per Stranieri di Siena via FutureLearnLearn basic Italian and explore Italian culture, with this free online Italian course. Starts October 17th.

通过FutureLearn进入锡耶纳Stranieri 意大利语 大学 简介 ,通过此免费的在线意大利语课程学习基本意大利语并探索意大利语文化。 10月17日开始。

Italian1x: Italian Language and Culture: Beginner Wellesley College via edX Learn the basics of the Italian language and culture through videos, podcasts, interviews, and much more. Self paced.

意大利语1x:意大利语和文化: 威尔斯利 初学者 学院(通过edX) 通过视频,播客,访谈等内容学习意大利语和文化的基础知识。 自定进度。

Italian2x: Italian Language and Culture: IntermediateWellesley College via edXImprove your Italian language skills and expand your vocabulary while you learn about Italian art, literature and contemporary society. Self paced.

Italian2x:意大利语言和文化: 通过edX进入 中级 韦尔斯利学院。在学习意大利艺术,文学和当代社会的同时,提高您的意大利语技能并扩展词汇量。 自定进度。

Italian3x: Italian Language and Culture: AdvancedWellesley College via edXEnhance your knowledge of the Italian language and learn about Italy’s culture and history including theater, opera and the poet Dante. Self paced.

Italian3x:意大利语和文化: 通过edX获得的 高级 韦尔斯利学院增强您对意大利语的了解,并了解意大利的文化和历史,包括戏剧,歌剧和诗人但丁。 自定进度。

Italian for Beginners 1: Meeting, Greeting and EatingThe Open University via FutureLearnLearn how to order food and drink, greet people, and introduce yourself, in this first Italian for Beginners course. Starts September 5th.

初学者意大利语1:开会,问候和 就餐通过FutureLearn在开放大学中学习如何在此初学者意大利语课程中点餐,打招呼和自我介绍。 9月5日开始。

Italian for Beginners 2: My Friends and FamilyThe Open University via FutureLearnLearn how to introduce people, exchange information about them and talk about your family. Starts October 10th.

面向初学者的意大利语2:我的朋友和家人 通过FutureLearn开放大学学习如何介绍人,交流他们的信息以及谈论您的家庭。 10月10日开始。

Italian for Beginners 3: My Daily LifeThe Open University via FutureLearnIn the third Italian for Beginners course, learn how to talk about your daily life and your leisure activities. Starts November 14th.

面向初学者的意大利语3:我的日常生活 通过FutureLearn开放大学在第三个面向初学者的意大利语课程中,学习如何谈论您的日常生活和休闲活动。 从11月14日开始。

荷兰语 (Dutch)

Introduction to DutchUniversity of Groningen via FutureLearnLearn to speak, write and understand basic Dutch, with this free, three-week, introductory foreign language course. Starts August 15th.

通过FutureLearn格罗宁根 荷兰 大学 简介 通过此免费的为期三周的入门外语课程,学习说,写和理解基本的荷兰语。 从8月15日开始。

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